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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Nana moved to her phone picking it up and freezing, what was she going to do? Opening up the text app, she typed out a message the best she could. “Don’t come, danger.” She sent.
Nana jumped, looking back at the ghoul. “H-He hasn’t answered..” She said nervously, deleting the message Motochika sent, closing her phone.
Nana lowered her phone, frowning and taking a step back. “I can’t help it if he’s busy at work.” She muttered.
Nana felt like she was suddenly submerged in ice water, dropping her phone as she backed away.

“Yamori-san, we aren’t supposed to hurt her..!” The young man said, stepping forward quickly.
Nana looked from Yamori to Ren, backing up until she had no where else to go.
“Sh-She’s...” What was he supposed to say? Of course she was resisting, she was terrified.
“We ain’t supposed to kill her..!” He blurted out.
Nana screamed when he grabbed her by the throat, kicking and clawing at him to try and get away, Ren frozen in place.
Nana tried hard to breathe in, but his grip was so tight it felt like he might crush her neck. She beat on his arm and hand, her face turning red and tears coming to her eyes.
He turned and threw her hard against the wall, the force cracking it and nearly breaking her spine. There was sure to be some sprains and bruising for sure.
Nana gasped when she hit the wall, falling to the floor and laying unmoving. Her ears rang and her head was spinning, unable to move at all from shock. Blood trickled down her scalp and onto the floor, the back of her head split open from the impact, but she was still somewhat coherent.
Ren looked like he was about to have a panic attack. “I-If she actually did contact him, probably soon..!”
Ren shrunk back a bit, not responding to his insults before grabbing a towel from the kitchen and moving over to Nana. She wasn’t gasping for air anymore, but she did groan in pain when he put the rag to her head to stop the bleeding. “He’s not gonna be happy..” He muttered.
Ren kept his eyes down on Nana. “She’s bleeding too much..” He muttered as he kept pressure on the spot where all the blood was coming out from her head.
Ren ground his teeth, forcing himself to look up at Yamori. “Chosokabe will be more willing to agree if she isn’t a bloody mess..!” He tried to argue.
"Like I give a shit." He growled before tossing Ren aside and moving to Nana, dropping down and taking and chunk out of her thigh, biting straight through her clothes.
Ren smashed into the wall, but he caught himself before falling, eyes wide and letting out a gasp of horror. “Yamori!!” He rushed over and grabbed his arm. “This will kill her!”
Nana’s head was swimming, and when she looked up, she saw a large figure crouching over her, blood dripping down his chin. It took her a moment to register what was happening, and only did she realize what was going on was when she looked down at her leg.
“Oh. He’s eating me. He’s eating me alive.” She couldn't keep her thoughts straight, simply staring up at him.
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