Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

He stiffened, looking down at the book in his hands, before looking back up at Motochika, hesitantly handing the book over. It wasn’t a journal, but a published book, the title reading: “Healthy Eating”.
“I-I don’t know what humans eat.. So I went and got a book..” He muttered.
He looked embarrassed now, almost defensive. “Yeah.. I can only read the simple words, but I can understand it enough..” He mumbled.
He closed it and handed it back to him, "Thank you for taking care of her for me...you could ask her to help you read...she would love that." He told him.
Motochika could see the young mans face flush at the mention of Nana helping him read; many ghouls were illiterate, it wasn’t uncommon to find one who couldn’t read or write, or a combination of the two. “She’d teach me..?” He sounded unsure, shuffling nervously on the balls of his feet. “Even though I… did all those horrible things..?”
He nodded, "She ain't cold hearted. She's always been one to help others. Real bleedin' heart, she is." He smiled softly, "It's one'a her best qualities..."
The kids face flushed more, almost like he was ashamed of himself. “M-My names Ren.. I work under Ayato..” He introduced himself.
"Nice to meet ya...please take good care of Nana while I'm away." Motochika gave a half bow, his body still tired and sore, but Ren had earned his respect.
“You should get your injuries seen to.” Ren said as he turned to leave. “We just got new meat in today too..” He nodded his head and waved, heading off quickly down the hall.

Megohime didn’t know how long she had been sitting in the rain, or even when it had started to rain. Several drops fell onto her face before she even realized she was outside, seeming to finally stir from whatever trance she had been sitting in. She looked down at herself, still dressed in hospital scrubs, no longer locked up in a lab, no longer wearing the information bracelet.
When did she get outside? How did she get outside? How long had she been sitting there? Her mind was still foggy, but she wasn't in that lab anymore and she was still alive. She had to get back to Masamune. But she didn't even know where she was, so that would prove difficult.
Megohime tried to recognize her surroundings, but nothing seemed familiar. She had to wander for almost an hour before she found herself somewhere she recognized. It was near her parents home, and with no other option, she followed the path she knew well.
It felt like a really long time before she was at the door, and she didn't know if she was just out of it or tired but it took her a bit before she finally opened the door.
Megohime was dripping wet by this point, entering the house quietly. She couldn’t smell her parents, which she found strange, but maybe with the rain it had dampened her smell.
She heard footsteps moving rather quickly to the foyer before her mother and father appeared from around the corner.
"Haa? It...it's just Yoshi?" Her father seemed confused, his kakugan receeding. Why had it activated? For either of them?
"Where have you been, young lady? We were worried sick! We thought you had been killed, or captured!" Her mother said angrily.
Megohime just stood there, dumb founded, giving a small shake of her head. “I… I don’t know..” She said softly. “I don’t know where I was..” Tears slipped down her face, but she hardly registered them, still feeling numb.
“I was trapped..!” She seemed fragile, scared. “I was locked up..!” Megohime shook her head. “I’m sorry..!”
“A lab.. they..” She felt bile rise in her throat. “They hurt me, dad..!” Megohime looked so defeated, tired and worn.
Her mother looked hurt and disgusted, but not by the fact that she had been experimented on.
"You let the CCG do what they wanted to you? No wonder you smell. They probably passed you around, too." He hissed.
“N-No..! They didn’t..!” Megohime couldn’t say so with certainty, she barely remembered her time in the lab, only remembering snippets. She took a step forward. “They did something to me..! I didn’t want them to, I tried to fight them!” She argued.
“O-Otou-san..? Okaa-san..? Please, don’t do this..!” Her voice trembled, feeling her heart ache at how her parents looked at her.
Megohime felt a deep ache in her chest, the world feeling small and far away, standing quietly before leaving. She left her childhood home, going back out into the rain, not sure where she was to go next.
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