The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Brendan caught his breath for a few moments as he rubbed her hair and cheeks gently. It was an amazing turn-on the way that she cleaned him up completely. She was going along with their submissive game without him having to try much, in fact. As he caressed her, he could feel the residual moisture from her pussy still dripping onto his lower stomach. "That's right. It was only the warm-up." Letting one hand run all the way down her back to her bottom, he felt around where he had spanked her, detecting warmth coming from the brightest red spot on her soft butt.

"You call me sir now, but before you said 'master'," he said to her with a thoughtful grin. It gave him some ideas, to say the least. "So let me ask you, do you trust me completely, like someone should trust a master?" he asked, reaching down and tickling her stomach and hips.
She looked up at him when he mentioned her calling him master. She hadn't exactly meant to do that, the word had just slipped out of her mouth. She didn't regret it though. She nodded and giggled furiously when he tickled her. She squirmed on top of him until she had to sit up and try to grab his hands, but of course she wasn't successful and he just kept tickling her until she thought she couldn't breathe anymore from giggling.

"Of course I do," she cooed at him, "I trust you more than I trust myself to breathe air." she ran her hands up his chest and leaned down again, resting her breasts against his chest. "I would do anything for you,"

(A little short.)
Brendan playfully evaded her grasp, tickling her as much as he could. It was cute the way her body squirmed at his touch, wriggling in just the right places. He gently rolled her off him, and sat up in the bed. "Okay," he whispered, running his fingers through her hair. "Then you'll trust me to administer your punishments how I see fit, won't you?" he asked with a devilish grin. "Knowing that I only have your best interests at heart," he whispered. "And you'll do it blindfolded, to show how much you trust me," he added, his grin getting wider. He stood up out of the bed, glancing around. "If you do, take off your teddy, and lay back in the bed. Leave the stockings on, though. I'll be right back."

He quickly darted out of the room, looking around for whatever items came to mind as possibly being fun. He picked up an unopened bottle of almond scented massage oil out of a drawer, something that was given him many years ago in hopes of using with a long-gone girlfriend. Rummaging some more, he found box of giant candy canes from last Christmas, the kind that were a good ten inches long. Returning to the room with one, he picked up his white t-shirt off the floor for use as a blindfold, and set the items on a table.
She squealed as he rolled her off of him, expecting fun playfulness to follow. Instead he looked at her devilishly. Her eyes widened a little but she was still very much into this game they were playing. Her eyes continued to widen as he laid out his instructions to her. Blindfolded? He wanted to blindfold her? That terrified and exhilarated her all at the same time. He left the room quickly and she was left to ponder what he said. She laid there for a couple of moments and then realized she hadn't done anything. She sat up quickly and pulled the teddy off, tossing it off of the bed and the laying back down. Her legs were slightly open, but she didn't care. She liked it when he saw her pussy, especially after he'd just used it.

When he came back in and picked up the t-shirt she held out her hand for it. When he handed it to her she lifted her head and tied the shirt around her eyes herself, to prove she was willing. She made it legit, she really couldn't see anything. She squirmed a little, very nervous but very excited.
Brendan was greeted by the sight of Elsa in the prone position, her lovely breasts now out, and her legs spread apart some. She wasn't finished teasing him, it seemed. Although it would take a little more time for his manhood to recharge, the sight of her still-moist slit got him half-hard again. He had been careful not to let her see the items he'd carried in. As she put on the blindfold, tying it honestly herself, he knelt over her and ran his finger lightly up and down her pussy, stimulating her some more, although she didn't need much of that.

"Good girl," he whispered, once the blindfold was on, tracing his fingers up and down her chest, between her breasts to let her know where he was. He leaned over and licked around her nipple on one breast, grabbing her piercing between his teeth, and biting down, twisting a little bit. "Just concentrate on what you're feeling," he whispered. "But remember, I'm your master for now. And I have one rule. No orgasms without asking permission," he said with a chuckle. He'd just made that rule up himself, of course, but thought it was quite a good one. Backing up off her, he reached behind him and picked up the massage oil. Letting a generous portion fall in between her breasts, he began rubbing it around, kneading a path around both breasts first, before rubbing her breasts hard with it, getting them completely oiled up quickly, and then working it all over her stomach. "So tell me what you're going to say if you want an orgasm."
She whimpered her pleasure as he ran his finger up and down her still very sensitive pussy. She might have still been oversensitive from the orgasm she'd just had, but she already had a raging desire for him again. She shivered when he said good girl. It was so demonstrative, so domineering. She loved it. She gasped when he bit her nipple and twisted the ring around. She'd actually almost forgotten that she had those nipple rings.

No orgasms without permission? That'd never been a rule of his before. That made her a little nervous. She wasn't very good at controlling her orgasms, especially not with Brendan. He just made her feel so good all of the time that when her pleasure finally peaked it came tumbling over before she could adequately think about it. She nodded though and tried her best to relax as he rubbed some warm oil into her skin. "Please master, can I orgasm?" she asked him with a little pout to signify what she would ask when she needed to.
Brendan smiled when she told him what she'd say, continuing to rub her body with the oil. He rubbed it on and around her pussy, sliding his oiled hand onto her clit, teasing it back and forth as he noticed she was starting to secrete wetness again. "Of course, you can have one without permission," he explained, fingering her clit more vigorously. "But you'll just have to be punished for disobedience," he teased. She was so hot, the way her pussy was soaked from just being used by him, and now begging for more.

He unwrapped the candy cane next, popping the straight end in his mouth so he could round off the sharp edges. He knew she wouldn't know what the crinkling sound of the wrapper was, and wondered if she'd try to guess. He poured some more oil on Elsa, rubbing it gently into her thighs, up to the point where her fishnets started. Now that her front was completely greased up, he paused for a moment and took a deep whiff. The almond aroma was wonderful. He reached down again, and began teasing around her sex some more, running his wet fingers up and down the slit, teasing the prickly little hairs that surrounded it, and reaching up and rubbing her clit only every so often as an added tease. "Does your pussy need to be filled again?" he rasped, taking the candy cane out of his mouth, licking his lips with the minty taste.
She grinned and giggled when he told her that she'd just have to be punished again if she came without asking for permission. That intrigued her, but at the same time she wanted to beg him for her orgasm. She thought that was an absolutely delicious idea. And she would beg him, she wouldn't refuse him like she did Carlos. Carlos would never be worth begging for, but she'd beg Brendan even to be allowed to breathe air.

She whimpered when he brought his hands down to her pussy and began to massage it. It was obvious to her that he had some kind of oil on his hands, and she could faintly smell almonds. The oil made her skin tingle and buzz, it was fantastic. Then he was playing with her clit. She twitched a little and arched her back, already extremely turned on by everything he was doing to her. She nodded her head quickly, "Yessssir," she moaned, thinking he was going to screw her again already. "Pleeeease fill my pussy,"
Brendan began making broad strokes across Elsa's body now that it was all slick. He dragged his fingertips across her stomach, making a path from hip to hip. He knew that when her back arched, it meant she was ready to go. The endorphins in Brendan's mind wanted nothing more than to fuck her hard and deep, but it had been only twenty minutes, and it was a physical impossibility to get another hard-on that quick. He could have done her, but it wouldn't have been the rock-hard manhood that she was used to. Besides, he had something more interesting in mind.

"Okay," he said, a huge grin creeping across Brendan's face, although she couldn't see it, of course. Holding Elsa's pussy lips open with the thumb and index finger of one hand, he paused for a minute, leaning in and taking a deep whiff of her wonderful scent mixing with the oil's smell. He saw some of the pink inside her and darted his tongue in just for a second, licking some of her juices around the opening. As he did so, he rocked her clit piercing back and forth gently as one final tease. Then, with his other hand, he took the candy cane by the curved handle, the straight end rounded out now. It wasn't as thick as his cock, but was just as long, and he slowly shimmied it in, using slow back and forth motions. He knew that it would tingle unlike anything Elsa had felt there before. "Tell me what you feel," he asked her, pausing once the candy cane was halfway in, letting his hand off it and allowing her pussy to hold it up now, the handle sticking out of her like some kind of strange wind-up doll. "What's that naughty pussy telling you is happening?"
Her mouth dropped open when his tongue darted inside of her. It was like a flash of lightning. She was about to say something, but then he was turning the ring in her clit against her. She wriggled and whimpered, her mouth closely submissively. It was as if he done it to shut her up, and it had worked. Then she felt something moving into her pussy. She was expecting his cock, though he seemed to be at the wrong angle since she could feel his fingers holding her lips open. her mouth dropped open as she felt the object (obviously not his cock) slide inside of her. It was strange.

The object was thinner than his cock but it had something else about it...what was it? She squeezed it gently with her muscles to try to figure it out, and then se felt it. The thing made her insides tingle in a way she'd never thought was possible. She moaned as it grew stronger, the candy melting just enough to make her feel the tingle from the heat of her pussy. She fidgeted a little, trying to cope with this beautiful sensation. " tingles," she moaned, "It's so good....what...what is it?"
Brendan grinned at her pleasured confusion. "You'll find out once we're finished, Elsa," he said as calmly as he could. Discerning it was melting, he went to work furiously, inserting the candy gradually until the handle bumped her thigh. Once he'd discerned that she could take the entire length, he began pumping it in and out furiously, as fast as his arm could rock it in and out. Leaning into her, he began licking her clit at the same time, pushing the piercing over to the side with his nose. Brendan was going to make her beg for an orgasm any second, or else go over the edge before she could even do anything about it. Her moans were a thing of beauty as they filled the room, her hips bucking to the feel of the unusual insertion.
It was insane. This long, tingling object inside of her was giving her a bevy of pleasure. Not more pleasure than Brendan's cock, that was for sure, but still enough pleasure to drive her wild. And then he was pumping it in and out of her wildly, her inner muscles squeezing it rhythmically as it would his cock. The greatest pleasure came when he began to lick at her clit. Her back arched again and she shivered with the pleasure of it. The combination of the tingling thing inside of her and his rough tongue was enough to send her over the edge. At first she forgot that she was supposed to ask, and she only just barely managed to hold herself back. "M-m-master," she moaned, barely able to get the word out, "may I cum please? Please!?"
Brendan's body went warm all over when she asked him to cum. He knew it was his idea to begin with, but he thought that it was the most amazing thing anyone had ever asked him. It was as if he actually had the power to grant the right to orgasm to her vagina, the only vagina that he'd ever want. And the sexiest part was that Elsa said it like she actually meant it. He slowed down his motions with the large candy cane, still pumping her methodically, but somewhat slower. Once she'd asked permission, he continued licking her clit for a second, thinking with a smile about telling her to hold off a little longer. But, to be honest, he couldn't even wait to see her have another orgasm. "Yes, you may come," he said, his voice a little muffled as he spoke right into her sex, not ceasing for even a moment to be attentive to her clit.
As soon as he spoke the words of permission she stopped holding herself back. She'd been just on the brink of losing it anyway. If he had told her to wait, she wasn't sure that she would have been able to. She grabbed hold of the already rumpled comforter with her hands, clenching it as tightly as she could without fear of ripping it. Her back arched sharply and her toes curled, her moans emanating from her like they were the separation between life and death. She ground her hips against whatever object was inside of her for a moment or two and then she finally realized her pleasure. Her muscles tensed and then released, her love juices flowing down around the object and out of her.
Brendan took in a deep breath as Elsa came, inhaling what he'd come to know as the wonderful aroma of Elsa's juices, mixed with mint as they were. He gave her a few more brushes with his tongue, closing his eyes and tasting what to him represented her love, her trust. Slowly, he pulled the candy out of her, and was glad she finished when she did, because the end was starting to get pointy from melting inside her. "Open up," he said softly, crawling along her body, letting one hand tease her sensitive flesh. He slowly slid the candy into her mouth, letting her taste the surprising object that had been inside her.

After letting her taste it, he slid it out, and slid it into his own mouth, tasting the combination of mint and Elsa's juices on it. "Mmmm," he let out with a chuckle. All the time spent getting Elsa worked up had actually got him completely aroused again, as if his cock wished it were working Elsa up, instead of the candy. "I think I need to you ride me again," he said softly in her ear. "But slower. So it'll last." Licking his sticky lips, he rolled onto his back, and took Elsa by the hand. "Come on, I'll guide you. Just let your body feel for you."
She squirmed when he kept licking her clit even as she came. She'd become incredibly sensitive after her orgasm and his licking her still made her want to wriggle all over the place. She felt him slide the object out of her but her pussy was still left tingling. She opened her mouth obediently when he told her to and was extremely shocked when she tasted candy cane mixed with herself. She sucked on the candy cane a little, but he pulled it out quickly. She smiled but held back a giggle. The love of her life had just fucked her with a giant candy cane. How incredibly sexy was that?

She turned her head instinctively towards his voice when he began to speak. Ride him again? Gladly. But it seemed that he wanted her to stay blindfolded. She sat up as he took her by the hand and crawled over to him, feeling her way to him in the darkness that the blindfold provided. She managed to get on top of him but pouted down at him, "I can't see you though."
Brendan smiled when Elsa tasted the candy cane that had fucked her, happy that she knew his little secret now. He was more than ready to enjoy the pleasures of Elsa's body again, his cock pointed straight up in the air, just as hard as when they first started fooling around earlier. "Use your other senses," he urged quietly. "Not being able to see will only intensify them." He took one of her hands in his, and led it to his erect manhood, squeezing her fingers around it to use as a point of reference. He slowly slid her hand along his length a couple of times, letting out a grunt as her hand massaged him.

"Now let's see that candy-coated pussy of yours go to work," he panted anxiously with a quiet laugh. He helped Elsa lift herself up by the hips and guided her over him, slowly releasing his support, and letting her fall onto his waiting cock. The first thing he noticed was the stickiness. It wasn't sticky like normal by-products of sexual activity, but sticky like candy, and the first couple of cycles she made on him had an unusual friction from this unconventional lubricant. He even shivered as some of the minty moisture entered his urethra, causing a strong tingling feeling unlike any he'd felt before. The scene now was much like the one earlier in the evening, except now Elsa was no longer wearing the pink teddy; only the sexy black fishnets remained. And, of course, she was blindfolded. Brendan reached up and massaged her breasts as he let out a loud moan, rubbing gently around the nipples as she rode him yet again.
She was a little wary of riding him without being able to see him. Looking at him while they had sex was one of her favorites parts of the whole ordeal. She loved being able to look into his eyes and wordlessly say how much she loved him and needed him. How much he made her feel good, how much she wanted him. She couldn't do that blindfolded, it wasn't as personal. She certainly wasn't going to say no to him though. She let him move her over his cock and then push her down onto it, his thick manhood sliding into her extremely easily with all the lubricant that was there.

She felt the stickiness too, and it made her giggle. It was like they'd made a mess and now they were playing in it. It felt amazing though. She kept it slow at first, like he'd told her to, dragging out all of her movements. She bounced up and down slowly, each time nearly bringing him all the way out of her before sliding back down again. She moaned and shivered, he had been right. The sensations were absolutely phenomenal, heightened because she couldn't see. "Ahh," she murred, "I love you, Brendan," she moaned softly.
Brendan had his eyes closed, moaning in pleasure at their rhythm. But something changed when he heard the words 'I love you, Brendan'. His face changed completely, although she couldn't see it. She loved him. Elsa loved him. They were lovers, soulmates. And he was treating her like a toy. Granted, she liked it, but it still got to him. Reaching up, he tore the shirt off Elsa's eyes, giving her a piercing look, filled with love and passion. "I love you too, Elsa. There's something I want to tell you," he said, a moan escaping his lips once he'd finished his sentence.

It was decidedly an odd time to have a talk, as Elsa methodically rode him. But he needed to tell her. "Elsa," he said, gasping again as his hands left her breasts and one hand started to caress her cheek. "I'll be honest. I love dominating you. It makes me understand how much you love and trust me. In fact, that part of me wants to dominate you even more than we've done tonight." Brendan's eyes rolled back next, letting out another moan as her pussy massaged him wonderfully. "But the other side of me knows that you're the love of my life. And wants to make love to you. So, I'm begging you. Will you make love to me the rest of the night like what I really am? Not your master, but the man who loves you more than life itself," he pleaded, grasping her hand with his and squeezing it.
She was surprised when he suddenly tore the shirt from her eyes. At first she thought he was angry at her, that she shouldn't have said that she loved him. He had said it to her before, but was this the wrong time? Then she saw the look in his eyes, and she melted. She tried to continue to ride him slowly and sensuously, but the more he talked the less she concentrated on that until she was just sitting on him, his cock throbbing inside of her. She did love it when he dominated her, and she didn't want it to all together stop. She thought a major component of a healthy relationship was being able to experiment with your partner.

She squeezed his hand back and leaned over to kiss him with love for a few moments. When she pulled away she smiled at him and gave him an eskimo kiss. "Of course, baby. I'd make love to you all day long for a week, a month, a year. I want to stay with you forever. But..." and then she grinned, pecking him again, "I still think we should play around too. I love it when you dominate me. But I love it when you're sweet and gentle and caring too. I love it whenever you do anything,"
Brendan smiled back at her when she agreed with his proposal. He rubbed his nose with hers, closing his eyes and enjoying the smell of her face, her hair, her breath. He was telling the truth when he said he wanted both aspects from their relationship. "Maybe I'm being greedy, but I just want it all tonight," he whispered with a smirk, keeping contact with her eyes. He leaned up and gave her a kiss on the lips. "But I'm sure I can be your master again soon."

He grasped her hips slightly, pushing up on them as a hint that he'd like her to start moving again. His cock loved it inside of her, but the amazing throbbing feeling that he'd been feeling had diminished now that she'd stopped, her muscles no longer milking him. "After all, I'm sure you'll deserve another punishment again soon, missy. And I'll just have to bite the bullet and give it to you," he whispered with another grin.
She giggled and kissed him back eagerly, immediately moving again when he gently persuaded her by putting his hands on her hips. She rested her hands down on his shoulders and began her slow grind again, pulling him almost all the way out and then pushing all the way back down again. She'd only had sex with two other men before she'd been with Brendan, but it had never been like it was with him. He was so amazing. Sex with him was so fulfilling. It was more than just physical pleasure with him, it was spiritual and mental pleasure too.

She kept herself bent over him as she ground her hips against him, both bouncing and rocking at the same time. She kissed his lips a few more times but then trailed her lips down to his jawline and then to his neck. When she got to his collarbone she bit down gently and sucked, leaving him an intentional love mark.
Brendan closed his eyes and moaned again as she started her motions. He couldn't believe that he'd found Elsa, really. She'd been practically delivered to him on a silver platter. He used to be prejudicial towards convicts, not thinking that any of them would be worth getting emotionally involved with. But Elsa was absolutely the ideal woman. She was smart and sexy, but not slutty. He knew she was a loyal and faithful woman. She loved him, and would do anything he wanted to please him. That only made Brendan want to reciprocate with her. She'd broken through her shell following the rape for him; she did it because she loved him and wanted to make him happy.

He laughed as his body wriggled when Elsa bit him. She played such a good submissive, that it was a huge turn-on when she acted so aggressively. He moaned again, bucking his hips up into her, pressing his cock deep inside her, and starting to move their bodies a little faster. His lips were hungry for her now, and he kissed her forehead, before hugging her body to his, and rubbing his nose between her full breasts, then kissing the same area. She was perspiring a little from the long night of passion, as was he, and he tasted some of the salty sweat that had gathered on her milky white breasts as he caressed and kissed them. "You can go a little faster if you want, baby," he said, another louder moan crossing his lips. He was moments away from cumming yet again, and dreaded only the thought of pulling out of her tight warmth again.
She did want to go faster, so she did. Her breasts bounced now with every movement she made, her thighs hugging his waist tightly. She was feeling an orgasm rising up in her as well, though this one was significantly different than the other two she'd had so far that night. The first one had been wild, the second exotic, this one was loving. Before Brendan she had never known that a woman could have different kinds of orgasms. Now she knew that there were hundreds of kinds of orgasms to have, you just had to have a good partner to be able to give you them.

She realized that he would want to pull out of her again when he had to cum. She also realized that the only man to ever cum inside of her was Carlos. That was wrong. She ground into him even faster, trying to bring herself to orgasm. When it came she clung to him and moaned her pleasure, but tried to get over it as quickly as she could. She wanted to address him, not herself. She leaned over and whispered in his ear, " can cum in me if you want,"
Brendan was bouncing up and down furiously with Elsa as she rode him again, the springs in his mattress creaking with all the motion. He loved the way her breasts flopped around wildly as she rode. They were big and beautiful, he thought, and he got mesmerized for a minute watching them, feeling a strange desire to reach out and snag one in a catlike fashion, and just suck on it. But then a wave of tingles washed through him, and he looked up into his lover's eyes. The feeling inside him wasn't just sexual arousal. It was love. And what his body wanted to eject into Elsa was a form of the love within him. But he had to pull out. He was about to remind Elsa of this awful truth when she whispered in his ear.

His heart began racing even faster when he heard her words. He looked at her silently, an inquisitive expression on his face. If they'd discussed it any other time than in the throes of passion, he'd have refused. After all, she was only twenty. He wouldn't have wanted to risk tying her down at such a young age. But now, he could never refuse. Not when she was grinding her soaked pussy into him at a furious rate. Not when she'd just told him how much she loved him. He gripped her hips hard, digging in his nails, and brought her violently into him, moaning at the top of his lungs as he released himself deep into her. The orgasm was amazing as he shot his seed into her for the first time. It went far beyond any of the others he'd ever experienced. Bucking again, he released a second wave of juices into her. "Oh, baby, I love you so much," he gasped once finished, leaving his throbbing cock inside her, and hugging Elsa down into his body, pressing her warm breasts against his chest, both of them moist with sweat.
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