Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Nana panted as he continued, holding him close and rocking her hips to show her enjoyment. “Right… Right there..” She mumbled in his ear, letting out soft whimpers of pleasure as he hit her sweet spot again and again.
He shivered gently and tried not move any faster, though he did obey her request. He wanted to keep things slow, enjoy their time like this.
It was a bit tricky to keep herself from moving too much with only one leg, mostly using her arms to hold onto Motochika for support. They hadn’t been intimate in so long, she had missed the closeness, the way Motochika was gentle with her.
Nana felt heat flush through her body as she finally reached her climax, letting out a weak moan, digging her nails into his skin.
Nana laid beneath him, breathing labored and her forehead covered in sweat, small shivers going through her body.
He nuzzled into her neck and just held her, his white hair messier now than it would be normally.
"Are you alright...? Did I hurt you at all...?" He asked softly.
Nana shook her head, arms wrapped around him. “I’m alright, you didn’t hurt me..” She said softly.
The two would fall asleep entwined together, Nana knowing Motochika would likely be gone by the time she woke in the morning.
Nana knew there was no point in laying around in bed grieving at her loneliness, she had already spent enough time doing that. Getting up, she managed to get her leg on with minimal struggling, still needing to use her wheelchair to get around so she could go bathe and get ready for the morning.
Though once she got her prosthetic on, she didn't dare venture out. What would happen to her if she left? What was the point of this leg if she couldn't truly use it? She was scared and confused and she didn't like it.
Nana spent hours just trying to walk a few steps with her new leg, but even standing still was hard. It felt like she was no longer in control of her body, like it wasn’t hers fully.
It would take time to relearn and adjust to the change like it did when she first lost her leg, but this was a start and it was something. Maybe one day she and Motochika could go out? He was doing good, wasn't he? That's why she even got the leg. Maybe they would let her and Motochika go on dates.
The thought made Nana cry, both tears of happiness, and tears of sorrow. She knew she only was getting these little luxuries because Motochika was doing good work- but she also knew the work was hard on him, and was wearing on him physically. She would try hard for him as well, pushing herself to be able to stand and walk using her leg, even when it ached and when she fell.
How happy would it be to go out in the sun with him again? Just be with him for a brief window of peace and joy. She wasn't going to let the chance slip away.
Nana started to keep a journal of what she wanted to do when they could go out together again, she usually kept it stuffed under the mattress to keep it hidden, only writing in it during the day while Motochika was out. Among her ever-growing list of things she wanted to do, she thought about some more than others;
Going to the coast with Motochika again, enjoying the sun and the warm sand, feeling the sea breeze.
Going to the local park by their old high school, feeding the migratory birds that would spend time there.
Visiting different shopping districts and sight seeing.
Thinking about her list made her think of her apartment. Was her aunt and uncle still making payments on it? Would it even still be there if she went to see it? Not that she could, she wasn’t allowed to leave the room, let alone the building.
Nana had barely time to shove her notebook under the desk, so engrossed in her writing she hadn’t heard him enter the room. “Leaving?” She looked scared. “Where? Why?.” She managed to stand with the help of the desk. “Has something happened to Motochika?”
"No, nothing has happened to Chosokabe. You're going for a walk, you're lethargic. He has agonized over you beeing cooped up in here, so we're leaving." He told her flatly.
She felt a bit embarrassed about him pointing out her poor health, but getting out would be nice, she hadn’t seen outside in how long? Using the wall, she limped toward her wheelchair to prepare to leave, not putting up a fight at all.
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