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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Back at the Date estate, Megohime had to explain to Masamune about their newest recruit, how he refused to return him with them and picked a fight in another territory.
"Fucking clown. Good riddance, I say." Masamune stated, "People join up thinking they're gonna be hot shit and don't pay attention to the responsibility it comes with."
“It doesn’t seem like it’ll become a bigger issue, but we should still be cautious for the time being.” She said, looking a bit worn down.
Megohime made a face, not happy to have run into Akihime out of anyone it could have been. “No, just saw some less than desirables today.”
Megohime shot him a glare, but moved to take a seat in his lap. “Yeah, well for a try hard, she oversees the territory outside of yours.”
“It’s your job to remember her name. That’s why you’re the boss.” She said, gently brushing his bangs away from his eyes.
"Ah, Jesus..." He muttered, taking her hand and lightly tapping it against his forehead, as if it would help jog his memory, "It's, uh...fuck me...Aku, Aka..." He gnashed his teeth before making a loud noise of realization, "Akihime!"
Megohime snorted and flicked his forehead. “Otani. Inherited her fathers company, owns a good chunk of territory beside yours.”
Megohime made a noise. “I’m more worried about you picking fights with someone else.” She teased.
He chuckled, "I would never~" He said.
"H-Hitto..." Masamune looked up at the anxious gang member, "There's a...uh, a Dove...but he smells...weird.."
"Weird?" Masamune asked.
Megohime felt her stomach flip at the news that a Dove was there, looking to Masamune with an anxious look. “You don’t usually get visitors.” She said with a frown.
Megohime stood and brushed some hair behind her ear. “Just send him away, we don’t want him smelling the ghouls here.” She said before heading off to smoke.
"Don't want him seeing you." He said with a frown before looking to the ghoul who came in, nodding to allow the Dove inside. Sasuke came into the lounge not soon after, looking around slowly.
"Nice digs you got, Date-sousakan."
"Thanks, inheritance. Who are you and what are you doing in my home?"
"Well, everyone in HQ is scratching their heads, you know? Still can't figure out why a ghoul helped you out a few months back." Sasuke replied. Masamune scowled.
"Doesn't tell me who the fuck you are."
"Ah, gomen, gonen. Sarutobi Sasuke desu."
The scent of ghouls was everywhere, it reeked to high heaven of ghouls inside and out of Masamune’s estate- it was like a ghoul safe haven. Sasuke could tell the place was crawling with ghouls, yet he hadn’t even seen a single one. Each person who he had interacted with on the way in was without a doubt human, so what was up?
"Do you know Tamura Megohime?" Sasuke asked. Masamune stared at him, almost scowling.
"No, can't say that I do."
"Mm, forgive me, you may know her better by her stage name, Saika."
"What, that shamisen player? I went to one concert."
"You should be askin' Katakura about her, he loves that kinda junk!" One of the boys said and they all laughed. Sasuke chuckled softly.
"Perhaps, perhaps, but it's just odd that someone you saw only once in your life not only saved your life but is a ghoul." He said.
"What are the odds." Masamune said sarcastically, nodding slowly, "Are we done? I'm really annoyed with these bullshit questions."
"So, you really don't know her?"
"No, I really don't." Masamune said. Sasuke made a noise.
"So then who wears the female perfume around here?" He asked. Masamune glanced to his side, spying one of Megohime's perfume bottles; she must have left it the last time she was prepping to leave.
"It belonged to my mother," Masamune lied coolly, "Lost her some years back to illness, I miss her."
"Oh, I see.." Sasuke muttered, looking almost ashamed.
Something didn’t sit right with Sasuke. Where had Megohime escaped to? All of her ties had been cut, investigating her told him that much, so she had no where left to run to. She had to be somewhere, and with the way she had been watching Masamune showed she at least held some kind of affection toward him. Maybe the relationship was one sided?
He needed to smoke her out- no, make her come to him, but what would make her stick her neck out like that?
He had to lure her out with Masamune, but how? If he attacked Masamune here, he would have all these men swarm him, and that would be the end of Sarutobi Sasuke. So then what?
"Are we done?" Masamune asked.
Sasuke had to be smart about this, wether Masamune was keeping Megohime as a pet, or the other way around, he’d find out eventually. If Masamune couldn’t be touched, there were certainly other pieces he could use. Megohime’s parents had recently been taken into custody, both confirmed ghouls as well- surely even ghouls felt something for their parents.
"Yeah, we're done." Sasuke said, before turning to leave, "Let me know if you see her. It's your duty to the CCG, after all." Masamune scowled, he didn't need or want to be preached at.
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