Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Megohime nodded, but as if he had said the magic words, she felt her stomach churn, clamping a hand over her mouth to stop herself from being sick at the table. With a quick exit, she left for the bathroom, where she proceeded to vomit up everything in her stomach.
Megohime sat on the bathroom floor, heaving until her stomach was empty, fighting tears. She stared at the chewed up human meat in the toilet, a strange feeling coming over her. Was she human now? Was she truly and fully human?
Megohime flushed the vomit down the toilet and washed out her mouth in the sink. “I’m fine.” She said, taking a minute so she wouldn’t cry again, then exited the bathroom.
Megohime didn’t like him touching her face, turning away from the gentle gesture. “Yeah, I don’t know where else to go..” Would Masamune even want to see her?
Megohime only slunk off to one of the guest bedrooms in the house, knowing she had little other choice than to accept his offer. She didn’t know how to face Masamune yet, and she wasn’t ready to try.
Shuu stood in wait, listening very closely. If she smelled human, and ate like a human, did she taste human? He had to know, it made his itch.
It didn’t take long for the room to fall silent, Megohime still exhausted after going though so much.
Megohime didn’t stir at all, for along with losing her heightened smell, her heightened awareness was reduced to that of an average humans. She looked so vulnerable as she slept, curled up under the covers.
She smelled just like a human, identically so, it was strange that she wore the scent so well. Was her flesh fragile like a humans now as well? And her strength? Despite her size, Megohime had always been able to go toe to toe with Tsukiyama, but now was different.
Megohime woke with a scream of agony as he tore the flesh easily from her side, eyes wide and frantic, confused and shocked. She kicked out hard at whatever had just attacked her, seeing a figure beside the bed as she scrambled to get away, leaving smears of blood across the bed.
The meat Tsukiyama took from her side was foul tasting, like that of a ghouls. It was a rather odd sensation, the pleasant smell of human blood filling his nose, the vile taste of ghoul in his mouth.
He swallowed anyway, giving a grimace before using his handkerchief to wipe the blood from his mouth. "Interesting. You still taste like a ghoul."
Megohime fumbled for the bedside lamp, turning on the light and looking at Shuu with disgust and betrayal in her eyes. “What the fuck are you doing..!?” She demanded.
Blood dripped heavily from the wound in her side, soaking the shirt she wore and spilling onto the floor. “I don’t heal anymore if I’m human..!” She sounded almost frantic at the wound in her side- only a measly bite for a ghoul. She didn’t want to look at Tsukiyama like her parents didn’t want to look at her. Heading for the door, she left in a hurry back out into the rain, which had began to ease up. She only had the clean pajama’s Tsukiyama had lent her, now stained with blood on her side, slippers quickly becoming soaked as she wandered the street again. Where was she to go now?
She was walking for a long time, her feet sloshing in her soaked slippers. She was getting dizzy from blood loss, maybe she could crawl into an alley and die? The floor rushed up to meet her before she realized it, bleeding out on the sidewalk.
"The smell is coming from over here!" The voice sounded far away, under water.
"Is that Megohime?"
"Oh shit, what happened to her?"
"Nevermind that! Get her up, we gotta get her home!"
Megohime hadn’t even realized she had been bleeding so heavily, it had never been an issue before, but now things were different. Her body was cold and her limbs felt heavy, letting herself be picked up off the ground with little struggle, barely able to keep her eyes open at this point. Perhaps it was her fate to die, being a human now, perhaps she was better off.
"Yo, yo, yo, Megohime, keep awake!"
"Hitto has been pulling his hair out over you!"
"You can't die before he sees you!"
Hitto? Masamune? He had been looking for her?
Megohime felt herself being carried on someone’s back as they traveled, forcing her eyes back open, skin pale and lips turning blue from blood loss. “He’s… looking..?” She managed out, voice weak, but she was struggling to hold on to her consciousness.
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