The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

It was extremely hot the way that Elsa's butt came all the way off the bed when she came, even some of her back sticking up in the air. He took the luxury of slowing down and rocking her more deliberately while she came, since he wasn't quite ready yet. He gave her another few spanks while she came, which he didn't think he'd ever done before while she was having a climax. Finally, he passed the edge, and let go of her legs, letting them fall between his shoulders and extended arms as he rubbed her stomach and hips, releasing into Elsa. "I'll let that one slide," he teased once he'd regained his breath a little. "After all, I love you more than anything, Els. So I can see why you made the mistake. Just don't let it happen again," he joked, finally letting her legs down and stroking her cheek for a moment before releasing her collar from its chain and scooting up next to her in bed. "I think your punishment is over, baby," he said with a little laugh. "I hope it wasn't too unbearable."
When he was finished and he undid her chain from the bed she immediately rolled over onto her side and snuggled right up to him, her baby belly nestled in between them perfectly. She put one hand on his chest, stroking him gently and tenderly. Her other hand she put on her belly, tracing little lines up and down it. "I love you more than anything too, Bren." she whispered as she snuggled up to him. She leaned in and gave him a little kiss on the lips, "Hmm. Guess I should clean that cock of yours, huh?" she smiled and sat up, moving down to his cock quickly. She cleaned him off efficiently but thoroughly. When she was finished she flopped back down next to him, heaving a happy sigh.

"I want to name him William," she said absently as she laid there with Brendan, stroking her belly. "Carlos doesn't seem to like that though."
He liked the sound of the new nickname she’d invented for him. If anyone else called him that, he wouldn’t have liked it at all. But when Elsa did it, it rang in his ears like a wonderful term of love and affection. He stayed still and didn’t give her any flak while she cleaned off his cock, just smiling and letting out a little sigh as he enjoyed the delicate feel of her tongue on his sticky length. She did a good job, and when she came back up to join him, he curled up with her, kissing her head a few times and wrapping her up, one hand draped over her lovely chest, between her breasts and stomach, the other gently rubbing her butt. “William,” he repeated, pausing to see how it sounded. “William. Will. Bill. Billy. All of those sound okay, but I like the full name better. Bill sounds like a middle aged man. Maybe like one of the beer-belly guys I work with,” he chuckled. “I think it’s a great name, Elsa,” he told her emphatically, giving her a little peck on the lips. Then he thought about what she said about Carlos. Why should he care? Did rape give him the right to pick the name? “What’s his last name going to be, anyway?” he inquired, just a little suspiciously.
"Jara," she said softly as she nuzzled her head in between Brendan's jaw and chest. She kissed his neck and lower jaw and upper chest softly as she thought for a few moments. "He wants it to be in Spanish, too. Guillermo. I still like it. But he wants Pedro, or Peter. I don't like that very much," she sighed and shook her head a little, "I don't want to talk about that anymore. We talk about Carlos too much, don't you think?" she asked as she tilted her head up to look at him. Elsa loved laying in bed with Brendan. She felt like they should be there forever. They'd never had a fight in bed before. The only fight over sex they'd ever had had taken place on the floor of the living room, so it didn't count.
Brendan kept his expression constant as she explained all this to him. "Well, which one will be on his birth certificate? William, or Guillermo?" He didn't want to have a fight here in bed after amazing sex, but he didn't want to let it go, either. "But, Elsa," he continued, not giving her a chance to answer yet. "I actually think we don't talk about it enough. We never get anywhere when we do bring it up, and I hate not talking about this. Eventually, it'll just quietly gnaw away at us. I think you know that," he said, searching her eyes. He gave her butt a little rub, as if to show he didn't want to get all upset about it, letting his hand work its way up in little circles to her back as he gave her a smile that was just a little forced.
She heaved a sigh when he pressed the subject. Elsa really didn't want to talk about this, but it looked as if she didn't have too much of a choice. "I want it to be in English. William.'s hard to talk him into things. I have to give if I want to get," she said a little bitterly. Part of her wanted to remove herself from Brendan's grasp now that things were starting to get a little tense. But she didn't move, because she was positive that would upset him. "I...I know, babe." she said quietly, tipping her head back against the pillow. "I guess we should talk about it," she said resignedly.
Brendan looked at her with a little sadness as she admitted she had to give and take with Carlos. He absolutely hated that idea. He hated what it meant for Elsa, what it meant for the baby, and what it meant for him. Leaning in, he kissed her lips, and then tilted his head sideways and gave her a long kiss on the neck. "I'll tell you what, honey?" he said with a little smile. "I want to enjoy the weekend here with you in the worst way. I love you, and I want to enjoy every second with you, not fight with you. So why don't we talk about it on the way home, in the car. We'll both promise not to talk about it until then, and when we do talk about it, we won't get angry or say anything hurtful. We'll just talk about the facts." He rubbed both her upper arms softly, searching her eyes for agreement. "Let's just be... me and you for the weekend."
"Are you sure?" she said, her her brows furrowing as she looked at him. She could tell that he really wanted to discuss it, he didn't want to wait. He was offering to wait because he could tell she didn't want to talk about it, but she would not want to talk about it just as much if not more on their way home. And on their way home they wouldn't be able to get away from each other. They'd be stuck in the car for four hours together, and would inevitably end up fighting even if they tried not to. "I know you want to talk about it. And we can, really. You're right, we have to talk about it sometime. The longer we put it off the harder it will be to come to terms with when we do talk about it."
Brendan smiled at Elsa, somewhat glad that she'd forced the issue here. "Okay," he agreed with a deep sigh, letting his hand brush through her hair and massage her scalp a little. He didn't know if the whole conversation would be sweet enough that they could hold each other, but he didn't want to let go of her now. That would show he expected it to be contentious. "Here's the thing. I love you. I love being with you, and every time we're together, I feel amazing afterward."

He took another breath, and did his best to force himself to stay calm and gentle with Elsa. Brendan completely hated to see her cry or be upset. "And it makes me want to... to commit to you, to want to be with you always. But I just wonder where you see us a year from now, or a few years from now? I mean, if we're committed, would you want to share me with another woman? I wonder what I should expect."
She sighed deeply, completely understanding where he was coming from. And yet it hurt her that he would bring up him being with another woman. "No, Brendan. I don't want to share you with another woman. And...I'm not to make it stop," she paused, aware of how hard it was going to be for her to actually get what was going on between her and Carlos to stop. "I'm hoping it will be like we're divorced, me and Carlos. I'll let him see the child maybe once a month. But it will be supervised, and both you and I will be there, or at least me."

She turned her head and looked up at him, suddenly glad they were still in each other's arms. "I love you too, more than the entire world. I want to commit to you too. I want to marry you. I want you to be my one and only husband. For ever."
Brendan's eyes steamed up just a little bit when she said she wanted to marry him. "Oh God, Elsa. I love you so much, baby," he confessed, giving her a long kiss on the lips. "We will get married, baby," he promised once he pulled away. "I've wanted to commit to you for so long now... I mean, I could never be with another woman now that I've known you, Elsa." He was a little surprised that she'd bring up the term 'marriage' when he hadn't, but he had certainly alluded to it first. He didn't want to forget what they were talking about, though.

"Elsa, if it wasn't for this... issue, you'd have a ring on your finger already. Assuming you'd accept it," he clarified with a nervous laugh. "But I just need to talk to you about it first. It's so important. You know I can accept Carlos seeing the baby now. That's not what I meant by sharing. I mean, if he wants... more. If he wants you," Brendan pleaded, reaching under the sheets and squeezing Elsa's hand. "That's what I mean by not sharing you. I'm just afraid, if he sees the baby, he'll want more. Don't you think so too, or you're comfortable he won't?"
She felt a flood of love and warmth wash through her when he said they would get married. That made her happier than anything else in the world. He wanted to marry her. He wanted to be with her for the rest of their lives, to grow old together, to have children together. He accepted everything that was wrong with her, he was okay with the way she was. He was perfect. She slung her arm across his chest, feeling comfortable enough that she could be even closer to him now. She nuzzled his chest and kissed it gently, only stopping when he brought up Carlos again.

"I know he'll want to sleep with me," she said, somewhat bluntly. "But I'm not going to let it happen anymore. I'll let him see the baby, I'll visit him like I promised I would," she snuck in that promise she'd made hoping he wouldn't realize anything was wrong with that, "But I won't sleep with him. It's wrong that I let him do that to me. I hate it, Bren. Every time. I hate it. But he's...he's very intimidating,"
Brendan took in what she said, still buzzing from the delightful thought of wedded bliss forever with Elsa. They'd have their own beautiful children, he imagined, a home of their own, and most importantly, they'd be together. The two of them, for the rest of their lives. That prospect was just amazing to even think of. It was so good, in fact, that he didn't even flinch when Elsa as much as admitted that she'd been sleeping with Carlos. He was intimidating, so Brendan would chalk anything in the past up to being akin to a rape. "So, nothing sexual with Carlos?" he repeated in slightly different words, not comfortable leaving it up to whatever she considered the definition of 'sleeping with'. "And if he tries to force anything, you'll cut him off from future visits, right? If he wants to see the baby, he needs to have common decency too."
She realized that she wasn't going to be able to get away with not sleeping with him the next time she visited him. Especially not after missing their weekly phone call. She shifted a little bit and sighed, "Bren...I missed my phone call with him to go on the trip with you. And I had to lie to him so he wouldn't be suspicious as to why. I...he's not going to accept no for an answer the next time I visit him, which I promised would be next week. But after that, no more. I promise," she hoped he would accept this without a fuss, she'd have to go through with it whether he was okay with it or not. "It's for my safety, the baby's safety, and your safety. I'd do anything to keep you safe."
Brendan popped up immediately when she reluctantly admitted she'd need to sleep with him one more time. Obviously, it wasn't okay to him that she'd sleep with him just one more time. He turned around and sat on the side of the bed, face in his hands. Turned sideways, he looked at her, doing all he could to stay calm and even-tempered. "Elsa," he pleaded, looking over at her, fuming inside. "I really appreciate you being honest. You could have easily lied about it. And your concern for me and the child. But think about it, baby. He's not going to let you off the hook this time. I don't deny that, I feel for you to know it's true. But he's not going to accept it the next time. Or the time after that. Or when he gets out. Especially then. Or when we're married."

Brendan took a deep breath to calm down, sliding back on the bed, but leaning his back against the headboard instead of laying down. "Try to think about it rationally," he pleaded with her. "You have to make a decision. One more time, and that's it- that won't work. You either have to not allow it, whatever the consequences, or you have to be prepared to go along with it for as long as he wants. Do you think that's accurate, or am I wrong? I'm not mad, Elsa, I just want to talk about it. Tell me why I'm wrong if I am. Tell me how you'll get him to stop after this 'one last time'."
She knew he wasn't going to be okay with it. She knew he was going to be upset, but she was hurt when he pulled away from her and buried his face in his hands. Obviously he was hurt too. She rolled away from where they'd been and laid flat on her back, her large belly up in the air. She rested both hands on it and rubbed it gently. William. Her little baby William. She loved him deeply already. And Brendan was right, per usual. Carlos was never going to take no or an answer. She put her hands over her face too and kept them there for a few moments. Brendan was making this so difficult for her, but she understand why. She completely understood.

"I can't just cut him off, Bren. He'll come after me, I've told you that before."
Brendan was glad that she was honest with him, with herself. He was glad she didn't keep insisting that she could play along for a little while and then Carlos would just go away. "Okay," Brendan said, laying back down on the bed, and running his hand over her belly again and again. "I think we're making progress, even though it doesn't seem like it," he suggested. He placed the other hand on her shoulder, keeping it still there. "You know I can't accept that. I'm sure you know why, and I think you understand."

He took a deep and long breath before continuing with what he wanted to say. "I wasn't going to tell you this now at all. But I'm getting a settlement from The Center for the way they terminated me without cause. It's enough to make a down payment on a house, and... to buy you... a modest ring," he confessed. "So. Marry me, Elsa," he said in a proposal that he had no intention of making that day. "We can buy a house anywhere. He won't find us. There are people the government can't find. How will he find us? I don't have a ring now. But I'll get you one before we ever get back. I love with with every fiber of my being. I want to stay with you forever. But I can't share you with... with him, Elsa. Not like that. So, I'm begging you to trust me, to marry me."
Elsa had probably the exact opposite reaction that he wanted her to have when he suddenly asked her to marry him. She began to sob. She sat up and pushed him away moving to the edge of the bed. She put her head in her hands and just sobbed and sobbed. She felt like her life was falling apart. As much as she had hated it, when she talked to Carlos once a week and saw him once a week she had a schedule. It was regular. It was structured and it worked. But now everything was falling apart.

"Brendan," she sobbed, taking a deep breath and trying to speak so he could understand her, "Yes, yes, of course yes. Yes I'll marry you. don't understand. I want to run away with you. I want to, but...but I can't. You don't understand, baby. You don't."
Brendan was really hurt when she pushed him away. But he'd just asked the woman he loved to marry him, so he was going to give her a little leeway. He put his arm around her and squeezed her, even though she didn't seem entirely comfortable with that. Once she was able to speak clearly, he took his hand off her shoulder and put it on her knee. "I do understand," he said softly. "You feel that the boy should know his father, and that Carlos might find us anyway," he explained, recapping what he thought her reasons were. "But like I said," he repeated slowly. "I have issues, too. How can I be happy about my new fianceè when I know that next week, she going off to... to sleep with another guy," he asked, resisting the urge to use a more hurtful word. "Even if it's not because you really want to. Let's weigh the issues here. If you feel like you have to have sex with him next week, I'll understand. I'll be sad, but I'll understand. And I'll still love you. Always. But I don't know how we can possibly be together. I really didn't mean for it to be an ultimatum, Elsa," he pleaded rubbing her knee still. "I really didn't."
"I don't know how we're going to do this," she said, a terrible finality in her voice. It seemed that Carlos was winning without even trying. He didn't even have to threaten Brendan to win. He was tearing the two of them apart just by existing, just by placing simple demands on Elsa. "I want to be with you, Brendan. I want that so bad. But...but you're tearing me apart on the inside. What are you going to do if we leave and he finds us? Do you know how angry he's going to be? He's going to try to kill you."
Brendan had a tear well up in his eye as Elsa spoke. She wanted it to work between them, he knew that. She wasn't being stubborn, like she could be (usually about this one thing, she wasn't stubborn about much else.) He turned to her, kissing the side of her head. "I know, Elsa," he said, a little tremble in his voice. "It's killing me, too. But, you have to understand how it feels to have his anger take precedence over mine. I'll be just as angry as he would be, if I know he's.. he's fucking you. So because I'm a halfway decent man, who won't have someone 'taken care of' over a woman, I lose here?"

He sighed, desperately searching for some other idea. "Why don't we try this? You miss the next visit. He won't hurt you. You're having his baby. I'll look out for myself. I insist you don't worry about me. And then we'll test him out and see if he's bluffing. Besides," he added, a little melancholy. "If anything does happen, at least it'll make your choice easy."
She shook her head and pushed him away from her again. She pried his arms off of her and stood up. She walked, naked, over to her duffel bag and began to get clothes out. She got out new panties and a bra, putting them on sloppily. She grabbed a maternity dress and pulled that on too, silent tears still streaming down her face. She stuffed her other stuff back in the bag and zipped it closed. She turned around and looked at him, still naked on the bed.

"No. I'm not going to let that happen. I love you so much that I will do anything to protect you," she stopped, her throat tightening so much that she couldn't speak, "Even let you go." she rummaged around in her purse and pulled out a cell phone. "I'll call a taxi. You should stay and get your money's worth."
Brendan just shook his head in silent disbelief when he came to the realization it was over between them. It hadn’t been because either of them said anything hurtful. It wasn’t because they’d lost their tempers, or even expected anything unrealistic. They’d just reached an impasse. As much as he wanted to, he just couldn’t accept his fiancée, or wife eventually, having sex with another man. An awful man at that, a career criminal, intimidator, and rapist.

He slid on his boxers quietly while Elsa dressed, and didn’t look over at Elsa at all until she was dressed and ready to go. “No, Elsa. I’ll drive you back. I love you, and you love me. There’s no reason we can’t drive together. We don’t have to talk, I just can’t let you take a taxi back alone almost six months pregnant. He walked over to her, and took the cell phone out of her hand, dropping it back inside her purse. “Elsa,” he said, his voice a little gravelly. He reached over as if to touch her, but then hesitated and pulled his hand back. “I really do understand why you have to do what you’re doing. I know you love me, and I…. I appreciate what you’re doing,” he said, his voice wavering a little. “I just can’t do what you’re asking of me. Just let me get dressed, and we’ll go.” He turned back to the bed and threw his same clothes back on, scurrying through the house for a couple of minutes and getting his bag packed together. He almost wished they had waited until the way home to talk about it. A final weekend of memories with the woman he loved would have been priceless. Now they were leaving late in the evening, without having even spent the night.
Elsa just stood there as he plucked the cell phone out of her hand and dropped it back in her purse. She stared at him as he bustled about the cabin getting his things together. She really didn't want to be in the car with him for four hours. Four hours in the car with Brendan was going to make her want to stay with him, make her want to accept the danger that was posed to the two of them. But she couldn't do that. She had to keep Brendan safe, she needed to keep Carlos away from him. Elsa was willing to give up her happiness for his safety. It was difficult, extremely difficult, but now she realized it was necessary. Brendan wanted them to run away together. Carlos would find them.

But once again, Brendan was right, and it wouldn't be a wise thing for her to take a four hour taxi ride home when she was almost six months pregnant. If there was a perfect target it was either a pregnant woman or an elderly woman. Going home alone would be endangering herself. That she could handle, she almost didn't even care about herself anymore. She only cared about Brendan. When he was ready she followed him out to the car silently, putting her bag in the back with his and getting into the passenger seat. She rested her head against the window and hoped maybe she would fall asleep.
Brendan did his best to avoid falling asleep on the way home. He didn't think it would have been a problem with all the crazy thoughts racing through his mind, but it was. It must have been the waking up early, driving four hours in the morning, having sex twice, added in with the emotional drain of a devastating breakup. With the baby's safety mainly in mind, he forced himself to stop and have a coffee halfway. They hadn't spoken much for the first two hours, Elsa's head against the window, either sleeping or trying to forget the world. But she was stirred alert when he stopped.

"Elsa," he started slowly, looking at the clock and sipping his coffee when he got back in the car. It was going to be about 3:00 in the morning by the time they got back, he figured quickly. "I don't want you ever to be afraid to call me if you need anything," he said softly, placing a hand on her knee across the car. "Please don't be embarrassed, or think it would show weakness or anything. I'll do anything for you, even though..." He paused before forcing the words out. "Even though we can't be together." He thought about his life and wondered if he'd be happier doing things with Elsa, having carefree sex and not thinking about who else she had to screw to guarantee their safety. He'd probably be happier, he realized, but he just had principles that he couldn't live with himself if he went against.
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