Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Jin was ready this time, braving Kojurou using her body, the two of them skidding back onto a few paces before they stopped. She moved immediately, moving around Kojurou and assaulting Motochika with a flurry of quick jabs aimed for both eyes.
Jin barely managed to avoid the strike, dropping low and slamming her shoulder up into his chest to knock him off kilter before driving him back again with more jabs.
"Just leave me alone!!" He yelled and swung his kokaku hard at her right side, Kojurou rushing to knock it as far off course as he could to prevent any lethal damage.
"I don't want to have to skewer the both of you...!"
"Are you alright?" Kojurou asked Jin.
Her suit jacket and blouse was cut cleanly, blood staining her clothes as the wound bled. “It isn’t deep, I can continue.” She nodded, but she was sure that had Kojurou not knocked the attack off course, he would have cut clean through her.
Kojurou nodded and moved toward Motochika again, swinging his katana precisely. Keeping his kokaku out for this long was starting to wear Motochika down, he had to end it. He let Kojurou hit his kokaku once more before delivering a powerful heel kick to Kojurou's sternum, knocking the wind straight out of his lungs and breaking a few ribs before sending him tumbling backward.
This left Jin to face Motochika alone, but now wasn’t the time to hesitate. “Katakura-sosakan, can you still fight?” She called, moving forward to engage with Motochika once again.
He wheezed loudly and coughed, "I...I can try.."
"If he can, he'll have only a few moments before a rib punctures his lungs. I felt a few of em break." Motochika said.
Motochika could see something dark flash behind her eye, something like a deep hatred. “Don’t push yourself if you can’t continue!” She called over her shoulder.
"H...Hai..." Kojurou wheezed, "G...Gomen..."
"If ya want, I can easily have ya join him." Motochika said. A lot of his wounds were healing still, which wasn't terribly uncommon - but he should be almost closed up by now.
Jin didn’t find his taunting amusing, glare sharp as she put more muscle behind each blow. She was fast, and it was hard to deflect her blows when most were jabs, causing him to have to block or dodge them. She nearly took out an eye, cutting his brow deep, causing blood to drip down his face.
He squeezed his eye shut to keep blood out of it as he moved like a sloppy fencer with his kokaku. He was sluggish and tired, but he was determined to end this as quickly as he could.
He felt his side pierced, then his arm, another slash opening up of his forehead as Jin tried to blind his other eye so he couldn’t see, determined to capture Chosokabe alive. Jin was tired too, having to keep up such quick movements for so long was hard, and with Kojurou injured, she had to work twice as hard to avoid a blow from her blind right side.
Jin saw white spots in her vision, her strikes faltering for a moment, having to step back to pull herself off of his Kagune. Blood soaked her coat, dropped down her arm and onto the ground, but she wasn’t going to give up. She clenched her teeth and pushed forward again, but now Motochika could smell her coming.
This made things so much easier. He could gauge her movements much easier now that he could smell her blood. He noticed that her strikes were more strained now; was it an old wound?
Every step spilled more droplets from her injured shoulder, which she could no longer use fully, but it was no matter, it was her non dominant arm. She alternated from slashing and thrusting, the thin blade still hard to pinpoint.
He had to fake her out; he moved to jab her shoulder again but quickly changed direction and stabbed into the top of her thigh. If she could hardly move, he could get out of there.
He hear her swallow a cry of pain as he nearly gouged to the bone, the force of his blow enough to bring her down on one knee. She refused to drop her quinque, even going as far as grabbing ahold of the collar of his shirt to hold him still with her injured arm, pulling back her other arm to aim for another blow; why was she going so far? Why wouldn’t she just let him go and save herself?
He hissed and tried to bring up his kokaku to block but it was such an odd angle that her quinque still managed to cut under his eye. He twisted his arm around hers and stabbed into her other thigh.
"If you stay locked here with me, your friend over there is gonna die. What's more important? Him or me?"
It took all of Jin’s effort to keep Motochika locked where he was, stealing a glance at Kojurou, who didn’t appear to be doing well. Motochika could see the hatred in her eye, the hatred she had for him, but after a moment of saying nothing, she slowly let go of Motochika, blood dripping from the wounds in both legs, wounded arm shaking with effort.
Motochika gave a breath of relief and moved away from her quickly, his kokaku disappearing before he ran away as fast as he possibly could in his exhausted state.
Jin watched him leave completely before she turned and lowered her weapon, looking to Kojurou to see if he was still conscious. “Katakura-sosakan..?” She called.
Jin had to use her quinque to stand, and even in agony, she moved over to him, slowly and limping. “I’ll call for an ambulance..” She said, stopping beside him and collapsing back down to her knees.
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