The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

The sound of his name moaned out in passion was amazing. He'd never heard Elsa do that before, and he could tell it was completely natural. It was what her animal instinct told her to moan while she was in the throes of orgasm, and he loved it. As he closed his eyes and began perspiring, the darker side of him considered pulling out and cumming on her face and chest, her hands defenseless to protect herself. But the tender feeling inside him overrode that urge, and he began bucking hard and fast, his seed exploding out of him, firing deep inside Elsa towards her womb.

As soon as he'd calmed down just a little bit, he frantically untied one of Elsa's wrists, then the other. He needed her touch, her soft caress on his face, his body. He didn't pull out of her yet ,though, collapsing in a sort of an arch around her curved body, letting his cock revel in the wonderful, post-orgasmic warmth only Elsa could offer him. "You were amazing, as usual," he whispered, stroking her cheek once he caught his breath.
She murred softly as she felt him cum inside of her. Brendan cumming in her was always such a wonderful feeling. It felt completely natural, it felt like that was what was supposed to happen. When Carlos did it she hated it, she felt nasty, used. She never felt used like that when Brendan shot his seed inside of her. The moment he untied her wrists she flung her arms around his neck. She squeezed him for a few moments, feeling his cock still inside of her. She squeezed his cock manually a couple of times, very gently, just to tell him that she loved him in another way.

She stroked his cheek and forehead lightly, giving him a series of soft, gentle, affectionate kisses. "I better wake up to your silly face in the morning," she said to him seriously, giving him another kiss, "Don't leave before I wake up, okay?"
Brendan gasped a little when she worked his cock. It was an act of devotion in every way, but beyond that, it felt excellent. He wasn't used to having his cock touched after sex, but like her clit, it was still tingling and sensitive. "You're quite dutiful," he mumbled with a pleased grin. "Maybe it was a mistake to tie you up..."

Kissing her back, he slid his cock all the way out, and rolled over, facing her and moving his hand all over her back, scratching lightly with his fingertips, before ending up at her hair, stroking it gently. "I promise, baby," he said, throwing the sheet back over them, reaching over her, and tucking the edge under Elsa's body. "I wouldn't miss a chance to wake up next to the prettiest girl in the world."
She giggled softly as her love tucked her in. She snuggled up to him and fell asleep quickly, feeling so safe there with him that the building could fall down around them and she wouldn't budge an inch. She woke up the next morning to his sleeping face and was thrilled by it. She kissed him until he woke up, they had a quick breakfast together, and then he walked her to work. They didn't have sex again that week, but they didn't really feel a need to. They made out a ton of times though and she gave him another blowjob just for fun a couple of days later.

But then Saturday came. She'd managed to convince Brendan that he didn't need a ride from her to girl's day or anything, so he left her completely alone. She dressed in her outfit for Carlos warily and put a coat over it so people wouldn't stare at her. She took the train and then the bus to the Center and signed in, but this time she had to wait five minutes until they cleared a room. When they finally did she went in and sat, the coat still pulled tightly around her as she waited for Carlos to arrive.
Brendan absolutely loved waking up with Elsa. It made him miss that during the next couple of nights, when he had to sleep alone. He had to call in late when he slept over Elsa's, and sadly, couldn't walk her home that afternoon. It was the first time he'd missed since they'd been back together. But all-in-all, it didn't seem to be a problem. He walked her home the rest of the week, reminding her on Friday that it was only a week until their little trip. He didn't mind at all being apart from her Saturday, considering she was going out with the girls.

Carlos had been looking forward to this visit more than any other. After all, the itinerary was all planned out for him. And, of course, Elsa would be closer to bearing his child than two weeks ago. As the door opened, and his cuffs were removed, he gave Elsa almost a peaceful smile. "Nice of you to see me again, sugar," he said with a grin, walking over to her and rubbing her stomach, avoiding any lewd remarks or actions for the time being. "How's my little boy?" he asked, his face right in hers.
She looked up when she heard the door open and saw Carlos looming there in the doorway. He gave her a strange smile. Well, it wouldn't have been strange coming from anyone else, but it was strange coming from him. And then he walked over to her and rubbed her belly (something Brendan never did) and just asked her a simple question. "He's good," she said softly, placing her hand on the side of her little bump, their two hands nearly touching. She looked up into his eyes and searched there for a moment, not seeing any malice or lust there...and least not yet.
Carlos moved his hand over hers and, completely unexpectedly squeezed her hand. He gave her a little smile, before backing away and sitting at the table. "Well, take good care of him, okay? Things lookin' good for me. I might get sprung in a few months." He gave Elsa a look up and down. He didn't feel the same violent lust towards her as before. Yet, two weeks was still a long time for him to go without pussy, at least in his mind. And, obviously, it would be another two weeks before had had another chance.

"So," he started, breaking the ice, a smile working its way over his face. "I hope you got something better under that," he said, pointing to her long coat. "I think you got a routine prepared, ain't that right?" He leaned back in the chair, arms folded, as if awaiting a show- which was, in fact, exactly what he was waiting for.
A tiny piece of her melted when he squeezed her hand. For the first time she realized that she was going to have a baby with the man in front of her. She knew the whole time that she was going to have a baby and that he fathered it, but she only really realized now that they were having it together. She watched him move over to the other chair at the table and actually had a tiny bit of respect for him. The way he carried himself was respectful and confident. If he wasn't such a violent asshole to her all the time...maybe she could have more than just a little respect for him.

"Yeah, I got something better." she said to him, a hint of playfulness in her voice. When she was with him she always slipped back into her ghetto talk, which she didn't like. She also didn't know where this sudden ease with him was coming from, but it was making it a lot easier for her to play his game. She stood up and took a couple of steps towards him, her heels (the same ones she'd worn for Brendan that one time, actually) clicking as she walked. She unbuttoned the coat and then pulled it open, giving Carlos a view of his prescribed outfit before she let the coat drop behind her.
Carlos' grin actually got a little bit bigger once Elsa started to strut her stuff. She was either really into it, or putting on an amazing show of being so. The outfit was just as he'd asked. He could see the outline of her nipples through the thin silk blouse, not helped by the drafty visiting room. "You sure you never been a stripper, girl?" he called out, reaching down and touching himself unabashedly. He remembered that she'd promised to strip not only herself, but him, too, and he slid his hands around the waist of his pants anxiously, waiting to see what she'd do next.
"Cause once you done being pregnant, I see a career for you there, sugar."
"No sir," she said, a little more playful now (playful enough apparently to call him sir), shaking her head as she took another step towards him. She grabbed hold of the bottom of the silk blouse and began tugging it up, her baby bump shown to him. She pulled it up further until it revealed her large breasts with her hardened nipples. She tugged it all the way off of her and tossed it on the floor. "I'm pretty picky about who I do my thing for," she advanced on him again, this time coming right up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. She swung her hips back and forth for him slowly, her breasts swaying as well.
"That's okay, girl," he said, giving a whistle. "I can feel a private showing." He rubbed her baby bump as she approached him, finding it quite sexy himself. He placed his hands on her hips, letting them wander down her legs over the dark nylons. Leaning over towards her, he took a bite at one of her breasts, but missed. "Lean over so I can suck your tits," he asked lewdly, staring hungrily at her pendulous breasts. "And, now that you say it, I think 'sir' be a good way to talk to me. You mine, after all," he said with a grin. "You havin' my baby boy."

He resisted the strong urge to hurl an insult at Brendan. He was smart enough to know that might kill the mood, and that was the last thing he wanted to do. "Don't mean you have to stop the show, though," he added, a huge erection developing under his baggy pants.
She laughed softly when he told her to lean over so that he could suck on her tits. So his gentlemanly air hadn't lasted very long. She hadn't thought it would. It was, after all, still Carlos, the ghetto Latino convict. She didn't think he had enough gentleman in him to last an hour. She leaned over as he'd told her to, her breasts hanging right in his face now. She reached her hands back to her waist and shimmied her short skirt down until it dropped to the floor. She stepped out of it and then straddled Carlos, her legs covered in just the thigh-high dark nylons and the thong he'd requested. She ground against his erection slowly, teasing, as she ran her hands over his short hair.

"I been thinking about names for our boy," she said softly as she let him suck on her breasts, "I don't think Carlos Jr is gonna fit him,"
Carlos tilted his head up and began lapping at her breasts. He'd always been a breast man, and loved Elsa's full breasts, which were even more so now that she was swelling some. He did notice that the piercings were gone, but was having too much fun to say anything about that. He licked both nipples extensively, reaching around and grabbing her ass while she ground against him. Her hands felt good against him, she was really into it. But then, he heard what she said. He wasn't much against not naming the boy Carlos, but she said it like she had the right to name the boy. Again, he wasn't going to upset the apple cart of delights she was providing, so he just stopped sucking her for a moment. "What name you thinking of then?" he inquired, hands remaining on her cushioned backside as he looked up at her.
She could tell that he was a little frazzled at the thought of her wanting to name the child herself. He was going at her breasts so adamantly that it must have taken a lot for him to stop and pay attention to her. She kept grinding on him as he looked at her, not wanting to let a dispute get in the way of what she was doing. If she could keep him mesmerized enough while doing this, she was sure she could get quite a lot out of him. She even went so far as to dip her head in and kiss his lips softly, meeting his eyes as she did so. She kept her hands on his head, sensing that he liked that.

"William is nice," she said gently, stroking his fuzzy hair lightly, "Guillermo in Spanish. I think Gui is such a cute little boy name. He'd grow into his full name," and then she realized that she didn't know Carlos' last name.
"Hmph," was all Carlos said when she kissed him. He knew what she was doing. He was going to play along for now, but it didn't mean he would later. "Guillermo Jara," he said softly to himself, testing out the sound of it. "What about Pedro Jara? I like the sound better. Peter," he suggested, more to just put his own idea out there than anything. He rasped a little when she touched his head. It wasn't something anyone had done to him in some time. And even a hardened convict benefited from a human touch now and again.

He let his hips grind up against her, his cock pressing through his own pants and Elsa's nylons, pushing against Elsa's hidden pussy. "We can talk 'bout that later. Why don't we get on with the business at hand?" he offered with a grin, tugging at the waistline of her nylons suggestively.
Peter? It sounded nice in English, but she didn't like it so much in Spanish. But Carlos was getting restless and she didn't want to push it too much. She lifted her hips up when he began pulling at her nylons and moved her hands away from his head so that she could pull the nylons down herself. Then she reached forward and began tugging at his prison pants. He lifted his hips so that she could tug them off and his erection was obviously prominent through his white boxers. She looped her fingers into those as well too and tugged them down, leaving his manhood completely exposed and her womanhood only covered by her thin thong.

She gave him a little pout and leaned down to kiss him again. When he didn't really respond she pouted more, "What? You don't want to kiss me?"
Carlos had been thinking about a few things. It was unusual for him to let his mind wander with his hot, almost naked baby-mama gyrating in front of him, but he was thinking about the name, and his relationship with Elsa. Starting, he looked up at Elsa. So she wanted a kiss? He pulled her towards him by the neck, and kissed her hard, forcing his tongue into her mouth. It wasn't really gentle, but for Carlos, it was. He pressed his hips towards her, his rock hard cock pushing the thin string that covered her pussy inside of her a little bit.

"I think you meant to say 'You don't want to kiss me, sir', didn't you?" he corrected her playfully, instead of in a mean tone. "Don't get your little pussy wet too soon, sugar," he warned. "You still got a show to finish."
She was taken by surprise when he pulled her forehead by the neck and smacked his lips onto hers. And then his tongue was in her mouth, but it wasn't assaulting her like it had in past times. It was playing with her tongue, in as much as Carlos could really play. It wasn't a gentle kiss by any means, but coming from Carlos it was almost soft and cuddly. When he pulled away she stared at him for a moment, captured by the intimate kiss they'd just shared. She was beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, she and Carlos could have some semblance of a normal relationship.

She nodded, almost automatically, and said, "Yes, that's what I meant sir," her voice was soft, and almost affectionate. She smiled then when he teased her. She nodded again and got up off of him, taking a step back from him and doing a little spin. She did another half spin, ending facing away from him. She spread her legs open a little and hooked her fingers into the elastic of her thong, bent over some, and then slowly pulled them down to reveal herself to him.
Carlos felt his blood pressure instantly elevate when Elsa stripped off her panties. The way she did it was supremely sexy, much more so than were he to rip them off her. It was slow and deliberate, her wonderful milky ass on display the whole time. She lowered the little string that ran through her crack ever so slowly, gradually revealing her moist pussy in between. Unable to just watch any longer, he stood up, stepping out of his pants, and approached Elsa.

"Stay down," he half-growled. Grabbing her hips, his cock flapped against one of her butt cheeks as he pressed her forward. "Get up against the wall, and lean against the it with your hands," he ordered, his English significantly improving when he knew exactly what he wanted. He pressed his knees inside her legs, and pried them a little farther apart. Reaching up between her legs, he ran his finger up and down over her slit. "You ready for a serious fucking?" he rasped in a low half-whisper, one hand now squeezing a handful of ass, before releasing and giving evidence of a red hand print there.
Oh man. This was taking a turn Elsa hadn't expected. She had thought that she would ride him in the chair, similar to the way it had been in his solitary cell except that this time they were in a visiting room and he was in a chair. Instead he was pushing her towards the wall and keeping her bent over, her pussy on display for him. When she reached the wall and placed her hands against it, supporting herself there the best she could, her pried her legs open even wider, almost as if she was being strip searched by a police officer.

She swallowed hard and nodded her head, "Yes sir," she whimpered, a little afraid. His tone had changed completely and she was afraid that he might accidentally (or even purposely) hurt her in this state, and that wasn't what she wanted. After all the progress they'd just made, was he going to ruin it?
Carlos just hadn't been able to resist the temptation of a slick pussy on display. He was however, being decidedly gentle, for him, at least. He took a hold of Elsa's hips once she'd obliged him. He could tell she was a little fearful now, and that put him right in his comfort zone. Using her hips to pull himself in, he slid his cock between her butt cheeks. Suddenly, he turned upwards, and poked his cock just once against her virgin anal bud, feeling her whole body shake as he did so. He never intended to violate her there, but he wanted to let her know that he could have, but chose not to.

Sliding his cock down along her, he pushed it up against her opening, and gradually used her hips to pull himself inside her sex. Despite the animal-like position he'd chose, he was exceedingly gentle, gradually sinking his large cock deep inside her, then slowly pulling almost out, before repeating. She was tight and warm, just like always. He kept at this slow pace for a few minutes, running his hand along her back and sides. Gradually, he started moving a little faster. "Do you feel okay, or do you need to change position, with your belly and all?" he asked clearly, his breathing just a little heavy.
Her heart froze when she felt him press the tip of his cock up against her anal bud. Was he really going to do that? At this point there would be no stopping him, but it would absolutely murder any hopes she had for him. He moved away from there though and she breathed a deep sigh of relief. Point taken. She'd understood his threat completely. She felt him move her hips to slide himself in, and this time, he slid in smoothly. It was smooth and gentle, not rough and forced like it usually was. She even went so far as to close her eyes when he began to thrust back and forth, she was actually feeling a good deal of pleasure from this.

"I --" she started, taking a pause to really evaluate how she was feeling. She felt extremely good, actually. "I feel good," she murmured, her pussy muscles squeezing him gently as he picked up his pace, "Really good," that time it sounded more like a moan, "...sir," she added on at the end.
This might have been the most gentle sexual encounter the Carlos had had in years. Of course, it wasn't gentle by average standards, but he was used to being rough. Interestingly, it wasn't only for fear of his baby that he held back. Maybe it was subconscious, but there was a certain emotional connection growing as she got farther along with his child inside her. To be sure, though, the sex was amazing. It was a power position he had her in; he was the prisoner, but Elsa was the one up against a wall, legs spread, presenting him with her naked pussy and ass for the taking.

"Damn, you sweet, bitch," he panted as he continued pounding her, regressing into familiar language. His cock was tingling with pleasure as she squeezed him. "Ahh," he moaned. "You so fuckable today, I don't think I'ma even make you finger that horny pussy of yours." As his cock swelled a little bit with excitement and he started pushing harder, he felt a pressure that was her cervix at the end of each thrust. Standing up straighter, he eliminated any angle so he could just get a half inch or so deeper. Pulling hard on her hips, he sunk himself as deep as he could with each thrust. As he looked down and saw his shaft throttling her, Elsa's juices began to ooze off it each time he pulled mostly out. "I think I'll make you scream like a cock whore myself," he groaned, giving her a few light spanks on the ass.
Carlos had made Elsa cum in the past, it was true. The fact about that, though, was that he'd worked her into a frenzy and then driven her over the edge. The orgasms had never really meant anything to her that way, they weren't personal in any way. This time, though...was very obviously different to both of them. Despite Carlos' choice of language she could tell that this round of sex was probably the closest to making love the two of them were ever going to get. She wasn't sure that she really wanted to make love with Carlos but she definitely didn't want it to be violent sex every time. This was a good medium.

Elsa'd closed her eyes by the time he stood up straight and was really hitting her deep. His cock was so huge that her insides could barely accommodate him, which while sometimes painful meant that he didn't even have to try to hit most of her sweet spots. Her pussy was still squeezing him rhythmically, a little more intensely now as he made her hotter, and she was moaning for him naturally. She hadn't had to force it once.
Carlos felt Elsa's body heaving as he kept holding her hips. He loved it the way she whimpered and moaned. She wanted it badly, even though she wasn't there of her own free will. "Ahhhm, tell me your pussy want to drink my cum," he moaned, rocking faster still. Waves of amazing pleasure coursed through his body, but he didn't hold back, knowing Elsa was right at the edge, too. He'd actually become quite in tune with her sexuality.

As he was almost at the edge, he let one hand off her hip, and raked his fingernails across her butt. Suddenly, he let his index finger dive between her spread cheeks and stimulate her anally without penetrating. He knew it would make her uncomfortable, but stimulate some new sensations in her. A few seconds later, he grabbed her hips again, and ground into her hard, almost mechanically, crying out as he released a hard stream of cum deep inside her hot tunnel. "Ahhh, you my sexy baby-mama," he groaned, almost endearingly.
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