Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

“Of course, it isn’t mandatory, but if Akechi is speaking I’m intrigued.” She admitted. “He rarely attends or hosts any sort of meeting, so surely it must be of some importance; and you?”
“I fear you may be out the door before he’s even begun.” She said lightheartedly. “But I agree, I have little time for boasting torture and it’s findings, regardless if they’re ghouls or not.”
“He produces results the higher ups likes I suppose.” She finished her tea and set the cup down.
Jin paid his disappointed tone no mind, though she was a bit surprised to find Kojurou to be a ghoul sympathizer; she held no such sentiments.
He had his reasons, she was sure. The ghoul debate was black and white with very, very little in between. You either hated them or you didn't and Kojurou didn't openly say he hated them, nor did he really like them. There are bad ghouls and there are good ghouls, she remembered hearing him say.
Jin was sure he believed in such things as good ghouls and bad ghouls, but with how she grew up, there were no good ghouls to her. All ghouls in her mind had bad in them, waiting for the opportune time to strike.
Jin was curious as to what new research Mitsuhide had to share, as were plenty of others. As much as he was disliked, Mitsuhide wasn’t known to go around calling for meetings, so when he did, surely it would be something good.
"Hello, everyone, and welcome." Mitsuhide greeted when he was ready, "Thank you all so very much for coming, I have big and exciting news for you all~"
There was only soft murmuring amongst investigators, all eyes were on him now, and soon the room was dead they quite once again as they waited for him to reveal what he had.
"As you know, the ghoul threat grows by the day. And we in Research and Development have been working very hard on how to take care of it. I, myself, have been working rather tirelessly for bear fruit~" He said. There was a lot of unamused looks, he loved trying to build suspense even if there was none.
It was clear many of the investigators amongst the crowd weren’t amused by his theatrics. Behind him, other members of R&D rolled a few people into the room in wheelchairs, stopping them just beside Mitsuhide.
"Behold: rather normal looking men and women we have here, no? Well, what if I told you that these people used to be ghouls~?"
"We would call your bluff." One investigator said. Mitsuhide smirked darkly.
"That so? What a shame~ because there is no bluff here. I have provided copies of their files that we have on record, here." He moved to pass them out himself, brimming with confidence.
Jin opened the packet given to her, browsing the files quickly to look over the work inside. It was filled with page after page confirming what Mitsuhide was claiming; the people strapped into the wheelchairs before them had all once been physically ghouls. Technically, they were still physically ghouls, DNA couldn’t be changed, but their physical abilities as ghouls were no longer.
"What is the meaning of this, Mitsuhide?"
"Oh, it is really rather quite simple~ we kill them all when we know that they'll just evolve themselves back into the genepool when we can simply cure them~?" He said.
A cure for ghouls? It seemed outlandish, they weren’t plagued with a disease, they were simply different beings, yet taking away what differed them from humans was twisted. Jin didn’t care, the idea of ghouls being eradicated brought a hope to her soul she hadn’t felt in years.
"There is about a very small survival rate for now, but with more testing and study, we could perhaps separate the barrier between humans and ghouls, by making us all equal beings~" Mitsuhide said.
"They'll just grow back their organs." One said. Mitsuhide gave a deadpan look.
"I assure you, they will not."
Equal beings? Jin could’ve laughed at that, but she didn’t; ghouls would always be ghouls, even if they could no longer use a kagune. This was the best news Jin could’ve received.
"So, you're saying that you want approval to just snatch ghouls off the street and pick them apart like broken toys?" Kojurou asked, tone hard. Mitsuhide looked at him and smirked.
"How else will I get them? There will be voluntary offers, of course. But what ghoul would be willing?" He asked. Kojurou scowled heavily and stood, walking out of the room.
Jin watched Kojurou leave, a soft frown on her face; for such an esteemed investigator, he certainly seemed to pity ghouls a great deal. She didn’t try to stop him, too interested in seeing if the higher ups would approve such an offer.
"This is a rather highly unethical research study, Mitsuhide-sousakan."
"Hai. But think of the possibility? Think of all the knowledge on their anatomy, on how they work, what makes them function. And in turn, they get to be normal. No more hunting and killing." Mitsuhide said.
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