The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Elsa had fallen asleep for about an hour, but despite how exhausted she was she couldn't get much rest. Usually the whir of the car lured her asleep and it was easy for her to get rest, especially when she was safe and with Brendan. That wasn't the case anymore. She no longer felt safe when she was with him, she felt a deep and painful emptiness. She just stared at the passing landscape as they drove, only lifting her head when he stopped and got coffee. She gave him a passing glance as he got back in the car but her heart sank when he started talking to her. Exchanging words with Brendan was going to be painful now.

She pushed his hand off of her knee almost immediately after he put it there. He was just trying to be kind and gentle but she didn't want that. She didn't want him to be kind or gentle or sweet or loving with her anymore. That was just going to make it worse. "Thanks," she said dully, turning her head away and staring out the window once more.
Brendan opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it just in time. He loved Elsa, but he was a little miffed about the whole thing. He understood her point, but it did hurt that she said she loved him, but refused to stop having sex with another man, on account of some ‘ghetto code’. And now she was getting huffy with him? Fortunately, he stopped himself just in time from saying something about Carlos that would have started a fight the rest of the way back. “Whatever,” he mumbled half under his breath, shifting his attention to the road. He didn’t make any attempt at conversation the rest of the way, exceeding the speed limit by quite a bit in his hurry to get this over with.

“Hold on, let me help you carry your bag up,” Brendan offered a little begrudgingly once they arrived at her building. He was bleary eyed, over-tired, and stewing inside about this horrible turn of events with Elsa. He looked across the seat at her as he pulled his door open before pausing. Suddenly, he couldn’t let this pass without saying something, without letting his hurtful side manifest itself in reflection of how he felt. “So do you like it?” he asked sarcastically before getting out of the car. “Is Carlos better than I am in bed? Figuratively speaking of course, when I say ‘bed’. I assume it’s done on the floor of the visiting room or something.”
Elsa had opened the door and was about to get out when he taunted her. She couldn't believe that he would ask such a question. Her face completely fell and she looked at him with complete despair. He truly broke her heart when he asked her. So much so that she couldn't even think of anything to retort back to him. The only things she could think of to say were honest. "No," she said quietly, looking down at her hands as she wrung them together in her signature nervous fashion, "I hate every second of it." she brought her tear filled eyes up to his for a moment, "I always pretend it's you to try to make myself okay with it." and then the tears silently began to roll down her face.

She got out of the car and opened the back seat hurriedly. She grabbed her bag and then ran as fast as she could to the door of her building so that he wouldn't say anything else to her. She couldn't run very fast and it was more like a wobble because of her belly. She fumbled with the door but finally got inside, slamming the building door shut behind her. She ran all the way up the stairs, finally getting to the door of her apartment and collapsing outside of it, the tears pouring down her face. She sloppily opened the door and crawled inside, slamming it behind her.
Brendan had completely expected her to retort at him in kind. The way that she attacked him with kindness and honesty completely threw him off. "I...I, Wait, Elsa," he stammered as tears streamed down her face. He immediately felt awful about it, felt horrible that he had let his angry, tired, betrayed mood get the better of him. He stood outside the car, leaning against the open driver's door, and watched her run inside, allowing his head to finally hang down in shame. Brendan felt completely empty in that moment, more than any time he'd let Elsa down before, as he watched her disappear.

Sinking back into his seat, he let his head hit the wheel, a few tears falling down onto it. So this was it? Such an ignominious way for something so promising to have ended. He drove the five minutes home in tearful silence, collapsing onto his bed fully dressed when he got home, and sleeping well into the next afternoon before he even thought of stirring.
Elsa wallowed the next day at home, not leaving her apartment once. She could barely pull herself out of bed for work on Monday and everyone knew there was something wrong. They gathered that her romantic weekend with Brendan hadn't ended well and by Wednesday they had finally gotten her to admit that they had broken up. The week passed by slowly and quickly at the same time. Each day was agonizingly slow but she realized at the end of each one that she was another day closer to having to go see Carlos.

Finally Saturday came. She dressed without thinking about what she was wearing, though her options were limited now. She had to wear maternity clothes. Six months pregnant, and with a boy (the doctor had confirmed it on Thursday's appointment), and her belly was steadily becoming enormous. She threw on a maternity dress and flip flops and got on the train, then bus, then sat in the waiting room. She signed in and sat in the visiting room dejectedly, waiting for him to arrive just so that she could leave.
Brendan dragged himself to work on Monday, putting on a happy face and telling no one of his horrible breakup. He didn't want to talk about it with any of the people he worked with, and could barely wrap his mind around talking about it at all. The week dragged painfully by, Brendan regretful of how he'd left things with Elsa more than anything. She was all he thought about when he was sleeping, eating, working, and doing everything else. He wanted to talk to her desperately, try to at least leave things resolved on a better note, but he was far too ashamed to do anything of the sort.

Carlos, meanwhile, was more than ready for another visit with Elsa by the following Saturday. He'd been imagining how much bigger she'd be since he last visit, and eagerly followed the guard in when he was called to see Elsa. Barely able to wait until his handcuffs were released, he looked over at Elsa sitting sadly in the chair, her belly bigger still than two weeks ago. "What's wrong, sugar?" he asked her with a big smile as he placed a strong hand on her shoulder, looming over her. "Ain't you glad to see me?"
"I broke up with Brendan," she said bluntly, not even looking up at Carlos when he entered the room. She felt his strong hand on her shoulder and was strangely comforted by that. She needed someone to hold her. She was having an extremely emotional pregnancy and the further along she got in it the more she found herself feeling topsy-turvy about everything. She needed a man to love her and protect her and hold her. Brendan wouldn't do that for her anymore and she never thought Carlos would be the kind of man to do that, but maybe he would. She rested both hands on her belly, one of top and one underneath. She felt like her baby was the only thing she really had left in the world.
Carlos let out a little bit of a puzzled sound when Elsa made this immediate revelation. “Hmph,” it sounded like. This development was not something he was prepared to handle. Finding out about the baby, having a little companionship, and screwing around; those were the things Carlos looked forward to on these visits. Perhaps he didn’t know as much about women as he thought, having never seen one all the way through a pregnancy before. Comforting an emotional woman was not something which was in his repertoire. But it seemed he would have to do just that if he wanted to get on with everything else he was looking forward to. So he started with what he knew best. “What’d he do to you?” Carlos demanded. “He hurt you? He hurt the baby? You want me to teach him a lesson for you?” he proposed a little angrily, holding his hand where it was on Elsa’s shoulder but gripping a little more tightly now.
"No, no," she said shaking her head quickly, "Leave him alone. He kept telling me to run away with him and I told him I couldn't. He got angry and I realized it wasn't going to work. broke up." she heaved another sigh and brought her hands up to her face, covering it for a moment much the way she'd done with Brendan that night. She sucked in a deep breath, trying to retain her composure. She leaned back against the chair and looked up at him tentatively. "How've you been?" she asked a little awkwardly, trying to change the subject and move it towards something that they could both easily handle, rather than the subject of Brendan which would inevitably lead to anger or tears or both.
Carlos furrowed his brow when Elsa spoke, having mixed emotions at what she said. The fact that Brendan wanted to run away with Elsa and his baby infuriated him, but at the same time, Elsa had chosen not to go. He didn't say anything, but decided that he was glad she'd been loyal to him, at least in his eyes. He was in no hurry to change the subject back, considering she was off the breakup talk, and seemed to be a little calmer, also.

"Me, ah, I'm solid," he answered. "Be gettin' out in about seven weeks. I'm countin' down the days." He stood behind Elsa's chair, letting his hands move down her back and rub the area near her shoulder blades. Apparently, she was going to need to be calmed down more, and quickly, if she'd willingly give him what he wouldn't have another shot at for two more weeks. Taking it unwillingly was iffy; she was much too far along to slap around now. "So, mamita," he continued, "I guess that'll mean it'll give me some time to get a crib together 'fore you have the baby, so me you an' him can all stay there after."
She closed her eyes involuntarily when he began to rub her shoulders and back. That was exactly what she needed, and Carlos had never done this for her before. It'd always been all about him and nothing about her. But here he was, on the one day he got human contact, standing behind her and comforting her, rubbing her back. It felt great. When he brought up moving in with him, though, she became a little wary. What was it with men and desperately wanting their women to live with them? That spoke of commitment and she had always thought that men didn't want that. Every man she'd ever been with, though, had asked her to move in with them. She shook her head and sighed once more (she seemed to be sighing a lot these days), "I don't know if that would be a good idea, Carlos. I know you want to go back to the ghetto. I don't want my baby there,"
Carlos kept rubbing her shoulders as she relaxed under his hands. Everything seemed fine until she mentioned that she didn't want his baby growing up in the ghetto. He didn't care if eventually they didn't live together, but he needed access to his baby. And he thought it best if she and the baby were in a place he could watch over them initially. "Wait a minute, sugar," he interrupted her. "I know what you was in here for. It ain't no secret where you come from." This, he blamed on Brendan, her sudden insistance on living somewhere 'safe'. He'd grown up in the ghetto, and couldn't think of a better place for his son to learn to be a man, to protect himself. "I'm goin' back to my place, where I'm comfortable at," he said forcefully. "You think I want a townhouse in some boring suburb?" he spat in disgust. "You think you and my baby too good for me now?" he demanded to know.
She was starting to get a little irritated. Carlos, of course, thought there was no place better to live than the ghetto. He thought it was the ultimate proving ground. Elsa had hated living their every second that she had had to. It was dirty, messy, loud, and definitely dangerous. It was no place for a baby to live, that was for sure. How many stories had there been of babies being dropped at hospitals because their ghetto mamas couldn't take it? Or babies getting shot in drive by's when the target was the father that was holding them? Or babies out in the yard (if there was a yard to have) and getting snatched for a ransom?

She gritted her teeth and tried to think of the best way to talk to him about this, "No, Carlos, I don't think I'm too good for you. But I don't want to worry about my baby getting shot at when you're busy having a gang war. I don't want men coming into my house night and day cause that's how it is in the ghetto. I don't want there to be sirens ringing all night cause some homie got shot down the street. You think all that sounds good for a baby?"
Carlos was starting to stew more and more as Elsa began berating the only kind of life he knew. It was really hard for him, though, to get as angry with her as he would have otherwise, with his growing baby in her. She was being unreasonable, he thought. Shootings and accidents happen everywhere. Most of the drugs that passed through his crew ended up in the suburbs, he well knew. "Okay, okay, let's not fight about it," he answered her, putting himself in the unusual position of peacemaker. "I would never let nothing happen to my baby. But you a reasonable girl. We came to an agreement here. That's why you here now. We'll work out something on the outside, too."

He let his hand fall off her shoulder as he walked around to the other side of the table. Sitting down calmly in the other chair, their session actually resembled a normal visiting session for once. "Damn you gettin' big, he exclaimed when presented with the full-on view of her belly. "How big you gonna be by the end?" he wondered aloud. "Hey- so what happened with that visit to the special doctor last week?"
Elsa had, thankfully, prepared an entire spiel to give to Carlos about the special doctor. "He said that I'm perfectly healthy, and the baby is too. My other doctor thought I might be developing some problems because of stress," she took a pause, letting the idea of the fact that Carlos stressed her out sink in with him, "but this new doctor said I'm fine. He ran a bunch of tests and they all came out negative. He said that as long as I take it easy once I hit eight months the baby should be perfect when he's born."

She rubbed her belly gently. It was getting to the point where she could feel soft kicks every now and then. She had back pain too sometimes, from when the baby rolled onto her Cyanic nerve, but she tried not to think about it too much and it didn't happen often. "I'll probably be really big. He's a big baby already,"
“When he’s born,” Carlos repeated slowly to himself, processing the information within that phrase, and glossing over the mention of stress. As far as he was concerned, her rocky relationship with Brendan was the main stressor in her life. “So it’s a boy?” Carlos said softly, almost to himself. “I knew it, a big baby boy.” He thought he had a sense that it was a boy, and was hopeful that was the case, but now it seemed confirmed.

“I knew you could do it,” he told Elsa with a big grin spreading over his face. She was about to bring the first of the next generation who would carry the Jara family name into the world. It was such a rush, that he more or less forgot about having sex with her, ostensibly the reason she was supposed to come to the Center every other week. “He gonna be just like me.”
Elsa cringed visibly when he said the baby would be just like him. Dear God, she hoped not. She swore to herself right then that she would make sure that her son was as little like his father as she could possibly make him. He would have no involvement with gangs, he would go to good schools and he would finish his schooling unlike his father. He would go to college unlike either of him. He would use his smarts for good things, not like Elsa did with the cars. Hopefully he wouldn't be much like either of them.

She decided not to comment on what Carlos said, it would only lead to fighting and that wasn't what she needed right now. "Well, Carlos," she said with a little sigh, "I'm tired. Needless to say I've had a hard week. If you're satisfied, I'd really like to go."
Carlos looked over at Elsa when she said she wanted to go, suddenly reminded of the one thing they'd missed out on. "Whoa, don't we usually wait 'til the guard comes, sugar?" he objected. "This is gonna be the last you see me for two weeks, and you ain't even got no other man to satisfy you now. Don't you wanna celebrate, mama?" He stood up and walked over behind her chair again. This was a difficult situation; he wasn't able to force his way with Elsa like he was used to doing with women. Although, the reason he couldn't of course, was because he'd done exactly that six months ago. Slowly, he began rubbing her shoulders again, not a usual tactic of his, but it had seemed to put her in a decent mood a few minutes ago.
Elsa was at a loss. She really didn't want to have sex with Carlos right now. She couldn't even pretend that it was Brendan anymore, she had to deal with the fact that it was Carlos. But the way that he was rubbing her shoulders was so nice. That was a change in him. She looked up at him and actually saw a little bit of pain in his eyes. She knew that she was the highlight of his week, whether it was talking to her on the phone or seeing her in person. She nodded and slowly stood up, turning to face him. "Okay, Carlos. You're right. do you want it?" she gave him a weak smile. Last time he'd done her bent over against the wall. She hoped it wouldn't pick that way again. She'd ride him or spread for him, but she didn't want him to be rough this time.
Carlos smiled ear to ear when she offered, even hesitantly. Obviously, he gave no thought to being a gentleman and letting her off the hook since she wasn't in the mood. "Don't say 'how do I want it'," he chided her with a grin. "Don't pretend you don't get nothin' out of it, my little baby-mama." He reached down and touched her stomach through the maternity dress, letting his hand wander down to just over her sex, moving to and fro in a tickling motion. "Let's not do anything that'll wear you out," he suggested. "You suck me off, then I'ma get you off the same way," he suggested with a big smile. Having some pussy was nice, but oral was a big turn on for Carlos, too, both giving and receiving.
Giving head was actually more work to Elsa than having sex was. When she was giving head she had to think about what she was doing, she had to do specific things that the man she was with enjoyed. If they were having sex she could just ride until he came or lay back and buck her hips when he hit her spots. "Alright, if that's all you want," she said, a little awkwardly. She glanced down at the floor and then at the table. "Could...could you sit on the table so I don't have to get on the floor?" she asked, even more awkwardly. She'd have to bend over to suck him off but it was easier that way than to have to lumber herself and her big belly onto the floor.
Carlos looked around the room. She was right, kneeling on the floor wouldn't be easy in her condition. "Yeah," he agreed. "I'll sit on the table and you in the chair." Pulling the visitors chair out from the table for her, he hopped up on the table just after pulling his pants down to his knees. He wasn't sure why, but this just didn't have the feel of the other times they'd been intimate. It didn't have the raw intensity that resulted from using force, none of the fun of talking dirty, or the excitement of a dress-up game. It was just sex. But still, it was something that Carlos felt he needed right now. "Don't be too excited about it," he taunted with a smile that showed his broken line of teeth. "But don't worry, I'ma get you excited when it's my turn. Bein' pregnant don't mean your pussy fell off. And if you got a pussy, I can push all your buttons."
She sat down in the chair in front of the table and extended her hands to his waiting cock. She began to stroke him up and down, almost expertly. Elsa had had to pleasure Carlos many times before and by now she knew him pretty well. Once he was sufficiently hard she leaned over and took him into her mouth, her lips wrapped tightly around his bulging head. She thought about what he said and knew he was right. Carlos could definitely push all her buttons. He knew how to make her angry, make her squirm, make her laugh, make her moan. He was almost as knowledgeable about her as Brendan was. Was that wrong?
Carlos responded to Elsa's touch. She was the only woman who'd touched him in over a year, and his body was used to her, in a way. It didn't feel like they were married or anything, but it would certainly be odd the next time a different woman touched him. Carlos wasn't used to sticking with one woman, so this was different for him. It was kind of arousing, how Elsa knew how to take care of him this way, and did it even in her pregnant, weakened state. He began letting out a deep, long moan as she got down to business and took him in her warm mouth. Reaching his tattooed arm out, he began stroking her cheek and hair. "Ooh, mama, you know you to work it," he gasped.
Elsa had started out hating it whenever Carlos called her mamita, mama, sugar, or anything at all. Now she actually kind of liked it. It was his own brand of pet names for her. There were many, but several that he usually used, and she was used to them. They'd grown on her over time, and now they definitely made sense. He was making her a mama, so why shouldn't he call her mama? Maybe, she thought, maybe they might actually be okay together. She looked up into his eyes for a moment when he started to stroke her cheek and hair. She pushed her mouth down further as she looked up into his eyes, the first time she'd ever done that willingly. Usually he had to tell her to do it. She took him about half way in and then began to bob her head, her tongue swishing about him expertly.
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