Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

“My arm. I think it’s broken, I’m having trouble moving it.” She was reluctant to accept help from him, but did, allowing him to help her walk.
“I can see that even with one eye, Matsunaga-sosakan.” Jin felt like she was walking on pins and needles as she went, limbs cold and sluggish, but she pushed herself to move, forced her body to work.
"If you don't know what happened to the other two, I can only assume they were killed." He said as he helped her outside and to one of the vans.
Jin struggled to step up into the van, needing assistance from the medics inside, only deep bruising on her legs, but no visibly broken bones. “It looked like they were separating humans into groups, but I didn’t see much of anything else after that. Assume they’re dead when you find their corpses.”
Matsunaga made a noise. "Of course."
"Matsunaga-sousakan." He turned toward the investigator who approached them, a grown on her face, "Morimoto-sousakan and Kaede-sousakan have both been killed. We found Morimoto-sousakan's body amongst the drug trade, and Kaede-sousakan's body was nearly picked clean."
"Unfortunate." Matsunaga said, "Thank you. We will have them brought home for burial."
Jin clenched her fists, setting her jaw, wishing that they too could’ve seen the outcome of their efforts. She found her only solace in the fact that their remains would be able to make it back to their families.
Jin looked to him as the medics assessed her, a soft frown on her battered face. “There is no good fortune in dealing with ghouls.”
Jin had no response to give him, only looking at him with dissatisfaction. Once she was assessed and stabilized, she was taken away to be treated for her extensive wounds.
She wouldn't be allowed to go home to Japan until she was capable enough to walk on her own, even if it was just with the assisted use of a cane. That was fine, she had earned the rest.
Jin was mostly alright with being stuck in a recovery room, allowing for her to get some much needed rest. Her face and shoulder was wounded worst of all both requiring minor reconstructive surgery, but the doctors didn’t think she’d have any lasting damage that would affect the use of her arm. Her eye was a different story, the doctors taking great care to try and save her damaged organ, saying it was possible she might lose her ability to see from her right eye altogether. For now, she was patched up and resting, on IV fluids and pain killers.
Matsunaga entered the clinic she was resting in and moved toward her room. He was still incredibly bitter about her little genocide run before she was removed as his partner. She was unstable as an investigator, let alone as a human. He would have to take matters into his own hands if the higher ups wouldn't.
Jin was in her own room, alone and asleep, looking much more unassuming than a woman who had killed dozens of ghouls purely out of her hatred for them. She was too dangerous to be allowed to walk as an investigator, facing almost no repercussions for her crimes.
Demotion from senior investigator to junior seemed hardly fitting; it was a slap across his face and a spit in his eye to see her still live. She was a human raised to be a ghoul, she couldn't be permitted to live any longer than she was already granted. He grabbed a spare pillow from one of the cabinets and moved toward her, determined to correct this most heinous of wrongs.
She lay at his mercy, covered in bandages and bruises, laying beneath the thin hospital blanket. He could see the small rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, her heart rate on the monitor a strong steady pulse. When he stopped beside her bed with the pillow in hand, she didn’t stir, but he heard a soft click. It was familiar to him; the sound of the hammer on a gun being pulled back. He could see peeking out from beneath the blanket was the end of a revolver, and without moving or opening her eye, she spoke.
“Matsunaga, what is it you think you’re doing?”
“How kind.” Her bloodshot eye opened and she looked at him with a cold, hateful glare. “Fortunately one pillow is enough for me, but you can see if anyone else is in need of one.” She didn’t take the gun off him, and she didn’t uncock the hammer.
She simply stared at him, studying the disappointment on his face. “You can leave now, Matsunaga.”
Jin would be on bed rest for a week, kept under observation for another week more before she was allowed to travel back home to Japan, but she wouldn’t be cleared for field work until the wound from her shoulder was healed more.
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