The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Although it was tough to bear the sight of Elsa in tears, Brendan was immensely relieved when she decided to stay. He knew that she needed some rest and care right now, not heated debate, as he'd bullheadedly tried to push on her. He shimmied onto the edge of the couch, and gently slid himself under Elsa's head, laying it down on his thigh, and pulling it in against his stomach. He leaned over and kissed the side of her forehead, before reaching up and taking a thin blanket that had been draped over the top of the couch. He spread it over them, and tucked the edges under Elsa, leaving just her head peeking out.

"You know, you're gorgeous, Elsa," he murmured, stroking his hands through her hair. "What did I do to get to be curled up on my couch with such a gorgeous babe?" He ran his hands over the blanket, rubbing Elsa gently through it. "Let's such stay here all day and do nothing, okay?" he suggested, as he craned his neck down again and kissed Elsa's cheek, detecting a salty taste from her dried tears.
She smiled up at him when he kissed her cheek and murmured to her. He was so sweet when he wanted to be, which was usually. The way he was acting had her almost completely forget about the altercation they'd just had. Then she realized something. She'd been moved out of his apartment for almost three weeks. That means he hadn't had sex in that whole time, or any kind of anything. She hadn't either really, she didn't count whatever weirdness happened with Carlos today as anything remotely satisfying.

She squinted her eyes a little and evaluated his face. He didn't really look deprived, but he did a good job of hiding it most of the time. "We haven't been together in a long time," she murmured softly, rolling over onto her back from her side. "You've gone without for the whole time I've been gone," she reached up and stroked his cheek gently.
He was touched that Elsa thought of him, even in her weakened state. It was true that he'd been feeling a little anxious to get that aspect of their relationship going again, but considering that he'd brought the latest bout of abstinence upon himself, he hadn't pushed Elsa at all about it. He gave her another kiss, this time on the lips, lingering and tasting her for just a second.

"Baby," he said, his voice barely over a whisper. "I won't lie, it's been a while," he admitted after a little hesitation, a crooked smile coming across his face. "But we can wait until you're in the right mood. When you feel like you need it, it'll happen. You think too much about what I need, and not enough about yourself," he finally insisted. "But... you get a lot of credit just for bringing it up, okay? And I'm sure the horny, naughty Elsa I know will show herself soon enough," he teased.
She closed her eyes when he kissed her on the lips, feeling like she'd floated up to heaven. She came drifting back down when he pulled away, opening her eyes again to look into his. He was anxious, she could tell. Really anxious probably. She thought back to why she wasn't living with him anymore. To why they hadn't had sex in so long. It had been his fault...but that was in the past. And she loved him, so why should she punish him for a mistake he made? Love was about forgiveness and understanding. She smiled at him and slowly sat up, swinging her legs around to the front of the couch. Then she scooted over closer to him and leaned up, giving him another soft kiss.

"I'm not in the mood for sex. But I am in the mood to make you feel good." she smiled again and reached her hands out to his pants. She undid them slowly and slipped her hand into his boxers. She felt his flaccid manhood there and stroked him gently for a couple of moments before beginning to pull him out of his boxers.
Brendan was shocked when Elsa delved into his pants. He shuddered almost violently at the unexpected touching of his manhood. He hadn't expected anything sexual at all to happen there on the couch. "Baby," he started, speaking gently as he continued to stroke her hair. "I would have been perfectly content to just cuddle here with you," he continued, unable to avoid having a big smile wash across his face as he was touched for the first time in a long time.

"I think I'm physically unable to argue with you," he admitted, looking her in her pretty eyes and giving her another kiss. "But I hate to... to feel good unless you feel good too." He could feel his cock quickly hardening in her hand at the prospect of some activity, giving away any reluctance he was trying to show for Elsa's sake. It didn't take much after it had languished untouched for so long, especially when he thought of Elsa every day, with no outlet for his feelings for her these last three weeks.
She shook her head at him, "No. I don't want any. At all. Except maybe some kisses," she laughed softly and leaned up to kiss him one last time before she pulled his manhood out all the way and began to stroke him more. She bent over and kissed the head gently several times. Then she kissed down his length and licked it lightly, trying to warm him up. Once she thought he was sufficiently hard she moved back up to the head and wrapped her lips around it. She murred softly, both to turn him on more and just because she loved his cock so much. Elsa wasn't afraid to admit when she loved a cock, and she most definitely loved Brendan's.
Brendan smiled a smile full of love and devotion for Elsa, leaning over and kissing the back of her neck once she leaned over his manhood. "You can have all the kisses you want," he whispered into her ear as she started on him. "Maybe next time, you can dress up again, baby. Then, I promise, I'll make you feel good in a million ways," he vowed. But then, he was able to speak no more. His cock responded amazingly to her touch, deeply hungry for some attention. His body shivered as she licked and kissed him, becoming quite hard in a very short period of time. He let out a moan when she took in his tip, working at the sensitive areas right on the end of his manhood. She really knew how to work him, and her touch was tender and filled with love and affection. "Oh, I love you so much, babe," he moaned, grasping at the couch cushion, and throwing his head back up towards the ceiling.
She giggled at the prospect of dressing up for him again. She had to plan another outfit. Should this one be character themed, or just something hot and skimpy again? She didn't know, but now wasn't the time to worry about it she figured. She smiled to herself when he began to moan in pleasure, immensely glad that she could make him feel so good so easily. "I love you too," she mumbled while his cock was still in her mouth. She giggled again at how weird it came out sounding when she had a cock in her mouth. But then she refocused on her work and pushed down on him, slowly taking him deeper and deeper in her mouth until she had about half of him. Then she began to bob up and down.
Brendan laughed at the way 'I love you' came out all gurgled when she said it without even taking his cock out of her mouth. Now he was really glad that Elsa had decided to stay. And that giggle. It was back, and he loved every time it came out, especially when she directed her sexy giggle right at his throbbing cock. He had thought it felt good when she licked and teased him, but once she started bobbing, it seemed like his hands were going to tear clear through the couch cushion. Finding a different outlet for them, he moved his hands to her head, gently rubbing her temples and running his fingers through her hair as she bobbed up and down so amazingly on him. Letting out another, much louder moan, he tried to think of something else sweet to say to Elsa, but was unable to form a coherent sentence even in his mind, with the way she was pleasuring him.
She closed her eyes when he began to rub her temples and run his fingers through her hair, concentrating solely on pleasing him. She took him deeper and deeper in her mouth until he began to edge at her throat. She stopped going deeper then, teasing him a little by pulling back and focussing at the head of his cock for a few moments. But then she suddenly dipped back down again and took him into her throat, stretching her jaw open so that she could take him in without gagging. Her throat muscles contracted on him rhythmically, much like her pussy. She kept him in her throat for a few moments and then pulled away slowly.
Brendan had closed his eyes and was focusing on the magnificent pleasure that she was bestowing upon his manhood. He'd been instinctively grinding his hips upward, desperate to go deeper and deeper into Elsa's warm mouth. Her tongue worked each one of the sensitive ridges on the underside of his shaft. When she pulled out partially, he let out a low moan of disappointment.

But then, he felt something unlike he'd ever felt before, at least during oral sex. His eyes still closed, he felt Elsa's mouth all the way at the base of his shaft, and knew that the wonderful feeling was her warm, tight throat. His cock responded immediately, throbbing wildly, and pushed even deeper into her throat. He couldn't help but dig his fingers in, one pressing hard into Elsa's scalp, the other into her neck, enough so it would leave a mark later. His hips began bucking hard against her mouth, and after continuing this rhythm for a little while, he let out a piercing groan and came hard into her mouth, bucking a few more times, slower and mechanically, ejecting two more shots into her. "Ohhh, baby," he moaned, finally opening his eyes. "How do you know exactly how to make me feel perfect?"
She felt his cock begin to throb and knew he was going to explode. She pulled back instinctively, knowing that his body was about to go wild -- and it did. He bucked up into her without any kind of control -- but she was ready for it and he didn't hurt her. Even his holding her neck didn't really hurt her, though she could feel enough pressure there that she knew he would leave a mark. When he shot his load into her she swallowed it as he gave it, pulling away even more so that she wouldn't choke. He came a lot, as was expected after not being pleasured in a little more than three weeks. She briefly wondered if he masturbated, but decided this wasn't the time to think about it.

When he was finished cumming she pulled all the way off of him, some of his leftover cum dripping out onto her lips. She looked directly in his eyes and licked the cum up off of her lips. She smiled at him and then leaned down to lick his cock clean. Only after that was finished did she answer his question, looking him in the eyes again. "Because we're made for each other,"
As the ability to process thought returned to Brendan, he wondered how Elsa was able to avoid choking and gagging as she took him into her throat. She much have planned to do it for him. He marveled at how wonderful this woman was. She cared for his pleasure, even when all she could probably think about was her pregnancy, and getting the rest she needed. When she sat up and licked the cum off her lips right in his face, he was incredibly turned on. He let out a final moan as she cleaned off his cock so delicately.

"Mmm, you're right, babe. We were made to love each other forever... And that's what I plan to do with you," he told her, giving her a kiss on the lips, tasting a little of his own cum that she'd painstakingly cleaned up. "I didn't know drinking cum was one of the normal pregnancy cravings," he teased after giving her the kiss. "Maybe only for such a naughty, gorgeous girl like you, Els," he said with a grin as he rubbed their noses together, unable to resist getting back to the teasing that had been such a big part of their bedroom play before.
She giggled again when he began to tease her. God, was he good at teasing. He could tease her about absolutely anything and she would love it. She closed her eyes and sighed when he rubbed their noses together, pressing her forehead against his as well. "I think you're right. You have to be fairly naughty to crave cum," then she giggled again and reached up to stroke his cheek gently. She wanted to go further with him right now, but strangely, she wasn't horny. Maybe her body was instinctively saving it for when she could dress up for him again. She couldn't wait to do that.

Then she laughed, "I think I'm hungry again, actually. This time for pizza though..." she pulled away from him and leaned against the arm of the couch. "I think this is the beginning of a long line of strange pregnancy cravings. She rubbed her belly softly, looking tiny at the tiny little bump. She was beginning to think she liked being pregnant.
Brendan laughed as she commented on his tease, wishing that he could bring her pleasure here and now. He was so incredibly into her, it was unbelievable. He wanted to throw his giggling soulmate down on to the couch and eat her out, eat that wonderful pussy that he worshiped. But he knew that wasn't what she wanted now. She wanted pizza, apparently. "You don't want anything weird on it, like pickles, or peanut butter and jelly beans, do you?" he teased, running one hand around her shoulder, and the other on top of her hand that was touching her little bump. "Because if you do, I'll just get pepperoni on my half."

About a half hour after he'd ordered the pizza (all pepperoni, it turned out), the knock came at the door, and Brendan paid the deliveryman and took out some paper plates. He actually wasn't too hungry, and only had one slice. He felt bad eating less than Elsa, but she did have an excuse, after all. Once they'd finished, he cleaned up for them again. "Hey baby, I have a special request," he said, turning to her from the sink. "I know it's only the afternoon, but how would you like to take a nap with me?" He walked over to her seat, and rubbed her shoulders from behind. "You don't have to stay over, but I know you're tired. And the way you just.. took care of me, I'm a little tired, too. I've missed laying there in bed with you more than anything."
Elsa, oddly enough, ate almost the rest of the pizza herself without feeling ashamed at all. She'd wanted it, and so she was eating it. And the way she saw it, the six slices she ate really only equaled three because she was eating for two. She had a feeling that the baby was a boy too, and boys ate a lot. So maybe she really only ate two. Once they were finished she groaned happily when he began to rub her tired, tight shoulders. She hung her head down a little so that he could get at her more easily.

When he mentioned a nap she perked up a little. "I'd love to take a nap with you, Brendan." she got up off of the couch and grabbed his hand, nearly tugging him towards the bedroom, which was funny seeing as she was tugging him there just so that they could take a nap together. Once they got there she flopped back on the bed and then curled up with a pillow, in her usual stance. "I think I might stay over...if that's okay."
Brendan glowed when Elsa agreed to sleep with him (in quite the literal sense). He may have been even happier about that than when she'd gone down on him earlier. Well, maybe not more than that. But it showed a rebuilt trust in him to be able to sleep in bed together, as they'd done on so many peaceful nights before. Brendan climbed into bed facing Elsa, and brushed some hair away from her eyes, before nudging up closer to her, and layering his legs in with hers, the way he loved to do. "Of course you can stay over, baby. You can sleep in my bed anytime you want. I just hope, one day, maybe it'll be our bed again," he added with a contented smile. As they drifted off, it seemed that they were in a safe world, away from all the problems that faced them outside the confines of his apartment.

By the time Brendan woke, it was the middle of the night. They'd slept soundly and peacefully for hours. Brendan couldn't sleep any more, but it looked like Elsa was out for the count. He got up and watched some TV, finally waking Elsa at six-thirty, the weekend now sadly over. This gave him enough time to drive Elsa to her apartment, wait outside for her to change, and then drive her to work before heading to the suburban office complex his construction crew was working on. At five, he was perched at his usual spot by the fountain, waiting for Elsa to emerge.

(Hope you don't mind the time skip!)
Elsa slept better that afternoon into night in Brendan's bed than she had the entire time she'd been in her apartment. She felt so perfectly safe there with him near her and she was so tired that she slept without a peep the entire time. She slept dreamlessly too, just in a completely peaceful state of rest. She wanted to sleep that way every night. Was Brendan the key to that? When he woke her at six thirty she was refreshed unlike she'd been in a long time. She was a little sore when she got out of the bed, something she was beginning to feel after she woke up all of the time. The baby made her joints ache a little.

Her day at work went by fairly easily. Nothing big or interesting happened, just regular work. She was eager to see Brendan waiting for her when she shut down her desk. She scurried on out to him, grabbing his hand and kissing him on the mouth playfully. "Hi baby," she cooed to him, starting their usual walk towards her apartment.

(Don't mind at all<3)
Brendan eagerly met Elsa when she came out, giving her a little embrace after their kiss. "You look beautiful as usual," he told her, grabbing her hand and swinging it as they walked. Everything seemed right again as they walked and talked. Once they got to her apartment, he took the bag he'd been carrying in his left hand and held it out to Elsa. "I forgot to give this to you yesterday, with all the activity and sleep and all," he explained. It contained the dress he'd bought for her, a blue summery maternity dress, with a high neckline and short sleeves, the hemline just above the knee. It was somewhat on the form fitting side; he knew it would accentuate Elsa's pretty full breasts, and hoped it would rightfully make her proud to be pregnant, since it didn't try to hide the stomach at all. It was classy and elegant, straight with the exception of a few pleats on the skirt part.

"I felt bad since you won't be able to wear my other one for a while," he explained as he took it out of the bag and showed it to her. "Maybe you can wear it when we go away," he suggested. "I'm really looking forward to that, by the way. So... I'll get going, unless you need any help with anything upstairs or anything."
Her heart melted when he handed her the bag. It melted even more when he showed it to her. It was adorable. And he wanted her to wear it when they went away together -- in three weeks. She'd be showing even more by then, and maternity dresses were designed to show the pregnancy. That meant he wasn't embarrassed to be with her and show off her baby bump. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him hard for a few moments before pulling away. She stroked his cheek gently, "I love you." and then she said good bye to him and went upstairs.

The rest of the week passed by uneventfully. Elsa and Brendan went out to dinner on Wednesday but other than that, he walked her home every day and that was it. They still hadn't had sex, but with the Carlos phone call looming on the horizon she didn't want to until that was over with. When Friday finally came she kissed Brendan goodbye outside of her apartment (goon free, thankfully!) and then went upstairs to wait for 6pm to roll around.
Brendan was thrilled that Elsa liked the dress. He gave her a tight, heartfelt embrace outside of her building, nuzzling her ear, and kissing the bottom of the earlobe. "I love you, too, baby," he said, before heading back home for the night. His week was busy, but manageable. He had the walk home with Elsa to look forward to every day, and that got him through the tiring days. The dinner on Wednesday was simple, but nice. Thursday, it was pouring rain, but he brought a big umbrella, and they kept reasonably dry on the way home, except when Brendan teased Elsa and let her get wet a couple of times. He still harbored the hope that Elsa would move back in with him, but he'd brought it up more than once already, and wasn't going to beg. She knew she was welcome there. On Friday, Elsa seemed a little more high-strung than usual. He assumed that she was expecting a phone call from Carlos, although he wasn't privy to the call schedule. He thought it best not to bring it up, and gave her a kiss goodnight and walked home, looking forward to some time together on the weekend.

Returning home, he got a call from the friend who still worked at the Center. "Sorry I didn't get back to you, Bren," the friend said. "But I asked around, and nobody really saw any of the feeds while she was visiting that inmate. I'll let you know if I hear anything else," he offered. "Okay, thanks," Brendan said before hanging up. He was dying to know what was 'said' between Carlos and Elsa in that room back at the Center, although he wasn't sure if he really would wish he hadn't known, once he did.

Carlos, meanwhile, had been through what could only be described as a terrible week at the Center, without getting into too much detail. He wouldn't even think of missing the call with Elsa, though. After being escorted to the calling area, he dialed her number as before. "Hey baby," he greeted her after she picked up after a few rings. "You miss me yet?"
"Not especially," she muttered to him, holding the phone against her ear and leaning back against the couch in her usual place on the couch. Her hand was resting on her baby bump, tracing little lines along it. "I won't bother to ask you the same question. I know the answer already," she was feeling a little testy and sighed, "Sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me today, I just feel weird," she barely even noticed that she'd just apologized to him -- something she'd never done before.
Carlos laughed into the phone. He loved it when Elsa expressed disgust for him. That only made it more fun to make her moan with pleasure when they met, betraying the fact that he could rock her world. Only, he hadn't been able to the last time, of course. "Come on, you don't miss me? What about that kiss last time? I thought you was fallin' in love with me, like in some love movie, with cryin' and everything."
She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment before answering him, "I'm in love with someone else, Carlos. If you'd prefer that I not show any affection whatsoever to you, I can do that." she paused and realized that this conversation was headed the wrong way fast. "So...I went to the doctor and had my first prenatal visit." she didn't want this conversation to end angrily like every other one did, she wanted some sense of normalcy.
Carlos face furrowed when she mentioned she was in love with someone. Of course, he knew deep down that the only reason she was cooperating with him was for Brendan, but it still made him angry that she dared to rub it in his face. He would change that, he figured, once he was released. He hadn't asked about the baby yet, though, and he didn't want Elsa steering the conversation. This was his phone call for the week, and he wanted to be in control. "So, how's that pussy doing?" he asked, ignoring the mention of the doctor's visit for now, and not clarifying exactly what he was referring to by 'pussy'.
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