Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Megohime sat huddled in the corner of a sterile room, wearing sterile white scrubs, shoeless, and a wristband with her information on it. Her body hurt so badly she didn’t want to move at all, even breathing hurt. She was terrified and confused, the last three days a living hell- from what she could remember at least. Every day she would be collected in the morning, strapped down to a table, hooked up to machines she didn’t recognize and injected with dozens of different things she didn’t know what they were. For hours they would pump her full of a thick liquid that burned terribly, made her have terrible aches, then they’d sedate her. When she woke, she was still on the same table, still receiving injections, only now she’d have been opened up. The only way she would be able to tell was the sutured wound on her midsection, always done neatly and precisely. She didn’t know what they were doing, they never really engaged with her, only sometimes when they fed her, if it could be called food. It was a grey cube of an unknown substance, completely tasteless with the consistency of brain.
Like clock work everyday she was taken out of her room and dragged to that little medical room, drugged up and picked apart and put back together before she was tossed back into her room. She was in so much pain she could hardly sleep.
One of the days she was being dragged off for more experiments, she saw one of Masamune's boys being wheeled in the opposite way - Yuusuke, she think was his name. But she could see that he was dead, his skin already drained of color as his face was contorted in fear, his last moments nothing but raw terror.
Megohime broke down in tears, body shaking, not having the energy or strength to try and struggle anymore. She had seen Yuusuke at the estate, he had been one of the ones to pick on her while locked up in the estate, but he had never been terrible to her. She shook her head, begging through her sobbing for mercy. “Please stop..! Please stop hurting me..!” She didn’t know how things had turned out this way, how she had ended up in a lab.
“You’re killing me!” It didn’t sink in until she said it aloud- she was going to die, wasn’t she? Whatever they were doing, whatever had happened to Yuusuke, she’d end up like that too, wouldn’t she? She shook her head and let her head hang. “Please..!”
Survival was an outcome of what they were doing? The idea made her head hurt, her vision starting to warp a bit. If death was common, what was the outcome if she didn’t die? She felt like she was going to be sick. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly, wanting to be anywhere but there.
It was like she blinked, now back in her room, staring at her reflection in the metal food tray in front of her; warped and blurry. She looked up and around the empty room in confusion, remembering last being dragged down the hallway, what had happened? She crawled away from the half eaten grey cube, going back to her spot in the corner, bringing her knees to her chest.
Another blink and she was back in the lab. It was awful, like she was jumping through time and not knowing what was going on around her. Was Masamune looking for her? He had to be. He wouldn't stop until he at least found her body.
Megohime begged every time they came for her, begged for them to stop, but they just ignored her and continued doing whatever awful experiments they had started. She tried to keep track of the days, scratching small marks in the wall with her fingernail, but she kept experiencing the same strange blinks. Thinking about Masamune made her cry, she missed him most of all, knowing he was probably raising hell trying to find her, it was her only comfort.

Jin’s recovery was going well, finally getting the bandages off her face, but still needing to keep her eye covered, as it took longer to heal. The doctors said her eye was healing nicely, and she might keep some vision in it, but it would be decreased significantly.
He was probably beyond steamed, using all resources he had available to find her. He would find her, he had to. He was persistent and pushy and bossy and she loved that about him. She just had to wait for him, but how long could she?

A travel cup of tea was set beside her on her desk, and looking up she saw it was Kojurou who had put it there.
"I'm glad to see your bandages have been removed."
Jin looked at the tea before looking up to Kojurou. “Yes, as am I, it’s amazing how itchy gauze can get.” She picked up the tea and smiled softly. “Thank you, I’ve come to enjoy tea, you seem to know how to make it just right.”
She really knew how to fluster him, every little soft praise and comment made him blush.
"Thank you...I prefer it a little stronger, but not overly sweet. I'm glad you agree."
She nodded in agreement, blowing gently on the drink to cool it before taking a sip. “I saw that we’ll be going out on patrol later today.”
“Haven’t there been more frequent sightings of the Ogre lately? I heard he’s been popping up all over the district as of late.” She sipped her tea as they spoke.
Ah, yes, the Ogre. He was a massive ghoul, towering over even the tallest investigator with a strength that would rip a human apart like a fresh popped bubble.
"Yes, there's been sightings of him, but aside from the usual, he hasn't caused too much of a stir. I don't think he'll be too difficult for us to handle."
“Hopefully if we’re lucky, we won’t have to handle him at all.” She said, knowing that even in a pair with Kojurou, she would struggle in a fight against a ghoul such as him.
They would finish up what needed to be done in the office before heading out, briefcases in hand as they walked their district.
It was a pretty good patrol, nothing out of the ordinary and no ghouls to speak off when they walked passed a rather talk young man with stark white hair. He was built like a brick wall, and matched fully the description of the Ogre. Kojurou passed a glance to Jin, as if asking if they should engage.
Jin gave a small nod, to Kojurou, not saying anything as to not alert the ghoul that they had noticed him. She waited for him to be far enough away before they changed directions to trail after him. He wasn’t wearing a mask, face fully exposed and recognizable.
Motochika wasn't really paying attention, he was out getting groceries for Nana. Snacks and food healthier than whatever it was Ayato and Yamouri was feeding her.
It was rather busy, quite a lot of people on either side of the road, so people walking along with him wasn’t all that strange. It was only when he started to go off onto quieter streets, did he realize he still had a pair of foot steps behind him.
“Excuse me,” It was Jin to speak up first, calling out to Motochika calmly, like she wasn’t actively hunting him, but simply trying to return a lost item. “May we ask you a few questions?”
He stopped and looked back at her, making a face. He had to keep his cool or he'd be found out.
"I don't mean to be rude, miss, but could we make it quick? I gotta hurry home."
“Of course, I will try not to keep you long.” She said with a soft smile, but there was no kindness behind her eye. “We only have a few questions regarding the recent crimes in this area; you haven’t happened to see anything out of the ordinary that you could constitute as suspicious activity, have you?”
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