The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

The minutes seemed like hours until the judge came back. Brendan wrung his hands anxiously, focusing mostly on the back of Elsa's head. Finally, the judge strolled back up to the bench. Brendan couldn't really even pay much attention as he addressed Carlos' case first, informing the repeat offender that there would be no change in his sentence at the current time. Then, he began to address Elsa. After ratting through the case number and other particulars, he began with the part Brendan was waiting for. "After considering your case, young lady, this court believes that you have more than paid your debt to society. You have all the apologies of the court, speaking on their behalf, the Department of Corrections, for any alleged wrongs. You're free to go," he finished, with a bang of the gavel.

Brendan was instantly up from his seat, the rest of the audience starting to stir also. He watched as the attorney gave Elsa a pat on the shoulder, and the bailiff opened the little gate between Elsa's table and the rows of seats. His heart raced as he anticipated holding Elsa as a free woman for the first time.
Elsa's heart was beating a mile a minute as she waited for the judge to address her. She raised her head only when the judge said her name, her eyes full of fear, trepidation, and even a little glimmer of hope. Then the judge said the words she'd been waiting for. She was free to go. A wave of heat washed over her and for a moment she thought she would faint. She was free. Free. Free. Absolutely one hundred percent free. She rose from her chair, still in shock. She mumbled her thanks to her lawyer and then turned just as the bailiff opened the gate.

She saw Brendan standing there, beaming like the goofy dork he was. An enormous grin spread over her face and she ran towards him. Her love. Her one and only love, and she was about to embrace him as a free woman. She opened her arms and jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She squeezed him as tightly as she could, tears pouring from her eyes soundlessly.
Brendan didn't care that they were making a scene in the courthouse. He gladly accepted Elsa into his arms, hands on her waist as he spun her around in a circle. He poked his nose into her eyes, blotting out some of her tears with his skin, then offering his jacket sleeve to her. "I knew it would happen, baby," he whispered, everyone in the room staring at them. "Ready to get the hell out of here?" he suggested with a big smile, letting her down and grabbing her by the hand. It was hard to believe, after all they'd been through, that he was finally free to take the woman he loved more than anything with him, into the outside world. He led her out towards his car, scurrying around and holding her door open for her.
She wiped her eyes on his jacket sleeve and heaved a huge sigh when he placed her on the ground. She grabbed his hand immediately and squeezed it tight, not once even thinking of turning around to see what the look on Carlos' face said, or the warden, or Ryan, or anyone else for that matter. She ran after him as he sped out of the courthouse, glee and joy filling her completely. She climbed into his car and buckled herself in quickly. She wanted to get away from the courthouse as soon as she could. She had the strange notion that if she stayed the judge would change his mind and make her go back to the Center. All she wanted now was to be safe in Brendan's arms, in Brendan's home, with Brendan, and no one else.
Brendan's brain was working a mile a minute as he ran through all the things he'd wanted to do with Elsa. Now that they could do whatever they wanted, it just seemed so overwhelming. He sped along, not even having decided yet where they were headed, but in a hurry to get there. "I think maybe we'll stop by my place, so you can see it. Or I guess I should say 'our place' now," he said with his silly grin, reaching over and grabbing her hand, squeezing it tightly.

They got there in no time flat, Brendan was so wired. He pulled into a space a half block down from the neat, five-story apartment building that he lived in, hopping out of the car, grabbing a package from the back, and leading Elsa inside. "Here we are, baby," he announced, flinging the door open, and picking her up suddenly, carrying her inside with a hand under her knees and one around her shoulders, leaning in and giving her a kiss on the lips on the way. "I have a little something for you, dear," he told her as he set her down. "You don't want to keep that jumpsuit on forever, do you?"
Elsa squealed in delight when he lifted her up and carried her through the doorway, as if they'd just been married and he was bringing his pure virgin bride into their new home. Except she wasn't a pure virgin, they weren't married, and his home wasn't exactly knew. It was at least a thousand times nicer than any home she'd ever had before, but it wasn't anything fancy. She looked down at herself in surprise when he mentioned the jumpsuit. She'd completely forgotten that she was wearing it.

She laughed and shook her head, leaning up and kissing him back gently. Their kisses seemed normal, not sexual. At this point she didn't get any sexual drive out of them, she just got a nice warm feeling. She stretched a little when he set her down looking at the bag he held. "I never want to wear a prison jumpsuit again!"
Brendan laughed at her exclamation, trying to forget all the meaning the prison jumpsuits had for Elsa. He pulled the bag out from under his arm, and took out a green dress. It wasn't overly fancy, or sexy, and certainly not slutty, but something nice, that just seemed appropriate for the warming weather. The neckline ran straight across, just above the bust, with two thin shoulder straps, and the hem came down to the knee. "Something a little classy, for the elegant lady that was hiding inside you all this time," he said, jokingly holding it up in front of his own body over his suit. He walked over to her, holding it up to her body. "I think it'll look wonderful on you," he decided. "But then again, anything would. Let me show you around, then you can try it on if you want."
She smiled broadly at the dress he showed her. It was so simple and yet so absolutely breath taking to her. This would be the first civilian piece of clothing she would wear since before her incarceration. Before that she'd worn tight jeans and halter tops, one of the only ways she could get her way around the hood -- look sexy. But now she didn't have to dress that way. She could dress like the elegant lady that Brendan truly believed she was. She leaned forward and pecked his lips again, her little kiss full of passion and love.

"You're so good to me, Brendan. I would die without you." and she reached up to stroke his cheek very gently. "Show me around, honey."
Brendan smiled, drinking in her kiss, and laying the cotton dress down on the sofa. It was such a happy kiss, such a loving, trusting touch that she had. “You're not the only one who feels that way, dear," he said, reaching around her, caressing her back. He knew Elsa was a smart girl, a strong girl, yet beneath that, was a vulnerability that made him want to just hold her, to protect her.

He took her hand and led her on the little tour. The living room, she'd already seen. The dining room had a small table in the center, not much else. |The kitchen was neat, but small, only large enough to stand in while preparing some food. Then, last, there was the bathroom, and the lone bedroom, a room of decent size, with a neat queen-size bed, a pair of dressers, and a computer table. "It's not much, like I told you." He turned back towards the living room. "I know you need some other things, too, baby," he said. "Why don't you get dressed, and we'll go out and get you whatever you need." But then, he turned his neck and eyed up the bed, and it was just too tempting. He pulled her towards him, and flopped back onto the bed, pulling her with, on top of him. "Sorry, I couldn't resist," he said, laughing. "I've never even been able to lay in a real bed with you. Like real lovers," he added with a contented sigh, reaching up and running his fingers through her hair.
Like real lovers. Like real lovers. She squealed and laughed as he pulled her up onto the bed with him, landing on top of him haphazardly. She rolled to the side of him but clung to him, her body pressed up against his side tightly. She slung one arm across his chest and the other was above his head, stroking his hair gently. They had a home together now. Sure, they hadn't been able to pick it together or buy it together, but they still had one. And it was free from all the bad things. She heaved a heavy sigh and nuzzled his chest gently, her heart soaring just to be able to lay here with him like this. It was perfect. They were perfect. Life seemed to finally be on the upswing for Elsa, after nineteen years of being on the down.

"Those things can wait," she murmured, lifting her face up to look at him. "I'm exhausted. Can...can we just take a nap? Together? Please, Brendan?" she almost begged him, lifting one of her legs and entwining it with one of his to bring them closer together.
Brendan lay there, holding her head in his chest, stroking her hair still, and continuing all the way down her back, running his fingertips down its entire length. His other hand, meanwhile, caressed her cheek as he looked into her eyes. A nap with her was absolutely perfect. There was nothing that he could have thought of that would be better. But he was practical, so had been thinking of Elsa, of having something to wear besides the dress, of having a toothbrush and the right kind of soap. But all that was forgotten as he closed his eyes and nestled her body close to his, intertwining his legs tightly with hers.

"I'd love that, Elsa," he said with a smile, pulling a pillow over and gently wedging it under her head. He rested his own head on her shoulder as he held her tightly. He didn't think at first that he would really sleep, imagining all of the things he wanted to do with her. But he'd lay there perfectly still for ten hours, he thought, if that's how long Elsa needed to rest. He would be her warm body to hold, to love. After a little while, however, he felt his own eyes getting heavy, and fidgeting a little so Elsa would be his own soft body pillow, he fell sound asleep.
She murred softly as he said he'd love that. She loved him. More than anything else in the entire universe. More than life itself. She closed her eyes and sighed once more, feeling herself almost immediately drift off into the land of dreams. Elsa hadn't been able to have a good rest in a long time. Her sleep had been riddled with nightmares of Carlos, the warden, and Ryan torturing her, with Jamie making a guest appearance sometimes. But now her sleep was absolutely dreamless. She felt one hundred percent safe in body, mind, and soul -- so her demons couldn't get to her. She had Brendan's warm protective body next to her, nothing could get her.

(Geh, short.)
They slept for hours, content just to be in each other's arms. Eventually, they woke, and did attend to more pressing matters, besides their love for each other. Elsa got some new clothes, even some jeans and beater tops, so she didn't completely lose her old identity. Brendan worked eight hours a day at construction, and sometimes overtime, to earn seventy-five percent of what he did at the Center. But he had a purpose, to make a life together with Elsa, and that made it all worth it. Every moment not at work was spent with Elsa. Being with her was never boring. If they just talked together for hours, that was perfect. But they did other things, too. They'd shared a couple of walks together on a nice day, went out to a decent restaurant on occasion, and seen some movies together. He told Elsa that if she was never ready to have sex again, he would accept it, and still love her and be faithful. When he said it, he meant it, but it wasn't easy. His mind kept drifting back to the soul-altering experience he'd shared with her in the shower at the Center. It had been completely mind-blowing, and his body wanted to demonstrate his love for Elsa again, in the most intimate manner possible. But for now, just sleeping in her arms, and waking to her wonderful face was plenty sufficient. He knew she'd been to hell and back at the Center, and did his best to respect her space while time healed her. That wasn't to say, of course, that he hadn't stolen a glancing touch or two of some of her naughty parts while in bed, pretending he'd been half asleep. She was simply too juicy and delicious to resist completely.

One Saturday morning three weeks later, Brendan woke up after an exhausting week of work. He gave Elsa a kiss on the forehead, and climbed out from the sheets, hopping in the shower. They had talked about maybe spending the day downtown and going to a concert at night. He came back in, once refreshed from the warm shower, wearing a white towel. Noticing Elsa stirring, he sat on the edge of the bed. "How'd you sleep, honey?" he asked, giving her a playful tickle on her stomach through the sheets.
Elsa rolled over onto her side and stretched out her limbs, not yet opening her eyes. In her opinion, they'd had an amazing three weeks together. She didn't feel any sexual tension between them, she wasn't even desperate for touch like Brendan was becoming. She'd cut sex out of her life, and until it came back in again she wasn't going to realize what she was missing. When he tickled her stomach she giggled and her eyes fluttered open, seeing him standing there bent over her. She stretched her arms out and sat up some, drawing her legs up to her.

Elsa slept in a baggy t-shirt and panties. It was simple, convenient, and comfortable. She never stopped to realize how her manner of dress in bed might provoke or entice Brendan. Honestly, she hadn't done as much thinking of him as she should have. She smiled at him, "I slept good. How was your shower?"
Brendan grinned back at her as she eased into alertness. Her giggle was intoxicating, completely and overwhelmingly adorable. In a playful mood, he leaned in and grabbed her hands, softly pinning them to the headboard and giving her a kiss on the lips. He usually had been trying to restrain himself, but Brendan found himself turned on by Elsa in the morning, as usual. Her choice of attire, although not overtly sexy, showed him enough of her body to entice. Her smooth, milky skin had completely healed by now, and was as supple and smooth as when they'd first met.

"It was fine," he answered, letting go of her hands, and reaching down, grabbing her hips, and pulling up on her baggy shirt a little. "Refreshing." He was a little ashamed to see that he'd developed a somewhat of an erection just from their relatively tame encounter, which had caused a little of a weird bulge in his towel. Leaning in, he kissed her once on her sensitive stomach. He reached down and rubbed her stomach a little, pulling up ever so slightly on the elastic of her panties before letting go. "So, are you feeling up to what we had planned today?" he asked, leaning back up, and propping himself over Elsa on his elbows. He was doing his best to be good and stay away from the subject he really wanted to discuss; what he really wanted was to kiss his way right down under her panties and make out with her wonderful womanhood.
Her eyes widened and her heart sped up when he grabbed her hands and pinned them up above her head and against the headboard. For a moment she was terrified, but in the next instant he pulled away and freed her hands. She realized that her fear was absolutely ridiculous. Brendan would never hurt her, he was just being playful. As a matter of fact, he wasn't playful with her very often anymore. Probably because of the ridiculous reactions she had to it. She squirmed a little when he pulled up her shirt and started messing with her a little. It was rare that he did this too. He was actually being very, very bold. He even went to far as to pull at the elastic of her panties.

Her face flushed and she tried to decide what she felt. A large part of her really wanted to play with him, and she knew he wanted to play too. She glanced over at him, propped up on his elbows. "You seem to wish something else was planned," she said somewhat cryptically, hoping that he would catch on. They hadn't really discussed it this entire time.
Brendan cringed when he saw the look of terror in her eyes. He'd pinned her down playfully in the Center before, and she loved it. But he hadn't thought of the significance that it would have now, considering everything that had transpired following his departure. Sensing her apprehension, he leaned his head down and gave her a tender kiss on the cheek, brushing his face against hers.

But when she made her comment, it took him a moment to process it. He reached down with one hand, and massaged her panty-covered hip. "I'm a pretty flexible guy," he said with a grin. "I'm never one to complain much if plans get changed. In fact, sometimes the best things happen spur of the moment," he added, looking down into her eyes for any reaction, as he continued to rub her hip and outer thigh.
"You're a pretty amazing guy," she murmured, her face turned to stare into his eyes. She was just realizing now what he'd done for her. He'd gone three weeks without more than a gentle kiss from her, just because he knew she was scared. They hadn't even made out in that time. She hadn't sat on his lap, she hadn't given him a hand job or blow job, he hadn't touched her breasts, he hadn't seen her naked. Nothing. Nothing at all. And he'd never, not once, complained or tried to push her into anything. He'd just dealt with it, because he loved her. She loved him too, and she realized that she had wronged him.

She then rolled over onto her side too, causing his hand to slide from her hip to her panty-covered mound. She leaned her face up and kissed him. Her kiss was still fairly gentle, but there was definitely a spark of something there that'd been missing from all of her other kisses in the past few weeks. She opened her mouth immediately and kissed him harder, her hand sliding up his bare stomach and chest. Then she pulled her lips off of his and looked down into his eyes, waiting for him to tell her exactly what he wanted.
Shocks, seemingly of electricity, coursed through Brendan's body when Elsa kissed him. His first instinct was to jerk his hand away from the soft area at the front of her panties. But after removing it for a moment, he realized that it was her intention, and replaced his hand. Perhaps it was the waiting that made this moment all the more profound. But after three weeks of waiting, he got more of a charge out of a kiss and a touch than he might have from going all the way with her at the Center, when he may have taken it for granted.

He felt warm all over when she touched him and kissed more passionately. "I... I haven't wanted to do anything until you're ready, Elsa. And I don't mean to push it on you now." He moved his hand around a little, sliding it just under the elastic of her panties, tracing his nails lightly across her lower stomach in the process. "But, I love you more than the world itself, baby. And I just have a need to show it to you this way. Why don't you just lay back and let me do all the work this once?" he suggested with a sly smile, sliding her shirt up a little more, and kissing his way down her stomach, looking up at her all the while.
She smiled at him and rolled over again, onto her back. She looked down at him as he began to kiss his way down her stomach. "You don't have to," she cooed softly, resting a hand on his head and stroking through his hair softly. "I love making you happy," she stroked the back of his neck gently, slowly, "Pleasing you. I wouldn't make you do it all by yourself," and she was being completely honest, though she did sort of like the idea of just laying there while he touched her. At the Center Elsa always had to do the work, willing or not. She'd always had to please someone else, even if she detested them.

Brendan didn't want to make her feel that way though. She lifted her hips up and wriggled them, her panties sliding down some. She then placed her butt back down on the mattress, she wouldn't have to move any more for him to get the panties off of her and reveal her womanhood to him again, for the first time since their bout in the shower room.
"I know," Brendan said, looking up at her as he grasped both sides of her panties now, pulling them down very slowly and deliberately. "But you'll have plenty of chances to make me happy," he said with his silly smile. "You already have, in more ways than you know. So just lay back, babe." He finished pulling her panties down, revealing a sight that to him, was like a rare, precious gem presented on an ornate pillow. It was the essence of her sexuality. He noticed that she still had her piercing on. It was a little harder to see now, as she wasn't forced to keep her womanhood bald any longer. But it was there nonetheless. He wasn't sure if she kept it because of what it signified between them, but the very sight of it got his heart racing.

Leaning in, he extended his tongue a little, and traced his way down one side her slit, along her inner thigh, and back up the other side of her womanly opening. Avoiding the piercing for now, he massaged both hips with his hands as he traced his tongue right along the center of her slit now, warming her up slowly for what was to come.
For a moment she flashed back to the last time she'd been eaten out. It had been Carlos. But he hadn't been able to do something that Brendan could always do -- make her love it. Sure, her body had reacted to what he was doing to her and had he kept going he would have gotten a physical climax, but he would never get an emotional one. That was something that only Brendan got out of her, and something she only wanted to give to Brendan. She glanced down at him as he nestled his head in between her legs. She spread them a little wider for him, opening herself up and exposing herself to him more.

She sighed audibly, tilting her head back and closing her eyes. She was going to do just as he said, lay back and enjoy. She was already enjoying actually, her body quickly remembering what it was he could do to her. After him licking around her she felt herself become moist and her body to start to heat up.
Brendan breathed a sigh of relief when she opened up her legs. He knew now that she was comfortable with what was going on. That meant more than anything to him, more by far than getting his own sexual release. He leaned in next, pulling her closer by her hips. Now that Elsa spread for him, he could see some of the moist pink on the inside of her sex, and delved his tongue inside for just a teasing moment. He realized at that moment, that it was the first taste of Elsa's womanhood that he'd ever had. They'd never been able to get to this point at the Center. She tasted magnificent, he thought; not that the warmth inside her had any special intrinsic taste, but the fact that it was from Elsa made it wonderful. He hadn't tried to call it to mind, but just at that moment, he remembered what he'd seen on video more than three weeks ago. He shuddered, and tried to force from his mind the thought of whose tongue had been where his was now. It certainly didn't diminish Elsa in any way, in his eyes, but just made him think.

Extending his tongue all the way, he worked his way up the outer folds of her womanhood, using her piercing as a landmark to find her clit. Licking in a circle around it, he couldn't help grazing her familiar piercing, the symbol he'd made of claiming her, seemingly so long ago. He nudged the ring up, and licked across her clit with long, slow, deliberate strokes, before turning away, and licking with long, slow motions along the outside of her ever-moistening slit.
Her back arched when his tongue finally grazed her clitoral piercing. She'd wanted to take it out so badly, she'd wanted to get rid of every single mark the Center had left on her, but she had realized a couple of things. Taking them out herself was going to be difficult, it would be better to have someone else do it, and for that she would have to either allow Brendan to do it, or some stranger at a piercing place. She'd prefer Brendan by a mile, but she also knew that he wasn't going to want her to take them out...and that bothered her a little bit.

Then again, the clitoral piercing was the sign that he owned her. So maybe she should keep it. She shook her head a little and wiped those thoughts from her head and just focussed on the delicious pleasure he was giving her. Her mouth dropped open slightly as he licked directly across her clit, a low moan escaping her mouth and a gentle shiver running down her spine.
Brendan's was being driven crazy by Elsa's movements, not to mention the sounds coming from her. He had deeply missed having her wonderful body react to his touch. He let his hands wander lightly all around her as he worked her over, massaging her stomach, then her thighs. He then moved one hand to her womanhood, holding her slit open with his middle and index fingers, and let his tongue delve inside, pointing it upwards and twirling it around, searching for her most sensitive inside area. Having teased her there for a while, he pulled his tongue out, bowing down and taking a deep whiff, licking up some of the juices that were rapidly gathering on her. "Ohhh, you smell magnificent, baby," he moaned, looking up at her with a little smile. His towel was only getting in the way, so it pulled it off now, and threw it to the side.

He continued to work her with all he had, reaching in next, and searching inside her moist sex with one finger for the spot that would make her moan, while concentrating on her clit again with his tongue. Giving it his full attention now, he gently pushed her piercing aside with his free hand and licked her all over, up, down, in all different directions. Leaning all the way in, he gave her clit a little suck, pulling it into his mouth for a second as his face pressed against her skin, twirling his tongue around it, and letting go. "And your taste is unbelievable," he added, between labored breaths.
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