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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

She nodded, moving to the bed and taking a seat on the plush mattress. The bed was extravagant, the most comfortable she had ever felt, and immediately tiredness washed over her.
Amaya barely made it halfway through her meal before she was too tired to continue, falling asleep in the large cushy bed provided for her.
Amaya day up in bed, rubbing her eyes and looking around; how much time had passed? Was the doctor going to arrive soon?
Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I think I fell asleep..!” She quickly got out of bed, hair a bit messed up from sleeping.
He came in and offered a gentle smile, "Never you worry. It's quite alright. I've been trying to get ahold of Akihime, however, and it appears she isn't answering."
She frowned, shaking her head. “That’s strange.. she always answers her phone..” Was Akihime ok? “Maybe I should check on her.”
"It's no trouble. She is important to you." He said. But even after the old doctor came and offered her the medicine she needed, Akihime did not come. It was days and Amaya didn't see her friend. Was she angry? Was she upset that Amaya had run off to hunt again? "I'm sure she's just busy. You should stay until the medicine works itself into your system.." Shuu told her.
Amaya was stuck in bed for the time being, being given her meds through a special IV. “Thank you, I’ll head home and apologize as soon as I can, I’m sure she’ll understand.”
He nodded and smiled, "Of course. Akihime is a rather gentle soul, isn't she?" But it felt like ages before she was finally able to move out of bed. And even then, Shuu insisted she come to a special dinner with him. "Here," he offered her a mask, "you'll have to wear this, too, mon chèrie."
Amaya took the white mask, looking over the delicate design that would cover only half her face. She put the mask on and looked to Shuu. “I really should be going to see Akihime.”
"You will. But after dinner, I promise. I finally got a hold of her! She agreed to let me treat you one last time before coming to bring you home." Oh, thank goodness. Akihime wasn't mad at all, then? What a relief.
Amaya gave a sigh of relief, smiling a bit. “I’m glad you got a hold of her..” She moved closer. “Shall we?”
Amaya walked with him, holding onto his arm as they walked; she had even been given fresh clothes: a white summer dress with long sleeves and simple ballet flats.
Amaya felt uncomfortable, where were they? They didn’t seem to be in his mansion anymore, and she could smell the heavy scent of blood, both ghoul and human. “Shuu..?”
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