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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

He had to go out and hunt, otherwise he feared he would just eat her. And he wouldn't live with himself if he did that.
"Nana, I'm gonna go out for a bit, ok...? Keep resting, I won't be long.."
Nana was doing her homework while snacking on some of the food he had brought her. “Alright, I’m just about done with my work, so I’ll probably sleep after.” She said with a soft smile; she seemed to be doing much better, only she barely used her hurt arm, but maybe it was just too painful still?
Nana nodded, still smiling. “Thanks, that sounds good, anything strawberry flavored sounds fine.”
Motochika wasn’t gone that long, maybe an hour or so, but as he was arriving home, something caught his attention. There was a new scent in the area: another ghoul, and it was close, really close.
He slowed his walking a bit and smelled the air. It smelled like a girl, kinda sweet but sickly so. Definitely a ghoul. Were they following him? Watching him? Waiting to attack?
There wasn’t anyone around, not really, a few local residents milling about, but they were all humans. Where were they hiding?
Then he saw movement. Three floors up, on the balcony he recognized as Nana’s apartment, he saw a figure. It was small and short like Nana, but scrawny.
He scowled and moved into a shadowed spot before jumping up to the balcony and grabbing the figure, "Don't move or I'll rip your head off."
Motochika could see the reflection of the ghoul in the sliding glass door, kakugan activated and no mask. He didn’t move, just as he was told, but he was tense. Nana was just inside, asleep at the table over her homework. Motochika felt his rage flare at this, was this ghoul planning on breaking in?
"I'll have you know, you're probably the biggest idiot I've seen stalking this window so readily. Do you wanna know what happened to the last few idiots that tried touching that girl in there?" He asked lowly.
The ghoul didn’t move, frozen like a statue, wide eyes reflecting in the glass. “I wasn’t... I wasn’t gonna do nothin’.” He managed out in a whisper.
"Oh, you weren't? Then what the fuck were you doin', eh? Eyeing her like she's some prime fucking rib, I should rip out your kakuja and eat it right now." Hd hissed lowly.
This seemed to spook the ghoul, muscles tensing hard, and in the reflection, Motochika was able to see dark veins crawling across his face. Was he really going to try and fight him?
Motochika barely even registered when the ghoul released his Kagune, only that something slammed into his chest and pushed him back as the ghoul in front of him jumped for the balcony up and across one. He was fast, and everything happened all at once, but he didn’t wound Motochika, only hit him to break away.
The ghoul in the hoodie continued to climb up the side of the building before disappearing up onto the roof.
This ghoul knew about Nana, knew where she lived, hell he had even been drooling over her right outside the door. He’d come back, Motochika was sure of this. He couldn’t see the guy anymore, but he could easily follow his scent.
Motochika was fast for a kokaku wielder, shockingly so; he could keep up with most rinkaku users on a good day. But he was hungry and therefore sluggish. But he kept on the scent like a dog hunting a wounded deer.
The ghoul was back on the ground, hands shoved into his front pockets and hood still up as he walked quickly down the street. He had taken some of the less traveled pathways, kakugan deactivated and glancing behind himself from time to time. He was sure he had shaken Motochika, only to glance back and see him at the end of the street. His gold eyes went wide, and he took off once more.
Motochika was on him lightning fast, grabbing him again and shoving him into the wall with the point of his kokaku at his throat, "What were you doing outside her home, huh? And don't lie. I can smell a liar several knots out."
The ghoul kicked and squirmed, and for the first time, Motochika was able to actually see his face. He was just a kid, no older than sixteen, looking beyond scared. “I already said I wasn’t doin’ nothin’! Just lookin’!”
He frowned softly, he was so young. He was probably just hungry. Still, though, hunting Nana was not the smartest idea. "Just lookin' was a terrible idea. Probably the worst one you'll ever have."
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