The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

She sighed again when he ignored what she said and moved the conversation somewhere else. Controlling her once again. Whatever. She just went with it, hoping that if she did what he wanted he wouldn't scream at her again. "I don't know what you mean," she said honestly, "If you mean mine, it's fine I guess." she furrowed her brows, wondering why he would ask that kind of weird question.
Carlos grinned at Elsa's weary response. "I meant that pussy you in love with," he said with a hearty laugh. He was actually curious about the baby, and wanted to ask about that. It just wasn't his style to let a woman steer his train of thought. "So you been to the doctor? What'd he say? Is it a boy?"
"Oh," she said, frowning again. Carlos was such an asshole. He never had anything nice to say about anything unless he was being sexual and perverted. "He's good too then," she paused again while he asked about the baby, rolling her eyes since she tried to bring that up already. "The doctor said he couldn't tell the gender yet. But he says the baby is healthy and growing well. I'm fifteen weeks along..."
After languishing in his cell all week, Carlos really didn't have the mindset to make idle chat about his baby. He wanted to know that it was safe, and that was enough for him. If he couldn't satisfy his sexual appetite physically with Elsa, he wanted to talk about it. "I got a feeling it's a boy," he declared. "I could tell the way it was sittin' when you came over here."

He paused for a moment before changing the subject. "So tell the truth, sugar. You get hot when you thinkin' about coming over here again? You gonna finger yourself when you get off the phone, or you against that even when you by yourself? 'Cause I ain't gonna lie. I'm 'bout to go back to my cell and jack off now that I got your smokin' body on my mind."
It was strange that they both had a feeling it was a boy. Did that mean they were in tune to each other, or did Carlos just really want a boy and Elsa had been trained by him into thinking it was one? She decided not to say what she thought about it, lest he take it as a sign that they were connected by some way other than the physical thing growing within her.

When he asked her about masturbating her face flushed and she gritted her teeth. What was it with him and masturbation!? "No, Carlos. I don't masturbate. I don't really see a point to it when being with someone else is so much better." him mentioning visiting him again made her remember something. " don't think I'm going to be able to be available for the next phone call."
Carlos laughed when she bristled at his mention of masturbation. He knew she was uncomfortable with that subject, and it had the effect it was looking for. "Come on," he spat out between his laughs. "Don't tell me before you started fuckin' men you didn't put your little finger up there and see what it was like," he taunted.

"Wait," he said, almost interrupting her, his voice turning serious when she said she wasn't going to make the next phone call. "We had a deal. Why you not gonna be there?"
She winced when he mentioned what she was like before she started fucking men. She had masturbated then, that was true, but that was a long time ago. If she had a man now (which she did), why would she bother touching herself when he could touch her?

Her blood ran cold when she heard the dead seriousness in his voice at her missing the next call. "I know we did...but I have to go away for the weekend. I'm supposed to go to a special pregnancy doctor to make sure I'm not developing any pregnancy sicknesses," she knew she was lying out her ass, and hoped it worked. "The doctor is far from here and they don't take patients on the weekends so I have to leave early Friday to get there."
Carlos frowned when she gave her reasons. It smelled like an excuse, but he had no way of knowing. She did play on his most sensitive subject, that of his offspring. "Yeah, well Friday is the only day I can make calls," he mused, reflecting on how he should approach this. He didn't want to set a precedent where she could miss calls. Missed visits would no doubt be next.

"I don't want you goin' away to get my baby checked with no other man. So I'll have my boys drive you out there. They can pick you up at the end, too," he offered, generously, he thought. "Unless," he suggested, "you can think of some way to make it up to me."
She bristled physically when he said his boys would drive her out there. That scared the crap out of her. The things they could do to her...well, they probably wouldn't because they would know she would tell Carlos and he would murder them, but still. The idea of being out there, alone, except when she was with two of his made her want to throw up.

"I don't want to be in a car with them, Carlos. They freak me out," she admitted, knowing that would probably boost his confidence a little. They were meant to freak her out, and they did. "M-make it up to you?" she paused then, she didn't know what she could possibly do for him that she didn't already do.
Although Carlos obviously didn't like Elsa spending time with Brendan, he knew it was inevitable, and he actually preferred to extract his payment from Elsa in a different way. "Yeah, you know, sugar, it ain't easy plannin' out what I'm gonna do with you when you visit, then you be pretending you don't like it and what not," he explained. "Until you start moaning like a whore, anyway," he taunted.

"So, you gonna have to make it up to me when you come visit. I want you to initiate it next time. You gonna be the once to force me to fuck you this time. Like you mean it, too. I want you to tell me right now what you gonna do with me next week when you come by."
Elsa really really hoped that this weekend vacation with Brendan was going to be worth what she had to do to appease Carlos. If the guards happened to see any of what she was going to do with Carlos on tape, they would probably tell Brendan. And Brendan would throw a hissy fit, because he just didn't understand. And he never would.

What she hated most about Carlos was how he always made her say everything. She could live with just doing it, getting it over with, and never breathing a word about it -- but he always made her say it. Because if you say it, it's true. You can't escape it, or even try. "I...I'm going to initiate the...the sex, next time. I'm going to do it like I mean it." she knew she was just repeating what he said to her, and lamely, but she didn't want to commit to anything else if she didn't have to.
Carlos laughed as she very reluctantly agreed to play his game. He'd forgotten all about the last week in hell, this conversation had been so much fun. "No, no, I don't think you understand, sugar. You gonna tell me what you gonna do with me. I'ma give you one chance, and if I don't like it, I'll just have the boys drive you up to the doctor instead."

He began breathing hard into the phone, partly because of the excitement of making her be descriptive with him, and partially because he wanted her to hear every breath he took. "It ain't hard. I'll get you started. You remember what I tol' you to wear, right? So, tell me what you gonna wear, and then tell me what you gonna do once you get with me."
She was beginning to think that the trip with Brendan really wasn't worth this. She swallowed uneasily and drew her legs up onto the couch to try to steady herself. Didn't he have a time limit or something on these phone calls? It felt like they'd been talking for a thousand years. She cleared her throat and tried to concentrate on just saying the words to him and not giving them any meaning, but she knew that they had meaning. A lot of meaning.

"I'm gonna wear dark nylons...a red silk blouse with no bra...a short skirt...a-and...a thong," she detailed to him, trying her very best to remember exactly what he had said to her so that she didn't mess it up and then make him even angrier, "And when I get with you...I'm going to strip off all of my clothes, and then I'm going to strip you," she could hear his breathing and it was making her even more nervous, "a-and then I'm going to beg you to take me and if you say yes then I'm going to..." she stopped, unsure of exactly what she could make herself do.
Carlos didn't laugh this time, just smirked at the fact that he'd been successful at making her describe their plans in exruciating detail. "That sounds like a good start, darling. I'll give you the rest of the week to think about the rest. But I gotta go now," he said. "I think you should give me a sexy dance when you strip for me, too. Why don't you add that to the list?" he said slowly. "See you next weekend," he finally said, hanging up the phone and walking over to the waiting guard, who'd been motioning for him to wrap things up.
She swallowed hard when he told her to do a sexy dance for him. She nodded but didn't say anything, aware that he knew she was agreeing to do this for him. She heard the phone click and then the dial tone, but she stayed sitting there for a few moments. She slowly moved her hand away from her ear and clicked the off button, setting the phone down next to her. Oh, lord. Now she was going to have to go out and actually buy the clothes he wanted her to wear. She had a dilemma too, about Brendan. Should she play with him this week, or no? Would she feel bad about it? She had no idea.
Brendan had a couple guys from work over on Friday night to watch the baseball game. It was nothing too exciting, just some baseball and beer. He would have rather been with Elsa of course, but he was beginning to feel a little like a bachelor again, with all the nights she wasn't feeling well and just wanted to stay home herself, so he'd spent a night with the guys to pass the time. He slept in a little on Saturday, waking up around ten to a pounding rain pelting his windows. After stretching out and taking a shower, he called Elsa, having forgotten the anxious state he'd last seen her in.

"Hey, baby," he said once she picked up. "How are you? I was wondering if you want to get together. I can pick you up in my car, with the weather and all."
She had been planning on shopping for the ridiculous clothing that Carlos wanted her to wear that day, but with the pouring rain that didn't seem like much of an option. She picked up the phone when Brendan rang, having been up for a couple of hours already and eaten breakfast. She sat on her bed and pondered what he said, unsure if she wanted to go out. "You could just come here. I just went grocery shopping Thursday, I could make dinner for us."
Brendan was glad to hear that he was welcome at Elsa's. He had absolutely nothing planned for the day, and it would have been completely boring to stay in. He really liked her apartment. It was a little cozier than his, in fact, although smaller. This was probably the result of a woman's touch when it came to the decor. Or, more specifically, Elsa's taste, which he found very smart and tasteful. So he agreed to her proposal, and got ready, paying a little more attention than usual to his appearance, getting a fresh shave, and running some gel through his hair with his fingers, but leaving it with a slightly messed up look. He put on nice jeans and a black t-shirt, before throwing on a light black jacket and driving over to Elsa's.

As he ducked inside her building, he was dripping wet, as he didn't bring an umbrella. He couldn't find it, and didn't feel like looking around. He didn't mind getting wet, anyway. Standing in the hall, and watching some drops of water fall off his face and to the floor, he knocked on the door, a smile adorning his face in anticipation of seeing Elsa.
Elsa was wearing her pajama-like clothing, a baggy t-shirt that just covered her butt and a pair of maternity boy shorts that stretched for her growing belly. She didn't bother to get dressed any further since she knew they were just going to stay in, and it was Brendan. She had the pasta cooking and the chicken in the pan in the oven when she heard the knock on her door. She padded over to the door and opened it, seeing him standing there soaking wet. She giggled at him and leaned forward, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. "Hi baby," she cooed to him, taking his hand and pulling him inside her little apartment.

She closed and then locked the door, gesturing to a small coat rack where he could hang his wet coat. "I started cooking already because this food is eaten cold later. You'll love it, I promise." she stretched and yawned, her baggy t-shirt lifting up and exposing her panty covered butt to him.
Elsa was the most wonderful creature he could ask to see on such a miserable day. He laughed and shook his arm playfully, spraying a little rain water onto her. “That’s okay, babe,” he said after they’d kissed. “I had something to eat at home, so it should hold me for a while.” He hung up his coat and turned around, catching a glimpse of Elsa’s rear as she stretched. He snuck up on her from behind, reaching around and giving her a little tickle on the hips before he wrapped her up in a hug, running his hands gently over her stomach. “You know, you probably haven’t given a single thought to your appearance today, and I think you’re still the sexiest girl in the world,” he said into the back of her neck, kissing her over her hair.

The look of her in her sleepwear reminded him of the wonderful, carefree feeling of waking up together, something they hadn’t done in a month. Even the night she’d stayed over, he got up alone once he couldn’t sleep. That wasn’t the only thing he’d missed, of course. The one time she satisfied him orally was magnificent, but one time in a month didn’t come close to satisfying the physical need he felt for her. “When will you stay over again, babe?” he asked, giving her a playful pinch on the butt over her panties. “I miss spending a lazy morning with you.”
She squealed when he came up behind her and grabbed at her, her body curving back into his. She giggled wildly as he tickled and touched her. She sighed contentedly and for a few moments she just let him hold her. It was wonderful. Somehow when he asked her when she would stay over again she got the feeling it was a different question. When would she sleep with him again. She turned herself around and pressed herself up against him, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him lightly.

"I donno honey. Soon," she nuzzled him and then pulled away, padding over to the oven and stirring the pasta. "I don't really have much here. We could watch TV or something, unless you have a better idea."
Brendan loved it when she pressed her body up against his and kissed him. He held her tight and enjoyed the moment, closing his eyes as their lips met. He chuckled at her apology and sunk back into the couch as she worked at the meal. He was feeling a little bit charged today, and while he was pretty sure sex was out (although, after last time, he never knew for sure), his mind raced to think of anything even peripherally related. "Well..," he began tentatively, "maybe I do have a better idea."

He paused for a minute, and just watched her ply her trade at the stove. She was a completely excellent cook, that much he knew. He wondered what kind of pasta she was making. Pasta, he loved, and he didn't think Elsa had cooked it for him before, so he was eager for a taste. "You know... I was hoping you weren't going to wear my dress the whole time when we go away. Maybe since it's so nasty outside, we could shop online for some another outfit for you. Maybe one... I don't know, a little more naughty," he suggested with a big grin. "That way, it'll be here by the time we have to leave."
She stirred the pasta and the adjusted the heat, setting the stirring spoon down next to it. She turned the light on in the stove and checked the marinating chicken. It had about thirty minutes left, and the pasta was nearly done. She padded over to the couch when he started talking about shopping online. She leaned over the back of the couch and giggled at him. "Naughty maternity wear?" she giggled again and stroked his hair gently, tickling the back of his neck lightly. She nodded, "Okay, that sounds fun."

She went over to her tiny office desk and unplugged her laptop. She brought it over to the couch and set it down on the coffee table. She turned it on and within seconds they were on the internet. "Do you have any ideas your crazy man?" she giggled and sat right next to him, her leg pressed up against his.
Brendan had gotten to Elsa's naughty side, he thought, shivering as she tickled the tiny hairs on the back of his neck. He looked down at the laptop, pressing his knee up against hers, and massaging her bare leg from the knee on up. He started thinking, typing a couple of search ideas in before finding a site that seemed to have nice stuff. "Well, for starters, I wouldn't complain if you kept the fishnets," he said, turning to her and smiling widely.

"But, let's see," he said half to himself, scrolling down. There was an outfit designed for expecting women, a sexy black camisole that had lace coming down from the bra part, and little strings that tied in a criss-cross over the stomach, with little panties to match. "That's one idea," he said, picking up the computer and handing it to Elsa so she could get a good look. "Unless you'd like to be a naughty maid, or a nurse, or a princess or something," he teased.
She looked at the outfit and laughed. The criss cross strings over the stomach were kind of silly to her. It was like "X marks the spot". She turned her head and looked at him, searching his eyes. "I'll be anything you want me to be, babe." she smiled and leaned towards him again, pressing her forehead against his in a classic Elsa move. She felt so close to him when she did that, almost more than when they were having sex or whatever.

"I like that one though," she said pulling away from him and looking at the screen again. She gave him back the computer and went back to the kitchen, taking the pasta off of the stove and pouring it into a colander. "Do you see anything else you like?"
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