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The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Elsa knew he was lying. He was barely three inches inside of her and when he managed to slid in further, barely half of him was sheathed. And it hurt like hell. She couldn't imagine how he could possibly derive so much pleasure out of doing this to her. She really hoped that this wasn't going to become a more frequent occurrence, she hated it more than having to masturbate for him or walk around naked or something else stupid he would make her do. She didn't even bother to try to answer him when he told her that she was working him, she just gritted her teeth together and tried to bear it.
Carlos was able to push in some more now that he had a rhythm, pressing outward on her anal wall in every direction. However, he wasn't destined to make it all the way in this go round, he knew as his eyes rolled back into his head and he felt his cock throbbing, about to explode. She was simply too tight for him to last any longer tonight. With a loud moan, he grasped at Elsa's hips and began thrusting as forcefully as he was able to considering the circumstances. He moaned out as he stretched her even more, releasing his seed inside Elsa before he was more than halfway deep inside her. While he came, he gave her plump ass a couple more slaps, watching it jiggle while the room seemed to blur before him as the endorphins raced through his body. As he came down a little from this powerful high, he slowly started to pull out, which seemed to be almost as much work as getting in, sweat beads now having formed all over his dark body.
Much to her surprise, it really hurt when Carlos came inside her ass. Her face twisted into even more pain and her mouth dropped open, a gasp of horror escaping her. It felt like ten million pounds of pressure had built up inside of her ass. Elsa's entire body shook and she rattled the headboard unintentionally. When he was finally done she tried to yank herself forward to force him out of her ass, though she winced at the pain of his fingernails in her hips and his cock resisting leaving her ass. She could only hope that he would allow her to rest now and not force something else on her.
When Elsa yanked off him, he felt his cock finally come free, with almost a popping sound as the pressure released. He was fairly exhausted himself, with all the pushing and prodding, both physically and verbally, and rested his arms on Elsa's back as he pulled away, before sinking to his knees, removing his fingernails from her body. "Ahhh," he gasped, a smile working its way over his face. "Relax, mama," he offered her, pulling her toward him by the waist.
There was a huge part of Elsa that wanted to slap Carlos across the face and go sleep in the guest room by herself. But there was also a large part of her that just wanted to collapse on top of him and snuggle with him. That part won, despite what he'd just done to her. She crumbled down onto the bed and stuffed her face into his chest, her arms splaying across his shoulders. She heaved a big sigh and realized how utterly exhausted she was. She closed her eyes and murmured something unintelligible into his chest.
Carlos was fully satisfied and relaxed now, and lazily accepted Elsa into his body, massaging her scalp and hair as she burrowed in his dark chest. He wrapped his legs around her in the bed and traced his toes up and down along her skin, breathing in the scent of her hair, even as the smell of sex continued to waft through the room. "You my woman," he whispered into her ear as he squeezed Elsa, feeling a bond with her that he'd never felt in all his years. "You my woman," he repeated.
She whimpered softly as he wrapped her up with his own body, turning her face to the side and wrapping her arms around him more definitively. She clung to him, feeling extremely attached at the moment. Even still, Elsa felt that familiar twinge when he told her that she was his woman. And really, that was what he was doing: telling her. He wasn't professing it, asking her, confiding, he was telling. For Carlos, there was no other option. She belonged to him. And at the moment, she didn't know what to do about that. So she just nodded and snuggled closer as if she would sleep.
Carlos wanted Elsa to come closer, and he held her as she cuddled up to him. He'd just abused her, and as per usual, now he wanted to hold her and be sweet again. He didn't feel close to sleep at the moment, yet he couldn't think of anything he want to do except lay with Elsa in the dark, pressed together in the soft sheets. He craned his neck in and and bit softly at her neck, before turning his nibble into a kiss, pressing his lips against her chin, and then her lips. "Are you going to sleep?"
This was the part of Carlos that made Elsa think it was okay for him to abuse her. When he was sweet and gentle, when he held her close to him and stroked her gently. When he told her that he needed her and that he loved her. She had planned on sleep, she was exhausted, but when he started to nibble at her and then kiss her, her eyes fluttered open. "Mmm," she murmured, squirming a little bit and returning his kiss very gently, "Yeah...unless you want something?"
Carlos laughed softly, feeling Elsa's soft body wiggle as she pressed her lips back against his. "I think today been full enough," he said softly. "So I'm 'bout ready to sleep myself. Unless you offerin' something," he teased, biting at her lip. "Otherwise, holdin' you all night's about enough for me, mama," he added, starting to feel a little sleepy now.
She giggled a little bit when he said he was ready to sleep. She was very very glad that he was ready for sleep. She didn't think she would last through another sexual act with him, or if she could she wasn't sure how good she would be at it. She shook her head and gave him another kiss, making this one slower and more loving. "I donno what to offer you. You've taken just about all I have to give today, daddy."
Carlos chuckled back at her as he pressed his lips back for the long kiss. Smiling, he gave Elsa a soft kiss on the forehead before pulling away slightly. He was still holding her, but he moved around enough to let them both get comfortable enough to sleep. He wouldn't say it, but he was completely worn sexually as well. "I have, haven't I?" he replied. "And I don't know no other woman who can give me what you give, mama," he added proudly. "Night, sugar," he trailed off, rustling a little more in the bed.
She grinned widely when he told her that she was the only woman he knew that could give him what she did. That meant so much to her. That made it okay for him to slap her, hit her, kick her, all the things he did to her that she hated. She gave his neck one last kiss and then snuggled down into his chest, prepared to sleep. "Night daddy," she murmured, her lips brushing against his chest.
She didn't know it, but Carlos was thinking exclusively of how he was going to get her to stay past the prescribed following morning. This was too good of an arrangement to let slip away. "Goodnight, sugar mama," he mumbled, letting his body rest up against hers before settling in. Before he knew it, he was out, and the next thing he knew, he was tossing and turning in the morning light, hoping for a few more minutes of sleep.
Elsa slept through the night easily. She was wrapped up next to a warm body, and when she was sleeping it didn't matter whose body it was. When she felt the body move next to her and the sun on her face she stretched out and opened her eyes. She unwrapped herself as best she could and rolled away from Carlos, stretching out all of her limbs again. "Arghh," she mumbled and sat up, looking for her clothes. "Wake up Carlos," she whispered to him, "You have to drive me to the hospital."
Carlos stretched out himself and yawned when Elsa pried her body away from his, but then furrowed his brow at what she said, as if it was a complete revelation to him. "Oh, yeah, the hospital," he mumbled. "You got any more clothes here for later?" he asked her. "Or you gotta pick some up?"
Elsa laughed and shook her head at him, wrinkling her nose a little bit as she leaned down and pecked him on the lips gently. "No silly. I'm not coming back here later. Brendan's going to pick me up at the hospital." she looked him in the eyes for a second and then kissed him again. Then she stretched her arms out and started to slide off of the bed.
Carlos smiled and kissed her back, but kept the confused look about him. "I thought we said two days, mama," he grunted, nipping at her nose. He tried not to bristle at the mention of Brendan's name, and played off the possibility of going home with his rival completely. "If not, lets make it two anyway," he suggested, getting off his own side of the bed and throwing a white beater top on.
She rolled her eyes as she slid off of the bed, knowing that he couldn't see her. "Carlos," she chided, walking over to her clothes and beginning to don them. "I can't do that. I told Brendan it was only going to be one night. He's stressed out already, especially because he can't pay the bills."
Carlos walked over behind Elsa and rubbed gently at her shoulders as she dressed, planting a gentle kiss on the back of her neck. She'd just mentioned his main leverage; he was paying the bills. "It's all good. He can just wait another day," Carlos insisted. "I swear we said a couple of nights. 'Sides, we havin' some people over later. Some of them want to meet you. We can go to see Gui now, though."
"Carlos, come on. Don't you wanna be fair?" she murmured to him as she turned around and looked up at him. She pulled her skirt out and pressed against him gently, stroking his cheek a little. "We said one night. I can come back another time. I'm not opposed to staying the night once in awhile because know," she didn't want to mention the money again, "but don't you want to be fair?"
It seemed like Elsa was almost painting herself to be a working girl. Carlos didn't want to think of it that way at all, though. He saw Elsa as his woman, because of who he was, and who she was. Not because he was paying money. But the reality was that he was paying the doctor bills, and that's why Elsa was there with him now. But if she wanted to bring that element up, he could just as easily go along with it. He gently rubbed her upper arm and met her eyes with his. "Yeah, I wanna be fair," he agreed. "But ain't it fair to want a couple nights with my woman... after all I'm tryin' to do for you?" he added. "So just one more. He'll understand," Carlos insisted, flashing a sly grin.
Elsa melted almost completely when he rubbed her arm and told her that she was his woman again. She looked into his eyes and saw all of those things that she loved about Carlos. After she thought she'd taken herself out of Carlos' snares, now all of a sudden she was in them again. So she nodded and kissed him softly. "Okay daddy," she murmured against his lips, "One more."
So it was agreed, just like that. Exactly what he wanted. "You gonna make my friends so happy," he told her with a grin. "They really gonna like you," he promised, before sealing their agreement with the kiss. "I'ma take a shower so we can go see our son," he explained. "And don't worry. I can tell Brendan so he don't misunderstand."
Elsa laughed a little bit when he mentioned his friends. She thought it was weird the way he said she would 'make them happy' but she pushed it aside. Carlos always said that he would never whore her out so she didn't think that she had anything to worry about. She finished getting dressed, brushed her hair, and put make-up on while Carlos was in the shower. When he was done she hopped in the car with him to go to the hospital, her heart beating a little faster as she thought about seeing her son.

The second they were on the baby floor she went sprinting towards Gui's room. The nurses smiled at her and said nothing, knowing Elsa wouldn't acknowledge them until she saw her baby. She sat down next to his crib and stuck her hand inside to rub his hand.
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