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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

If only Motochika had worked closer to Nana’s home, if only there hadn’t been so many people out to keep him from using his kagune to get home faster. What did she mean by danger? Were there doves around her home? Maybe some had stopped by, having found him out, should he even return home then?
Motochika didn't care. He needed to get home. He clocked out, he would deal with his boss tomorrow, and ran out of the docks in a hurry before he was far enough to book it as a ghoul. When he got to the apartment, he threw the door open and his eyes widened. There was a man hunched over Nana, eating her, with the same scared looking ghoul from a while ago just watching.
"Get away from her!!" Motochika yelled. Yamori looked over and grinned sinisterly.
"Took you long enough."
Nana lay out on her back, looking dazed and confused, her eyes moving from Yamori to Motochika slowly. Almost all of her lower leg was gone, mostly bone remaining, her foot barely attached to the ankle; he had even started in on her thigh. Was he planning to just eat her alive? The thought made Motochika sick.
Ren couldn’t do anything, crying silently as he listened to Yamori eat Nana, unable to bring himself to watch.
Motochika's kagune flared angrily and he threw his whole weight into smacking Yamori with his kokaku, who took the hit and laughed about it. They got into it, almost destroying Nana's apartment, before Yamori overpowered Motochika.
"This is the last time we ask you nicely. Join up or I'll come back and finish the job." Yamori hissed, pointing to Nana. Motochika could hardly breathe.
"F...Fine...." He rasped. Yamori grinned and pat his cheek.
"Good boy." He said and got up, moving to leave, "Let's go, Ren."
Ren didn’t say a word, didn’t look at Motochika at all as he quickly followed Yamori out of the apartment, leaving Nana to bleed out slowly on the floor, her leg a mangled mess.
Nana was limp in his arms, scarily lighter than before and only staring up at him blankly. She was still breathing and blinking, but if he took too long, shock would completely overtake her, and her health would plummet even more.
Nana let out a soft murmur, turning her head to try and look up at Motochika, unable to move her arms or legs.
Motochika didn’t have to ask for help twice, nurses rushing over and quickly loading Nana onto a stretcher. She was rushed further into the hospital, a nurse coming up to Motochika to question him.
His lungs were burning and his blood was pumping harder than he ever remembered it had. His eyes burned, his kakugan itching and aching to activate but he forced it down. He answered her questions carefully, not wanting to out himself.
After the nurse finished getting general information on Nana, she hurried back to relay the information to the doctors, who had already started prepping her for surgery. It seemed like hours before anyone came back to speak with Motochika again, and they didn’t have a good look on their face.
“You were the one that brought in Nana, correct? Can I ask what relationship she has to you? Are you her elder brother?”
The nurse frowned but nodded. “She’s still in surgery- does she have any kin we can contact?”
Nana hadn’t spoken much about her family, only that her aunt and uncle paid for her living arrangements, but they were mostly estranged.
The nurse frowned and nodded. “She’s in pretty bad shape, so we don’t know if she’ll make it through. Her leg will have to be removed.. there isn’t enough of anything to try and salvage it. I’m sorry..”
“We will.” The nurse said and bowed his head. “We’ve already contacted the CCG as well, your girlfriend is very lucky to be alive, not many people survive ghoul attacks.” He said, not even remotely aware he was speaking to a ghoul himself.
Megohime had invited Masamune to her house multiple times to spend the night, but that night was the first time she had actually allowed him to go all the way with her. The night was rather nice, only for it to be interrupted in the early hours of the morning.
Masamune woke in Megohime’s bed, the window wide open and Megohime no longer in bed beside him, the familiar figure of the ghoul who took his eye sitting in the window. “Good morning~” She purred with a wave. “Have a good fuck~?”
“She? Oh, your little girlfriend~ She’s just taking a little break so we can talk~” She smirked behind her mask, he Kakugan glowing red. “Did you have a good night~?” She teased.
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