Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

And humans were the ones hunting and killing ghouls? Disgusting; she didn’t want to hear any more of their pathetic begging, so she took all of their heads off with her tail, the alleyway falling silent.
She smirked and stepped over the bodies, retrieving the brief case and heading off down the alleyway.
Masamune was sitting out on his porch, a lit cigarette in his mouth, debating if he should commit suicide to maintain his father's and the Date's honor.
Something heavy hit the porch in front of him, seemingly dropping from the sky, a silver rectangle with a handle. It was his Quinque case, and on the side a smiley face had been drawn in permanent marker, one eye a dot, and one an x.
Masamune looked and scowled, "Spiteful bitch..." He muttered.
"Hitto!! It's her!! It's the ghoul!!"
"Yeah, I know..." Masamune picked up his case and tossed it at the ghoul, "See if you can't get that shitty marker off, yeah?"
"Hai!" He ran inside and Masamune sat back down on the porch.
“Spiteful bitch is a little rude for someone who returned your quinque.” Was she still there? She hadn’t just dropped it and left? Her voice sounded from on top of the roof above Masamune.
"I don't care how tough you think you are, there's a senior investigator who lives here and a good fifty plus ghouls on top of him. Thanks for bringing my blade back but I ain't in the mood." He said.
“I’m not here to fight you, if I was I would’ve started already.” She sounded offended. “Can’t I talk to a man without wanting to kill him~?”
“If I took them both you’d be no good at fighting, and that’d be horribly boring. That and I wouldn’t get to see the anguish held within them like you had today~” He could hear her smirk on her face. “Though I have to admit, it does make me jealous that you’re with another woman.”
“Oh~? But I was thinking of dropping by and saying hi~ She is rather pretty; long hair~” She taunted.
“Oh relax~ you don’t even have your Quinque on you right now.” She leaned back on the roof, looking up at the sky. “I’m not really much of a home-wrecker anyway.”
“Mm, I suppose it’s time to head to bed, try not to get yourself killed.” She said, then vanished, heading home.
He scoffed and glared at the ground, "We'll see, huh?"
"Hitto!" Masamune looked back and the ghoul had brought back his quinque case, free of the graffiti.
"Thanks, man..."
"Of course, hitto!"
it had been quite some time since Motochika had taken a bite from Nana’s shoulder, and though it hurt on rainy days, she was mostly healed. Busy with working on her entrance exams for nursing school, she would often be home most of the time, studying hard or asleep.

Yukimura was perhaps one of the academy’s youngest teachers, being an instructor for martial arts and hand to hand combat training, despite the fact that the year prior, he had lost his arm as a junior investigator. His handicap didn’t seem to impede anything though, still being one of the best martial artists in the school despite so.
Motochika always visited her, always hung around, and always kept her company when she had the time. He hated what he had done to her, and felt that no matter what he couldn't make up for it.

He was always going to Headquarters to check on the investigators or give any input on how to handle ghoul territory. One of the investigators who seemed the most promising was Ishida Mitsunari. He was a junior but there was rumors of a promotion coming his way. He was efficient and deadly and always got the job done.
Nana didn’t seem to hold any grudge on him, never looked like she feared him. She still invited him over for meals, only if they just drank coffee, Nana seemingly the happiest when they could just sit and talk and spend time together.

Most would be surprised to know Yukimura was younger than Ishida, yet already a teacher, having been a prodigy, it would have been a waste for him to have simply retired.
"You make the best coffee, Nana.." Motochika said, "Not even the shop down the road makes it as good as you.."

Everyone had a reason for joining. Yukimura knew that. Everyone knew that. Mitsunari said his reason was to find the ghoul who murdered hos adopted father and ripped him away from his sister. They weren't blood, but he was very close to her. He hadn't seen her in a long time.
Nana blushed, shaking her head. “It’s just the cheap coffee from the corner shop, it can’t really be that good.” She said, waving her hand.

Though being a teacher, Yukimura still hung around with the peers he taught, them still being his age. “Ishida-dono, how is your training coming along?” He asked, picking at his bento.
"You make it taste way better." He smiled softly, "You've always been really good at cooking."

"They're going well. I have impressed many of the senior investigators by doing nothing." Surely he was being modest. His quinque was an odachi almost as long as he was tall and he wielded it like it was a simple katana.
She smiled down at her own coffee, filled with cream and sugar. “I’m sorry I can’t really make anything you can actually eat.” She said softly.

Yukimura noticed Mitsunari didn’t have his own lunch. “Surely you’ve done more than nothing!” He said, pushing his lunch toward Mitsunari to share. “You’re an incredible investigator! Even better with a Quinque!”
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