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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

“...asamune..! Masamune..!” His ears were ringing, head pounding, what happened? Where was he?
“Masamune..!” Megohime’s voice called out to him again, sounding scared and distressed.
“Oh~ He’s finally waking up~”
Masamune was patted on the cheek lightly, seeing a man standing in front of him, more figures behind him.
“Good morning sleeping beauty~”
The man teased, a shit eating grin on his face.
The man instantly slugged him in the side of the face, and Masamune heard a scream, a woman’s scream. Megohime was sat on a couch, a man on either side and her hands tied in front of her.
“It’d be smart to watch your mouth.” The man snarled at him, wiping the spit off his face.
"Wouldn't want anything to happen to her, would ya?"
"Don't you fucking touch her." Masamune hissed. He smirked and grabbed Megohime's breast firmly.
Megohime let out a small cry of surprise and embarrassment, face flushing as she tried to squirm away.
“Don’t know how a shit stain like you ended up with a girl like her~” The man on the other side of Megohime said, taking Megohime’s chin and forcing her to look at Masamune, grinning and moving to smell her hair, eyes glinting with sick enjoyment.
“C’mon, Dragon Boy, play nice~ we just want a few things from ya~” The man by Masamune said, circling around him slowly.
"Eat shit, aren't getting fuck all from me." He growled. He man holding Megohime gave a hum.
"Not very nice words." He said before licking her cheek. Masamune jerked and growled loudly.
“We just want to have a civil discussion, sit down, discuss a few business arrangements~” The man smirked, putting his hand on Masamune’s shoulder, only willing to touch him since Masamune was firmly tied to the chair.
Megohime let out a small whimper, grimacing at the feeling of the mans tongue against her cheek- hot and wet.
The man who seemed like the leader let out a heavy sigh, taking his hand off of Masamune’s shoulder and glancing to the two men, giving them a slight nod.
“You will, know it or not.”
“You know, I didn’t think investigators got to bring home their fancy weapons, but color me surprised~” The ring leader moved away from Masamune, and from behind him, he heard a familiar hiss. Masamune was Megohime’s eyes widen and soon after Masamune felt a blade tap against his cheek. “Never had one of these before, tell me, how well does it cut~?”
“No, no, I know how to handle a blade, don’t worry yourself.” The blade left Masamune’s cheek, and the man circled around to stand in front of Masamune again. In one quick motion, he swung the sword, and Megohime let out a cry, a cut opening up on her cheek. In her head she was panicking, somewhat glad he had actually used a Quinque instead of a regular knife, otherwise her ruse was up. She could stop this at any moment, kill every single man there, but she wasn’t done yet, she hadn’t had enough of Masamune yet, and she was going to get more.
Megohime started to cry softly, and one of the men shushed her and cooed at her to relax.
Megohime looked to Masamune, her lip quivering. “Masamune..” She whispered in fear.
“Ah, sorry, I meant only to cut your shirt, guess it is a bit different from a regular blade, but don’t worry I’ll get used to it soon enough~” He turned to look over his shoulder at Masamune. “Was there something you needed? Sorry, but we’re a bit busy right now, it’s rude to not pay attention to such lovely young women, so you’ll just have to wait patiently until we’ve finished.”
“You must be dumber than a sack of rotting shit.” He turned fully to Masamune, scowling heavily. “You’re Date Masamune. Yakuza. You’ve got what we want, and you’re going to give it graciously, or I’m gonna let every one of my men take a turn on your lovely little girlfriend here.”
“I’m so sorry Masamune..!” Megohime shook her head, crying quietly.
“Old man Oda’s been griping at us. Not enough territory, not enough money, not enough blah blah blah.” He looked annoyed. “You’re gonna hand over more turf and start paying up some protection fees.”
The man didn’t look amused, but also didn’t seem surprised, turning back to look at the two men holding Megohime. “Rape her.” He said nonchalantly.
Megohime’s eyes widened, and she tried to shove away from the two, a futile attempt to run away.
Megohime tried to push away their hands, crying and pleading for them to stop. Her face was red, eyes terrified as she tried to kick and scratch them, Masamune’s heart leaping into his chest when he watched one of the two start tearing the sheer tights she was wearing, trying to push her onto her back.
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