Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Jin had no place to speak up about such topics, she had recently been demoted and she doubted many still help her opinion in high regard. Standing, she took the packet of information with her as she left.
Mitsuhide watched her leave before continuing to try and earn the funding he would needed. Kojurou stood outside the room, trying to calm down. He would have to tell Masamune's men to be more careful.
“Katakura-sosakan?” Jin stopped before her, a soft frown on her face as she looked hun over, his face contorted with worry. “Are you alright?”
“I’m sorry you were upset, I think it’s quite groundbreaking.” She said nonchalantly, as if they weren’t speaking on the topic of purging ghouls from society through eugenics.
"I agree, it is. To not have to kill or be killed is truly remarkable. However, I don't agree with kidnapping and ripping them open like a biology class frog." He replied.
Jin shook her head, her expression neutral. “It will rid the world of ghouls, and with little other improvement in other areas, this is the most humane.”
“Would you prefer hunting them down and killing them like we are now?” She stared him down, her copper eyes cold as she spoke. “You have no trouble wielding a quinque, yet seem bothered by the ethics that brought you such a weapon.”
“I’m sorry you feel that way.” It was clear that Jin, like many other investigators, had a deep hatred for ghouls. “Please excuse me then, I have some paperwork overdue.” She bowed her head to him before heading for the offices.
Masamune hadn’t heard anything about Russia for days now, the higher ups finally easing off him, but he couldn’t shake the feeling nothing good would come of it.
"Guess they decided to hop off my dick." Masamune said.
"You weren't gonna go all that way anyway, hito."
"You're goddamn right I wasn't." Masamune huffed.
Megohime had just gotten back from running some errands for Masamune- more of a snack run for him really, but she didn’t mind so much, it let her get out and get some time to herself. “So they’ve dropped the Russia thing?”
"For me, anyway." He said, looking up when the door opened. Kojurou stood there, and the ghouls bowed to him out of respect.
"Okaerinasai!" They greeted. Masamune blunked.
"You're back early."
"I needed to let you all know, stay off the streets for a while." Kojurou said.
Megohime moved over to Masamune, almost avoiding Kojurou as if he was carrying a hot poker with him. “Why?” She asked, putting a cigarette in her mouth as she sat beside Masamune, offering him the bag of food and drinks.
Masamune nodded to her in thanks as he took the snacks and Kojurou moved to sit across from him, head bowed slightly.
"The CCG may begin taking ghouls off the streets to experiment on them. It's to test a sort of...cure...turn them into humans." He explained. The boys grew a little aggitated but Masamune waved them down.
"Any reason why?" Masamune asked and Kojurou shook his head.
"The man behind it is sick and twisted and merely wishes to toy with ghouls," he replied, "as my family, I would be remiss to see any of you be picked apart...let alone hear that some of you died because of it."
The thought of a cure for something that wasn’t a disease made bile rise in Megohime’s throat, did they just want to torture and scare ghouls? Surely this was all a bluff, something just to put them on edge and scare them. “Is this some kind of joke?” Megohime hadn’t even realized just how angry this made her, kakugan flared as she stared at Kojurou.
"I wish it was..." Kojurou muttered.
"What do we do, hito?" The gang asked. Masamune made a face and popped open the bag of rice crackers he had grabbed.
"Do as Kojurou says: stay off the streets. If you gotta go out, make sure you ain't spotted. Stay off the radar, if any of you get taken, it's gonna be an instant KIA." He told them.
Megohime scowled softly as she lit her cigarette, not liking the situation they were going into, but surely that many ghouls wouldn’t be taken from their area, right?
Kojurou seemed as angry as Masamune came off to be. The others knew Kojurou well enough that he wouldn't lie. Maybe this was as bad as he made it seem.
The next day at the CCG, almost everyone was abuzz with the higher ups decision, having accepted Mitsuhide’s proposal, but giving him a limit on how many ghouls he was allowed to take.
Kojurou was rather unhappy with this decision, but was confident that the gang would be alright. He sat at his desk, looking through his emails when he stumbled across one from a no reply address. He opened it and found it was a link to Jin's file, highly classified stuff. He looked around before giving it a read, wanting to know more about her.
Jin was the only other person in the office, at her computer a few desks away, paying him no mind as she worked on her paperwork. Would it be right reading such things about her?
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