The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Carlos' began letting out little pained moans almost immediately when she took him partway into her mouth. She seemed like she was doing her best to please him, despite her current mood. That was commendable, even Carlos recognized. Elsa knew where to touch him, how to work him so that he loved it. Suddenly, he realized that she was looking at him. He thought she hated that. He wasn't sure if it was out of embarrassment, or hatred for him, or something else. But something had changed. It must be the fact she was having his baby, he assumed. As she bobbed and licked, he held her face with both hands, gripping her as his hips thrust towards her, begging to sink in all the way into her little, warm mouth.
After he realized that she was looking at him she held his gaze for a few moments, but had to turn away eventually. Looking at him for a prolonged period of time just didn't fit with her the way it had with Brendan. Not yet, anyway. The way things were developing with them though, she thought maybe it could eventually be that way. It didn't even cross Elsa's mind that she might be doing this as a rebound. She took him deeper when he thrust his hips, smoothly taking her almost to her throat. She opened her mouth a little wider and relaxed her jaw enough that she could slide him into her throat. She gagged a little bit, he was too large for her really not to, but over all the entrance was pretty smooth.
Once Elsa let go of his gaze, Carlos let his neck drop back, moaning up into the air as he kept holding her face. He bellowed a deep cry when she took him back into the recesses of her throat, feeling a tightness that throbbed against him every time she gagged, just like a hot, tight pussy would. "Oh, damn," he moaned with a bitter cry. "You a damn fine cock-sucker," he cried out. He took a glance down at her distended jaw, and tried to press it a little more, causing her to gag again. "Oh mama," he finally bellowed as his hips thrust his sizable manhood back into her tight throat. At that moment, he exploded into her, letting his sticky seed explode right into her throat, bypassing her warm mouth completely.
She choked when he shot his load right down her throat. She hadn't expected that, Elsa had thought she would have at least been able to pull back a little bit. But he surprised her, like he usually did, and shot himself straight down her throat. She was able to pull back a little bit (though his hands were pretty firm on her head) and swallow the rest of it easily. Once he was finished she slowly pushed on his hands until he let up that she could take her mouth off of him. She looked up at him, seeing his face red with exertion. Surprisingly, she really didn't want reciprocity. She had given him what he wanted, and she wanted now to be able to go home. She didn't think he would let her get away with that though.
Carlos was laughing with pleasure from the fun of that last experience. She was the absolute best at giving head, he thought to himself. And he'd sampled freely what was being offered out on the street. "You amazing, sugar," he finally coughed out, his face glistening from the workout. Reaching down as his face cooled, he tugged his pants and underwear up, leaping off the table, but still leaning up against it as he calmed down. "So you ready for your turn?" he asked with a grin. "Don't let no one say Carlos ever let you go home wanting" he told her, as if it was his slogan. "You can stay right there on the chair. Jus' slide your ass up to the edge."
She wondered if he might actually let her get away with not getting any. It didn't sound like it, but she had to try. "Carlos," she started as she shifted in the chair, one hand resting on her belly just in time to feel a kick. "You really don't have to. You won't leave me wanting, don't worry. I'm just tired, I've got a long train ride home." she looked up at him and gave him a little smile, a genuine one, hoping that would be enough to get her off the hook. It'd be odd for him to force her into letting him get her off.
Carlos looked down at her in the chair and grinned. It was almost a stupid grin, from all the endorphins still coursing through him. Why did he like to eat Elsa out? He liked it because it humiliated her. But today, he wanted to do it to reward her. To reward her for picking him over Brendan, for being so close to bearing him a son. The problem was, he didn't feel like humiliating her today, and she didn't want the reward. But, still, he offered something he saw as having great value, something she should be grateful for, and she was rejecting it. That couldn't happen. "No, no," he began. "I insist. You won't be sorry once we get going.."

Just then, a sound came from the door, a loud knock. "One minute," said the voice behind the door. Apparently the new warden was catching some flak for his lax rule enforcement, and the time limit was now being enforced. "Give us ten," Carlos called out. "Not a chance," came the answer. "Forty-five seconds now." Carlos grimaced and cursed, hopping off the table. "Guess that settles it," he said, not too dejectedly. He didn't really care anyway. He only wanted to eat out Elsa to prove his point, and not being allowed to do it was just as good. It wasn’t like he let Elsa refuse. "So I'll talk to you next week. Take good care of the baby," he told her, holding out his hand to help her out of the chair.
A wave of relief washed over her when there was a knock at the door and the guard said they only had a minute. Carlos tried to haggle his way into more time, but thankfully he was refused. She let him help her out of the chair and took a second to look up at him. He wasn't so bad, she decided. But she knew she was deciding that only to make this easier on herself. To make herself miss Brendan less. To try to find some semblance of happiness in her life where there was none.

She nodded to him, "Yeah. Talk to you next week. 6pm, I'll be at home. Like usual." she patted his stomach gently and then left the room. She rode her bus ride and then train in silence. She didn't know what to think anymore. She wanted to call Brendan more than anything, but she knew she couldn't do that.
Carlos reluctantly was escorted back to his cell, only having the next week's call to look forward to, and his prospective release in 58 days. The next seven weeks went by a little faster for Carlos, with the end in sight. Four phone calls with Elsa all went reasonably well, although one of them degenerated into another argument about the merits of the ghetto. The three visits also weren't bad. One of them didn't involve any sex at all. Elsa was barely able to move she was having such a bad day, so Carlos took pity on her. A second time, they had a nice encounter, with Elsa riding Carlos to a nice orgasm. The third time (actually the middle, chronologically), though, wasn't all roses. Carlos asked her to spread on the table for him, after which he gave her oral sex and then fucked her. He got a little carried away that time, and called Elsa some hurtful names, which she didn't take very well in her hormonal state, resulting in her leaving in tears.

Brendan, meanwhile, had settled into a routine. Work and socializing. The first week had been spent wallowing at home in his misery after work. Eventually, he realized that he needed to do something. So, he swallowed his pride, and admitted to everyone that he'd broken up with Elsa. He accepted any invitation to anything after that. Bowling league (which he was horrible at), drinks after work, hockey tickets, whatever. None of it drowned out the empty feeling inside him, but it made the time pass quicker that at first. What he wanted time to pass quickly for, he didn't exactly know. He had no idea where his life was going. Once, about a month after the breakup, he thought of calling Elsa after work, but changed his mind after dialing the first few numbers. That was the closest during the two months that he came to contact with the woman who he still thought was his soulmate.

On that long-awaited 58th day, Carlos was finally a free man. He'd served his fifteen year sentence in fourteen months at the Center. All his worldy belongings in a backpack, he had one of his lackeys pick him up and drive him to Elsa's before going anywhere else. He instructed the driver to wait outside, no matter how long he was up there. Looking at the address scrawled on a piece of paper, he entered Elsa's building and went up to her door. Dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a white, casual buttoned shirt, he knocked at the door, anxious to see his eight-month pregnant baby-mama for the first time outside the Center.
Elsa knew it was counting down to when Carlos was going to get out. She didn't know the exact date, but during their last phone call Carlos had told her it was going to be in the next week or so. When she heard a knock at the door she figured it must be him, no body else came to visit her much unless she specifically invited them. She opened the door and saw him standing there. This was the first time she'd ever seen him not in a prison uniform. Despite the fact that he was a giant, ominous looking Latino man, she thought it looked pretty good.

"Hi, Carlos!" she said, as excited as she could possibly get about him being out of prison. She was wearing maternity yoga pants and a tank top, but she was all baby. She had one hand on the door handle and the other on her enormous belly. She rubbed it gently and then turned away from the door, offering for him to come inside.
Carlos just grinned at Elsa without saying a word when she opened up. She seemed happy to see him, and she was huge. "Hey," he said, walking inside and sizing up the place once she moved aside. Turning back to Elsa, he gave her a couple of soft pats on the cheek. "This crib is okay," he said with a nod. "Kinda small, but I can feel it."

After wandering around a little bit, he helped himself to a seat on her couch. "Come sit with me," he told Elsa. "You know, this is the first place I stopped at after I just got sprung today," he told her seriously, as if it was a huge privilege for her. "Ain't no guard to tell you to leave me now." Just like he had been the whole time she was pregnant with his son, Carlos was drawn to her in a way. Part of him was itching to get laid by a woman not enormous with child, now that he was a free man, but there would be time for that later. "So you pretty close now, right?"
She sat down next to him on the couch, sighing a little as she plopped down. She was about three weeks out from birth, if everything went according to plan. It seemed strange to her that after all this time it was going to be over. Just a few pushes, a few hours of labor, some pain, and bam. Her baby was born and her body would eventually go back to normal. She nodded, "Yeah, I'm pretty close. Got three more weeks until my due date, but the doctor said he might come a little early."

It struck Elsa that now that Carlos was out of prison, he wasn't limited to her anymore. He could screw any woman in the ghetto. Most, if not all, of them would be eager to sleep with him. Maybe he would leave her alone some.
Carlos nodded and grinned, extremely happy that he'd be able to be present for the birth of his first son. "I gotta get my phone situation set up, but I'll get you my number. You gonna let me know when it happens, right? You know I'ma be there to see it."

He looked around and thought for a moment. Thought about all the things that he had to do today. He needed to get back in his house, to get his business organized so he could start earning again. But he needed to leave a mark on this place. It was Elsa's place, but she was his. "Why don't we have some fun before I go?" he suggested, reaching over and grabbing Elsa's hip and looking her right in the eye with his usual devious smile.
So he still wanted to screw her even though she was about to burst with baby. Would he still want to screw her afterwards? She knew that some men lost interest in their women after she birthed a child for them. They were no longer sexual beings, they were mothers. Somehow she didn't think that would be the case with Carlos even if he did start screwing around with other chicks. Surprisingly, the thought of that didn't upset Elsa. She had no love for Carlos, she didn't care who he slept with. The more other women he was with the less he was with her.

"Okay," she said, half playfully and half warily. Elsa couldn't deny the fact that she still got horny in her pregnancy, and often. It was the hormones skyrocketing in her body because of the baby, but it drove her nuts. She didn't have Brendan anymore so the times when she was alone, there wasn't much she could do about it.
Carlos grinned and looked over at her, letting his hand run up and down her thigh over the yoga pants. This would be a perfect bust-out fuck, he thought to himself. He'd have to get with his baby-mama first. Anything else just wouldn't be right. Sliding up next to her, he whispered in Elsa's ear. "I'ma have some fun with you. But just relax, it's gonna be a good time for both of us." He kissed her on the side of the neck, before sliding off the couch and down to the floor, where he knelt in front of her. "Jus' go along. I ain't gonna hurt you. Okay, Elsa?" he said with a smile, calling her by her real name for maybe the first time. Hooking his hands inside the band of her stretch pants, he pulled out and down on them, prodding Elsa to lift up and let him take them off as he felt her soft skin at her hips. "Why don't you unbutton my shirt, sugar?" he said in a little growl, lifting his eyes up to hers.
The way he presented what he was going to do seemed ominous to her. He wasn't going to hurt her? That sounded like he was going to do something she wasn't going to be happy with. She decided to play along for now, but she would try to stop him if he got out of hand. And at this point she could stop him, he wouldn't push her too much because she was hugely pregnant. She lifted her hips up so he could take her stretch pants off, revealing the bottom of her belly and her panties that hid under it.

She leaned forward and started unbuttoning his shirt, her eyes matching his for a moment. He seemed the same and yet different at the same time. It was weird. Maybe it was just because he was out of prison and in her apartment that made him seem different.
Carlos smiled up at her as she dutifully unbuttoned his shirt. He helped her out by undoing the last two buttons, leaving him with just a gold chain on his chest, something he wasn't able to have in the Center. Pulling her pants down the rest of the way, he now was looking at the bottom of her belly that stuck out the bottom of her tank top, and her cotton panties. Smiling a little more reassuringly at Elsa, he saw she was a little nervous. He missed doing anything rough himself, and obviously that wasn't possible. But he thought he needed some kind of substitute.

First to get Elsa a little worked up, though. He took a hold of her knees, and slowly but firmly prodded her legs open. Leaning his face down, he kissed her several times over the panties, before letting his finger run up and down the front of the underwear, pressing in and rubbing at her little fleshy nub through the cotton. "When was the last time you had a cock inside you?" he asked Elsa lewdly as he prodded at her sex.
He knew the answer to that question, but ever since Elsa broke up with Brendan Carlos had enjoyed asking her questions like that since he knew she was the only one she had sex with. When Brendan was still in the picture he didn't ask her questions like that since he tried to pretend she never slept with him. She had to admit that Carlos was very good at pleasing her orally, though he wasn't as good as Brendan. Carlos had never come anywhere near making her squirt while Brendan had done it numerous times without even trying.

She squirmed as he started to play with her, intentionally working her up so that she'd be enthusiastic. It was working, the more he touched her the hotter she became, though she had started out at zero so he was really working from the beginning. "The last time I saw you," she said to him, "Two weeks ago,"
"Ahh," Carlos moaned, getting hot at the mention of their last encounter. He loved the fact that he was the only one with access to Elsa now, and he wanted to be sure he reminded her of that. He could tell she was on the defensive a little now, squirming at his touch. Pulling the panties over to the side, he held them there, and let his long, pink tongue drag along the length of her slit. He noticed that her womanhood and clit were a little larger and swollen already, probably the result of the pregnancy and not the small amount of teasing he'd been doing. Finding her larger clitoris, he touched it gently with his tongue, before letting her panties snap back into place. "Tell me, then? Did your pussy get lonely these last two weeks? Did it miss having a cock?" he demanded to know. Leaning back in as he awaited and answer, he traced patterns over her womanhood with his tongue over the white cotton, letting the panties press against and into her moist womanhood.
She shivered when he touched her swollen clit with his tongue. Her clit was swollen because of the pregnancy, but it was also because of his teasing. It had been two weeks since she'd gotten any and they both well knew that Elsa loved sex. Two weeks was a long time for her to go without, that was why she was almost always willing to get with Carlos at the visits. She sucked in a sharp breath before she answered his questions. She thought it was best to give him exactly what he wanted, to play his game because in the end it would work out well for her too. "Yess, pussy is very lonely. It misses having a cock very much." she leaned back against the couch and spread her legs open a little wider, "In fact I think it's starting to beg,"
Carlos laughed a bit as she played along with him a little jokingly. He knew she wanted it just like he did. Even without facing the prospect of two weeks without sex, like he was he was usually saw Elsa, he was hungry to get some. "Ohh, well then your pussy about to get what it's beggin' for," he shot back at her. "A long, thick, strong, dark cock," he said slowly and forcefully, glancing down at her spread legs. He prodded her womanhood again gently with his fingers before tugging down at the elastic of her wet panties, shimmying them down enough to reveal her entire wetness. Leaning in, he noticed her familiar piercing there, and pushed on it with his tongue until some nice squeals were elicited from Elsa. "Come on, take these off now," he prodded, tugging at the panties until she lifted up and allowed him to take them off. "I want to you take a nice whiff of what horny pussy juice smell like."
Carlos was able to raise her arousal level considerably by pushing on her clit piercing. She wriggled and strained, her body becoming hotter and more desperate as he played her expertly. She lifted her hips when he told her to take them off, allowing him to pull her wet panties off of her. She frowned when he said he wanted her to smell them. "What?" she asked, grimacing and pulling her face away instinctually, "No! That's weird. I...I don't want to."
Carlos snickered at her refusal to smell her panties. He missed the dominant aspect of sex that he usually liked to exert over women, like he'd done the first few times he'd had sex with Elsa. He didn't like to get bogged down in the symantics of calling it 'rape' or the like, even in his mind. Thinking of it as dominance suited him just fine. "What's the matter?" he taunted as he climbed up onto the couch and nestled in next to her, dangling the moist cotton panties in the air as he grabbed her elbow softly with his free hand. "You had them in your mouth before. Didn't seem to hurt you," he observed. The time he stuffed her panties in her mouth at the Center was one of his favorite memories with her, and he grinned wider just thinking about that. "Or maybe you'd like that more," he suggested, pushing the panties at her mouth and pressing them against her face as she struggled to resist his attempt to repeat his vile act of choice.
She frowned at him again and pushed him away when he sat next to her. Him bringing up that memory at the Center wasn't a wise choice if he wanted Elsa to be willing, which she had been until he started to mess around with her mind like this. She snatched the panties from his mouth and tossed them across the table. Then she grabbed onto the arm rest and started to hoist herself up, she was done playing with him. He'd pissed her off and she wasn't in the mood for that right now, "No, Carlos. I hated it then and I'd hate it now. I don't want you here anymore, leave. You ruined your chance to get some."
"Hmmph," Carlos let out as he slid away from Elsa. This was not what he had in mind. But what was he going to do? "Fine, mama," he grumbled. "I guess I need to go get it somewhere else," he continued, imagining that this might make her jealous. "I tol' you I was just playin' around."

Standing up and bending over, he picked up his shirt and started putting it on, before lounging lazily on a chair across from the sofa. Carlos Jara left on his own terms. "No bitch tells me to leave, baby-mama or no," he said slowly but angrily. "You wanna take advantage of your... situation, you got me. But I'll leave when I'm ready. We'll have some fun again after you have my boy," he added in a veiled threat, a smile returning to his face. "So tell me about the baby," he started up again, as if they hadn't just had a blow-up. "Guillermo, is it?"
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