The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Brendan salivated at the mention of steak. It was, in fact, his favorite. He gave Elsa another big kiss of thankfulness once he'd heard the news, and laughed at the way she drained her drink. Not one to be outdone, he took a deep sip from his own glass, and then topped off each of their glasses of the bubbly beverage. "Thanks babe," he told her with a big, silly smile. "You should be the one getting rewarded, though, not me."

After enjoying the delicious meal, and a generous amount of alcohol, working on the second bottle now, Brendan helped her clear off the table, and stood behind her at the kitchen sink. After dropping the silverware into the sink, he ran his newly free hands up and down the curves of her sides, kissing the back of her neck. "Why don't we clean up later, baby?" he suggested, tugging her hips in the direction of the couch, the closet surface in visual range where he might be able to have a crack at his love. Suddenly, without warning, he took a run at her, pushing her onto her back on the couch, and leaping on top of her, squeezing her hips with his knees. "Aha!" he shouted, as if in some sort of triumph, wobbling over her, a little woozy from all the drink. Reaching down, he squeezed her breasts roughly and gave Elsa a sloppy kiss on the lips. "I think I have just the right reward in mind for you," he whispered with a laugh.
She was feeling pretty giggly by the end of their steak dinner. She got up to help him with the dishes when she heard him carelessly dump them in the sink. She laughed and stumbled when he tugged her towards the couch but tried to shake her head no. She was too tipsy for sex right now. She didn't like to be intimate when she wasn't all there. It didn't seem right to her. Even with this joyous occasion, she thought maybe they could do it in the morning or something. Nice morning sex instead of late night drunken sex.

She screeched when he tackled her to the couch, furrowing her brows and wriggling underneath him. He was acting strangely, drunkenly for sure. She pushed his chest away from her when he kissed her sloppily and turned her face away. "," she tried, managing to roll herself over onto her stomach. She reached her arms out and pulled herself towards the arm rest, trying to get out from under him.
Over the last couple of weeks, Brendan and Elsa’s sex life had been gentle at times, and not so gentle at others. It was, however, always exhilarating for both of them. Brendan didn’t have much experience with consensual dominant play in the bedroom, and as much as he liked it, he was glad that he was learning with Elsa. It allowed him to respond to what turned them both on, which would have doubtless been different than anything he may have explored with someone else in the past. He’d learned that being in control himself as her dominant was far more important than being in control of her. In fact, they’d even shared a few fully clothed, mature conversations about what she liked and what she didn’t like.

But now, something different was clouding Brendan’s mind. He wasn’t drunk, but was tipsy enough to recognize his own buzzed state and ignore it. What had started as a celebration of Elsa’s accomplishment was quickly turning into a desire to sate his own needs. Perhaps the alcohol was a factor, but he saw Elsa at the moment as truly his, to do with as he pleased. He laughed when Elsa rolled around under him, interpreting her attempts to flee as playfulness. “Nuh-uh,” he teased, pinning her to the couch with his weight. He wrestled with her until he had flipped her body onto her back again to face him, a knee on her thigh and both hands on her shoulders. “I need to see your face while I take what’s mine,” he growled, digging a shoulder into her chest while he wrestled with her flailing hips to force her pants down. “To look into your eyes while I fuck that horny pussy of yours, working girl,” he said, staring at her with his glassy eyes.
Elsa's heart had begun to race, and not in the good way. She loved it when he dominated her, loved it when he persuaded or even gently pushed her into some things, but this was different. Very different. She very clearly didn't want him to do this, and he was doing it anyway. They'd agreed that when she said no, she really meant no. She never actually said 'no' when they were messing around, and if she did it was very obviously playful. She wasn't being playful now. Her mind had zoomed back to the Center. To when Carlos had dragged her across the supply room floor. To when Ryan had slammed her down on the couch and the warden had held her legs. To when Carlos had jumped on top of her on that same couch.

And now Brendan was doing the same thing to her. She thought she'd gotten away from all of that. She never thought she would be afraid of Brendan again...but now she was. She screamed, legitmately screamed, when he began to pull her pants down forcefully. She tried to kick him, managing to get the side of his stomach, but it didn't seem to do much to deter him. "I'm not horny!" she protested, trying to make him realize she didn't like what he was doing. Then he called her a working girl. Did...did he mean that she had a job...or that she was a whore?
Brendan laughed forcefully when Elsa kicked at him, wincing for a moment before getting back to work. Once her pants were at her knees, he pushed her panties to the side as they continued to wrestle, blotting his finger around and feeling that she was bone dry. "Ooh, you're right," he said with a wicked smile. "We'll have to change that." Once he flung himself back on top of her, she had been wriggling so violently that they both fell onto the floor, Elsa now on top of him as he held onto her by the shoulders. "You're so sexy when you scream," he mumbled, his head woozy from knocking against the hardwood floor. "You should do it again," he rudely suggested, grabbing a handful of hair and twisting her neck to the side by pulling on it, taking a bite into the side of her neck.

Once he released his teeth, he suddenly flung her off him and got to his feet. Grabbing Elsa's ankle with both hands, he dragged her across the smooth floor until she was mostly on top of an area rug that might provide some cushioning. Brendan leaned over and pounced on her before she could make any attempt to get up. "Come on, gorgeous. I've never known your juicy cunt to turn down cock before. You know you want it. Why don't you feed me some pussy juice for dessert? It's my favorite." He forced his face against hers and did his best to kiss her mouth, although in reality, his lips ended up all over her face. Reaching down, he felt about her midsection, pulling her panties to the side and forcing his hand up against her clit, rubbing her dry sex vigorously.
Brendan was really really scaring her now. She tried to leap off of him when they rolled onto the floor (thankfully he was the only one that was hurt in the fall), but he grabbed her hair and twisted her neck before she could do any moving. She cried out in pain when his teeth sunk into the side of her neck. Tears welled up in her eyes and she whimpered, beating at his chest as hard as she could to try to make him let go of her. But he wasn't letting go. And then suddenly she was crashing into the coffee table when he flung her off of him. Her tears spilled over then and she began to sob, but she didn't have even a second to wallow in her pain as he had already grabbed her ankle and was dragging her across the room.

She screamed again, barely realizing that she had followed an order that he had given her. She whimpered and sobbed again when he pounced on her once more, her skin moist with sweat from her terror. When he pulled her panties to the side and then began to try to rub her clit she lifted her hand and smacked him across the face as hard as she could. She may have been a girl and he may have been stronger than she was, but when she was pissed she could deliver a hell of a slap. She was most angry about his comment about her juicy cunt never turning down a cock. She knew that to be too true. Her pussy hadn't turned down Ryan, Carlos, or Brendan. Except now it seemed to be, to the man she thought she loved.
Brendan shook his head back and forth in a fog a couple of times after Elsa beat and slapped him. It hurt fairly badly, in fact. He hadn't been operating maliciously in his own mind; it was just their way of playing, he rationalized. But the slap almost brought him back to reality. He was at a crossroads, really. He could listen to her and stop, or he could be more forceful and discourage resistance in so doing. He was actually somewhat dazed and confused himself. But unfortunately, and redeeming qualities he may have had didn't come to Elsa's rescue.

"We both know what'll happen," he sneered, forcing both of her hands between her chest and his, and then pinning them between their bodies with his weight. "In a minute, your pussy'll be wet and shiny, begging for my cock to fill it," he insisted to Elsa as she sobbed. He dragged his index finger across her face and cheek, pulling a significant amount of salty moisture with it from her plentiful tears. Reaching down and ramming it inside her, he lubricated her vagina with her own tears, before rhythmically massaging her clit again, her hands now incapable of striking out. "Isn't that right?" he sneered, looking down directly into her angry eyes, demanding an answer.
She couldn't believe it. She'd slapped him as hard as she could across the face, and he had barely even slowed down his assault of her. She wasn't going to be able to win this. He wasn't going to snap out of whatever funk he was in until he got what he wanted. He was going to beat her down and berate her until she let him have what he so actively sought. She didn't know what to do. Her slap had been her final weapon. Her hands were now held tightly but one of his, his other hand assaulting her again.

She jumped when he shoved his tear wetted finger inside of her, trying to lubricate her with her pain. And now he was touching her clit again, the piercing adding to what his fingers were doing. And her body began to betray her, just as he said it would. She continued to sob though, turning her face away from him so that she wouldn't have to look at him. "No," she said weakly, but she could already feel her pussy moistening for it always did.
Brendan laughed hearily when she denied that her pussy was going to betray her. "Do I have to prove it to you?" he taunted, giving her piercing a little twiddle before sopping up some of her juices with his index finger. Leaning over her, he tried to jam his finger inside her mouth to make her taste the by-products of her own reluctantly pleased sex. But she was turning away, so his finger just trailed across her lips and cheek, leaving a shiny streak of the moisture across her face.

Reaching down, he eased some pressure off Elsa, and slid his own pants down to his knees, before jabbing his hips back into her to make sure she stayed down. Interestingly, his cock wasn't fully erect yet, but only about halfway there. Maybe it was something inside him trying to tell him that this just wasn't right. He gave her clit a final round of attention, squeezing it between his thumb and index finger and twirling it, knowing she (or at least that part of her anatomy) was more than ready for him. He focused on manipulating her piercing next. He pulled outward on it, and then let it snap back into place. "Don't you remember what this means?" he mumbled, a little short of breath. Easing up off her, he grasped his cock in his hand, and took all his weight off her gradually, but stayed in position to pounce if she made a move. Even in his half-stupor, he sensed that she was starting to give up, and wanted to put that idea to the test. "There's a penalty for lying about you pussy wanting it," he told her with an evil grin. "Now you have to show me your tits while we make love," he said, unintentionally using that unfitting phrase in description. "So take off your shirt."
Her face flushed red when he sopped up some of her juices and tried to force it into her mouth. She felt him wipe it across her cheek and could feel it there. Disgusting. She felt his weight go off of her and she knew he was taking his cock out. Usually she'd be eager for it. She'd want to look at it, stroke it, kiss it, suck it. Now she wanted to kick him in the balls so hard that he wouldn't be able to walk for days. She hated the fact that he could manipulate her clit in such a way that made her body want him. It was begging for him, just as he said it would. She had to stifle back noises that wanted to slip out of her when he played with her piercing. Did she remember what the piercing meant? She sure as hell did. It meant that he had tricked her into getting it and then forced her to keep it.

A penalty for lying? She didn't want to play his game right now. She gritted her teeth and waited for whatever demand he was going to give her. Her head snapped forward to glare at him when he said make love. That was not what they were doing. "If we were going to make love, I'd gladly show you my tits. Since that's not what's happening here, I'm not going to do shit for you."
Brendan continued to grin when Elsa refused to show him her breasts. "You're so sexy when you're catty," he shot back at her. "But unfortunately, that just makes me need to see your tits more," he added. Sizing up the situation, he grabbed the bottom of her shirt, and yanked up on it as hard as he could, despite Elsa fighting to prevent this from happening. Once he'd wrestled it halfway up, he leaned his full weight on her to prevent her from pulling it back down. Feeling her sweaty stomach against his, he gave her a hard kiss on the lips now that her attention was diverted to his fight for her shirt. He shifted his weight off her again, quickly pushed one of her wrists away, and pulled the shirt up hard until it was up and over her breasts.

That was good enough for him; it would have been too much effort to take the shirt off competely. Yanking down on her bra, he released her breasts to his sight finally. Grabbing at her breasts with both hands like he'd never seen one before, he mashed them down into her chest, a big smile on his face, open to another strike from Elsa if she so desired, now that his hands were occupied. "You tits were so sweaty, dear. I'm suprised you didn't want to take them out before," he said with a derisive laugh. Forcing his weight on her again, he humped Elsa down into the floor, the tip of his cock dragging along her thigh, sex, and stomach. He forced his face into her chest and took a hard bite at one of her nipples. "Mmmmm," he moaned once he'd come up. "So tell the truth now. Does that pussy want some cock?" he asked, reaching down and guiding his manhood all around her wet opening, using his hand to rub the tip teasingly against her swollen clit and piercing.
She fought against him as much as he could when he began to yank up her shirt. But he managed to get them up over her bra-covered breasts. Then he yanked her bra down, which hurt as the back and the straps dug into her flesh. Bras weren't meant to be pulled forward while still clasped. Once his hands were on her breasts she did slap him again, though this one didn't have as much power in it. She didn't have enough power left in her to slap him the way he had before.

She felt so gross when he began humping her randomly. It was like he was a horny dog that was just trying to hump the first thing it found to get it's rocks off. She cried out in pain when he bit one of her nipples, the barbell getting caught in his teeth. Tears dripped out of her eyes again as she felt fresh pain course throughout her body. She took her opportunity of him being distracted and lifted up her leg again, trying to kick him anywhere she could. His ass, his balls, anything sensitive. "If it wants cock, it doesn't want yours." she seethed.
Brendan fought and wrangled around with Elsa as she opposed him, absorbing a hard blow to the ass. Another inch or two lower, and she would have split his legs and got his balls. He gasped when Elsa disparaged his manhood with her last statement. He pulled up off her nipple, looked at her with a fierce expression, and slammed his face into her other breast, grabbing the piercing between his teeth, and arching his back, stretching the milky, sensitive skin of her breast out completely taut before lettin go of the nipple. Brendan grabbed her head roughly between both hands, forcing it to stay perfectly still, while digging a knee into her stomach as an incentive against another kick. "How dare you say that, after all I've done for you?" he seethed, a statement he'd later regret. After all, she'd done as much for him as he'd done for her these last two months.

Then, he finally sunk to his lowest point. He did what he'd never done to her, even when he was only her corrections officer. He did to her that which he'd tried to prevent more than once. "Your pussy wants me, and you know it," he said with a final laugh before sliding his hands down to both hips, pushing down hard, and forcing himself inside her. Once inside, he wrapped his arms around both shoulders, and pressed his cheek against hers, almost tenderly. "You can stop pouting now that your pussy has what we both know it wanted stuffed up inside it," he whispered into her ear, starting to slide himself in and out faster and faster. He pulled out almost all the way each time, before sinking back in to the hilt, grinding her butt into the hard floor beneath the throw rug.
Her back arched and her eyes squeezed closed when he attacked her other breast, damaging that one even more than the first. She wriggled in pain, aware that she was going to have a plethora of marks on her the next day. He would too, though. He'd at least have a welt mark on his face. She groaned when he shoved his knee into her stomach, forcing her to stay put. She growled when he grabbed her head and forced it to look towards him. She glared at him evilly, her eyes holding only anger -- nothing else. After all he'd done for her? Maybe she'd just leave him then. She had a job now, she could do that.

She felt his once familiar cock slide into her easily. Her body accepted him like he was meant to be there, as he usually was. But she didn't want him there, and that was what made it force. She growled again when he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and drew her to him, pressing his cheek against hers. His whisper was worse to her than a shouted threat. It was like he knew he was absolutely right, and he wanted to give her one final chance to cede to him by whispering his win to her. Her body rocked back and forth as he fucked her, her ass getting rug burn steadily. Her pussy was loving it, like it usually did. Her body was milking his cock and just making it worse for her.
Brendan closed his eyes and kept at her, feeling the familiar tugging at his cock as he shoved himself inside her. He took a deep whiff of her hair, subconsciously seeking some familiar feel or touch that reminded him of love. Her pussy was squeezing at him so hard now, that when he pulled up, his body lifted her off the ground a little and slammed it back down again. Pushing himself up on his forearms, he squeezed her hips between his knees and looked down at her mostly naked body like some sort of conquest as he kept pounding her. As he looked down upon her, though, the hazy image that his eyes were creating slowly got clearer. Maybe all the physical exertion had nullified the effects of the alcohol. He realized now that she was looking at him with only hate. The girl he loved had only hate for him.

He was close to releasing, but started to slow down his motions. He felt her pussy quiver, as if to beg him not to slow down. Tears were getting close, but fought to keep his eyes dry. It was as if a veil had been lifted now, and he could see the whole story. "Baby," he pleaded, his voice quivering as he touched her cheek softly. He continued to rock back and forth inside her, his body begging to keep it up. "Baby... I love you. You want me to stop, don't you?" he asked softly, nodding his head in her anticipated agreement.
She glared at him fiercely when he finally dared to look down into her eyes. She felt him slow down and saw his face change, his tone too. But she thought he was taunting her like he had been before. She thought he was going to be just like the others and get her to say that she wanted it and then make it hurt even more. She slapped his hand away from her cheek and growled at him, "I never wanted you to start," he seemed to have brought his guard down and it was a lot easier for her to move out of his grasp. She moved her other hand now too, hurriedly trying to stuff her breasts back into her bra. Her face was flushed with supreme anger. She didn't want to hear any sort of fake apology now. She didn't think he was truly sorry about anything he'd done to her this night.
Brendan slowly rocked to a stop and pulled himself out of her. He didn't say another word to Elsa. He was too ashamed. He rolled back onto the floor, and covered his eyes with his hands. His mind now firing clearly, he couldn't believe what he'd done. He'd ruined the best relationship he could imagine, with the most amazing woman he'd ever known. And for what? Because he had a little too much to drink? Because he got carried away with some dominant, master mind-trip? Whatever the reason, it was to take something that Elsa would have given him almost any other time. But he just had to have it now.

He wanted to take it back, but it wasn't like a rape could be undone, could it? Brendan wanted to saw something, but there was nothing he could possibly say to come close to making up for what he'd done. That much he knew. So he just lay on the floor, hands rubbing over his face. His body started to feel the effects of the kicks and slaps he'd endured, but they were nothing compared to the empty feeling inside. And what was worse, the thought of the empty feeling that he knew Elsa must be feeling. "I know" he moaned, the only thing he could muster.
As soon as he pulled out of her and rolled away she scrambled into action. She stood, her body swaying for a moment. She paused to get her bearings, all of the pain he'd inflicted on her now suddenly rushing at her. Her head hurt, her legs hurt, her back hurt, her arms hurt, her insides hurt, her neck from the bite he'd inflicted on her. As soon as she thought she could walk without fainting she grabbed her panties and her pants and pulled them on. She rearranged her breasts in her bra and tugged her shirt down. She brushed her hair out of her face and the stomped off towards their room. When she got there she found a duffel bag under the bed and pulled it out. Then she went to her drawers and took out all of the news clothes that she'd gotten over the past few weeks (except the few pieces of lingerie -- she didn't want those).

She stuffed them all in the duffel bag and then zipped it closed. She went into the bathroom and took out her necessaries and the stormed back into the living room. She looked at him rocking back and forth there on the floor for a moment, stopping in her tracks. Should she say something to him? No. She resumed walking and opened the door. She went out it and slammed it behind her. She ran down the stairs and prepared herself for the ten minute walk to the train station. She had money from her settlement left, enough to rent a hotel room for a few days until she could find her own place, enough to buy food and enough for the train ticket. Other than that, she was going to be living slimly.
Brendan tried to tune his ears to what was going on when he heard Elsa storm back in. He was dying for her to say something. Even if it was final, he would have liked to hear it. He would have liked to hear that he had made her happy up until now. But he didn't deserve a word from her, and he knew it. As she moved towards the door, Brendan finally removed his hands from his eyes a little, taking a longing glance at her. He was sure it would be the last time he'd see the best thing that ever happened to him. Or at least the last time seeing her in his place. He knew deep down that he'd try to find her at some point, even though he doubted she'd accept him. He curled up on the floor and stayed there for the night, unable to sleep. Halfway through the night, he wandered around and found the remaining half bottle of champagne, gulping it down completely and then finally falling asleep. He didn't show up or call out for work the next day.

Meanwhile, back at the Center, it was visiting day. The new warden, a retired MP, found the job to be an excellent retirement career. He found it nothing like the stresses of the military, and had even relaxed some of the rules, allowing phone calls and visits once a week. This week's visiting day found Carlos in the common visitor area, in a hushed conversation with two young, thin, Hispanic males. One of them, with a shaved head, a long white shirt, and tattoos on his neck, leaned in close to Carlos. "You can find her picture on the computer, man. It was all over the place when she got arrested, I heard," Carlos said. "So look her up, and find her. I think she carryin' my baby. If she is, I wanna know. And I want her to know I know," Carlos emphasized. The two men stood up, gave their leader a handshake and an embrace, and quickly left the Center.
Thankfully the night was horrible. It was pitch black outside except for the few street lights, but the walk was friendly. No hidden alleyways, no drug dealers on the corner. Suburban walking mostly. She got to the train station in a little under fifteen minutes, having gradually slowed down as she lost some of her confidence. She bought a one-way ticket into the actual city hurriedly, not wanting to change her mind before she did it. She waited for the train and then took it into the city, finding a hotel fairly quickly. It was a moderately nice hotel. Had a television, nice bathroom, nice bed. It was enough. She paid for a week's stay.

She spent the weekend wallowing in her misery and missing Brendan terribly, while hating him at the same time. She started work on Monday and the job was fairly mundane. Answer the phone, sign guests in, sign guests out, type and print schedules, etc etc etc. Before she knew it, it was Thursday of her first week and she'd already pretty much settled in.
Brendan had skulked around his house all day Friday and Saturday, before finally getting dressed and leaving the house Sunday. He took a long walk for hours, hands in his pockets, thinking about his life without Elsa. She really had consumed all of his attention and energy for the last month; she left a huge void in his life in more ways than one. He really had no idea what he was going to do with himself. Brendan didn't even have the heart to call any of his friends. He'd completely blown them off for the last month to be with Elsa, and didn't want to go running to them now that she was gone. As he walked over a high railroad bridge, he stopped in the middle and looked the hundred or so feet down. He climbed up, balancing himself on the ledge, and looked at the stream below. He gave serious thought to leaping. Looking down, he took a quarter out of his pocket. He decided that if it hit a rock, he'd jump, and if it landed in the water, he'd climb back down. It was a little of a cowardly wager with himself, considering that only about twenty percent of the surface was rock-covered. Once it thankfully hit the water, he exhaled and climbed down, and headed home. He went back to work Monday, picking up some overtime the first few days of the week.

Meanwhile, Luis and Alex, Carlos' two crew members, had been pounding pavement all week, photos in hand. They knew it would give them quite a bit of credit with their boss if they could succeed in doing his bidding. Meandering into a large office building on Thursday, they tried to blend in with the well-dressed men and women filing in and out, although it was clear they didn't belong. "I think that's her," Alex (the one with the neck tattoo) whispered excitedly to Luis. "Come on," his friend said, heading over to the desk where Elsa sat. Alex leaned up casually against the desk, Luis standing at his side, a little more nervous looking. "Hey babe," Alex said, as if they knew each other. "We looking for a friend who works here." He smiled widely, as if concealing an important secret. "Carlos." he said, pausing for effect. "I don't remember his last name, but he expecting us. He definitely expecting," he continued, articulating every syllable of the last word.
She was sitting at her desk busy typing away an e-mail when the two Latino men walked up to her. She looked up and smiled at them automatically, as she did to every guest that walked in no matter what they looked like. She took her hands away from the keyboard and folded them in front of her, looking at them and waiting for them to say what they wanted. When they said they were looking for a friend who worked there she opened her mouth to say 'who', but they'd answered it already. Her face drained of color and her mouth stayed open for a couple of moments. She quickly snapped it shut and sat back in her chair, looking away from the two men for a moment.

Expecting. He was expecting. She knew exactly what that meant. But...she hadn't done any tests yet. She was late on her period, but she'd just had a massive break up with her boyfriend. She thought the stress was why. It had been twelve weeks since the first time Carlos had raped her...the first time he'd cum inside of her. Women could find out if they were pregnant by week ten. She cleared her throat and shook her head, looking up at the men tentatively. "I'm sorry. No Carlos works here."
Alex chuckled when Elsa's face drained of color, stammering for a moment before answering. He knew she was the girl from the photos. Giving his friend a jab with his elbow, they shared a knowing grin. "So, no Carlos here?" he mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Damn. I think he mentioned someone like you. I thought he said he worked with you. For sure, ain't he said that he did some work wit' her?" he asked Luis tauntingly. "Worked on her, worked her over, somethin' having to do with work." He stood up straight, cracking his knuckles. "Well, that's okay, sugar," he concluded. "We'll come back and check for him another time."

Turning and leaving, the two thugs left the building, but didn't depart the area. Following Carlos' bidding, they waited outside, as concealed as possible, ready to follow Elsa to wherever she called home after work. Brendan, meanwhile, had left work at three o'clock and headed down to Elsa's work. That was the only place where he thought he might find her, since she'd mentioned the place that fateful night. A week had passed, and he thought it was time to take his shot at her. He hesitated as he entered the building, still in his work clothes. He blended in with a group, waiting for Elsa to turn around to approach her. He thought if she saw him coming, she might run away, and he wanted to be sure he had an opportunity to talk with him. Once she swiveled around on her chair on a phone call, he walked up to the desk, standing there nervously with his hands on the top. "Hi Elsa," he said sheepishly when she finally hung up and turned around.
Worked her over. Carlos had certainly done that. She wondered just how much these two knew about her relationship with Carlos. Did they think it'd been consensual? They obviously knew it'd happened while they were both in prison, though her record was completely clean now. According to the government she'd never been in prison. The papers and memory said differently. Elsa cringed when the one man cracked his knuckles. It reminded her a lot of Carlos. He'd done that before, a subtle threat to punch her in the face or something if she didn't do what he wanted.

She was jittery after that. She tried to concentrate on her work, but it was pretty mindless, and her head wandered elsewhere. She decided she had to take a pregnancy test soon, whether she wanted to or not. She was on the phone for what seemed like a hundred years when she turned and saw Brendan standing there. She stared at him for a moment and then continued the call, finally hanging up after he'd been standing there staring at her for five minutes.

"Hello, Brendan." she said flatly.
“I'd just like you to listen to me for a minute, Elsa. Please, that’s all I’m asking of you. I’m not asking you to take me back,” he pleaded, his eyes big and sad. He had been anticipating some more active resistance from her, but she seemed to be taking his surprise visit in stride. “I know I don’t deserve you back.” He wrung his hands a little, shifting his weight nervously. "I could have come here with chocolates and flowers, or in a suit or something. But that's not me. That would be insincere."

He looked around him, glad at least that no one else seemed to be demanding Elsa's attention. She looked beautiful, he thought, dressed neatly and professionally. He knew she'd be good at her job, and with no criminal record now, would probably work her way into a professional career if she wanted to. "I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry for what happened. I'll regret it every day for the rest of my life. The two months I knew you were the best in my life, and I'll never forget the good times." He signed and slipped his hands in his pockets, turned away, and then turned back towards her. "I'm sure you don't want to tell me how your life is going or anything. So, I guess I'll get going, Elsa. I just wanted you to know I really did love you, still do, I guess you could say. It was genuine," he concluded as he turned around, just barely avoiding becoming emotional.
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