Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Jin let out a strangled cry of agony, only being held up now by the two, gnashing her teeth together and biting back tears.
Jin’s face flushed with embarrassment, shame heavy in her chest. She had to but her lip hard to not cry out too much, tears burning her eyes.
It seemed that they enjoyed her pain, relished in it- when she cried out, they only got more violent. They enjoyed her tears and whimpers of pain, and when they’d decrease, they took actions to make sure she’d start to cry again.
By the end, Jin was a battered, bloody mess at their feet on the floor. Her upper lip was torn, nose bloodied and eyes bruised.
Jin’s body ached, pain throbbing throughout every inch, head swirling. She spit out blood on the floor, her bloody and torn lip dripping blood onto the floor, her shoulder wound starting to dry.
"We should get her cleaned up so she can go another round soon." Pyotr said, and Sasha nodded in agreement.
"I'll take her to the medic, she should be fine." He moved and picked Jin up easily, carrying her out of the room.
Jin would be with the twins for three more days, ensuring whatever they wanted to put her through as entertainment when they weren’t working.
When the rest of the task force finally arrived at the location the majority of GPS trackers ended up.
There were so many women and men being hearded through different places, and when the CCG came making a racket a lot of the humans were used as shields.
The standoff with the ghouls seemed to take hours, they seemed both organized and unorganized at the same time, with no sign of the twins.
Once the majority of the ghouls were taken out or captured, they were able to storm the facility. They secured whatever civilians were inside, but many were dead, killed in a rage or panic, many caught in the crossfire.
Hisehide moved into the facility and looked around, he didn't see Jin amongst the dead - which was a good sign for the CCG. But if she wasn't out here, where was she?
The building was a huge maze filled with dozens of rooms, all of which had to be searched. On the second floor, there was a room with a locked door; if she wasn’t in one of these rooms, had she been killed? Had she been disposed of already?
The room smelled heavily of blood and cigarette smoke, inside someone sitting at the table smoking a cigarette. Only half her face was recognizable, the other a bloody mess of flesh. For a moment, she almost looked dead, slumped slightly in the chair, eyes closed and a cigarette hanging from her lips. The tip of the cigarette glowed a dull orange, then lit up when Jin took a drag. “Ah, Matsunaga-sosakan, you’ve finally arrived.” She was only able to open one eye, the other one crusted shut from blood. “I was starting to get tired of waiting.” Her shirt and hands were covered in blood, a large spot of red on her shoulder
"Kawabe-sousakan," Hisehide looked her over, "What happened to you? Where are the twins?" He didn't seem very concerned with her injuries, he never was.
She used the bloody tool in her hand to motion to the bed across the room, staying seated. “They started to give me too much trouble, so I incapacitated them for a bit.” On the bed, both twins lay, both arms and legs cut from their body; their eyes and tongues plucked out as well. All of the removed body parts lay neatly on the bed beside them.
“They’re alive.” Jin said, setting down the mangled blade so her hand was free for her cigarette. “I didn’t want to risk either one of them slipping away, and they were getting restless.” She sniffed out the last of the cigarette. “And with how long things were taking for the rest of the team to move, I had no choice but to act.”
He only made a noise and moved to summon some investigators to help him take out the twins, "What about the others you were sent here with?"
“I don’t know, I’ve been in this room since the day I’ve arrived.” She answered truthfully, sitting up with a soft grunt. “I did see a few other investigators when I arrived, but I don’t know of their fate.”
"Sou ka..." He muttered as he watched Sasha and Pyotr be begged for easier transport, "We should get them back before they both regenerate and give us trouble. Can you walk?"
“Not very far, I still haven’t recovered fully from blood loss.” She said as she stood, using the table to keep herself upright. “But I would like to leave, this room is starting to smell.”
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