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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

The man with Masamune’s Quinque waved the men off, a silent order to stop, and they complied. “Oh? So you’ve changed your mind then? Wonderful~”
A sick smirk came over his face, like he got off on Masamune’s defeat. “Alright, we’ll let you keep your girl to yourself.” He said moving back to Masamune and patting his shoulder. “We’ll be swinging by to pick up that first payment soon, yeah?” He motioned for the other two men to follow him. “I assume you’ll be able to see yourself out.” He said with a low snicker, not bothering to untie Masamune at all.
Once the door closed, and they were left alone, Megohime rushed off the couch and over to Masamune, trying to untie Masamune, still sniffling and dripping blood from her cheek. “I’m so sorry..!” She whispered, keeping her gaze down in shame.
“If I hadn’t been here things wouldn’t have turned out this way..” The ropes loosened before Megohime pulled them away from him, standing up and stepping away, wrists still bound together.
Megohime nodded, rubbing her wrists and nodding. “I just want to go home.” She agreed, wiping at her tears.
She nodded, trying not to cry more, but a few more tears leaked out.
The two of them had to walk a ways back to Megohime’s apartment, but when they got there, they both cleaned up and spent the rest of the afternoon in bed. Going to the police wasn’t an option that was even considered, this was gang business after all.
Masamune had left late, it being almost ten o’clock by the time he went home.
Ah, voices Masamune was glad to hear. But the shame burned in him again and he lowered his gaze as he made his way toward the voices.
"Ah! Katakura! There he is!"
"Masamune!" Kojurou moved over quickly and grabbed Masamune's shoulders, "What happened? Where have you been? Where's your Quinque?"
"Gone. Just like my turf and my fucking money..." Masamune muttered
Megohime wouldn’t remain at home, she would head out, not bothering to take her mask or even change out of her pajama shorts and hoodie.
Megohime was able to find them quite easily, they had been sitting so close she thought she wouldn’t be able to get their stench out of her nose for days. She watched them with cold eyes, waiting for them to turn into a more secluded alley way before making her move. As they walked passed a row of dumpsters, there was a loud thud beside them, the sound of metal crumpling echoing loudly in the alley. “Ah, god you guys were easy to find.” Megohime crouched on the dumpster, scowling at the three from her perch.
She tilted her head, looking at them with eyes that hid her anger. “A-A ghoul?” She sputtered, mocking their fear. “Yeah, no shit, and now thanks to you, I’m going to have to go hungry to let my face heal nice and slow.”
Megohime scowled, dark veins crawling down her cheeks as her Kakugan flared. Before they could get very far, Megohime dropped down in front of them. “Don’t you know it’s rude to run off on a lady when she’s talking to you?”
“Oh no, of course not, that’s why you showed no hesitation when you were told to rape me, right?”
The ringleader of the three looked nervous. “I-It was only to get what we wanted from Date! If he had said yes sooner, we wouldn’t have touched you!”
Megohime’s eyes moved over to look at him. “But you were still going to rape me all the same, weren’t you?”
A turquoise kagune slowly crept around her thigh, coiling and glowing lightly in the dim light.
“Shut up.” One of the men’s head fell from his neck, blood gushing out like a fountain. “You even tore my clothes; marred my face, touched me with your filthy hands.” She hissed out. “On your knees and apologize.”
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