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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

“Where are we going..?” She asked, clearly uncomfortable; she was naive, but she wasn’t clueless. “Why does it smell like this..?”
Amaya wasn’t so sure about this, what kind of entertainment did he mean? Surely it was nothing good if it deemed of blood. She stayed quiet as she went with Shuu, keeping her head down.
They sat down in some special seating, the room dark for a good bit before some lights came on. Akihime was standing on the arena floor, her kakuja activated and angry.
"Shuu!!" Akihime hollared, "I'll gut you, you cowardly snob!!"
"My, how unattractive." Shuu remarked.
Amaya’s eyes widened, and she moved closer to the edge. “Akihime..!” She looked to Shuu, not understanding what was going on.
“No!” Amaya looked horrified. “No, stop the fight! She can’t get hurt!” Amaya pleaded with Shuu, gluing her eyes back to Akihime in the ring below.
"Why not? She has a kakuja. I want to see how developed it is. Akihime has always been so drab and pathetic, you know. I want to see how she preforms." He said as he watched two ghouls move into the arena; one bikaku and one kokaku.
“I- no! She’s my friend! I don’t want to watch her get hurt!” Amaya argued, pulling her mask off and tossing it aside as she moved to the edge of the balcony they stood in, as if she was going to jump down.
Amaya froze in fear, glancing down at the blade at her throat. “Akihime..!”
The masked man with the Bikaku rushed Akihime straight on, while the Kokaku user tried to circle around and attack from the back.
Akihime's tails seemed to have minds of their own, one tail completely wrapping around her as an extra set of armor as two shot out at the kokaku wielder first, shooting out as one large barbed spike and catching him in the side, ripping him open like a pinata. The bikaku would be a lot harder, she was disadvantaged kakuja or not.
Amaya watched with worried eyes, flinching when the Bikaku nearly impaled her through the thigh. “Shuu, stop this, please..!” She begged.
Akihime winced and her tails wrapped around the bikaku itself, trying to rip it out of the ghoul or shred it as best as she could with her spikes.
"I will not." Shuu answered, "She's doing rather well for herself." He glanced over at a masked young woman, trying to gage her reaction.
The woman with the Noh mask sat at one of the tables above the arena, legs folded and her expression hidden. Still she watched the show nonetheless; the ghoul hissed and yanked away from Akihime, only to launch forward again, jabbing at her in quick succession.
All of her tails acted on their own, deflecting each jab one after the other in a cycle, before she finally shot forward in almost a flash and bifricating him. Her gaze turned to Shuu, her kagune glowing with hate.
"Ah...the first act is over.." He mused.
Amaya was shaking, the smell of Akihime’s blood reaching her easily. “Stop..! Stop this..!” She begged and pleaded, no matter how useless.
Shuu began to raise his hand, as if to signal more fighters, but Akihime was much faster. She was up on the balcony lightning quick, her mask inches from Shuu's, before she grabbed Amaya and vanished in the blink of an eye.
The woman let out a soft sigh, uncrossing her legs. “Well it’s the first I’ve seen, I’m just surprised it’s that charity case orphan.” She said with a slight shrug.
He chuckled, "You're surprised? I'm not~ well, no, I take that back. I am surprised, but only by the fact that it's so fully developed. She had full control, did you notice that?"
She let out a scoff, crossing her arms over her chest. “Should I perhaps send her a card of congratulations? We only saw her for four minutes at best, everyone knows how quickly one deteriorates using one, she’s no different.”
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