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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

He kissed her temple gently, "The coffee is great and it's enough for me."

He rose his hand gently and shook his head.
"Thank you for your generosity and your words. I am aware that I will be promoted soon, no one will stop telling me how remarkable someone so young could be a senior investigator. I tire of it."
Nana smiled warmly, enjoying the affection. “Thanks... So when do you head into work next?” She asked.

“I genuinely mean it, Ishida-dono, I’m impressed by your progress, I look forward to seeing your accomplishments.” He said, bowing his head to him.
He gave a rough sigh, "In a couple days. It's nothin I can't handle but I like being here more."

"Arigatou, Sanada-sensei..."
"Mitsu-nii~!" Mitsunari looked over and watched as Akihime made her way over happily, carrying a wrapped bento. She had finally worked up the courage to reconnect with him and he was actually rather glad to see her. He bonded as much as he could with her, even crying when they first talked after so long. She was happy to bring him lunches, even if she herself didn't like being around so many doves.
She gently placed his bento in front of him and smiled, "I made you a karaage box this time! I hope you like it, I burned my finger frying the chicken.."
"Thank you, Akihime.." Mitsunari said gently.
Nana nudged him gently. “You’re always welcome to stop by after work... Actually, I was thinking.. Maybe you could move in here..?”

Yukimura had been sitting quietly, his cheeks flushed a bit, stuffing another tomato into his mouth. He knew Mitsunari had a younger sister, but he didn’t know she was this cute.
He choked on his coffee and coughed, blushing a bit, "Wh-What, really?"

"Is this one of your friends?" Akihime asked. Mitsunari shook his head.
"No, this is one of the teachers in the academy. Sanada-sensei, this is my sister, Akihime." Mitsunari introduced. Akihime smiled, blushing softly. This Sanada was rather attractive.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope Mitsu-nii hasn't been too brash with you..!"
Nana held her coffee cup, drumming her fingers nervously. “I-I know it seems like a kinda big thing... But, I really.. I think I’d enjoy you living here. I want our relationship to be more..”

Yukimura gave a bright grin, setting his chopsticks down to stick out his right hand. “Ishida-dono is a wonderful student, he’s one of the best.”
He moved to hold her close, nuzzling her shoulder gently, "I think I would enjoy living here, too..."

She shook his hand and she fought a shudder. He smelled nice; almost too nice.
"Yes, he's regaled me on how hard he has worked over the years. I'm rather proud of him. Thank you for taking good care of him.." She said kindly.
She smiled brightly, face flushed. “I’m glad, I was so worried you’d think it was dumb.”

“Oh, please,” He grinned and shook his head. “He certainly makes me feel old, I don’t know quite how he manages it though.” He said with a chuckle.
He laughed softly, "Not at all. I think it's a rather wonderful idea."

She laughed softly, a beautiful sound if he ever heard one.
"Mitsu-nii is like that. It's because he's so formal!"
"Akihime, enough." Mitsunari muttered.
Nana smiled. “You don’t have to move in right away, just when you’re comfortable.”

Yukimura couldn’t help it when his face flushed, and he rubbed the back of his neck. “W-Would you like to join us for lunch?” He offered, they saw she had Ko lunch of her own. “I can get you something from the cafeteria, or you can have some of mine!” He said, motioning to his lunch- and it was only then did she notice that he only had one arm.
"I'll do it slow when I have the time, how does that sound?" He asked gently.

She stared briefly before offering a smile.
"I would love to stay, but I have to get to work soon. I just wanted to bring Mitsu-nii his lets me make up for being separated from him for so long."
“Sounds like a plan.” She smiled how at him, leaning against him, both excited and nervous.

Yukimura nodded, standing and bowing deeply to her. “It was very nice to meet you! I do hope to see you here again, Akihime-dono!”
He noticed her nervousness and held her tighter, "Are you worried more ghouls will come around...?"

She smiled brightly and bowed as well, "I'll be back tomorrow. I'll bring you something as well, if you like?"
She shook her head. “I know you’ll scare them away for me... I’ve just never gone this far with anyone before... well, I’ve never dated anyone else either..” Nana laughed softly.
Nana spent the next few days making sure the apartment was clean for when Motochika moved his things in, wiping down every surface, dusting, vacuuming and generally just tidying things. She assumed it was Motochika when she heard the doorbell, so she didn’t bother to check when she went to answer the door. She was caught by surprise when she opened the door to someone who wasn’t Motochika, but a man much larger. “O-Oh... hello, are you one of Motochika’s coworkers..?” He was dressed in a suit, but he certainly looked like someone who could work in a shipyard with his size.
Nana was a little taken aback by the man letting himself him, almost not noticing the smaller figure hiding behind the massive man. She sputtered as the two entered, but didn’t end up saying anything to try and make them leave. “U-Um..” She didn’t want to close the door behind them, knowing it would shut her off from the safety of outside, but did so anyway. “Motochika’s at his job right now.. He won’t be home until later..” Sweat was forming on her forehead, and she was wringing her hands nervously. The smaller of the two seemed just as nervous, keeping his hood up and head down, staying out of the larger mans way and saying nothing.
Nana felt her fear steadily growing, unable to move from her spot by the door, the silence in the house deafening. “Can I get you anything..?” She asked, keeping her eyes down; the bigger of the two terrified her, she couldn’t pinpoint what it was exactly, but she knew he was dangerous. “Water or tea..?”
Nana’s eyes went wide, and she took a step back, her mouth dry.
“Ya-Yamori-san... We were told not to hurt her if she didn’t resist..” The smaller figure barely managed out, looking almost as nervous as Nana.
Nana stood there, frozen with fear. “Do you want me to call him..?” Were these the people who were after Motochika? Should she really even call him home? Should she warn him?
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