The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Brendan closed his eyes and let their foreheads touch, enjoying the closeness her move afforded them. He skimmed through a couple other websites while Elsa attended to the meal. He could tell she was on the fence with the first one. Seeing something else he liked, he left it up, and kept browsing. Once she came back, he cuddled up with her again, running his hand through her hair, before turning the computer back to her. It had a picture of a metal collar with shackles attached to it. He cracked up a second later. "I'm just kidding, babe," he teased, closing out that window.

Behind it was a pretty pink outfit. He remembered how hot she'd been the time she played dress up for him with the pink teddy. This outfit was one piece, coming halfway to the knee, with two thick straps over the shoulders, and all mesh underneath the bra. It came with a very naughty pair of crotchless panties that went underneath the sheer pink mesh, which could be attached to the fishnets with a garter. "I have to say, this one's pretty naughty, too," he said, poking her softly in the side. "But now that I've got you thinking along these lines, you can surprise me, too, if you want. That worked out pretty well last time."
She wrinkled her nose at the collar and shackles. That was a little much for her. She might entertain the idea of wearing a collar if he asked her (or if she thought he would like it and she decided to dress up as such for him) but the shackles reminded her of prison. She looked at the pink outfit and smiled. It was very naughty, but it was cute at the same time. She grinned and pulled the computer away from him, "I'm sure I'll figure out something good."

They spent the rest of the day lazing around, skimming through the television channels, and looking at other silly things online. At five thirty Elsa decided that she was hungry, and that meant it was dinner time no matter what. She went to the kitchen area and prepared everything for the two of them. She set the pasta salad with cut up chicken in a bowl on the table and got herself a glass of milk. She opened a beer and set it down at his place. She grinned at him, "I bought you some beer. You have a limit though -- only two per visit."
It had been a nice, lazy day together, a perfect rainy day inside, with the perfect company. Brendan had been starting to get hungry, but didn't say anything. He'd been getting a crash course in etiquette around a pregnant woman, and already knew enough to let Elsa's internal clock determine when it was time to eat. But the cool pasta salad with chicken looked amazing as she scooped it onto the plates.

He was a little surprised that she gave him a beer, considering what happened last time alcohol was involved. It just showed that she loved and trusted him, he figured. She was wonderful, the way she would show his trust in such an understated way. It was also embarrassing to have a limit imposed, but he knew he'd earned it. He'd never had a problem with drinking affecting his mood except that once. "Thanks so much, babe. I don't know if I could take milk with my pasta," he joked, reaching up and stroking her cheek. He took a few bites, enjoying the food thoroughly. "Mmm, this is amazing, honey," he said between bites, before continuing to dig into his plate.
She dug into her food, enjoying it immensely. The way she made pasta salad was different from how most people made it. It was cool pasta, olive oil, a bevy of spices, cooked vegetables, and mixed cheese all tossed together and then chicken added to it. It was one of her absolute favorite dishes, and she was glad that she was craving it during her pregnancy instead of something weird like peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. She took a long drink of her milk and then giggled at him. "I love drinking milk with pasta. I think it's great. But it's okay that you don't," she played with his feet under the table, trying to provoke him just a little bit.

Brendan had completely enjoyed Elsa's unique take on pasta salad, the spices giving it some originality, and the chicken making it a hearty meal all by itself. "I'll try anything once," he offered. "But I don't know if I'd really like milk with anything after about noontime." He laughed when she came after him under the table, kicking back at her and squishing his toes against her foot. He got up and cleared the plates and glasses after they finished. "I'd say you were taking advantage of your situation having me serve you hand and foot, but you just worked all day at one of the most kick-ass meals I've ever had, so I guess I should just thank you." Once he rinsed the plates off and put them in the dishwasher, he walked back over to Elsa, and rubbed her shoulders. "I have an idea for tonight, Els," he suggested. "It might sound sexual, but it's really not. Are you up to anything, or do you just want to get some rest?"
"Yeah, I'm up for whatever, babe." she said as he came back over to her. She was so appreciative that he helped her clean up and made her feel good and cared about whether or back hurt or if she needed rest. If she was living with Carlos she would be working by herself. She'd be doing all of the cooking, cleaning, and everything else all by herself. And at the drop of a hat she'd have to be on her knees blowing him when he told her to. She took hold of Brendan's hands when he began to rub her shoulders, placing them just on top of his.

(Gah, really short)
Brendan rubbed her shoulders a little more vigorously when he detected that she liked it, but then paused when she placed her hands on top of his. He'd caught a glimpse of the outline of one of the nipple barbells earlier through her shirt, and although he hadn't seen her womanhood for a month, assumed the clit piercing was still in, too. "You know," he said a little gingerly, leaning his head down closer to hers. "Your breasts are going to swell up more, I'm sure. I wonder if it might be painful for you to keep the piercings in. I don't know if I could do a piercing, but I've seen enough to be able to take the nipple ones out pretty easily. I could take the other one out for you, too, if you want." He thought that maybe making her body a clean slate of sorts would help her to give them a chance at a fresh start as a couple, too. "No strings attached. What do you say?"
She thought about what he said about the piercings. He was right. The nipple piercings were probably a bad idea at this point. The baby wouldn't be able to suckle her either if she had them in, and that was really bad. She looked up at him and nodded, "Okay babe. You can take out the nipple ones," but then she thought about the clit one. She hadn't really enjoyed it before, but it had grown on her. It gave her extra sparks of pleasure when Brendan touched her, even sometimes when she wasn't doing anything special at all it would rub against her and make her feel tingly. She kept her eyes on his and grinned a little mischievously, "But...I think I'll keep the clit one. It's sort of fun," she giggled.
Brendan looked at Elsa as she answered, grinning and biting his tongue between his teeth as she explained that she liked the clit ring. He was aware that it really intensified her orgasms, which he loved, and of course it did have some special significance between them. He would have removed it, though, if she really didn't like it. "Now that's the naughty part of you talking," he teased, running his hand quickly down along her stomach, but stopping just short of rubbing along the panties. He had promised there wouldn't be any strings attached, after all. "Not the proper lady at all."

He walked over to the sink, and filled a large glass with warm water. "I'll soak a washcloth in the water, so I can rub it around while I take them out," he explained. "Taking them out in a warm bath might be the most soothing way, but that might be too much trouble." He headed over towards the couch, sitting down on the floor in front of it, and patted the cushion. "This is probably a good place," he suggested.
She giggled when he said she wasn't being the proper lady at all and that her naughty side was coming out. It was true. But she didn't really try to be very proper when she was at home. Why? She was proper enough when she went out and things like that. When she was at home she was supposed to be comfortable, at ease, and not worried about anything. Just another reason why living with Carlos would never work for her. Hell, if the baby started crying in the middle of something Carlos wanted, he would probably make the baby wait!

She moved over to the couch and sat down on it. She took hold of the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head, placing it on the couch next to her. She could have just lifted it up, but what the hell, might as well just take it off entirely. She looked at her already enlarging breasts and wholeheartedly agreed that it was better to take the piercings out.
Brendan smiled, and rubbed both of her knees as she sat in front of him. When she took off her shirt, he got his first good look at her pregnant body. When she'd given him a good time at his place, she hadn't taken anything off, of course. Her breasts and nipples were now a little enlarged, the area around the barbells starting to get a little puffy. Her belly wasn't huge, there was just a bump there that couldn't be mistaken for anything else. "God, you're gorgeous, baby," he breathed out, tracing a hand along her stomach, and then getting up on his knees and giving her a kiss on the lips. He was glad she wasn't self-conscious with him about her changing body. That could have presented a problem.

"I forgot the washcloth," he said, getting one from the bathroom and returning. Dipping it in the warm water, he reached up, and gently ran it all around one breast until it glistened. Then, he reached in, and expertly released the clip holding the barbell on. Steadying her nipple and holding it tight with one hand, he quickly slid the piercing out with the other hand. He knew it would be a little painful, but quick was the way to go. As soon as it was out, he returned the small towel to its place, pressing it firmly against her so it would soothe Elsa in the process.
Her face flushed when he told her she was gorgeous. She wasn't even pregnant with his baby and he still thought she was beautiful. Carlos had seen her naked pregnant body already and he'd barely said a word about it, and it was his damn baby in there. Strangely, this only made her want to have a baby with Brendan. She wondered how he would feel about that. Having a baby with her after she'd already had another man's child. She wondered too if she could ever induce Carlos to giving up parenting rights and let Brendan adopt the child...probably not.

She winced when he pulled the piercing out, but he was right there with the washcloth to soothe her. She stroked his hair gently, looking down at him there in front of her. "There's going to be weird holes there, aren't there?" she said with a little scrunch of her nose.
Brendan looked down and held up the barbell lengthwise. It was fairly thick for a piercing. "There'll be some holes for a little while, but they'll fill in," he assured her. He smiled as she stroked him, feeling the love transfer between their bodies, so it seemed. He dipped the rag into the glass again, noticing the little hole once he took the washcloth away. Her nipple was puffy and hugely erect from the action he'd performed on her. If she had to get dressed now, he didn't think that anything she could possibly put on would hide the size of that nipple.

Turning to the other side, he wet it down, and repeated the process, returning the rag over her breast afterward. He got up on his knees again, holding the washcloth tight with one hand still, and touched her forehead with his, showing that he liked her choice display of affection. "You've had a long day, babe," he whispered. You'll probably want to sleep soon. And most likely on your back," he joked. "So how about I get going and let you do that?" He thought it odd to offer to go home with Elsa topless right in front of him, but he knew it was the right thing to do.
She smiled widely when he pressed his forehead against hers. It made all of the pain from taking the piercings out go away completely. She pouted when he pulled away though, she didn't want him to leave. She was feeling more and more like she wanted to live with him, that she wanted to be around him all of the time. She just didn't want him to have to know how much contact she had to have with Carlos. But when she thought about it, she really should let him go home. She needed to go shopping for wear when she saw Carlos, and tomorrow would be the only day for her to do that.

"Okay," she said, still pouting. She reached her hand up and stroked his cheek gently. Then she leaned foreword and kissed him lovingly. "I'll see you on Monday, right?" she said, completely skipping over the next day in hopes that he would just take it as a day she needed to rest. "You'll walk me home?"
Brendan was sorry to leave, but he knew that it was for the best. He loved Elsa's cute pout, and although he was far from manipulative, he thought it was best to leave her wanting more sometimes. Maybe that would help a little towards his goal of bringing them back together. He returned her kiss, letting his lips linger on hers for a few extra seconds. He wondered himself what happened to Sunday, but didn't press it. He trusted Elsa, but had a feeling something was going on. It worried him more than angered him, because he suspected that if she were in trouble or something of that nature, she might not tell him. Giving her one last kiss, he forced himself to turn away, as much as he wanted to embrace her adorable half-naked body and cuddle with her on the couch for the rest of the night.

"You know I'll be there Monday, baby," he said as he took his jacket out of the closet and headed out. "Don't forget I love you, even when you're here by yourself, Els. Goodnight." He was glad to see that the rain had lessened, and he stayed relatively dry walking to his car, and then into his building once he got home. Brendan made good use of Sunday, getting some things done he'd been behind on. He went grocery shopping, cleaned and organized his apartment, and bought some work clothes, since the first few sets he had were getting worn already. Monday was a busy day. The building was behind schedule, and the owner of the company was pressuring everyone to work some overtime. But Brendan held his ground. He had somewhere important to be at 5:00.
After he left her she took another long hot shower and then climbed into her bed in her maternity nightgown. She had a hard time sleeping that night and kept reaching over to the side for a body, Brendan's body, but of course...he wasn't there. She was alone, and she was less and less okay with that as the days went by. She woke up on Sunday drenched in sweat and feeling extremely nauseous. She went to the bathroom and was sick for at least half an hour. She felt bad the entire day but she still went out and bought the stupid things she needed for Carlos. Every time she did something for him she felt physically ill. That wasn't a good sign.

On Monday she went through work feeling moderately well. Usually she felt worse as the day went by, but this time she felt better. She was actually feeling a little frisky by the time five o'clock rolled around. When it did she nearly ran outside and attacked Brendan. She kissed him hard for several seconds and then pulled away giggling. "Gooood afternoon," she cooed.
Brendan looked forward to five o'clock each and every weekday afternoon. Usually, however, Elsa was exhausted from a long day, and less than energetic. She couldn't be blamed, of course; she was an expecting mother. So when she attacked him on Monday, he wasn't prepared at all. He gave back as much passion as she doled out in the kiss before pulling away, a big smile radiating across his face. His heart raced at the friskiness he hadn't seen in her for some time. "What's got into you, beautiful?" he asked with an excited laugh, giving her a tight embrace and lifting her a few inches off the ground, careful not to put pressure on her stomach.
"Mmmm," she murred as he lifted her up, only really answering him when he set her back down on the ground. "I donno. I just feel...playful," she giggled and wrinkled her nose at him and grabbed his hand. She swung their hands back and forth as they walked down the street towards her apartment. "Do you think you could come over for a little while?" she asked him, sliding her eyes to the side to look at him but keeping her face forward. She was being a little suggestive, but not so much that random people on the street would notice.
Brendan didn't give as much thought to what people saw. He turned his head to blatantly look at Elsa as their hands naturally gravitated to each other. "I think I could squeeze it into my schedule," he teased, feeling like he could sprint all the way to her place if it would get them there any faster. "As long as we can have playtime once we get there," he said in a low voice, a little more conscious now about their surroundings. He wondered what happened over the last day to get her all hot and bothered. He didn't care, though; he knew better than to question such a fortuitous development like this. Once they got to her building, he scooted ahead of her to open the front door for her, and then followed her up the inside steps, playfully grabbing her thigh from behind.
She squealed when he playfully grabbed her thigh as she ran up the stairs to her apartment. She couldn't run as fast as she wanted, the pregnancy slowing her down. She was still pretty quick though, and she had her key out to unlock the door as soon as they reached her apartment. She unlocked it and threw the door open, shutting and locking it quickly behind Brendan once he was in. She turned and saw him there and walked to him in a slow, sultry manner. She grinned at him and then kissed him, with open mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Brendan gave her another couple squeezes as he chased her into the apartment, as if he was hunting her as prey. There was something really cute about a pregnant girl acting overtly sexy. It was almost funny the way she strutted at him with her little belly protruding out. It really wasn't funny, though, and Brendan didn't laugh. He just held out his hands and motioned for her to come towards him, trying to wipe the smile off his face and be mockingly serious. She played the sultry diva to the tee, and his blood pressure elevated as he held her, backing up against the door, and holding her close against his body. He wrapped his arms around her too, and kissed back, opening his mouth a little and letting his tongue run across her lips. "A down to business professional by day, and a sultry temptress by night," he said softly. "Who would know?" he added with a grin, pushing her back by the shoulders now, straight back towards her bedroom.
Sultry temptress by night, she liked the sound of that. When he began to push her back towards the bedroom she went, taking as big of steps backwards as she could without tripping on herself. When she got to the bedroom door she hurried even more until she felt the bed hit the back of her knees. She flopped backwards on it and scrambled up onto it, half sitting as her clothes went a little haywire. Her skirt was half way up one thigh and her blouse was askew on her. Her hair had been in a bun but now it was slowly falling out, pieces of hair framing her face.
Brendan crawled up onto the bed in pursuit Elsa, crouching on all fours like a beast stalking its next meal, his eyes wild. He took off his work shirt and tossed it to the side, leaving only his sleeveless beater top on. He pressed both of her knees down into the bed, ignoring the rest of her for now. "I think it's your turn to be ravaged like wild," he rasped with a crazy grin. "There's no escaping it." Sliding his hands up her legs, he bunched the skirt higher and higher up on her legs. "You're just going to have to give into my devices."

Finally exposing her stretchy underwear, he ran his hand over the spot where he knew her pussy lurked beneath, tracing the tips of his fingernails across softly. Leaving the panties on for now, he leaned in, and kissed the inside of her thighs all the way up to her panties, finally kissing her over the panties over and over again. He momentarily removed his head from under her skirt, smiling devilishly at his love. "All you can do now is get ready to scream and grip those sheets."
His dirty talk was absolutely intoxicating. She already wanted him and was already turned on, but now that he was acting like a dominant towards her she was craving him. She wriggled as he pushed her skirt up, lifting her butt so he could get it out from underneath it. She laid back fully when he began to kiss the insides of her thighs, her legs automatically opening for him. She shivered when his fingernails dragged across her sensitive pussy, very briefly hitting the clit ring. Then he was kissing her pussy through her panties, teasing her horribly. "Mmmm," she groaned, her fingers already curling around the sheets on her bed. "You're teasing meee. I've missed you sooo much, baby."
He laughed gleefully when Elsa said she'd missed him. "No time for sentimentality, baby," he teased, diving back under her hiked up skirt. "Hmm, your legs know to spread open wide when I come calling, don't they?" Brendan kissed her once on the panties again, purposely moving the ring back and forth a couple times, before moving away from her sex, teasing her a little bit by kissing the smooth, milky skin right next to her panties. Elsa’s skin had been nice when he first knew her, but the pregnancy actually seemed to make it even more soft, clear, and smooth. "That horny pussy knows to open up and let me in, if it knows what's good for it." Eventually, he reached up and pulled her panties over to the side, allowing access to her slightly moist sex. Taking in a deep breath, he enjoyed her lovely scent that he’d missed for so long. In fact, this was the first touch of Elsa’s pussy he’d been privileged to have since… well, he didn't want to think about that now.
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