The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

When Elsa woke she felt a strange sensation. She was warm. She couldn't remember the last time she'd woken up warm. She was always cold, that was the only temperature there really was at The Center. Her eyes fluttered open and she turned her head, hearing a familiar voice. And there was Brendan. Her face brightened up and she smiled, "Oh, Brendan." she whispered, fidgeting a little bit to try to turn more towards him. She lifted her wrist and then realized that her wrist was cuffed to the bed, clinking loudly. She stared at it for a moment but then quickly turned her attention back to Brendan. "I love you too," she whispered, wincing in pain. "I missed you so much." she pointedly didn't answer his question. She didn't really think she was okay.
Brendan leaned in towards Elsa, a single tear dropping onto her sheet. His body tingled when she said she loved him, but these were not the circumstances under which he'd wanted to hear those wonderful words. He knew that she was hurt, not only physically, but emotionally as well. He gave her a kiss on the forehead, moving some of her hair away from her eyes, before sitting on the edge of the bed. "I missed you too Elsa," he told her softly, squeezing her hand and massaging it. "I missed you every second of every day. I'm sorry for everything I did to you, and especially for leaving you."

Just then, an orderly came into the room, clearing his throat. "Um, the doctor says you have to leave, sir. He has to check her over to see if she can be released." Brendan stood up, trying to be as menacing as possible. "Give me five more minutes with her," he said to the orderly, looking him straight in the eye. "Then the doctor can come." The orderly just looked at him with wide eyes and left. Brendan sat back on the bed, sighing, and running his fingers through his hair. "I swear to God, I'll never let you get hurt again," he said in a fierce half-whisper, his face near Elsa's again, hand stroking her cheek. "I'll get you a lawyer so you never have to go back there."
"Brendan," she whimpered softly, turning her head a little again. She still wasn't entirely sure where she was or why, she was incredibly woozy in fact. The last thing she really remembered was Carlos on top of her, saying how he was going to take her anal virginity. Brendan hadn't been there, had he? No, of course not. Brendan wouldn't let that happen to her. "I want to stay with you," she murmured, squeezing his hand gently.

Then she got dizzy, though she was completely still. Her vision blurred and then she shut her eyes, trying to make the dizziness go away. She felt so sick, so worn. She didn't know what was the matter with her, but she hurt all over. "Forever, baby," she murmured again, a tiny smile coming to her lips.
Brendan realized that she wasn't completely coherent in her current state. He didn't even want to think about what horrors she'd been subjected to, which would have brought her so low. She was strong, he knew that; so whatever they had done to her must have been awful. "I know, baby," he said, squeezing her back reassuringly. "I'm so proud of you, Elsa," he whispered. "You're the strongest girl I've ever known," he added, thinking of what he'd seen on the closed circuit feed. "I have to go now, but we'll be together soon." He leaned in, and gave her as much of a hug as he could, laying his head on her chest softly, and squeezing her shoulders. "Forever," he added as he got up, giving her a kiss on the nose, and then a gentle one on the lips. Just as he walked out the door, the doctor and the orderly were on their way in. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave the hospital, sir," the doctor said. "Visiting procedures are quite strict with convicts." Brendan just nodded and kept walking.

He called the police captain as soon as he left, but didn't get a call back until the end of the day, around five o'clock. Elsa had been discharged, he was told, and sent to county lockup. She'd be kept there for two days, until the time when an emergency hearing had been set, to decide what would be done with her. But, Brendan knew, county lockup was different that the Center. There, visitors were allowed, but only between eight o'clock and noon each day. He paced his apartment all night, unable to wait patiently until the morning. He decided to call a lawyer, and quickly hired her to represent Elsa. The retainer was sizable, about all he had in his modest savings account, but he didn't care about the price. This was about love. Finally, well past midnight, he fell asleep, alarm set to get to lockup first thing in the morning.
She was barely coherent during the medical examination. She lifted an arm or leg when the doctor told her to, usually requiring assistance by the orderly. They propped her up, turned her over as much as they could with the cuff holding her to the bed, and completed her exam within half an hour. Then they gave her some minor pain medications, though not too much in case she happened to be a drug addict, and let her rest. She slept through the entire transfer to the county jail, waking up only enough for her to press her finger into the ink and tell them who she was. Once she was in a cell again she passed out on the cot (oddly more comfortable than the one at The Center had been, but not so much as the hospital) and slept until the morning.

She woke when the dank sunlight filtered in through the tiny window she had in the top corner of her cell. She sat up, a wave of dizziness hit her. She lurched over, expecting to vomit. She didn't though, thankfully, and on her second try she managed to sit up. She heaved a sigh and held her head in her hands, wishing that Brendan was there with her.
Brendan got up before the alarm rang in the morning, all his internal mechanisms aware of his need to see Elsa. He threw on a pair of jeans and gray t-shirt, and a twenty minute drive later, was outside the county jail. He talked with the guard in charge, who initially told him visiting time was twenty minutes. But after exchanging some of their most interesting guard stories, the guy finally agreed to give him an hour with Elsa, in one of the private conference rooms used for attorney-client meetings. And twenty bucks later, he even let Brendan raid the guard pantry for breakfast. Brendan grabbed two bowls and cereal, milk, and a bottle each of apple and orange juice, carrying them across the hall into the conference room to set up a little spread for he and Elsa to share. "I'll get her, and bring her right back over," the male guard said. Tapping his fingers on the oak table as he waited, Brendan closed his eyes and thought only of Elsa. He imaged her happy, like he knew her when they were fooling around, evading all the rules at the Center. That was his challenge now, to bring joy into her life. He loved her no matter how she was, but even more so when she smiled and teased and giggled so adorably. As he heard the door open, he stood up in excitement, wanting desperately to take her into his arms.
Elsa was surprised when the guard came over to take her to a conference room. When the guard reached out to take her arm and guide her as was necessary, she jumped and almost screamed. Her heart flew into a bevy of fluttering and she immediately expected to be hit or screamed at. She cringed and flinched, turning her face to the side in anticipation of the smack. The guard told her quietly that he wasn't going to hit her and she tentatively looked at him, seeing the gently empathetic look on his face. She flushed and extended her arm for him to take again, following him to the conference room. "Sorry," she muttered, "I'm...I'm a little skittish," she felt dumb now too.

When the door swung open she limped inside, seeing Brendan standing there with his big adorable dumb grin on his face. She smiled weakly and hobbled over to him, allowing her body to just collapse onto his. She wrapped her arms around him loosely and breathed in his scent deeply. "I knew you'd rescue me," she mumbled.
Brendan strode over to meet Elsa halfway, once catching sight of his brunette love. He knew that he looked like a love-struck sap, and didn't care, even though that wasn't the image he usually projected. He let her tired body fall into his arms, supporting her weight as he held her against himself. He never thought that a mere embrace could fulfill him so deeply, so fundamentally, until now, as he held Elsa, their two bodies as one, sharing a common desire; to stay together.

He saw, too, that Elsa was still a little bit skittish, as if something had just rattled her. As the kind guard left them alone, he rubbed his hand up and down her back. "It's okay, baby," he said softly. "There was no rescue. I just did what I had to for you. I always will." He edged over to an office type chair, and sat back into it, pulling Elsa onto his lap with him. He held her with his arms around her stomach, leaning in and kissing the back of her neck, inhaling the scent of her skin. "It's not over yet," he admitted to her. "We have a big day tomorrow. We have to get you out of here for good."
She felt so warm and safe in his arms. She felt like nothing could ever get her again, nothing. No warden. No Ryan. No Carlos. No judge, no one. She was with her protector again, her one true love. When he walked backwards into the chair she followed him and willingly got up into his lap. She laid on him sideways, curled up in a partial ball there on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes for a few moments. When she opened them again she took a deep breath and nodded, trying to calm herself down.

"What do I have to do? Are...are they...going to be there?" she was less like herself now than she'd ever been. She was quiet, skittish, easily taunted, quick to crying. If he would be there for her and they could get through the next few days, she would grow out of it. Over time she'd go back to normal, or at least as much back to normal as she could. But it was still very raw now.
Brendan continued to hold Elsa tight, content to stay cuddled up with her all day if he could. He began running his fingers through her hair, making long strokes all the way to the ends. "Well, they've decided to hold a combined session, to decide if the warden and Ryan can hold their jobs pending trial, and what will become of you and Carlos," he explained, hesitating momentarily before saying that last name. "But I've hired you a lawyer, she's very good. She'll be coming to meet with you later. And I'll be there tomorrow, of course. I know you're strong, baby. You can get through this," he said, rubbing the front of her shoulders.
She tensed up when he said Carlos' name. The very mention of Carlos made her cold to the absolute core. She wondered for a moment what Carlos would do when he saw her with Brendan. Would he threaten her again? Would he all out try to grab her and drag her away? Would he hit her? She had no idea. What she did know was that those feelings of belonging to Carlos were long gone. She knew who she belonged to now. Brendan.

She nuzzled his neck gently and kissed it with her soft lips. "He..." she started, knowing Brendan would know who she was talking about, "He can't...touch me, right?"
Brendan did know who she was talking about, of course. He'd caught Carlos raping her not once, but twice. "He'll be restrained, baby," Brendan assured her, stroking her soft cheek. "And I'll be there. I'd die before I let him hurt you again." Brendan smiled softly as she nuzzled against his neck. He was very glad she wasn't damaged beyond being able to show acts of affection. Sex, of course, was the last thing on Brendan's mind now, but it made him hopeful that it would come in time. The physical intimacy he'd shared with her was the best he'd ever experienced. It wasn't even close. But now, he just had to help her get right. "So are you hungry? I got us a little breakfast to have together. Kind of like the old days," he joked with a grin, kissing her forehead as she buried her face safely in his neck.
She giggled at his offer of breakfast. She felt so good just being there with him. She didn't want sex, not at all. She didn't think she'd want sex for a long time, and she was damaged there any way. It would take at least a week for her welts to heal and the marks from the electroshock to fade away. She lifted her head and kissed his lips very gently, looking him straight in the eyes. "I love you. More than anything. I...I'm yours," she just felt like she had to tell him that, he had to know that, just in case anything happened to her.

"I would love to eat breakfast with you," she said gently, turning herself around so that she was still on his lap but facing away. She pulled the food over and began to inspect it, putting together her bowl of cereal. She realized she hadn't eaten any food in days.
Brendan shared a long gaze with Elsa, kissing her back with a light touch of his lips, feeling the softness hers offered. "I know, Elsa," he said with a happy sigh. "I have to say, that I was disappointed you didn't have the chance to tell me, the way I left and all, but I knew it. You didn't have to say it out loud, because I knew you were mine." He kissed her one more time on the lips before moving a little bit so she could turn around and eat. "And I love you more than anything, too baby. More than myself, more than life." He poured himself a bowl when she was done, and a glass of apple juice, taking a sip of it, enjoying their meal together. "It won't be long until we can eat together all the time. Do everything together. But it will still be special," he assured her, nuzzling her neck with his nose.
She giggled again when he nuzzled her neck with his nose. She ate her cereal hungrily, downing two glasses of orange juice before Brendan had gotten half way through his first glass of apple. When she was finished eating, which was fairly quickly considering how long she'd gone without food, she heaved a great sigh and rested her back against his chest. She thought for a couple of moments. She was hear with him now, but they were still at a jail. She was still a convict. She fidgeted a little, "Brendan...are they going to keep me in another jail? I was supposed to serve five years originally...are they going to make me do that?" Elsa wasn't even aware how child like she sounded. She was broken but loved, she didn't need to think much right now.
Brendan had waited until she was finished her cereal to start his. She was so ravenous that he didn't want to try to work around her. Holding the cereal a little awkwardly against her hip, he took a few spoonfuls, and set it down. "When I talked to the attorney yesterday, she said we'd argue for immediate release. You already got your sentence reduced, and what happened wasn't your fault. She thinks, in the worst case, they'll have you serve the rest of the six months in a regular jail, or on work release. But she seemed pretty confident about the release prospect." He let out a deep breath, and gave her a sort of bear hug with both hands. "Don't worry about it. It'll all be okay. Will you stay with me if you get out?" he asked suddenly. She couldn't see them, but his eyes were big and a little fearful, waiting for her answer. He was aware that all she knew was the ghetto.
She furrowed her brows when he asked her if she would stay with him when she got out. Of course she would. It was either stay with him, the man she loved, or go crawling back to the ghetto and beg for forgiveness from her ex fiancee and become his bitch again whether she loved Brendan or not. In fact, her ex was a lot like Carlos, but actually less violent. She nodded, "Yes. I'll stay with you always. As long as you want me," she snuggled back into him when he held her in his silly little bear hug, heaving a little sigh again. It felt so nice to be in his arms. No one's arms could do to her what his did. She was one hundred percent safe here. She rocked back and forth a little bit, feeling his muscles tense to keep her locked inside. She smiled, she liked that.
Brendan had really known all along that she'd stay with him, but he wanted to make sure it was understood. "I'll always want you, baby," he said, rubbing his face in her hair, breathing in some of the familiar smell. "But my place is nothing great, I don't know what I really have to offer you," he sighed. "Except my love, I just hope that's enough." He squirmed around and reached into his pocket. He knew that the guard would be coming soon to escort him out. He reached around Elsa's chest, and showed her a simple silver necklace with a small pendant. "I got this for you, baby," he said. "So, even when you're in here, you'll have something from me, to remember that you're mine, that I'm there to take care of you." He pulled it around her neck, and latched it. "When you're in court tomorrow, even if you can't see me, you can look down and touch it, and remember I'm there to protect you," he offered, just before hearing a knock at the door from the guard.
Her heart melted when he pulled out the silver necklace and clasped it around her neck. She picked up the pendant and touched it gently, a genuine and untainted smile spreading across her face. She turned her head and kissed his lips once more before sliding off of his lap. "Your love is all I need. Nothing can be worse than what I've already gone through," she wanted to stay with him in here or have him come back to her cell, but she knew that was impossible. It seemed that they were still the way they'd always been. He was free, she was an inmate. Hopefully, as her lawyer had surmised, she would be free soon. That they'd let her go because of all the trauma she'd been through.
Brendan stood up, beaming at her as they reluctantly prepared to part. "I talked to the guard, they'll let you keep it on," he said, grasping the pendant himself and twirling his fingers around it, before tucking it under her uniform. He leaned over, and held her in one last emotional embrace, lifting her off the ground for a moment, and then setting her back down, giving her a kiss on her soft lips. "I'll see you tomorrow, baby," he finally said softly, looking over as the guard opened the door. Brendan turned and left the room and the building, feeling immeasurably better than when he'd come in. The short time with Elsa left him energized for the day, even though it broke his heart to leave her. Calling his boss, he arranged to work a half-day at the site. He needed all he could get, given the current state of his finances. Later, he returned home exhausted, both physically and mentally from the events of the last couple of days, collapsing onto his couch and falling asleep in a matter of minutes as he dreamed of the next day, daring to dream of Elsa's freedom.
She was silent as he embraced her once more and then the guard took her away. She didn't talk because she didn't want to cry. She'd done so much crying in the past few days that she really didn't want to cry ever again, though she was sure it would happen in the near future. She allowed the kind guard to grip her arm as he escorted her to her cell. She laid down on the cot as he locked it and closed her eyes. Amazingly, she fell asleep again. She'd gotten little to no sleep for almost her entire time at the Center, and now that she had some semblance of peace, she slept quite often. She tossed and turned while she slept though, now that she was out of her drugged state she had nightmares of everything that had happened to her. It seemed that she still couldn't get away.
Brendan slept soundly for some time, catching up on much needed rest. He woke up in the middle of the night, startled to find himself asleep on the couch, and went to the bathroom before moving to his bed, finishing his night's sleep there. He woke up in the morning very well rested, yet nervous to face the day ahead. After taking a shower, he dressed in a dark navy suit for court, with a starched white shirt and a red and blue striped tie. He ran a little gel through his hair, styling it with his fingers. Looking around before he left his apartment, he took some time to tidy up, making the bed, arranging his toiletries neatly in the bathroom, and cleaning out the kitchen. It felt funny to do such chores in his suit, but he dared to dream that the next time he walked into his apartment, he wouldn't be alone.

Finding himself early for the ten o'clock court appearance, he stopped at a department store on the way. He certainly didn't have the means to lavish Elsa with gifts, but he wanted to have something decent for her, should she be released. He finally entered the courtroom, finding it bustling with police, reporters, and family members of the parties involved. He located himself a seat on the aisle, in the third of six rows. Looking up at the empty judge's bench, he saw the warden and Ryan enter together with an older man in a suit, no doubt their attorney. They'd bailed themselves out immediately upon being charged, and looked quite confident. Next, came a uniformed court officer escorting Carlos, his hands cuffed to his waist. Brendan stared him in the eye, and Carlos stared right back, a taunting sneer on his face, turning his head as he walked the aisle to keep his stare on Brendan. It took all the restraint Brendan had not to jump the railing and attack him. Brendan hadn't given him close to what he deserved for what Carlos had done to Elsa. Nothing they could do to him at the Center would be sufficient retribution, in Brendan's eyes. Then, finally, he saw the rear door open again, and caught a glimpse of Elsa's attorney. He moved to the edge of the seat, turning around in anticipation.
Elsa's attorney had come to see her early that morning to give her an overview of what would happen at court that day, the best way to answer questions, and to calm her down in general. She had to wear the county jail uniform, but she didn't mind that too much. She'd gotten used to wearing a prison uniform, being in a dress or a suit would have made her even more uncomfortable. The ride to the courtroom was strange to her, she hadn't spent much time in a car in a long time. Not since she'd stolen her last one, really. She walked up the courtroom stairs just behind her lawyer, her heart beating wildly. Then they reached the courtroom door. The door swung open and she followed her lawyer in, her head down.

She could feel eyes on her. She glanced up and saw Brendan first. That comforted her a little bit, that he was there. She felt less pleasant eyes on her and she saw Carlos there, his hands cuffed to his waist. He was leering at her and she knew what he was thinking -- he hadn't gotten to finish his work. She swallowed uneasily and cringed just out of fear, no one needed to be anyone near her for her to flinch in fear. Then she saw the warden and Ryan, looking cocky and sure of themselves. She followed behind her lawyer silently and sat where she told her to, keeping her head down the entire time.
Brendan smiled when he saw Elsa, not really a happy smile, but a reassuring one, he thought. She was beautiful to him, even in her county jail get-up. The way the light shone on her face, she was just perfect. Carlos, meanwhile, looked across the aisle at Elsa, at the separate table she was escorted to. When he had her attention for a second, he made a curving motion around his stomach with his shackled hands, as if to indicate a pregnant woman, laughing out loud as he did so. Everyone rose as the judge entered, and Carlos stayed standing just long enough to watch Elsa sit down, his eyes lingering on her shapely bottom, thinking about what he'd missed out on three days ago.

Brendan just looked on quietly, like everyone else, while the arguments were made. The charges were read against the warden and Ryan, and they both plead not guilty. The judge ordered them both suspended without pay, pending the disposition of their charges. They nodded in disappointment at this, whispering amongst themselves. Next, it was the prosecutor's turn to speak. He argued the case against Carlos and Elsa at the same time. He wanted Carlos to resume his sentence in the Center, and await trial for his new crimes, despite his claim that he, too, was a sexual assault victim. Elsa, on the other hand, should serve the rest of her six months in county, the prosecutor reccommended. Elsa's lawyer next stood and argued that the state had failed to uphold it's duty to her, its promises made when she agreed to be admitted to the Center, and recognizing such, she should be pardoned immediately, given what she'd been through. The judge listened carefully, finally declaring he would retreat to his chambers and return shortly with his decision.
Elsa's eyes teared up when she saw Carlos make the hand motions that indicated a pregnant woman. She prayed to God that he hadn't been successful in his assault on her. She would be so torn if he had been. She hated Carlos, hated him. If he'd gotten her pregnant, then she would have to have his child. Despite his threats of coming and killing her if she had an abortion, she knew she'd never be able to have one. She'd always been an advocate for rape victims to have the option of abortion, but she couldn't do it. The child would be half-her too. How could she reject half of herself?

Elsa sat silently as the arguments were made. She stared at her hands for most of the time, afraid to look anywhere else. At every mention of Carlos' name she winced, her mind associating his name with pain. She stayed as still as possible during the entire ordeal, not wanting to give away her weaknesses. As soon as she judge left to go to his chambers and make his decision she let out a huge sigh and allowed her body to sink back against her chair.
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