Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

She dissociated as she walked, letting her legs take her where ever they were going.
"You smell different, mon cherie." Shuu said from beside her, holding an umbrella over the both of them, "What ever happened to you?"
Megohime flinched at Shuu’s sudden appearance beside her, looking up at him and almost breaking out into tears again. Another friendly face, but did he have hurtful words for her as well. “Nothing.. I want to talk about..” She said softly.
Fake or not, Megohime accepted the offer, nodding her head. She was freezing from the rain, and at that point, she didn’t care if Tsukiyama was going to tear her to shreds, for she didn’t find it likely he could hurt her as badly as her parents had. “Yeah.”
Megohime sat in the back seat with Tsukiyama, hugging herself for warmth, looking like a drowned rat. “No.. No, not dead..” She said quietly. “I was captured..”
Megohime nodded, not understanding herself why they had let her live. “They said they were helping me..” She gripped her arms tight, digging her fingernails into her flesh. “But they just tortured me.”
Megohime flinched at the word, a sinking feeling in her gut, shaking her head. “No, I haven’t.” She focused on her kagune, trying to bring it forth, but something felt off. Nothing happened, and after a moment, she sat forward so she could feel her lower back. She let out a strangled cry, like she was in absolute agony, feeling only a small, hard mound on her back where her Kagune would sprout from. No longer could she bring forth a large appendage, but a small bit of glowing flesh barely protruding from her back.
Cursed, yes, she truly was, wasn’t she? Tears fell down her face, unable to fully register that she was now no longer a ghoul, not functionally anyway. She was neither ghoul nor human, somewhere in between, a perverse and twisted state.
Megohime was overwhelmed, learning that she was now an invalid, disowned by her own parents. She set her head against her knees, hunched over beside Tsukiyama; he had never seen her like this, absolutely at a loss for words and broken. How would she show herself to Masamune? She was no longer strong and powerful, just a weak not-human.
“It’s not alright..! They took everything away..!” She could feel the small lump of flesh disappear, what was left of her Kagune. “I’m not a ghoul anymore..! They turned me into a human..!”
He hummed as he continued to try and soothe her, "Perhaps it is only temporary? Humans don't really know us as well as they think, mon cherie. They couldn't have found a way to keep us down forever."
She shook her head slowly. “They cut me open, took out my kakuhou again and again..!” She brought up shaky hands, covering her ears as if to try and block out the memories she did remember. “After a while, they didn’t need to..!”
The rest of the car ride was uneventful, Megohime stuck in her own head about her loss of her Kagune. When they arrived at Shuu’s home, she was sent to bathe and given fresh clothes, a meal being prepared for her.
She was given flesh as a bit of a test to see just how bad the change was for her. Could she still eat it like a normal ghoul, or would she get sick from it?
Megohime sat at the dinner table, looking down at the flesh that only held a faint scent, drowning softly as she cut into it and took a bite. It tasted like nothing, like dull chewy rubber, and after only managing down a bite, she set her fork and knife down. “I can’t taste anything..” She muttered.
Megohime shook her head. “It has no flavor at all..” She said, clenching her fists, staring at the food in front of her.
"Well, you aren't getting sick, which is a good sign if I do say so myself." He told her, "I'm told humans can't really stomach their own meat."
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