Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

The edge in her gaze could’ve cut him easily, but she only loaded her bag into the car. “When do we start?” Jin asked.
“No, the sooner they’re captured, the sooner people are safer. We can depart tomorrow.” Jin wouldn’t let the brothers escape, even if it cost her life, she’d end their reign of terror.
The remainder of the day was spent debriefing and preparing for the mission; each associate was given minimal gear, which only consisted of two separate gps microchips. One was sewn into the clothes they were given, and one was implanted in their hairline at the base of their skull.
Jin only listened with a soft frown, she already knew what she was being told, she didn’t have to head it again.
Many of the operatives split up, some stayed together, but each one went to where women were frequently taken, mostly districts where prostitution and crime was high. Jin felt completely exposed without any sort of equipment, only having microchips to alert the rest of the team where she was.
A car drove passed her before stopping and reversing, the door swinging open and a man grabbing her, tugging her hard into the car.
"Keep quiet, whore." The ghoul hissed in Russian.
Jin barely had time to react, being grabbed so quickly she didn’t think she even had time to scream if she had wanted. She was shoved to the floor by the ghouls feet, another pressing her to the floor with his feet on her back, forcing her out of sight of anyone who might’ve gone by as the car drove.
Jin struggled a bit, being crammed in an uncomfortable position with heavy feet in her back made it hard to breathe. “You’re fucking heavy.” She snarled out in Russian.
The car seemed to drive for miles and miles, and she soon felt the car dip downward, like they were driving down a ramp, the light in the car turning to an artificial one. Had they gone underground? In a parking structure of some kind?
Would she already be seeing the twins? She swallowed hard and steeled her nerves, reminding herself what was at stake.
Most of the other women were ones she didn’t recognize, civilians who they were there to save, but she did spot a few of the other operatives, feeling relief that she wasn’t alone.
All the ghouls there looked on edge, almost as scared as the girls there being sorted like cattle.
They split the women up into different jobs; drug manufacturing, meat, and prostitution. Glancing around again, she looked for any signs of the two brothers.
Jin stumbled and followed along with the other women she was herded along with, still keeping an eye out for her targets.
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