The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Elsa had always been a lover of oral sex, but she'd never gotten it the way Brendan was giving it to her now. Even Carlos, the self-professed pussy eating king had absolutely nothing on Brendan. Elsa was angry at herself that she'd never given Brendan the opportunity to do this to her before. She swore that this would become at least a semi-regular practice, and she had absolutely no qualms about returning the favor to her delicious lover. She began to squirm when he pushed his finger up inside of her, by that point she was ridiculously aroused and could already feel her first orgasm in quite some time building up inside of her.

Then he hit her spot. Her hips bucked up and she moaned, her eyes closing in ecstasy. Almost simultaneously he was licking her clit and then sucking it. She moaned again, a more desperate one this time, and her insides clenched down on his finger. She breathed quickly for a couple of moments and then she felt every tense up, releasing a moment later with a beautiful orgasm. "B-Brendan," she moaned, her hand reaching down to rest on his head gently.
Brendan kept at her, responding to the waves of pleasure she displayed. Whatever made her buck and moan, he gave her more of, riding along with the rhythm of her body until she came. Once she’d finished, he kept attentive to her body, cleaning up the substantial moisture she’d produced, licking vertically along her sex, then feathering his tongue farther and farther outward. He loved the experience they’d just shared, and was sure that he’d want to please Elsa orally just about any time she’d have him. He knew that she’d been used horribly at the Center, and only wanted to help her heal; to show her that her womanhood could indeed be treated lovingly, with care.

Once her skin was cleaned off, but still glistening, he slid his way up to Elsa. Rolling onto his side, he ran his hand up along her chest, over her shirt and between her breasts, and gently stroked her cheek as he looked over at her. He tangled their legs together, something he'd learned was one of one his favorite things to do in bed with Elsa these last few weeks. "It sounded like that wasn't a bad way to start your day, Els," he said with a grin as he stroked the hair behind her ear, before giving her a single kiss on the lips, his own mouth still moist with her love juices. "I love you babe."
She gasped for breath as he rode out her orgasm, giving her tantalizing sensations. She hadn't felt that good in a long time. Even while they'd been at the Center together, she hadn't felt that good. Anywhere they'd had sex hadn't been safe, though she was with her love. They were safe here, they could enjoy each other to the absolute fullest. Her pussy was still buzzing with the after-pleasure of having love and attention lavished upon it. She felt amazing. When Brendan came back up to her she immediately pressed herself to him, craving more physical contact. When he entwined their legs together she giggled and rubbed her foot against his lower shin.

"I love you too, Brendan." she murmured, kissing him softly. She could taste herself on his lips a little, but she didn't mind. It wasn't being forced upon her like it was at the Center, and she knew he'd like it anyway. "You're not going to go without, are you?" she asked, true concern in her voice. She knew Brendan had gone longer than she without a loving touch.
Brendan accepted Elsa’s body close to his and held her tightly. He was satisfied to help Elsa break through her shell, even a little bit. Although his manhood was still erect, his base instincts telling him it was time to strike, he thought it best to take it slowly. He’d gone more than three weeks plenty of times in the past, and for far less honorable reasons than the utter love and care he had for Elsa. Besides, there was a kind of pleasure, he thought, that derives from giving ultimate ecstasy to a lover. One that can’t be replicated even by having an orgasm himself. Brendan kissed her back, closing his eyes and letting his lips linger on hers for a few seconds.

“No, I won’t go without, I hope,” he answered with a grin after thinking about it for a second or two. He continued letting their feet jostle around with each other under, bending his knee and letting his toes trace a line down her leg from her butt down to her calf. “But I will for now. Today was for you. Just for you to relax and be given attention like you deserve.” He ran his nose along her neck, up her cheek and around her ear. “Besides, we still have time to go out today if we can get ourselves out of bed. Maybe it’ll give us something to look forward to later.”
She pouted a little bit when he said he would go without for now. She felt that it was unfair that she should get pleasure and he shouldn't. But he seemed pretty adamant about wanting to do other things now, so she wouldn't push it. She giggled and kissed him again, a little more seductively this time. "I promise I'll make it up to you," she whispered, kissing him again. A large part of her just wanted to jump on top of him right now, but that wasn't what HE wanted, and she wanted to give him everything that he ever wanted. She stretched out all of her limbs and then reluctantly began to untangle herself from him.

"So where are we going?" she asked cheerily, her eyes wandering over his body as she tried to get out of the bed. He was so handsome, so attractive, so sexy. He was perfect. She had no idea how another woman hadn't claimed him before she got to him.
Brendan smiled back at her as she got up, studying her attentively as well. Her giggle and kisses were so incredibly sexy that he almost wished he'd chosen differently. "I'm sure I won't deny you that chance," he said softly, rolling over himself and getting out of bed. He grabbed a clean t-shirt and pair of boxers and slid them on. "We're going on a little date. If you'll go with me, that is," he teased. "Why don't you get a shower, I'll get breakfast together, and then we'll go."

He finished getting dressed and quickly made four eggs in a frying pan, having them ready along with some frozen potatoes and juice when she was done. He took Elsa down to the train station once she was ready, and they took a ride downtown, spending the day there. There were some street festivals going on that Saturday, and they spent the day browsing, shopping, watching the entertainment, and just forgetting about their respective worries. "There's a nice outside café I was at once over here," he said as he put his arm around her towards the end of the day. "What do you think about getting something to eat there, and then I have those concert tickets I was telling you about."
Spending the day with Brendan had been magnificent. From the breakfast he'd made to the train ride to the street festivals, everything was perfect. She'd never felt more at home, more at ease than how she felt with Brendan. She held his hand loosely, swinging their arms back and forth as they walked down a street, her other arm laden with shopping bags (Brendan's other arm laden as well). She turned her face up to him and murred, leaning in and kissing his neck softly before pulling away.

"I'd love to do that, babe." she whispered to him, as if it was some secret for only him to know. What she kept thinking about, though, was not the food or the concert. It was being in bed with him and making him feel good. He deserved to feel good and she'd been unintentionally depriving him of that. That needed to be fixed, and she already had a plan on how to do it.
As they ate and headed to the concert, Brendan continued to enjoy himself thoroughly. But, during the evening, he had gradually started to look Elsa over a little lecherously, taking in some long stares at her. Maybe it was the pent up sexual tension that had been building over the last three weeks. Whatever it was, he was beginning to look her over the way he had when she'd first arrived at the Center. He remembered watching her like a piece of meat while she was poked, prodded, stripped, and searched. And that was how he felt now. But he did his best to keep it within himself, smiling at Elsa, and enjoying the hand-holding and conversation. He tried to remember all that she meant to him now. But it wasn't easy; right now he just wanted to take her.

As they walked the three blocks from the train station at the end of the night, he found it increasingly difficult to keep it inside. He let one hand wander down her back to her butt, giving her a squeeze on the dark, empty street. Once they were inside, walking up the flight of stairs to their apartment, he walked behind Elsa, letting his hands run up her stomach to her breasts, squeezing them both firmly. "You look incredibly hot, babe," he told her as they got up to their door, spinning her around and giving her a kiss with her back against the front door of their apartment.
She'd loved the dinner and concert they'd had. It was nice, simple, and classic. There was no lewd making out in public or constant groping like their had been with previous boyfriends, instead there was gently hand holding and whispered sweet nothings. That was one of the thins she absolutely adored about Brendan. He could be raunchy and raucous or he could be soft spoken and tender. He started to get testy the closer they got to home though. She could tell that he was starting to lose it when he grabbed her butt in the middle of the street. She swatted his hand away playfully but remained silent.

Once they were inside he really started on her. She wriggled when he squeezed her breasts and growled at him, but not playfully. When he spun her around she wasn't looking at him playfully or lovingly, she was angry. She pushed him away and maneuvered her way out of his grasp. "Hey, hey. Play nice." she growled at him, feigning real anger. She stormed into the apartment and marched all the way to the bathroom, dumping all of the bags on the ground except one. She locked herself in and grinned to herself.

"Don't try to come in," she called out, seemingly on the edge of tears, "Go wait in the bedroom. Maybe I'll come in later." she hoped he wouldn't insist on talking to her, that he'd just go with it. If not he would ruin her surprise.
Brendan resisted the urge to throw himself on top of Elsa on the closest flat surface, which would have been the couch. But curiosity got the best of him. He had to find out what Elsa had in mind. She wasn't happy, but that only got him ramped up more. So, while she went into the bathroom, he headed to the bedroom, getting more comfortable, putting away his shoes, and taking off his socks and tossing them in the hamper. He wasn't going to get his hopes up, she seemed to be in such an emotional mood. So he just sat down on the bed, trying to figure out what he could have done that got her so upset.
Elsa hurriedly changed out of the clothes she was wearing and dug into the shopping bag. She'd been given a settlement from the Center for all of her abuse. She had taken some of it in cash for certain things she might need. She'd broken off from Brendan for a little while that day while they were out, seemingly going to the restroom (she'd told him not to wait as girls always take a hundred years) and she'd snuck into a small sex shop she'd seen in an alleyway. She'd bought a bright pink silk teddy and matching pink panties. She'd also bought black fish-net thigh highs with garters that hooked onto the panties.

She dressed in those things and stuffed her other clothes into the empty bag. She looked at her hair in the mirror, it was pretty blah. She brushed it out quickly and then sprayed it with hairspray, trying to make it a little big. Once she was satisfied she slipped on the heels she'd bought at the sex shop and opened the bathroom door. She sauntered down the hallway slowly, working herself up as she got there. She was more excited to do this for him than she'd been about anything in a long time.

When she got to the bedroom door she opened it slowly, pushing it out in front of her. She posed in the doorway, one hand on her hip and the other slid up the doorframe. She smirked at Brendan, her legs spread apart for the effect. "Hey there, big boy." she cooed.
Nothing could have prepared Brendan for the sight that greeted him next. He couldn't even imagine where she'd obtained the lingerie, but right now he didn't care. She looked like an unbelievably hot cabaret dancer of sorts in her sexy attire. Although he'd seen her naked plenty, there was something wonderful about the outfit that was far more arousing than plain nudity. The pink suited her perfectly, and showed just the right amount to be both a turn-on and a tease at the same time. And, oh, the fishnets! She was hot stuff, and she knew it, laying it on tantalizingly for him in the doorway. That wasn't even mentioning her pretty brown hair, which was styled out unlike he'd ever seen before.

In one motion, Brendan leaped off the bed and attacked her. But she just looked so beautiful, that he wasn't able to just throw her on the bed. Such beauty had to be savored, appreciated. He leaned in and kissed her hard, running his hands under her teddy, grasping at her hips, and then running them up along her side, caressing the sides of her breasts. "You look like a really bad girl," he rasped between breaths. "One that needs to be punished," he whispered, backing her up towards the bed, and running his hands down, grabbing the elastic on her pink panties, and tugging up on them.
She squealed as he attacked her, his hands groping her amazingly. She loved it when his hands were on her. She loved it when he fondled her, when he groped her, when he teased her. She loved everything about him. She giggled when he called her a bad girl and backed up to the bed. She plopped her butt down onto it and kicked her heels off, their job was done. She'd only needed them to give her some height in the doorway. But she scrambled backwards on the bed, still not quite giving in to what he wanted.

She grabbed hold of his hands and pried them off of her panties. She shook her head at him and giggled once more, going up on her knees and sliding herself further across the bed. "I don't think so mister. This is all about you, not me. I'll only let you spank me if you promise it's for you."
Brendan playfully pressed his hands back towards her panties when she removed them. Elsa was just perfect. She was more than making up for the three week hiatus. He would have gladly waited the three weeks anytime, if he knew this was waiting at the end. He freed his hand and ran it up and down the inside of her thighs, feeling her soft skin through the black mesh of her sexy stockings.

Once she got up on her knees, begging for a spanking, it seemed, he mounted her playfully, almost like an animal humping another. Letting one hand squeeze both full, soft breasts, he snuck in a smack over her pink panties. "I promise," he leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Now pull down you panties so you can be punished like the bad girl you are," he added. "Not all the way, though. Just enough to get what you deserve."
Elsa was so horny now that she was having an increasingly hard time sticking to the game. She wanted him so badly. She hadn't realized just how much she had missed making love with him, but she had missed it dearly. She didn't think, though, that they were going to make love just yet. They were going to have sex, they were going to fuck. Maybe they'd do it several times this night, maybe they'd make love later. She giggled again when he mounted her, her body begging him to just hump the shit out of her right then and there.

When he smacked her pussy through her panties she moaned, unable to hold it back. Ugh, she wanted him so bad. She murred and reached behind her, hooking her fingers into her panties and pulling them down in the back just enough to reveal her lush ass to him. "Yes sir,"
Elsa was getting horny before his eyes, hornier than he'd ever seen her, in fact. When she pulled the panties down enough so they hugged the bottom of her curvy ass, he grabbed her soft, wonderful butt with both hands, massaging it roughly, working his way to the center. Once there, he spread her cheeks and ran his finger along the moist slit glistening in between. "I have to find out which part of your naughty ass deserves getting beat the most," he laughed, his breath getting labored.

Leaning himself in, he dropped his pants and underwear, and hot-dogged her a little bit, sticking his cock in between her wet pussy lips, and rubbing it up and down, but pulling it back before sinking it in, as he longed to do. Kneeling back, he wound up and gave her a hard smack. "That's what you get for dressing like such a slut," he said. He smacked the other side, then leaned in and ran his finger along her labia again, finding it even wetter than before. "Tell me your ass needs to get beat for dressing like such a slut," he moaned, grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling it back, before letting go, and dragging his fingernails all the way down Elsa's back.
She moaned when he spanked her, her eyes nearly rolling back into her head. This was such an amazingly real experience at the same time that it was so unreal to her. Was this really happening? Was she really in this much ecstasy already? She hoped it was real, she needed it to be real. Her pussy oozed wetness as he continued to spank her. Every part of her was begging to be touched. She needed a good fucking, that much was more than obvious.

She allowed her head to tilt back when he grabbed her hair and then let it fall forward onto the comforter of the bed. "Ahh, sir. My ass needs to get beat because I dressed like I'm a slut." she moaned, her toes curling in anticipation. "Mmm...let me ride you," she gasped, her desire to be on top of him suddenly overwhelming, "Let me pay my penance to you, master." the word slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it.
Brendan was twitching, his body was so turned on and ready to take her. Her toes were curling in desire, as if summoning him inside of her. The spanking was evidently getting her wetter, so he gave her a few more hard ones, leaving red hand marks on her beautiful bottom. "God, you're so bad. I can't believe it," he moaned. "I think you'll need to be punished all night." With that he pulled her panties down a little more, and grabbed her hips, plunging himself all the way down into her pussy with one fluid motion, using her hips to propel his stomach into her ass, rocking her body in the process. He was going to make her ride him, but he wanted to do her his way first. The way she called him 'master' only drove him more wild with passion.

Pulling himself out after the one thrust inside her, he noticed that his cock was oozing and dripping with her wetness. He laid down on the bed, sliding up next to her with a devilish grin. "Ride me, slut," he said with a deep voice, grabbing her by both wrists and pulling her towards him, holding his cock so that it pointed straight up at the ceiling, ready to skewer her. "But you got me all dirty. You need to clean me off first, and quickly," he said, motioning with his eyes towards his gooey cock.
Punished all night long? She couldn't think of a better way to spend her night than being manhandled and taken by the love of her life. When he finally pulled her panties down all the way and sunk himself deep inside of her, she felt the fire really light inside of her. Her pussy clenched down on him tightly, thoroughly coating him in her juices. Her body wanted him to stay and tried hard to not allow him to pull out. He did though, and laid down next to her. She turned her head and looked at him, seeing his delicious cock standing tall and proud -- soaked with her juices.

He was telling her to ride him and she was more than eager to do so. She got her legs under her and unclipped the garters from them, pulling them off of her so that she now just wore the teddy and the thigh highs. Then he was telling her to clean him off. She slid her eyes from him to his cock and then grinned. She crawled to his cock and ran her tongue down his length, taking her juices into her own mouth. Then she pushed her lips down over him and gave him a couple of teasing sucks as she cleaned him off. She pulled off and straddled him, staying just above his cock. She leaned down and kissed his bare chest, opening her mouth and then biting him gently. She raised her eyes to him and shook her butt a little, wanting another order from him. Another lewd remark to make her really go at him.
Brendan thought he'd died and went to heaven. He knew Elsa liked sex, in the right situation, but he'd never known she could be so sexual, so raw with her animal desires. He loved her with all his heart, and would have been more than content to have even a vanilla sex life with her. But she was making his heart race, drawing up feelings in him that he hadn't even known existed. He shivered and moaned as she cleaned off his cock, her warm, rough tongue exuding care, yet teasing and tantalizing at the same time. Every move she made seemed intended to rile him, to drive him crazy, and he loved it.

She definitely sucked more than she needed to, enough to make him want to force her head down on his cock and make her finish him off that way. He didn't want her warm mouth to leave him, but it did, and caused him to gyrate wildly when she bit his chest. Then he was treated to the best picture yet. She was squatting before him, her garter straps hanging down, her spread pussy hovering only inches away from his waiting cock. He expected her to impale herself on him, but she just gave him a teasing shake of her butt. He bucked his hips up a couple inches, making the tip of his freshly cleaned cock peek between her pussy lips momentarily. "Ride me now," he growled, reaching back and slapping her on the hip, like a cowboy would when he wanted his horse to gallop off. "Hard. Like a dirty slut who needs to ride a big cock."
She whimpered softly when he bucked his hips up and his cock teasingly brushed against her soaked pussy. She was already throbbing with desire for him. She knew one fuck wasn't going to be enough for her tonight, but it seemed pretty obvious that it was going to be the same way for him. They'd gone without each other for so long that they needed each other now, they were desperate -- but only for the other. His delicious growl sent her over the edge. She plunged herself down onto his cock, feeling him slide deep inside of her. She pushed down until she felt his base. She threw her head back again and moaned, her pussy muscles already clenching and releasing him rhythmically.

His slap on her hip was absolutely wild. She galloped off on him, that was for sure. She grabbed his shoulders and held on tightly as she began to bounce up and down on him like a wild woman. She let herself moan uncontrollably, let her body shake, her her muscles tense, let her hips grind against him. She was going all out. She wasn't trying to hide the fact that she craved his cock.
And then... Elsa went off. She was unreal, the way she rode him madly. She was flailing all about, yet her pussy was milking his cock like crazy, her muscles pulling and gripping from the get-go. Over and over, her ass rammed again his legs as she came down hard on his manhood. Clearly, she was flying at max-capacity; she would be going faster if she could. He cried out loudly, well on his way to his orgasm. "Oh, Goddddd," he cried out, sweat forming on his chest. "You're such a cock-slut, aren't you?" he moaned with a big smile, his eyes closed, head back against the pillow. He said it with love, but in a sense it was true. He knew that at least in that moment, she needed his cock, just like he needed her pussy.

He looked down, and between her lightning fast movements, he could see her juices oozing out of her sex, dripping down his cock, and she hadn't even came yet. He grabbed her hips, sharing with her in the ride, and looked up into her eyes, making a moment or two of eye contact with her crazed eyes when her motions slowed enough to do so. This was exactly what he'd been craving, and more. Yet, he knew it wasn't going to come close to satisfying him. He needed Elsa all night long, until he couldn't move a muscle anymore. In time, he felt his cock throbbing, moments from releasing his powerful seed that had been pent up inside so long. "Elsa, you have. To. Get off. Me," he panted, his eyes drunk with lust and pleasure. "I'm about to cum," he added with one final gasp, his nails digging into her hips as he moaned near the top of his lungs.
Her mind was completely elsewhere and yet completely centered around Brendan. She knew she was here with him, that she was riding him, giving him pleasure and no one else. And yet she didn't know anything about the bed beneath them, the lights on in the room, her shopping bags strewn across the floor. She knew nothing except Brendan and what they were doing together. She nodded when he asked her if she was a cock-slut. She moaned and opened her eyes just in time to make eye contact with him, her eyes drunk with lust, pleasure, devotion, and love all at the same time. "I love your cock," she moaned, her inside muscles tensing up on him harder as she approached orgasm.

Her leg twitched and she tried to go even faster, but she was really going as hard as she could. She moaned again and again until finally her muscles froze and then released her powerful orgasm all over his delicious manhood. Then he was telling her to get off of him. That was the last thing she wanted. She wanted him inside of her, wanted him to cum in her. But she also knew he wouldn't want that. She grudgingly slowed down and then got off of him, her pussy still throbbing from her orgasm. She plunged her mouth down over his soaked cock, immediately sucking and licking him, her own juices filling her mouth now as well.
Brendan gasped and moaned as she rode out her own orgasm. He desperately wanted to come inside her. His cock was begging to explode deep within her. And, although he didn't have time to think about it, he wouldn't have cared at all whether he got her pregnant. He knew deep within, beyond a doubt, that he'd be with her forever and there was no one else for him. But all his old instincts told him that he needed to pull out. When she began climaxing, he did all he could to hold out, releasing his nails from her hips, and reaching back, giving one side of her ass several very hard slaps. "Hmmm," he moaned. "Ride it out. Ride it out, you naughty cock-lover," he breathed as he spanked her again.

When she finally dismounted and began working him with her mouth and tongue, it didn't take long at all for him to come. He gripped her head firmly with both hands and guided her up and down over his cock. Feeling his release coming, he exploded hard and deep into her mouth. There was significantly more there then usual, it seemed, likely a result of weeks of buildup. He hadn't masturbated or anything during that time, waiting to have his release with Elsa. It filled up her mouth and some spilled out onto his stomach as he let go of her head and gripped the sheets in a sweat-drenched orgasm. Finally, he took a hold of her by the shoulders and lifted her body up on top of himself, pressing her head into his upper chest, and stroking her hair. "I hope you don't think you're done paying your penance, baby," he whispered. "You've been far too bad."
Her ass was a bright red with all of the slaps he'd been giving her, but she absolutely loved it. She'd never felt more owned that she felt right now, but instead of being a strange feeling or a bad one, it was a magnificent one. She allowed him to guide her head up and down on his cock, letting him face fuck her as he pleased. When he finally came in her mouth she swallowed his seed gladly, though she choked some because of the sheer volume that came from him. A good deal dripped out of her mouth and onto his stomach and down his length. She pulled her mouth off of him and licked all up his length and then suckled his stomach to get all of his cum.

She murred when he grabbed her shoulders and yanked her on top of him. She rested her soaked pussy just above his cock and laid down on him, her head landing right where he was pushing it. She kissed his chest gently as he chided her, letting her hands run through his hair as well. "Oh no, sir. This was only just the warm up, right?"
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