The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Brendan thought maybe they'd get something to eat first, but when he laid eyes on Elsa, he forgot all about that. She was drop dead sexy in her little shorts and tight tank top, showing just a hint of juicy stomach in between. "Hey, beautiful," he greeted her, dropping his keys on the counter and strutting up to her, kissing her on the lips and cupping his hands on her ass, with the grey shorts stretched out over it. "Are you planning to seduce me, you sexpot?" he teased as he pulled away from her lips.
"Seduce you?" she asked in mock surprise, pressing herself against him and draping her arms over his shoulders. "Why, do I look sexy? Cause I wasn't trying to be," she teased, giving him a light peck on the lips. She wanted to completely absorb herself in Brendan now that he was home and forget all about Carlos.
"Do you look sexy?" he repeated incredulously. He draped his arms over her shoulders and kissed her, his arousal smoldering inside himself. "Come here," he said teasingly but firmly, grabbing her wrist and almost dragging her into the bedroom. He flung her on the bed, where he pounced on top of her. Reaching underneath, he grabbed the black collar they'd used before. "I think you're getting too cocky," he teased. "Making me want you before I even have a chance to eat. I think it's because it's been too long since you’ve been collared."
She giggled and allowed him to drag her into the bedroom, tumbling onto the bed when he tossed her. She rolled over onto her back and looked up at him, her legs already falling open. Her eyes widened a tiny bit when he pulled out the collar but she moved her hair out of the way and bent her neck so he could clasp it on her. "I can make you dinner in my sexy outfit if you want baby,"
Brendan stuck out his tongue and grinned at her. He slid the collar around her neck when she moved the hair to the side. "I think you should cook in your sexy outfit, you naughty-ass woman," he chided, lifting up one leg and giving her a gently slap on the ass. He pulled out the leash too that went with the collar, and snapped that on as well. "Let me take you to where I want your hot ass stationed," he taunted, pulling at the leash.
She squealed when he gave her a slap on the ass and hopped off the bed and allowed him to lead her to the kitchen. She made little purring and meowing sounds playfully, laughing at herself afterwords. "Did you have a good day at work baby?" she cooed to him, reaching up and scratching at his back gently.
Brendan liked the little cat noises. That was sexy. As if she was his pet. His little personal sex kitten. "I had a good day. But I'm muuuch better now that I'm here with my little pussy cat," he teased. When he got near the stove, he pulled up on the leash, bringing Elsa to her feet. Taking the handle of the leash, he knotted it around one of the drawers to the kitchen cabinets, leashing her in place in effect. "Are you going to make me something good?" he asked, stepping up right behind her and pressing on her butt, then sliding his hands around and scratching at her lower stomach under her tank top. "Does my baby like her stomach scratched?" he called out.
She made her purring sounds louder when he started scratching at her stomach. She bent over a little and pushed her ass into his crotch as he scratched at her. "Mmmm, I love it," she purred, greatly enjoying the new dominant nature he was displaying. "I'll make you something delicious," she promised, "With whatever you have in the fridge," she teased a little.
Brendan kept scratching at her as she ground her ass up against him. "Ohh, you're being a naughty kitty," he growled, reaching around and peeling her panties down halfway, so just the top of her pale ass showed. I think you're going to have to let me see part of your sexy ass while you cook as a punishment for that," he taunted, slapping it again. Spinning her around, he grabbed at the tied leash and used it to draw her up to his face. "Are you mocking what I keep on hand in the fridge, pussy?"
She squealed again when he turned her around, pressing her naked ass against the counter behind her. Despite how domineering he was being, she was so happy right now. Far happier than she'd eve be with Carlos. She gave him a bright smile and nodded, giving him a gentle loving kiss. "Yes, but only because I want to be able to cook you the best food,"
Brendan looked into her eyes with adoration, even though he was all business on the outside. He loved this woman, loved how they clicked together, how they interacted. He closed his eyes as he kissed her, letting his tongue run along her lips. He grabbed at her hips and pushed her firmly back against the counter. "Do you need me to unleash you so you can go to the fridge, sex kitten?" he asked.
She nodded and lifted her legs up to wrap around him loosely, just to run her feet up and down his legs and up to his butt playfully until he moved and set her down again. "But only after I give you a little bit of love. Make sure you're niiice and hungry for when I feed you," she smiled and gave him another long, slow kiss and ran her hands up and down his chest.
"Mmm, that sounds nice," he grunted, beginning to get aroused as she ran her hands up and down his chest. "Give me some love, baby," Brendan implored, running his hands up and down her sides and over her neck, tugging gently at her tight collar. Tilting his head, he nibbled at her neck. "Give me some of that bad kitty love," he repeated.
She pulled herself closer to him when he tugged on her collar, biting his earlobe playfully. She pushed her hands down to his pants and started playing with the button and zipper. "Hmmm...I donno how much love I should give you. Don't want to get exhausted before I have to cook for you."
Brendan chuckled at her words, and the way she was biting playfully at his ear. He pushed his hips up against her hand. “You’d better not skimp on the love,” he warned. “I might have to punish you like a bad, bad pussy if you don’t give me the love I need after dressing all sexy like,” he teased, reaching around her and scratching his nails over the exposed part of her soft ass.
She giggled again and nibbled on his ear again. She finally got his pants undone and pulled his zipper down. She slid her hands inside of his boxers and squeezed at his hardening manhood. "Mmmm. I'll love you all day long sweetheart," she stroked him up and down slowly, moving her lips from his ear to his mouth.
Brendan closed his eyes and let his mouth press down on hers, breathing deep, pleasured breaths as she stroked his cock into a full erection. "That sounds like enough love, baby," he mumbled into her mouth as he tasted her familiar taste, kneading his hands on her ass.
She giggled and stroked him for a few more moments before reluctantly letting go and sliding her hands out of his pants. "I should probably cook for you now before you get too hungry. We'll have plenty of time to play after, yeah?" she gently tried to squirm away from him, but was kept close by the leash.
Brendan purposely held the leash and kept her from escaping too. "Uh-uh," he retorted. "You told me you were gonna get me nice and hungry before we ate," he reminded her with a smirk. She was always such a huge tease. "Get down on the ground," he ordered her, tugging down on the leash and prodding her in that direction.
"Mmmm," she said with a little nod, dropping down to her knees and grabbing hold of his pants and wrenching them down along with his boxers to release his manhood. "When was the last time I sucked your dick?" she asked him with a little smile, looking up at him mischievously.
Brendan grabbed at her leash and tugged up, so that her head was forced to turn up and face him. “Ahh, long enough that you’re way overdue for it, baby,” he reminded her, giving her a playful little pat on the cheek. “I think it’s time for you to drink some man-juice, honey,” he teased, trying to keep the thought out of his mind that she probably drank Carlos’ man juice all the time.
"I think you're right," she said severely with a solemn look, "I'm very thirsty. Thank God I have you to sustain me," she cooed, running her hands up and down his length and then giving him a giant kiss on the head. "Mmm. My favorite drink," she purred, sliding her lips over his head and sliding them down immediately.
Brendan couldn't help but laugh a little. "Yes, dear, you're rightfully thankful that I allow you to nourish yourself on me," he teased, rubbing at her temples and groaning as she kissed his sensitive head. "You go ahead and have a drink now," he gasped, already in need of more of her mouth on the sensitive ridges of his cock.
She sucked on him heartily and lovingly, moving her hands up to his thighs and grabbing hold of them to take herself deeper. She purred and went deep, taking him close to the back of her throat but pausing and bobbing her head up and down as she kept her eyes on his.
Brendan kept his eyes on her too as she took him in, sucking and gripping at his thighs. She used to give him head fairly regularly, and he loved it. She was always so devoted when she did that for him. “That’s right, take me all the way in, if you can fit me,” he moaned, throwing his head back and gasping deeply as she hit so many sensitive areas seemingly at once.
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