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In Hushed Whispers (1×1 with Jikkah)

“That you’ve never been able to provide evidence for.” She mumbled out, leaning her head back and tipping her hat over her face to rest her eyes.
He snorted and left them both alone in the cell before going to her ship to search the whole thing top to bottom. Every nook and cranny was searched for something, anything.
Nothing, Motochika could find absolutely nothing- how did she do it? How did she manage every time to hide her contraband? It made his blood boil, clearly she was a smuggler, she was a pirate after all, so where was she hiding it?
Nana still sat it wait on the floor against the wall, hat tipping over her face and her shackled hands in her lap, not nothing to look up when Motochika came storming into the jail.
Nana’s hat flew off her head and she let out a grunt of surprise when his fist connected to her face. Her head had snapped to the side, eyes wide and her jaw throbbing from his punch. “The hell..?!” She snarled as she reached to shove him back.
He grabbed the chain for her cuffs and nearly ripped both arms from their sockets, "Where is your contraband?!"
"Guards!! Help!! He's a mad man!!" The dock master yelled.
Nana was yanked forward by the force of him pulling in the chains, landing flat on her stomach at his feet. “I already told you, I ain’t got none!” She snapped at him, trying to pull herself back up off the ground.
Nana bounced off the wall easily, grinding her teeth, and opting to take the beating this time. “I don’t have contraband you daft idiot!!”
Nana tasted blood, lip throbbing and split, wheezing when his boot connected with her ribs, a searing pain shooting from the spot where the hit connected.
Nana wheezed softly, pulling herself up and catching her breath, reaching to collect her hat off the ground before slumping back against the wall. “Took you damn long enough..” She muttered, putting her hat back on her head, and wiping the blood from her chin.
"Shut up, Nana." One of the older guards said firmly, warning her not to dig a deeper pit. They took Motochika away and had a healer come look at Nana's injuries.
She wasn't in the cell for very long before she was set free. Despite how loudly Motochika insisted she was hiding something,they couldn't find anything to keep her there.
Nana was a bit angry that her schedule was delayed, but she’d take that over Motochika actually finding her contraband any day. Flashing him a triumphant smirk, she headed out of the jail and to the dock.
“Yes, I’m sure you believe that too.” She said with a wave, closing the jail door behind her.
Jin was giving guidance to mages who asked of it, praying with them or for them, one of the small empty rooms turned into a prayer room as a luxury for the mages.
Kojurou didn't really see a point in such a thing at first, but he saw that after a bit it made the mages easier to work with. So he didn't complain much about it.
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