Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Shame flooded Nana when she heard Motochika’s voice, but she didn’t look up, waiting on her hands and knee beside Ayato when he stopped, only needing to be kicked twice when she kept going and he had stopped. Her face twisted with agony, crying silently, shoulders shaking. Why did Motochika have to see her like that? Why did she have to be seen at all?
Motochika moved over and picked her up, his eyes holding panic.
"Daijoubou...?" He asked weakly, voice almost shaking.
"She's fine. She's a good bitch."
"Don't call her that!!" Motochika snapped, kakugan flaring instantly.
Nana only turned her head away, avoiding looking Motochika in the face, alive with bruises around her throat, but most unharmed. She no longer had her prosthetic, not even having a shoe on her foot, dirty from crawling on the floor.
He picked her up carefully, hands shaking as he kept her steady. Ayatou scoffed before walking passed them.
"You can have her back now. She's been walked enough."
Nana let Motochika pick her up, saying nothing as she leaned against him and held tight, weeping silently. She was humiliated and disgusted, wanting to curl up and disappear.
Nana just nodded her head, wiping away her tears with dirty hands, still refusing to look at him. “I’m fine..”
“It’s fine..!” Her lower lip started to quiver again, Nana becoming upset all over again. “I don’t want to talk about it..”
Jin knew she was dreaming the moment she was back in the hideout Susuma resided in, the familiar feeling of a cold metal table beneath her, only wearing a cotton gown, metal cuffs around her wrists and ankles. She knew it was a dream yet she couldn’t wake, couldn’t break free from the chain of events that unfolded regardless of what she wanted.
She couldn’t talk, a thick rubber mouth guard forced into her mouth and secured with another strap around her head. Her vision was blurry, from tears, and the electric shocks Susuma had been subjecting her to. Jin shook her head, letting out muffled cries for mercy.
Jin felt electricity shoot through her again, from her temples down to her toes, making her entire body go rigid, vision growing hazy and a halo of light warping her sight further. She could no longer hear Susuma, only the electricity current and her involuntary noises of agony.
It felt like her body would burst apart, like she would die right there from the electricity coursing through her, instead she woke. Opening her eyes, Jin stared up at the ceiling, covered in sweat and alone in the communal rest quarters. Her heart was racing, fists clenched tightly, but she quickly relaxed herself, wiping the sweat from her face.
There was so much Jin didn’t remember from her time held captive by Susuma, only chunks and pieces remaining, with small shreds of memory returning to her every now and again, even after years. She got up to shower before changing into her work attire and grabbing her quinque, heading out to meet with Kojurou.
It was always pleasant being around Kojurou, his personality a much needed difference than Matsunaga’s. “Good morning, Katakura-sousakan.” She sad, bowing her head to him. “I heard there is a briefing from the Research and Development Department this morning, you wouldn’t happen to know more about it, would you?” She asked as she sat across from him.
Jin accepted some of his tea gratefully, not having much of an appetite after her dream, but finding it to calm her nerves. “I heard the briefing is being led by Akechi Mitsuhide.”
Jin felt the same way about Akechi, she had been in school with him, and he had been quite a tricky classmate. She enjoyed the tea and relative silence with Kojurou, other investigators and CCG operatives milling around.
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