Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Megohime didn’t know why, but she started to cry again, tears falling down her cheeks, a weak smile on her face. “Ah..” It was becoming too hard to keep her eyes open now, just wanting to close them and rest. “Tell him that… he made me really happy..”
Megohime wanted to tell them to stop yelling, that they were being too loud, but she couldn’t find the strength to. She felt almost too tired to even close her own eyes, able to see even with her blurry vision just how close they were to Masamune’s estate. She would’ve laughed, said they were right, they were rather close, but she just closed her eyes.
"Hitto!! Hitto!!" They were all screaming for Masamune as they rushed to the estate. Masamune pushed the door open, looking out at them as they approached.
"We found her!! We found Megohime, hitto!!"
"She's hurt really bad, she won't last much longer!!" They hurried Megohime inside and took her straight to the rest room, laying her down quickly but carefully.
"I'll get the doctor!" One of the boys rushed out as Masamune came in.
"Mego? Hey, Mego, wake up." He knelt beside her and tapped her cheek.
Her skin was cold like that of a corpse, laying unmoving except for the shallow rise and fall of her chest as she breathed weakly. The only obvious wound was the single bite on her side, no longer bleeding at all. Was she really going to come back to him only to die right in front of him?
Why wasn’t the wound on her side healing, even at all? Was she starved? She didn’t look malnourished, in fact, she looked about the same as he remembered the last time he saw her, so what was wrong?
"Hitto...she smells human..."
"Human?" Masamune looked back, confused, before looking at Megohime.
"Do you think...maybe they cured her like Katakura was sayin'?"
"God, I hope not.." Masamune muttered.
If Megohime was truly human now, then she wasn’t going to heal her wounds from just eating flesh now, she had to be cared for like an average human.
It didn’t take long for the in house doctor to show up, a few men trailing behind him with supplies in hand that he would need to treat Megohime. He assessed her quickly, examining the bite before starting her on IV fluids and a blood bag. The needles went into her arm easily, and the doctor glanced at Masamune, then continued his work, cauterizing the wound on her side and patching it up before placing her on oxygen. She didn’t have enough blood in her body to draw, so no testing could be done yet, but some tests didn’t need to be done.
So she really was human. Were she a ghoul, that needle would have snapped in half. Masamune scowled as he waited for a verdict from the doctor. No sense in rushing him with Megohime's life on the line.
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“She’s weak right now, and her condition has been stabilized, but we won’t know what damage she’s suffered until time has passed. I can’t run any tests on her seeing as she has no blood to give, but if she makes the night we can do testing in the morning.” The doctor explained, cleaning up his work area.
The doctor made a noise and nodded. “That’s what it looks like. Too clean to be a humans doing.” He confirmed.
He scowled softly. About every ghoul in the Ward knew who Megohime was, but maybe it was her new smell that threw them off?
"Thank you, again.." He said.
The doctor nodded again. “I’ll return soon to replace the blood bag, if anything happens between now and then, call for me.” He said, then left once he had finished retrieving everything.
This was no small issue Megohime was to face should she survive, being a well-known ghoul now appearing to be entirely- or mostly -human, she was in danger.
Masamune watched her for a moment before he stood, moving briskly into the lounge where everyone sat in wait.
"Will she be ok?!"
"What even happened?!"
"It was a ghoul attack, and from what I reckon, Mego knew 'em and got taken advantage of. So until we can get this bullshit sorted out, she ain't allowed to walk around alone. Some of you are gonna hafta go around with her so she isn't attacked again." Masamune said.
"Hai!!" The room echoed in a chorus.
"She's a real big fish in a lake of small fry, now that she's been knocked down a few dozen pegs, there are gonna be some who wanna put her in her place. You can't let that happen."
Masamune knew that Megohime wouldn’t like being followed around constantly, needing a bodyguard to fight her battles, he knew she would raise hell over such an idea, but part of him just worried that she wouldn’t ever wake up.
It rained all night, only clearing up in the early hours of the morning, Megohime needing several bags of blood and fluids to keep her alive, but the doctor said she was out of the woods now, and would live.
"How is she?" Kojurou asked as he came into the room. Masamune looked over before looking back at her.
"She's gonna pull through..."
"Yogatta." Kojurou moved and sat beside him, "I'm sorry this became of her...had I known-"
"Don't...neither of us knew, and we were both at HQ.." Masamune said.
Megohime finally had some color back in her complexion, lips no longer blue and her breathing more strong and steady. She still looked so tired, dark bags under her eyes, which started to move under her lids. Opening her eyes, Megohime could make out two blurry figures sitting beside her, but she didn’t move just yet, unable to quite recognize them.
"Can you hear me, Mego...?" Masamune asked softly, "If you can, I want you to know that you look like absolute shit."
"Masamune...!" Kojurou nudged him hard and he snickered.
Masamune heard a soft wheeze escape Megohime from behind the oxygen mask, barely able to make a fist and direct her middle finger toward him, arm still resting on the bed. She was so exhausted, body feeling heavy and sluggish, but she was able to understand what Masamune said easily.
“I feel.. like shit..” She managed out. “Guess I didn’t make it to the front door on my own, huh..?” She barely remembered Masamune’s men finding her, remembering the sensation of being carried on someone’s back.
He shook his head, "Some of the boys found you dying on the sidewalk. They brought you home."
"When you feel up to it, would you tell me if you know where in Headquarters you were kept?" Kojurou asked.
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