The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Ryan pulled away and zipped up as Elsa lapped up his stray jizz. "Good girl," the warden rasped, walking along the table, dragging her fingers along Elsa's butt and back, before rubbing her hair like a dog. "Ryan, untie her," she told the satisfied boy-toy. "She's not bad with her hands. I want her to be able to fully service me," she explained. Ryan began obliging her wishes, looking back at the warden. "You know what we should do?" he blurted out. "We should put her with that Latino guy again tonight. That was fun." The warden shot daggers at him with her eyes. "That's ridiculous. You told me what he said. He'd probably kill her. How would that sound, having a death on our hands?"

She was feeling a little more frisky that the previous day, and began stripping down, in anticipation of having Elsa service her, getting down to bra and panties, and standing in front of the table as Ryan finished unbinding her. "You know what, though, Ryan? If she doesn't do a good job on me, maybe we can let that animal have at her right in here. That might be a good show," she suggested with an evil laugh. "Get off that table, and stand here in front of me," the warden ordered Elsa "I want you to take off my bra and lick my chest."
Elsa's eyes grew wide again when Ryan said that they should put her back with the Latino man, Carlos. Then the warden said he might kill her. She knew he wouldn't kill her, at least not yet. She hadn't birthed his child yet, he wasn't even sure if he'd succeeded in making her pregnant yet. He would wait until she'd served her main purpose to him to do that, and even then she didn't think he would do it unless she broke one of his rules. How strange that she was thinking about his rules and about how she needed to keep them. She shouldn't even care.

She rolled off of the chair awkwardly and then stood shakily, her muscles aching horribly. The wardens words made her just want to fall on the ground and cry. She thought that if they brought Carlos in here she wouldn't even be able to obey him. She'd just pass out on the floor. She wearily reached up and unclasped the warden's bra, reaching easily around her thin frame. The bra dropped off of the woman and Elsa looked at her drooping breasts. She sighed and leaned down, mostly defeated, and gave one breast a weak lick, nowhere near her nipple.
The warden closed her eyes, cupping one of her small, droopy breasts with her hands, and holding it up, expecting a warm sensation on her sensitive nipple. But what she got from the sexually exhausted Elsa wasn't at all what she wanted. Bucking her hips toward Elsa in desire, she cupped herself tighter, the breasts still barely filling her hand. "On the nipple. Like you mean it," she ordered sternly. "I know that slutty tongue of yours knows what to do." She looked over at Ryan. "Get me my riding crop. I want to whip her tits if she doesn't do it right," she said angrily, clearly not taking a shred of compassion for the tortured Elsa.

The legal process, meanwhile, was actually working on the outside. The warrant had been issued, and a team was being assembled to invade the prison in order to investigate Brendan's accusations. Brendan had been meeting with the police Captain, and badly wanted to go inside the Center during the raid, but was told the closest he could be was just outside, at the police tape. The raid was scheduled for 6:00 PM, the preparations getting close to complete.
Elsa had barely any energy left. She was sure that she wasn't going to last much longer. If the warden whipped her again she would pass out, undoubtedly. What would happen to her then she had no idea, maybe they would throw her back in with Carlos. What would happen to her when she woke up? He would want her immediately, he wouldn't take any sympathy on her. He would just order her around and force her to service him until she was so exhausted that her heart just stopped.

Elsa opened her mouth again and ran her tongue over the warden's nipple. It was disgusting to her, she'd never wanted to lick a woman's nipple. She'd never wanted to have any kind of sexual contact with a woman, but she was obviously going through quite a bit of that here.
The warden closed her eyes, and continued to massage her own breast with her hand as Elsa licked it. "I'm going to lay down on the table now, and you will get on top of me and keep it up. You can start on the other breast," she said, pulling away from Elsa and laying on the table on her back. As she lay down, she stripped her panties off, displaying her hairy crotch again. She unabashedly reached down, and stimulated herself with her hand, as she waited for Elsa to mount her. Her eyes closed, she kept rubbing herself, getting a tiny bit wet, seemingly not caring about Ryan and Elsa seeing this action on her part.

Brendan, meanwhile, was pacing back and forth in the police station. Every minute seemed like an hour as he watched the officers scurry about. He was not a devout man, but he prayed desperately in that moment for Elsa to be safe. He prayed that evidence of the abuse would be found, that she would be released from the Center. If only he could have a glimpse of her, to know she was okay, it would be worth everything in the world to him.
While the warden was climbing up onto the the table Elsa took a moment to look down at herself. Her thighs were almost completely covered in bruises, her skin nearly entirely purple. Her feet were beat red and blood was dried on them. If someone were to look at her pussy they'd see the giant red marks there from the electroshock the day before and the abuse of her actual parts was obvious. Her stomach, too, had bruises on her and her breasts were red and welted. Her entire ass was one raised welt that she was sure she'd have for a long time. It was one hundred percent clear that she'd been severely abused.

Despite all of the abuse she'd already taken, she didn't think she could do what the warden wanted. She couldn't mount her and lick her and fondle her. She just...couldn't. Elsa's homophobia kept her from doing that, it was too much. She shuddered and tears filled her eyes but she shook her head, "I...I can't get on top of you."
So Elsa was finally going to refuse. Just when the warden thought she was a defeated, broken girl, she wanted to battle again. Or maybe it wasn't battling, she realized, Elsa's eyes tearing up. Maybe it was just that she'd reached her limit. "Get her on the ground, Ryan," she snapped. Ryan came over and, surprisingly gently, lifted her weight up a little, and placed her on her hands and knees, pressing down on her back to keep her down, not that she had much physical fight in her, given her condition.

“Why don't you want to do it? Aren't you a dirty slut, Elsa?” the warden rasped with a moan, sounding somewhat like a cat in heat. “Check and see if she’s a dirty slut, Ryan. See if she’s still all wet." Ryan walked around behind Elsa. Her ass was two full mounds of muscular red meat, just a little bit of white left among the welts, and warm to his touch as he grabbed it. Her mound was nestled below, swollen and wet. He reached down to her sex, sliding two fingers into the sopping mass of flesh that had been tenderized like ground meat throughout the day. “Yup, soaking wet,” he confirmed with a guffaw. The warden approached Elsa, grabbing her hair, and rubbed her wet pussy as hard as she could around Elsa's face. "Fine, then. Why don't you go lay on the couch and rest. I'll have Ryan take care of me," she said, suddenly almost polite. "But don't think you're home free," she added a little ominously, pointing over to the couch.
Elsa was indeed surprised by Ryan's seemingly gentle touch as he picked her up and placed her on the ground. Elsa crumpled once she got there, her knees barely able to keep her up. She swallowed hard, forcing her tears back. She didn't want to do it because it was against her morals. It was against her heart. She could live with being forced to service a man, but a woman? It was just too much for her. She wasn't that kind of whore. She had to swallow again to stop herself from wailing when Ryan shoved his fingers up inside of her. Thankfully he pulled them out quickly, but almost immediately her head was yanked up and the warden was humping her face. When the warden pointed towards the couch and told her to rest, Elsa crawled all the way over to the couch. She climbed up onto it and collapsed, her eyes closing and her mind shutting down.
While Elsa crumpled onto the couch, Ryan eagerly finished off what Elsa had refused to start, going down on what he considered his 'cougar'. He wasn't bad at it, quickly getting the horny warden off. "Go get us some dinner," she told Ryan as they both got dressed after finishing. "Get me a chicken sandwich. I can handle the girl while you're gone. She's sleeping anyway." She pulled her skirt all the way up, buttoning it, and flipping her hair. "And why don't you see what her little friend in solitary is up to? If you think you can control him, I think it would be fun to let him have go at her up here. She deserves it, anyway, for turning me down. What a bitch," she exclaimed with a devilish look. The warden sat down at her desk once Ryan left, pouring herself a shot of whiskey from a bottle in her desk drawer, and taking a sip, unsure if Elsa had heard anything about what was planned, or if she was out cold.
It had only taken Elsa seconds to fall asleep. Her body was so drained, so exhausted, and so sore that she didn't think she could function anymore. She'd fallen asleep face down on the couch, her arms splayed out by her. Her legs were twisted and crumpled too, her feet up on the arm behind her. Her breasts were smushed against the couch cushions beneath her. She didn't snore at all, but she was really out cold. Her chest rose and dropped as she slept, though it couldn't be seen much as she was laying on her stomach. She slept dreamlessly, soundlessly, her body seemingly unable to do anything except try to rejuvenate. She had no idea Carlos was coming for her.
Ryan was a little confused after getting the sandwiches, as to when he was supposed to pick up Carlos. He decided to duck in and drop off the warden's dinner. "Here, so you can start. I'll go get him now," he stammered, leaving two sandwiches on the desk. He scurried down to Carlos' cell as the warden started eating. "So why'd you come alone, man?" Carlos asked when he saw the large guard approaching his solitary cell. "Just be quiet," Ryan retorted. "I have one question for you. How'd you like another crack at her? Catch is, you have to behave yourself, dude." Carlos hastily agreed, anything for some more time with his prospective baby-mama. Never so eager to get handcuffed, he walked the halls with Ryan, chained up securely. Entering the warden's office again, Ryan smiled at her, holding out a hand to display Carlos, as if to say 'See, I brought him'. Ryan unlocked Carlos' cuffs as the warden walked over and prodded the naked, slumbering Elsa. "We have a surprise for you, honey," she cooed, as Carlos eyes nearly popped out of his head at the sight, Ryan having to hold him back for the moment like a rabid animal.
Elsa quivered when the warden poked at her. At first she thought she was just imagining it, some kind of trick her mind was playing on her because she was so exhausted. She rolled over and unwillingly opened her eyes, only to see one of the worst sights of her life. The warden was standing there smirking, Carlos was there looking rabid as ever, and Ryan looked smug. Elsa's body immediately jumped into flight mode and she sat up and drew her legs up close to her chest, quickly scooting herself backwards against the couch. She screeched in terror and then whimpered, her arms holding her legs so tightly that her fingernails were digging into her flesh. She shook her head and whimpered again, almost shocked into disbelief. The warden had really brought Carlos in again because she'd disobeyed the woman. She was terrified and absolutely sure he was going to try to punish her for what she'd said to him.
"You can have fun. But only fun," Ryan whispered into Carlos' ear in a rare moment of lucidity, just before letting him loose. Even Ryan knew Elsa getting a broken bone, or worse, would be no good. Carlos scurried over quickly to Elsa like a rabid animal released from a cage, lunging onto the couch on top of her. He looked back at the warden and Ryan with a big smile, like a boy who'd just been given a shiny bike for his birthday. Ryan had sat down on the warden's chair, and the warden on his lap, cuddling together like they were ready for a movie or something. "I'ma do her and make sure my seed took," he announced excitedly. He then looked back into Elsa's terrified eyes. "Then I'm finally gonna take your ass, baby. That's the only part of your sweet body I ain't been. We don't got no deal tonight, sugar. You just playin' coy, ain't you? I think you really been wanting it up the ass the whole time." He reached down, sliding his pants off, his weight still pinning the girl down. "Ain't that right?" he asked, shaking her shoulders as he waited for an answer, thinking that would be payback enough for what she'd said earlier.

Brendan, at that very moment, was in the back of a police car, about two miles from the Center. The raid was on, and there was no turning back now.
Elsa screamed bloody murder when Carlos ran across the room and lunged onto the couch. She felt his weight on top of her and the sobs burst forth from her, shaking her entire body even before Carlos began to shake her. She wailed, terrified more than she'd ever been. More terrified even than when Carlos had first raped her. Every rape seemed to be worse than the one before it. She shook her head wildly and sobbed, "No! No! Carlos, don't! Please, I'm...I'm sorry," her words were probably incoherent, she was babbling and wasn't actually sorry, she was just saying anything to try to get him off of her, "I'm sorry for what I said!" she pleaded with him, but she knew he wasn't going to go back. He wasn't going to have mercy on her this time. He was going to punish her for disobeying him, just like a master did to a slave. Only she wasn't supposed to be his slave.
Carlos grabbed Elsa by the hips, leaning his weight on her to try to keep her still. It had been hard to miss all the new marks on her body, but that didn't discourage him. In his mind, she was his property, and she had to be taught a lesson for the way she'd spoken to him. Even if not, he felt he had the right to take her when and how he wished. He reached back and slapped her sobbing face with the back of his hand. "You didn't treat me right before, and you know it," he said right into her face, his hot breath right up on her. "You mine. You gonna have my baby. And my bitches pay for it when they disrespect me," he continued, some moisture falling onto her face from his hot breath. He reached down and forced his hand across her swollen slit. Next, he reached back up and grabbed her head with both hands, her body safely neutralized by his weight. "It's too late to be sorry," he told her, keeping her head motionless, and looking into her eyes. "Now tell me you want me to fuck you in the ass," he whispered, dropping his mouth down by her ear.
Just the way Carlos felt like Elsa belonged to him, Elsa was beginning to feel like she belonged to Carlos. She had no idea how this had come about. He'd never had a right to her. He'd just seen her one day and decided that he would take her, that she should belong to him. She'd never conciously done anything to make him think that. But now he most certainly thought that, and the way he treated her made her think that too. Brendan wasn't here to save her anymore. Brendan was here to claim her anymore. She wanted to belong to Brendan, but he wasn't here to fight Carlos for her, to take her back the way an alpha male should.

She whimpered and gasped for breath when he grabbed her head with both hands, her body completely paralyzed by his weight. She sobbed a couple of more times before she could even barely get the words out, "I...I...I want you," she sobbed again, "to the..." one last sob before she completely broke, "ass."
Carlos laughed deeply when she she sobbed, begging shamelessly for what he'd asked her to. He got right down to business, grabbing her hips with both hands, his big, scarred cock hard as iron, and aimed right for the familiar target he’d defiled twice before. Deciding at the last moment to do something different, he grabbed her knees and forced them into her chest, leaning on them with his forearms. This, he thought, would give him the best access to both his desired targets. Sliding his cock into her tight, hot sheath, he sawed in and out of her mercilessly, his cock feeling like it was going to explode almost immediately into her pussy. Her walls were tight against his ample manhood, feeling like they wanted to milk him of his seed. He slowed down a little to conserve himself, moving up and down, in and out, slowly now, but rhythmically. He gave her a hard slap in her taut ass, making it quiver. “Tell me this,” he roared. "Tell me you're my bitch, and tell me where you need my dark cock," he gasped.
He'd only raped her twice before, but to Elsa it felt like a million times. She felt that he'd violated her more times than she could count, that he had come to own her body completely. That disgusted her probably more than the actual acts of defilement, the fact that he owned her like that. She hadn't even given him permission to touch her the first time he'd done it, and now he owned her. She whimpered when he shoved her tied and sore legs up against her chest, spreading her pussy out wide before him. And then he was inside of her again, pumping in and out wildly. She felt no pleasure this time though, and was almost positive she wouldn't. She was too broken emotionally for that now.

"I'm your bitch," she whimpered, sniffling back more tears. "I...I need your dark cock," she repeatedly quietly to him, her voice filled with shame and defeat, much like a battered wife after her husband had beat her and convinced her that it was her fault that he beat her, that if she would just be a good girl he wouldn't have to, " my pussy," she swallowed uneasily, "and ass."
Carlos nodded without a word when the broken girl shamefully asked for him to take both of her holes. He rolled his eyes back, biting his lip, as he worked against the significant friction that existed from the way his manhood completely filled Elsa up. This time, it wasn't about her pleasure, which he had got off on before. It was about payback, a display of dominance, and humiliation. He leaned over her, sticking his ass up in the air, and began pulsing in and out of Elsa in a more up-and down motion. He leaned into her chest, and licked one of her nipples, hoping he could make it hard. He loved biting down into an erect nipple. Licking the other one next, soaking it with his saliva, he decided to take a bite anyway, pulling it away from her body before letting go. Although Carlos was breathing too heavily to pour on any more verbal abuse, he knew that he had broken her now. He was satisfied that she was his, he thought, as he continued pounding her.

Outside the Center on the street, Brendan was in a heated argument with the Captain. "I'm going in," he insisted. "I'm going in, or I'm not testifying," he threatened. "I'm no civilian. I know that place inside and out, and I've been trained in weaponry, hand-to-hand combat, riot control, I could go on," he shouted. "Probably more than you," he shot at the Captain. Finally, not wanting to blow their cover, the Captain agreed. A contingent of twenty-five officers, detectives, and SWAT team members barged in the front door, showing the two guards in the entrance they warrant, and quickly brushed by them. "We need to go to the warden's office first," Brendan shouted. "If she gets wind of anything before we get to her, it won't be pretty."
Elsa continued to cry softly while Carlos pounded into her. After all of her fighting against the warden today, it seemed that she had really won in the end. Why had Elsa even bothered to put up a fight? It only made losing in the end worse. Once Carlos was done abusing her, Elsa knew she wouldn't be able to fight anymore. She was broken now. She would go from place to place as told, perform her tasks as told, take her punishments without complaint or defiance, and if the warden decided to throw her to Carlos again, allow him to do what he wanted to her without trying to stop him. She had no more resolve left. Her only hope was seemingly gone forever. Brendan. He'd been right. Without him she couldn't survive here as herself. She had to become just a whore inmate to keep herself alive. When Carlos licked and bit her nipples they became hard, but she felt nothing. She just cried and cried, defeated.
Carlos yanked his cock from her womanhood, slick and smooth from her lubricating juices, and lodged it against that tiny bud of her anus, loving the way her body shook, and the whimpers coming from her throat. "You about to get your wish, mamita," he called out over her loud sobs, with a grin. He started pushing, planning to violate her anally as he hand long desired to do, and then return to her pussy, to increase his chances of fertilizing his ‘bitch’. He pushed very slowly, relentlessly, against her, his cock-head pushing against her, pushing the flesh of her ass inward, but not yet having penetrated her.

At this very moment, the SWAT captain was standing outside the warden’s door, shield in his hand. Brendan was pressing up against some officers, trying to get as close as possible. He pressed his ear against the door, recognizing the dirty sounds coming from inside. “We’ve got something,” the captain whispered, holding up his hand, and extending one finger at a time. One… Two..
She felt him pull out of her pussy and knew it was all over for her. He was going to take from her the one thing she had managed to keep sacred in her time here. He was going to take her anal virginity, and cruelly too. He wasn't some gentle lover that would be slow and kind to her, playing with her first and getting her warmed up. He was just going to take her, and he was going for it now. She felt his cock-head push against the skin of her anus, slowly pushing itself towards the inside. She could feel the pain already, she could feel herself being forced to stretch for him already and he wasn't even inside of her yet. She screamed, prepared for the increased pain that was going to come her way, agony on the brink of filling her.
Just at that moment, the SWAT captain gave then nod, and another officer kicked in the door. Elsa had begun screaming at the same moment, and Brendan heard it. Nothing could stop him now, as he hurdled two other men and looked inside the room. Carlos had turned around, and leaped off Elsa when he'd heard the crash. “Yo, guys. They made me do it,” he protested, pointing at Ryan and the warden. “I’m a victim here, man.” Just as the last word made it out of his mouth, Brendan streaked across the room, and jumped through the air at Carlos, tackling him into the wall. Brendan wound up, and punched the surprised inmate with all he had, right across the jaw. “I’ll kill you,” he shouted. “How could you do that to her?” he bellowed at the top of his lungs. He landed another solid blow right in Carlos’ eye, in his rage, before being dragged away by four officers. Carlos, the Warden, and Ryan were all quickly handcuffed, Carlos bleeding profusely, with his pants still down. Brendan fought mightily against the officers holding him back, writhing to get at Elsa. “Elsa, ELSA,” he shouted, his voice hoarse, a tear running down his face at the very sight of her. “She’s an inmate,” the Captain whispered to another officer. “But it seems like she’s the victim here. Let’s get her to the hospital, then to county jail. They can hold here there until a judge figures out what to do with her.”
When the doors burst open Elsa thought that maybe she had died. Maybe this was how death was. The door to heaven burst open and you were carried away. But did she deserve to go to heaven? She didn't know. Suddenly Carlos was off of her and away from her still-sacred anus. He was against the wall and -- what? Brendan? And Brendan was punching him in the face. Elsa wanted to watch, she tried, but she blacked out instead. Her mind shut off again and she slumped against the couch, her legs slowly drooping from her chest out across the couch. She vaguely felt herself get picked up and set down on a soft stretcher, a thin sheet covering her. She was rolled out of the warden's office and down somewhere. She slept for a long, long time, eventually feeling something warm flow through her veins, IV fluids. Was she safe now?
Brendan had quite an eventful night. He had been arrested himself, as apparently, you're not allowed to beat the crap out of someone, even if they are in the middle of a rape. After his brother bailed him out, he went straight to the hospital, getting there after midnight. Elsa was handcuffed to the bed, still a convict, but was being treated well. Her wounds had been attended to, and she had been sleeping peacefully in her hospital gown for some time, safe and warm under the sheets. He didn't have the heart to wake her, anxious as he was to speak with her, tell her what had happened, find out how she was, and maybe most importantly, reassure her of his love. So he waited and waited. After about nine hours at her bedside, she finally stirred in mid-morning. "Elsa," he whispered, gently stroking her wrist and forearm. "I love you so much, baby. Are you okay?"
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