The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Her fingers were doing their best to grip the wall as he slammed into her, but there wasn't much there to hold on to so her body moved back and forth with every movement Carlos made. She gritted her teeth hard as she felt herself coming right up to the edge -- until she felt him stimulating her anally. It caused her whole body to tense up and her face to flush differently than it had been, with embarrassment and anger now, but strangely that was what sent her over the edge. She moaned loudly and pushed her hips back to him as her inner muscles clamped down on him and then released a flood of her juices on him, just moments before he shot his own load inside of her.

She gasped for breath and slowly opened her eyes, looking down at the concrete floor below her. The only things she could see were her little baby bump, her legs, the heels she was still wearing, and the concrete floor. But she felt so much more than that. She could feel Carlos' cock still lodged inside of her, she could feel his hands on her hips and his presence dominated the room.
Carlos let himself calm down inside Elsa once they'd both released themselves. He was sweating profusely, Elsa's pussy having milked him harder than before, perhaps from the way he treated her. Maybe he'd have to adjust his techniques in the future, he thought. As he came down from his high, he let his hands move from her hips to her protruding belly. "Come on," he said softly once he'd become mostly flaccid inside her, sliding his cock out. He helped her stand straight up, by pulling with one hand at a shoulder, and the other hand just under her belly.

"Come sit down over here.. I'ma work on you a little," he said, prodding her towards the chair that he'd originally been sitting in. He'd never taken his shirt off, and suddenly the gentleman, he unbuttoned his shirt and laid it across the seat so her naked butt wouldn't have to sit on the cold chair. After that, he stooped over and slid his boxer shorts on. He knelt in front of Elsa, pushing her legs apart a little, and began rubbing her inner thighs, working towards her dripping sex. Picking up her thong panties, he begin wiping her off with them, quickly getting what little material they contained soaked. "I think you liked it when I poked your asshole," he suddenly said, looking up into her eyes, noticing a change in her expression when he mentioned that.
She stood up when he began to move her, shaking her head a little to try to get her senses back. That round had been....well...amazing. Not as amazing as any time she'd been with Brendan, but this had by far been the best time they'd had together. She sat in the chair he'd been in, feeling the softish material of his shirt as her butt hit it. Was he really trying to be a gentleman? That was so sweet of him. She could feel him pushing her legs apart and she didn't resist. She looked down and saw him cleaning her pussy of both their juices (with her thong though, which meant she probably couldn't wear it out) and rubbing her thighs gently. He was being so different, it was endearing.

She frowned though when he said that he thought she liked it when he touched her asshole. She shook her head, " just scared me is all," she never wanted him to touch her ass like that again. He seemed so adamant about it though, she wondered why. He had said he was going to work on her. What did he mean by that? Was he going to try to get her off again, or was he actually going to try to just make her feel good?
He didn't respond to her claim that she didn't like being touched there. "I think you gonna see that I can take care of you. You take care of my baby, I take care of you," he said. He continued mopping up her juices, spreading her pussy lips open a little and dabbing the thong inside, rubbing it a little against her clit ring just for kicks once he'd finished. "Well, I guess you won't be using this," he said, tossing the thong onto the floor. "See that, I cleaned you up good."

He picked up her strewn about clothes next, tossing the nylons and blouse onto the table. "I wanna talk with you 'bout something, though," he told her next. "Why don't you let me slide under you, and sit on my lap, okay?" Maybe it was the way that this encounter was tender, instead of just about the wild sex, but something made him a little more jealous of Elsa than usual. "You havin' my baby, right?" he started once she was on his lap. "So, really, you rightfully mine. I know I promised not to hurt you' man, but I didn't promise nothing else. I don't want no other man using your pussy while I'm in here. What do you think about that?" he asked, running his hands through her hair. He was a realist, and he know that if Elsa cared enough about Brendan to ensure he wasn't harmed, she must be sleeping with him. And suddenly, that idea bothered him more than before.
She glanced warily at the soaked thong as he tossed it onto the floor. Going commando wasn't something that she particularly enjoyed, but she wasn't going to put on the panties again now that they were in a cum-soaked state. She watched him as he did some 'housekeeping' and picked up her clothes and put them on the table. What was he getting at here? He obviously wanted something, but his entire demeanor seemed to be different in general. She got up when he suggested that she sit on his lap. She did so, feeling a little strange that he was now half dressed and she was completely naked (and on top of him).

But she tried to make it work, as he was clearly feeling gentle and possessive. She wasn't going to try to kill that just by being prideful. She nodded when he asked if she was having his baby. She fidgeted a little, tentatively resting her back against his chest as he ran his fingers through her hair. She winced when he said he didn't want her to be with anyone else while he was locked up. How was she going to get out of this one?

"Carlos," she started gently, "Brendan helps me. A lot. I may not live with him, but he helps me buy groceries, pay the bills, he buys me clothes. Without him I'd be strugglin' real bad," she used his kind of language, hoping it would get through to him better. "If I don't give him what he wants, he ain't gonna help me. Then me and the baby gonna have problems,"
“Why don’t you start gettin’ dressed?” Carlos suggested, giving Elsa a prod in the back. “They gonna come for me soon.” He mulled over what she’d said. It was true that Brendan did things for her, and she had to repay him. That much he understood. Brendan would want what he had coming to him in exchange for all he did for Elsa. That was the way the world worked, in his mind at least. “But I think it’s more than you lettin’ on,” he accused once she was off him. He stood up himself, buttoning up his shirt and pulling on his pants, giving a last glance at how hot Elsa looked wearing only heels and nothing else. “Admit you care about him,” Carlos demanded. “You wanted a promise he’d be safe. You know I wouldn’t leave you go without while you carryin' my baby. I’d send some of my people around with money for you. So what else you need him for?”

Carlos picked up the trench coat, and held it up for Elsa, realizing it would be a struggle for her to put it on herself in her current state. “I just want you to tell me where I stand,” he said firmly. “He might be safe for now, but there could be problems once I’m back on my feet if you in love with him.”
She slid off of him when he prodded her in the back and walked the tiny distance to the table. She pulled her shirt on, frowning slightly at the fact that now she couldn't wear a bra OR panties. She sighed as he talked, accusing her of things she knew were true. She shimmied her skirt on and then pulled her nylons up. She closed her eyes for a moment and really thought about what to say with him. She decided that she should be honest with him, truly honest. If she wasn't her lies could come back and bite her later, and that was the last thing that she wanted.

"Carlos..." she started as he helped her into the trench coat. She tied it around her and sighed once more, looking up at him in the eyes. "I do care about Brendan. A lot. And Carlos, you have to admit, you don't treat me too well. I know how things are in the ghetto, I lived there too. But that's not where I'm at anymore. Brendan treats me good, and I respect him and care about him. But...but that doesn't mean that I..." this part was hard for her to admit, despite it's growing truth, "that I don't care about you too."
Carlos thought about this last revelation for a moment. He knew it already, of course, but was hoping to dissuade Elsa from continuing with him. But he really didn't feel the desire to intimidate the hell out of her today. He didn't mind sharing his women, it was just that he liked to be in control. He liked to decide who else she could sleep with, and he couldn't from behind bars. "Well, I'm just saying... it could be a problem once I'm out. I'm givin' you a chance to act now, 'stead of getting closer to him..."

Just then, there was a knock at the door. The guard opened a moment later. "Visiting time's over," he announced. Carlos was quickly escorted out, and returned to his cell, unable to give any instructions for next time. As Elsa left, a male guard did a double take, looking over the strange sight of the visitor in a trench coat. It was Dexter, the guard who was Brendan's friend. He immediately recognized Elsa as a former inmate there. He didn't want to start asking questions, though. The last thing he wanted to do was let word get out he was feeding Brendan information.
She opened her mouth to say something to him but then the guard opened the door. She shut her mouth and sighed to herself. She wasn't even going to be able to try to hash this out with him over the phone. The next time she would talk to him was when she came to visit him the following week after the vacation. She watched as the guard escorted him away, and noticed when the guard did a double take. She figured he just recognized her from being a former inmate, she had no idea that he might have been friends with Brendan.

She left the Center and took the bus then train back to the city. She walked the four blocks home and breathed a huge sigh of relief when she got there. She stripped off all of her clothes and stowed them away, getting into the shower and taking a nice hot one for at least an hour. She got out and changed into lounging clothes, prepared to just laze around for the rest of the afternoon and evening.
Brendan got a call from his friend that Saturday evening. There wasn't much to tell really, except that Dexter had spotted Elsa at the Center. And in a trench coat in late spring, no less. Dexter said that was about all he could dig up. Brendan hung up, and quietly pondered this development for the rest of the night. He knew that contact was required with Carlos. That much Elsa hadn't denied. But this seriously worried him. He decided, however, that hard as it was, he wasn't going to bring it up until the vacation. And the end of the vacation, at that. He was looking forward to it too much, and wanted to show Elsa all the love and care he could for a full weekend before bringing it up. Hopefully, she'd be in a good frame of mind by then.

The next day, he called her in the morning, and they spent an uneventful Sunday together, having lunch together and shopping for some things they needed for vacation. The next couple days, he walked her home from work as usual, and Tuesday, he cooked dinner for her. Nothing wonderful, just some chicken stir-fry, and average at that. They didn't have sex during the week. Brendan didn't push it, he thought it would be better to save it for the trip. On Thursday, the last work day before their trip, Brendan found himself sitting on the edge of the fountain on a warm, clear day, waiting for Elsa to finish up work for the long weekend.
"Hi," she said to him as she came out of her building at five o'clock sharp. She advanced on him and took his hand, but didn't say anything else. She'd been thinking about Carlos all day and how she wasn't going to be there for the phone call the next day. She actually felt bad about it. The way he'd treated her last time had been so different...she didn't hate him at all anymore. She didn't really LIKE him either, but there was no longer that burning hate for him brewing within her.

"We're leaving really early tomorrow, right?" she asked him somewhat cryptically. She had a feeling that Carlos might send his goons around tomorrow to make sure she was gone and she didn't want them to see her leave with Brendan and possibly follow them. She feared for Brendan's life, especially now that Carlos said he couldn't promise anything once he was out.
Brendan smiled, taking her hand in his as they walked her home. "Sure, I was thinking early. That way we can get the most time in there. Late morning, maybe. It's a two hour drive, after all." He looked over at Elsa, feeling nothing but love for her, even with the knowledge that something he wouldn't like was going on. He trusted her enough to know that she had the right motives for whatever she was doing. It was just that he needed to talk with her about it, eventually.

"I was thinking about it," he began with a little hesitation. "Maybe we could get your stuff, and you can stay over my place tonight. That way, it'll be an easy leave tomorrow. We'll have all our things together. And I could never complain about some extra cuddle time with you. Just cuddling for tonight," he vowed with a grin.
She smiled up at him, "That would be great, babe." she liked the idea of staying over at his place a lot. The thugs didn't know where Brendan lived, so they wouldn't be able to follow the pair when the left the next day. She squeezed his hand and swung their hands back and forth gently as they walked. When they reached her apartment building they ascended the stairs and she unlocked her door. She turned on one of the lights, and turned to him, "I'll get my stuff ready, and we can be out in five minutes."

She gestured towards the couch as if he should sit on it. She went into her room and got her duffel bag out from underneath her bed. She stuffed the new lingerie they had picked out together in there along with a bunch of other clothes. She put her toiletries in there and then pranced out to the living room. "I'm ready!" she cooed.
"Let's go, then," he declared, popping up from the couch, and giving her a brief kiss there in the middle of the living room. "Say goodbye to this place until Sunday night," he said happily, taking her duffel bag and escorting her out the door. He even forgot all about Carlos for the time being, he was looking forward so much to their first trip together.

Once they got to his place, they ordered pizza, and watched TV on the couch together for the rest of the evening. They got into his bed at a reasonable hour, and slept well and peacefully together. Brendan enjoyed the warmth of her body there with him, and woke up first in the morning. "How do you feel, baby?" he whispered, running his fingers across her face. He loved the way she looking the morning. It was so natural, so Elsa. Just plain her. "You ready for me to whisk you away for the weekend, sweetheart?"
She had enjoyed their quiet evening together. She ate more pizza than he did, but hey, she was eating for two so she really didn't. She loved their sleeping together, wrapped up in each other's arms without any expectation of sex or servicing like there would undoubtedly be every night with Carlos. When they woke up the next morning she smiled at Brendan lovingly and leaned her face in to give him a soft kiss on the lips.

"I feel okay. Better because I'm with you," she pressed her nose against his and kissed him again. Then she nodded, "Yes. I'm more than ready. I'm hungry too." and then she laughed.
Brendan laughed at her playfulness. He gave Elsa a little rub over her bump, before kissing her on the back of the neck and getting up. "I'll take care of that," he said as he pulled some shorts on and headed for the kitchen. He returned a couple of minutes later with a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice on a tray. "I know it's not much, baby, but I don't know if I have time to cook. It reminds me of that time I visited you in the regular jail and we had cereal," he recalled with a smile. "Why don't you eat in bed while I shower?"

He readied himself quickly, getting dressed and carrying all their things to his car. Once everything was outside except the two of them, he walked downstairs hand in hand with Elsa and got them going. He put some music on in the car, glancing over at Elsa once in a while, enjoying the nice driving weather. After a while, he reached across the car and took her hand. "I'm so glad you came, baby. We're going to just forget about work and pressures, and have a good time together, deal?"
She grinned when he brought her the cereal and juice in bed. She sat up and munched away on it while he showered and got ready. When she was finished she slid out of the bed and washed the dishes herself, putting them away before he even finished his shower. She got dressed then in the pretty maternity dress he'd bought her. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. At nearly five months she was showing quite a bit now. She didn't mind though. Actually...she liked it.

She breathed in the wonderful air as they sped off together. She squeezed his hand and looked over at him, her face relaxed and happy. "Deal babe. I'm so glad we're going together. It''s been stressful lately,"
Finally arriving at the lake house, Brendan got out and walked around the vehicle, helping Elsa get up from the low seat. "You look amazing in that dress, Els," he told her. He walked her in and then went back to the car for all the bags. "So, are you tired from all the driving, or you want to explore a little, maybe take a walk by the lake?" he asked, sitting next to her on the couch, and tickling her on the hip before leaning over and kissing her nose.
She looked around in awe at the beautiful lake house before he took her inside. He'd picked a beautiful spot. She loved it already, and it was so pretty and calm in the mid-morning. She sat back on the couch inside, glancing around the place. The first thought that came to her mind was that they were going to have sex here sometime this weekend. Probably more than once. That made her giggle and her face was a little flush with excitement when he came in and tickled her. She giggled and leaned over to peck his lips after he kissed her nose.

"I think a walk would be good for me...and the baby." she said, her smile softening at the mention of her child.
Brendan kissed her lips eagerly, looking forward to being playful later. "That sounds amazing," he agreed. He led her outside, and down a short ways to the lake. There was a dirt path all around it, offering nice views of the calm water. There didn't seem to be anyone around, maybe the others would arrive later in the day. He grabbed her butt through the dress, leaning over and kissing her head. "I can think of some other fun things to do this weekend, too. Can you?" he joked, grabbing her butt a little harder.
She followed him out the lake house and down by the lake. She took another deep breath, adoring the smell of country air rather than the dank city air. She'd smelled city air her entire life, except for the one time she'd been to a camp for poor kids. Her father hadn't allowed her to go back though, despite how much she'd told him she loved it. Her place was in the city, he said, jacking cars with him and being a good girl. The good girl part she never really got. Until now, maybe. Except not so much with Carlos, who would be the one he would want her to be good for.

She squealed when Brendan grabbed her butt and she turned and wrinkled her nose playfully at him. She squealed louder when he grabbed it again and she lunged at him, wrapping her arms around him and biting his neck playfully. "Yes...I can,"
Brendan's heart raced when Elsa jumped on him and bit his neck. He leaned around her and bit the back of her neck, repaying the favor. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her off the path, behind a tree. "Come on, baby," he whispered. "Let me give you a little treat. Right here," he said with a devious grin. "If anyone comes around, we can stop." He sat down on the grass, motioning her to follow him. The grass was soft and cushiony, like a nice pillow, almost. They'd done a lot of things in bed together, but this was something they hadn't done, and he hoped she'd go for it.
Her eyes widened when he pulled her off the path to a tree. Her face flushed and she looked around, her heart beginning to race. "Brendan!" she hissed at him in a hushed voice, as if there were people all around. "We're outside!" she wasn't sure that she could do anything with him outside. That...that was a lot for her. He'd broken her out of her shell in a lot of ways, but being sexual outside? That would take quite a bit of convincing.
Brendan grinned despite her protests, getting up on his knees and holding her hips for balance. "Come on, babe," he pleaded gently, giving her a kiss on her bump through the dress. "Do you see anyone? Besides, you can keep your dress on, so in case anyone comes..." he trailed off, sliding his hand under her dress, up Elsa's thigh, and gently touching her mound over her underwear, giving her.a light rub there. His heart was pounding himself out of fear. He'd never done something like this before, of course. "At least sit with me," he suggested, patting the grass. "It's really soft."
She huffed at him when he rubbed her baby bump. He knew that would soften her up. Funny how rubbing her baby bump would make her more inclined to have sex with him in the open, or play with him at least. When he slid his hand up her dress and rubbed at her she fidgeted and huffed again, trying her hardest to refuse him. But she couldn't do it. "Alright, I'll sit with you." and she took hold of his hand and lowered herself down onto the grass next to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck loosely and snuggled into his neck.
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