Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

When she was at the front of the line, the ghoul who was separating all the girls looked her over carefully. "Prostitute." He said, "Take her to the bosses."
Jin moved forward when she felt the ghouls behind her move closer, knowing she was being herded off once again. She wasn’t thrilled to be categorized as a prostitute, but it was at least better than meat.
She was led towards a hallway at the side, long and dark so she tried not to trip, but she was nudged into a room with two male ghouls who were laughing and joking with each other. Sasha and Pyotr.
She stumbled into the room she was pushed into, fighting the shocked expression that threatened to cross her face. The both of them were right there, but she was alone and had no weapons. She would need to buy enough time and keep the both of them together so they could be taken at the same time.
Jin looked between the two of them, mouth agape slightly as she thought. She didn’t know for how long they would be there, if one or both would leave, she had to avoid that. They had already labeled her as prostitute, they already assumed she was one.
She walked toward them, picking one of the two brothers and moving to straddle his lap, cupping his cheeks and kissing him deeply.
Jin pulled away from the ghoul named Sasha, turning to look at Pyotor, holding her hand out beckon him over. “I’m for the both of you.” She said in Russian.
Jin reached up to cup Pyotor’s cheek, pulling him down into a kiss, still sitting in the lap of Sasha.
Jin felt disgust, it made her skin crawl and her stomach churn, but she would keep the two here anyway that she could. She rubbed Pyotor’s cheek with her thumb, breaking the kiss to kiss Sasha again, pressing herself flush against him.
“What is it you want?” Jin kissed Sasha again, the taste of iron on his tongue from blood, but she pushed it to the back of her head.
Jin felt dread form a knot in her stomach, but she only pulled away from Sasha again, looking to Fyodor. “I’d much rather move to the bed.”
Jin clenched her jaw, swallowing the lump in her throat. “I don’t want anything that’s cut- I want good shit.”
"Only the cleanest, purest cocaine in Russia." Sasha said.
"We taste it ourselves for quality." Pyotr almost seemed like he was reassuring her.
There was no backing out of this now. “Words show me nothing if I don’t see either of you moving to bring it to me.”
Sasha moved but Pyotr waved him down as he stood. He moved to a locked cabinet across the room and popped it open; there was such a wide assortment of drugs inside - some light some harder - and he grabbed a little dime bag of pure white powder.
"Do we need to show you how to take it~?" He teased.
“I don’t want to be the only one enjoying myself here..~” Jin leaned to kiss on Sasha’s neck, pressing her hand to his groin.
Jin watched Pyotor from the corner of her eyes as she rubbed her hand against Sasha’s groin, biting his neck lightly. When he had the drugs out and ready on the table, Jin moved over numbly, leaning over the table to snort the line off the table. This wasn’t the first time she had done drugs, but it was the first time she had willing done so. The powder burned her nose, but she only moved over to Pyotor and kissed him again.
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