The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Elsa winced as Ryan began to lift up her leg. He was lifting it in an unnatural position, so it was uncomfortable from the start. She thanked her mother for forcing her to go to ballet class for so many years though (despite the ghetto facilities, the teacher had been very good), as she found that her muscles tolerated the strain probably long passed where the warden thought she would give out. Eventually though, it actually began to hurt. She bit the inside of her cheek, thankful when Ryan finally stopped pulling her leg up, it was nearly vertical.

Truthfully, Elsa barely felt it when the warden sunk her fake cock inside of her. She'd just gotten through Carlos, did the warden really think fucking her with a dildo was going to do much to her? It would take a lot more than that to break Elsa now. She'd just had one of the biggest triumphs of her life, she'd refused her rapist and gotten away with it. A dildo fuck was nothing. Elsa smiled at the warden and shook her head, "No ma'am," she said in a sweetly submissive voice, but it was more than obvious that she was still taunting.
It was quite a sight that Ryan beheld now, Elsa's leg pulled up completely in the wrong direction, the warden's strap on deep in her pussy. And yet, Elsa still wasn't showing what the warden wanted her to. She wasn't crying, begging for it to stop, or moaning in pleasure or pain. She started thrusting like crazy, her dildo pumping in and out, and the frustration showed on her face. "Ryan," she called out, clearly angry. "We need to make this one regret the way she's treating us. Get a vibrator. And some clothespins" she snapped.

Ryan was forced to tie the chain down now, keeping Elsa's leg high up in the air like some kind of pornographic ballerina. Returning quickly with the items on the warden's list, he held them out to the warden, who was still busy trying to fuck Elsa with her strap-on. "Don't stand there like an idiot," she gasped. "Put the clothespins on her nipples." His eyes getting big, Ryan unbuttoned Elsa's shirt, starting at the bottom, and reached around her back, releasing the bra clasp. Smiling evilly, he reached up, and snapped a clothespin on each nipple cruelly, right over her barbells. "Now vibe her," the warden ordered her dimwitted lover. Turning on the vibrator, he tried to edge it in against her clit while 'Corinne' pumped in and out still, its motor making a loud buzzing noise. Happy now that her additional methods of torture were in place, the warden smirked at Elsa, reaching back and slapping her in the face. "You bitch," she hissed.
The warden's effort at screwing Elsa were really laughable. The warden was really hopeless. She made a horrible woman and a horrible man. She was doomed to be androgynous, or at least unappealing to anyone (except maybe Jamie). Elsa winced when Ryan clamped the clothespins down on her barbelled nipples, but what it didn't seem to realize was that if he set the clothespin on her actual barbell, it affected her nipple less. She wasn't about to tell him that though. She gave a bit of a performance of her wincing, trying to make it more than evident that the warden had finally succeeded in making her feel something.

She had a lot more difficulty ignoring or challenging what the vibrator did to her though. Ryan pressed it right against her piercing, forcing the little metal ring to buzz and quiver right on her clit. That made Elsa's inside muscles tense up and she had to curl her toes a little. Her neck twisted sharply when the warden slapped her, but she slowly turned her face back to the tyrannical woman. "Good to know it takes this much effort for you to get off, ma'am," she taunted, still going at it. She thought it was interesting that the warden was doing this much to her and she really wasn't affected, but if Carlos came into the room she'd probably end up doing whatever it was he told her to do within minutes.
The warden's face was getting redder by the minute, and looked like a beet by the time Elsa made her last comment. "Just hold the vibrator on her," she hissed at Ryan, pulling out of Elsa's sex. Unstrapping the dildo and tossing it to the ground, she dragged another pulley system to the other side of Elsa's body. Attaching a chain to the other ankle cuff, she used the same method Ryan had used to pull up Elsa's other leg, causing her whole body to shake once her foot was lifted off the ground. She was now completely suspended by her four cuffs. Grunting as she secured the chain, she admired her work. Approaching Elsa, she ducked around Ryan, and gave a firm tug on each clothespin, pulling Elsa's breasts with them. "You're going to be the one who'll be getting off soon," she taunted. "It'll be a nice show for us both to see, when you scream and moan like a whore," she taunted, tugging on one of the clothespins again. "Turn that machine higher," she told Ryan, who quickly obliged, the hum getting a little louder.

The detective who’d received Brendan’s video file wasn’t very impressed, but when he sauntered in to discuss it with his captain, it was a whole different story. The captain had aspirations to advance to chief of police, and was waiting for a high profile case that would get his name out there. He’d heard allegations before of abuse of power in the Center, but never had any solid evidence. Until now, that is. But the wheels of bureaucracy still had to move at their usual slow pace. He didn’t want to blow this one, and he knew if the warden found out an inquest was on, she’d hide as much as she could. So he needed a warrant to swiftly search the prison, without any warning. So it was off to the District Attorney’s office, who in turn, went to a judge, seeking the needed warrants. And from there it was a waiting game, but the wheels were in motion. Brendan received a cell phone call from the police captain at lunch time. He agreed to meet with the captain to brief him on the layout of the prison, and the standard operating procedures, in preparation for a raid. His heart racing with anticipation, he flew over to the police station as fast as he could. The process was started, at least, to help his beloved Elsa. Once she was out, he would never set foot in the Center again if they begged him to take his job back. Not for a million dollars would he ever do it again. Not for a billion.
"I think you're tuned in to the wrong channel," Elsa sneered as the warden got up in her face. Elsa's legs were now stretched in ways she'd never thought they'd be stretched, but she was still holding on to her control pretty well. Elsa had to take a deep breath and hold it in for a couple of moments when Ryan turned the vibrator on higher, but she'd already been through quite a trial trying to hide an orgasm from Carlos that it was much easier to try to do the same here now. The warden probably hadn't thought that shipping her off to live a night of hell with Carlos would actually end up benefitting Elsa, but it seemed that it was. The only sort of satisfying noise that Elsa couldn't hold back was a small whimper, but other than that Elsa was putting on a strong front, despite the fact that it was crumbling on the inside.
The warden had been busy dragging out the mechanical dildo, similar to the one Elsa had experienced before. Sliding the mechanism under Elsa, she attached a fresh dildo to it, easily larger than the one she’d strapped on earlier. She grabbed the vibrator from Ryan, shutting it off. “Lower her hands,” she ordered him. “I’ll hold her hips and guide her down onto it,” she said, looking at Elsa and smiling wickedly right into her face. Obediently, Ryan turned the pulley that held up Elsa’s handcuffs, lowering her until the warden held Elsa’s pussy lips open, and guided the very tip of the large toy inside her wetness. “I’m going to start it at six inches on each rotation,” she informed the tortured Elsa. Making an adjustment and flipping the switch, the machine began to whir, pumping back and forth, six inches deep inside Elsa, and then six inches back, again and again. The warden nudged right up against Elsa, snatching the vibrator again, and holding it against her clit while the contraption penetrated her over and over. "I think she's just about ready to show us how a slut moans when she's fucking her C.O," the warden sneered to Ryan with a turn of her head.
It was a strange site and feel to Elsa to have the warden holding on to her hips sort of gently, her fingers holding her pussy open and gently placing the tip of the dildo at her entrance. It was almost like the warden was doing her a favor, like she should be appreciative of her gentle demeanor. But then the warden moved away and the sex machine began to push the much larger dildo inside of her. It seemed that Elsa's pussy now required a big thick cock to really respond to anything (and secretly, she was glad that Brendan had one of those), as now her body couldn't fight off the sensations as easily anymore. She gasped for breath as the warden so cruelly shoved the vibrator up against her clit again, her pussy muscles instinctively clamping down on the dildo. She did moan, but it was softly at first and she managed to get one last slight out. This one was directed at Ryan. She turned her head and smiled at him, "Not for this C.O." and she knew he'd know what she meant.
Ryan was taken aback by Elsa's slam directed at him. He hadn't been the one insulting her, and he wasn't ready for the insult. Not possessing the most witty of minds, he stammered for a moment, taking a step towards Elsa. He wasn't sure whether he should respond physically or verbally. "You whore," he finally said, a big smile on his face, as if he'd made quite a smart comeback. The warden, though, was a little more satisfied now that Elsa's sex was moist, and she was moaning a bit. She thought it would be nice to turn up the juice next. "Let's skip nine inches, and go to a full twelve," she said, adjusting the sex machine accordingly, and watching with satisfaction as the large rubber cock plunged much deeper into the suspended Elsa. "We'll call that Ryan-sized," she said, throwing a bone of encouragement to her insulted beefcake.
"Carlos-sized is more accurate," Elsa cooed, laying on another layer of insult. She was beginning to see how the warden could get so much pleasure out of torturing inmates day after day after day. She was having quite a good time torturing the two of them, despite the fact that she was the one receiving the physical punishment. She knew now for sure that Ryan was a completely brainless puppet used by the warden to get what she wanted. Whether he actually like her or not was a useless question, it was really whether or not the warden liked him. Elsa was pretty sure that if someone more useful came along, the warden would toss Ryan to the wayside.

But now Elsa could feel the dildo sliding much deeper inside of her. It was hitting her more sensitive places, causing her to twitch a little. She still managed to keep most of the moans inside, swallowing them and forcing them down, but here and there one would escape.
"Listen to her," the warden said, continuing her running commentary with Ryan. "Sounds like she has a thing for that animal, too. Maybe we should have another 'accident' with her cell assignment," she said, looking at Elsa's face for any reaction. She could tell that Elsa was trying her best to keep the forced pleasure on the inside, with her body wriggling so much, an assorted moan escaping her lips now and then. "You're really making me work for this," she scolded Elsa, reaching up, and pulling a clothespin roughly off Elsa, snapping at the skin as it came off. She grabbed her by the nipple and twisted it around. "I think you'll have to relax me afterward, and eat me out again, like you're so good at doing," she threatened, forcing a mean smile in Elsa's direction. The warden reached down, and added two more inches to the sex machine's range of motion. That was the limit, she thought, without risking injury. She also adjusted the speed, it rocking up and down now, in and out at a breakneck speed. At the same time, she turned the vibrator up to the highest setting as well, holding it tight against her clit. She didn't think any woman could hold out much longer. That said, if Elsa did hold out a couple more minutes, she was out of tricks, and was probably going to have to move to something else.
Elsa's face dropped when the warden said that they should have another accident and leave her with Carlos again. That would be horrible. If they put her back in with him again she would suffer the consequences for not just refusing to come to him so that he could make her orgasm, but she'd have to pay for her comment about giving his baby up for adoption. He'd give her hell, for sure. When her face dropped she also lost her guard for a moment and a loud moan rippled out of her. After that she couldn't regain control, she couldn't get back the facade she'd kept so well for so long. It looked as though the warden was going to win in the end after all. She shuddered as the warden turned the vibrator up onto it's highest setting and the enormous dildo rocketed in and out of her. Elsa's pussy muscles clamped down onto the thing and her chest tightened. A few moments later her orgasm exploded from inside of her, a passionate moan emanating from her, just as the warden had said it would.
So it took longer than they had hoped, but finally the warden and Ryan got what they wanted out of Elsa. Laughing in unison, they enjoyed the little show as she came, moaning uncontrollably as her pussy attacked the artificial penis inside her. The warden let the machine run and held the vibrator in place for a good two minutes after she came, knowing the effect the enormous stimulation would probably have on her freshly pleasured, extra-sensitive womanhood. The warden knew, too, from the terrified look in Elsa's eyes, that despite the compliment she'd paid to Carlos, the thing she feared most in the world was being locked up with Carlos again. "Let her down," the warden finally said to Ryan, who got to work, lowering all the ropes, removing the machine, and allowing Elsa down to the ground, although her hands were still cuffed. "Watch her," the warden said. "I'll be back in five minutes to start up with her again. I need something to drink. And why don't you wipe off her soaked pussy? It's disgusting," she sneered, slamming the door as she left Ryan alone with Elsa.
Elsa's legs fought hard to kick and squirm as the warden allowed the vibrator to keep stimulating her and the dildo to keep assaulting her. Tears welled up in her eyes, her hypersensitivity nearly driving her insane. Then finally it was pulled away from her and her throbbing clit and puffy pussy were given a few moments to re-cooperate. Her legs cracked and ached as Ryan pulled them down from their restraints. Her feet still hurt from the strapping a couple days earlier, and this certainly hadn't helped it. Elsa gasped for breath, her hands cuffed together but the rest of her fairly free. She rested against the restraint table behind her, her heart pounding wildly. Strangely, the only thing in her mind was Carlos. Carlos and his threats.
The warden had mixed feelings about how everything went. Elsa had resisted quite vigorously, and taunted her fearlessly. But then again, she was forced to cum against her will in the end, and reduced to tears. Returning a few minutes later with two bottles of water, she handed one to Ryan. She was greeted with the sight of Elsa against the table, marks on her breasts, marks on her pussy, her entire genital area completely red, and dried tears on her face. So, all in all, she hadn't done too badly, the warden thought to herself.

She drank half her water, and, stooping over her tiny office fridge, put it inside. But then she opened the top and pulled out a piece of ice, and went across the room, standing chest-to-chest with Elsa. "You know, you might expect that I'd give you a chance to play nice and do what I want now, and leave you alone. But you really piss me off. So I'm going to abuse you more, and then in the end, you'll still do what I want," she sneered at Elsa. "But first, I'll give you some refreshment from your ordeal," she offered, with an evil grin. She took the ice cube, and traced it down Elsa's chest, over both nipples, and down her stomach. Dragging it slowly over her slit, she suddenly shoved it up into Elsa's pussy, leaving it there, curious if it would fall out or melt inside.
Elsa was actually a little bit relieved when the warden walked back into the room by herself. A piece of her had thought that maybe she'd gone to fetch Carlos, that she was going to be subjected to his punishments right there in front of the warden and Ryan (as she obviously didn't know her encounter with him had been taped). In a strange way Elsa felt like she was married to Carlos, that they had an abusive relationship but that she somehow belonged to him. How she'd gained that mentality, Elsa had no idea. She hated it though. She wanted to belong to Brendan, she still had his mark on her. The clit piercing.

Elsa gasped when the warden took an ice cube and traced it all the way down her body. She dragged it torturously over her swollen clit, causing it to tingle and burn at the same time. Then it was up inside of her pussy, melting quickly. She was stretched out right now, that was for sure, but somehow she was still tight enough that the ice cube just melted inside of her, causing her to shudder and writhe.
The warden cackled in Elsa's face as she was tortured by the ice cube, her body moving involuntarily, as if trying in vain to get away from it, even with it inside of her. "Didn't you wipe her off like I said?" she scolded Ryan. Picking a paper towel off her desk, she wiped it across Elsa's sex, picking up the wetness from her warm secretions, mixed with the cool melted ice. She wiped it across Elsa's stomach, leaving a wet trail. "Disgusting," she taunted. "I think you need to make up to Ryan for what you said to him earlier," she finally concluded. "Let's get her up on the table." She and Ryan then lifted Elsa up onto the table, flipping her onto her stomach. Ryan held Elsa down as the warden strapped down Elsa's hands, knees, and ankles, forcing her head down near the front of the table, and her butt up in the air. "Are you ready to suck off Ryan? To be his little cum-whore?" the warden asked, pulling up on Elsa's head by the hair.
"No!" she screeched as the two of them grabbed her and lifted her up. She fought the entire way to the table and as they restrained her. She couldn't believe this wasn't over with yet. How long could it possibly go before they were sated? She knew she hadn't exactly made it easier for herself, but still! When could she just go back to her cell? When the warden pulled Elsa's head up by her hair she glared up at the woman and spoke between gritted teeth. "No. I'll bite him, I swear to god!" she tried to keep her teeth gritted so that they couldn't inadvertently shove his cock into her mouth. She did not want to have Ryan's cock in her mouth. She thought it was disgusting, only marginally less disgusting than the warden herself. At least Elsa knew that she had to appreciate Carlos' cock to some degree for what it did to her, but she felt nothing from Ryan.

(My lost post of the night dear. <333)
Elsa was really starting to lose it now, the warden realized, as she flailed about while they strapped her down. That was exactly where the warden wanted her. Ryan had already unzipped his pants, and pulled everything down, assuming the position at the front of the table, right where Elsa's head lay. But when she said she'd bite, he froze, looking up at the warden in confusion, as if waiting for some directions. "Very well," said the warden, retreating to her refrigerator again. Returning with another ice cube, she rubbed it across Elsa's sore bottom, finally letting it rest right up against her anus, holding it there as it slowly melted. Once it was gone, she picked up one of the familiar paddles, reared back, and gave Elsa's bare bottom several strokes with all her might. "So, you can refuse, and I'll beat your ass until you give in. I swear, I'll hit you five hundred times if I have to," she insisted, hitting Elsa twice more, and then waiting for a response. "Open your mouth," she commanded firmly. "Now."
It was clear to Elsa that she was not going to win this fight. She could bare through the ice on her sore ass, though it stung and burned as it melted over her sensitive skin. When the warden approached her with the paddle, at first she was unafraid. It'd never been too horrible when Brendan hit her with it...but that was Brendan. Brendan, who had cheated the warden and only pretended to hit her wildly and painfully. She'd felt pain from it, sure, but not to the extent the warden thought she had. Elsa was forced to cry out in extreme pain as the warden brought the paddle down on her. It hurt like nothing else ever had, the hit seeming to reverberate throughout her entire body. Five hundred strokes? She wouldn't be able to last through that, Elsa was positive. She took a couple of deep breaths, hearing the finality in the warden's voice. Her jaw quivered a bit, but then she finally opened her mouth. Wide enough to fit Ryan's length inside.
The warden knew that her hard, all out strokes had done the trick when Elsa cried out wildly in pain. "Go ahead, Ryan," she said, nodding towards Elsa's mouth, now wide open. "And if you even think about biting him, you'll be sorry," she warned Elsa, reaching in between her legs and pinching some flesh on her thigh cruelly. Ryan approached the end of the table, Elsa at just the right height, and teased her, rubbing his hard, long cock against her cheeks and across her nose, before guiding it into her waiting, warm mouth with one hand. Grabbing her by the back of her head, he pushed her down on him, forcing his length in deep. Meanwhile, dragging her fingers over Elsa's welted bottom, the warden picked up the vibrating wand again. Unseen to Elsa, she sneaked it right up between her legs against her raw sex, and suddenly turned it back on the highest setting, holding it tightly against Elsa's piercing. "I think she'll blow you better if she's having another slut orgasm," the warden cackled. "Now, are you going to suck him off, or what?" she shouted at Elsa's back.
The anger in Elsa flared up when Ryan so disgustingly rubbed the head of his cock over her cheeks and nose. It was horrible enough that she was actually going to have to suck him off (and probably eat out the warden later too), but now he was trying to mark her with his cock? When he first slid into her mouth she thought to herself that maybe this wasn't going to be so bad. She could just suck him robotically, or pretend he was Brendan, just like she'd done with Carlos. But then he grabbed her hair and shoved her head down, forcing his cock into her throat. She choked and gagged, her head flailing for a moment. Then he released her some, expecting her to do the rest of the work. She was about to move when the warden suddenly pushed the vibrator up against her piercing again, sending a rocket of painfully strong sensations though her. Her entire body jolted and she was sent into a frenzy of movements, her head suddenly bobbing up and down on him wildly.
Ryan began to moan as Elsa's head started to bob up and down on him, probably more from the jolt the vibrator sent through her, than any conscious effort on her part. Jerking his hips downward, he looked down, the sight of his cock going in and out of her soft lips driving him crazy. "Take him all the way in. Suck like you mean it," the warden shouted. She was getting a bit horny herself now, and was hoping to join in the action soon herself. "Let him deep in that cunt-mouth of yours," she said with a laugh to Elsa. "Unless you want to spend the night where you did last night." Ryan, meanwhile, could feel the warm flesh at the back of her mouth. His cock could feel her head shaking, her body heaving, gagging, and retching. "Don't take too long, Ryan," the warden sang out. "Just use her like the cum-receptacle she is. I want my turn, too." Ryan nodded, his eyes glazed over with pleasure, as the warden kept buzzing away wildly on Elsa's piercing.
The warden seem to know how to play her cards with Elsa now. The second she mentioned her having to spend the night with Carlos again, Elsa jumped into action. She bobbed her head up and down faster and harder, but she didn't necessarily suck any better. She didn't mean it, despite what the warden said about Carlos, she just wanted to make it look like she did. Ryan was dumb as a rock and he was already reacting to what she was doing to him, so she didn't think that she really needed to go full out on him to make it look like she was. Or at least, she hoped that was the case. She still didn't know how she was going to get through the torture of having to touch the warden herself.
Elsa was working Ryan good enough now, that his hands were balled up into tight fists from the pleasure. Not knowing what to do with them, he grabbed her head again, pulling it in, her nose pressing hard against his pubic hair as he held it there, reveling in her agony, in her bobbing and shaking. He pushed her away again, her throat a wonderful, spasming tunnel of flesh massaging his cock. Grinding himself hard into her face, he felt the first wave of spurting coming on, feeling what he thought might be her windpipe up against his tip. Another thrust, and he felt a thick wad eject against the back of her throat. Pulling himself out with a loud groan, a second spurt of juices shot onto the table right under her face. “Lick that up,” ordered the warden, the mess that Ryan made not having escaped her notice. She turned the vibrator off, looking down at the way Elsa’s pussy betrayed her, the way it leaked and drooled in her own lust at what they were doing to her, her white, soft inner thighs slick with her juices dripping down. She picked up her paddle again, giving Elsa’s butt another loud smack. “Lick it up now, so I can take my turn,” she said, even more sternly.
Elsa's nose wrinkled in disgust when Ryan dragged her head down again and forced her face into his pubic hair. She'd never been very fond of pubic hair and had frankly not been terribly upset when they had told her that they needed to shave her pussy. She choked hard when Ryan spurt his wad into the back of her throat. Her face twisted in disgust and she gagged, swallowing it only because she knew she had to. She was going to try to escape having to lick the cum up off of the table, glad that the warden had finally turned off the vibrator (though her pussy was absolutely dripping). But then the warden brought the paddle down on her ass and she felt her ass jiggle and the pain ripple through her. She dipped her head and lapped up Ryan's cum off of the table.
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