Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Jin felt sick, turning over only to find a corpse in bed with her. She practically scrambled into a sitting position, having to put her hand over her mouth to keep from being sick. Jin swallowed hard, looking away from the woman, looking for her skirt and shirt.
Jin collected her clothing off the floor and quickly dressed, looking around the room for anything that would give her a time frame for how long she had been out for, but she found no clocks or windows.
The door was locked, not that she expected for it to be unlocked, but she would check regardless. The whole room reeked of iron, and cocaine still sat out on the table; she was already tired, her body dehydrated and her mouth dry.
There was nothing she could do but wait, after digging through what was in the room, she covered up the dead woman on the bed with the sheet, sitting at the table and waiting for the two to come back.
Jin was relieved that both twins had returned, meaning she had done a decent enough job of enticing the two into staying, now she just had to keep them there until they were located. “You left a dead woman in bed for me.” She said with a soft frown. “I’m not interested in the dead.”
Jin had to fight the look of disgust that almost came to her face, knowing that she had been unconscious in the bed beside them the whole time. She waved her hand. “Just be rid of her body, I’m awake now.”
Jin wasn’t sure if they meant to eat the woman in front of her or not; standing she moved over to Pyotr, putting her hands on his hips as she kissed his exposed neck. “And what reward would you want?”
Susuma used to bleed her on occasion, but not very often since he didn’t find it amusing.
Jin made a noise as she kissed to his collarbone. “Wouldn’t you rather have fun instead?”
“Then get rid of the body and we can make use of the bed.” Jin sad, rubbing herself up against Pyotr.
Jin listened for Sasha’s return as she led Pyotr to the bed, pushing him down and crawling on top of him, trailing kisses down his chest as she unbuttoned his shirt.
Jin frowned softly at how rushed he seemed, but only worked on his belt, undoing the buckle and pushing her hand inside his pants.
“If he doesn’t hurry back, we’ll start without him.” She muttered against his neck, stroking and rubbing him steadily.
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