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Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

The pain medication quickly put Jin under, unconscious once more, only this time she was a completely different person. She wasn’t Kawabe Jin, she was the Jin Mitsuhide had made just for himself- a blank slate for him to etch anything he desired onto.
Yukimura was hungry- no starving was a better term for it; he had gone over a week without eating after his transformation, refusing all food Akihime brought him, no matter how she prepared it. He couldn’t stomach any of it, each time he attempted to eat even a small bit, he got sick, seeing the faces of his fallen comrades. Was he doomed to starve to death?
Akihime kept trying to feed him, hoping he would eat on his own. She didn't want to force him.
"Yukimura, if you don't eat, you'll go'll kill and binge until someone pits you down..." She said weakly, "Please...I know you hate me, but don't let me see you die a second time..."
He was refusing the food again this time, blood in coffee. “I can’t. I won’t.” He said, brows furrowed. The smell of the drink made his mouth water, but that made him disgusted in himself. “Who is this even from?”
“I don’t want any of this!” He snapped at her, frustrated with the circumstances. “I don’t want to feed from humans- I don’t want to be a ghoul!”
"And I didn't want you to die!" She argued back, "I know you hate this and I know you'd rather be dead but I couldn't lose you...! You make me feel human, Yukimura...!"
His heart hurt; he didn’t hate Akihime, he still loved her, he just wished he hadn’t become a ghoul. He clenched his teeth and moved to the blood and coffee mixture in the table, grabbing it and practically pouring it into his mouth. He held his breath as he drank it, trying to think of anything else as he swallowed, tears burning his eyes as he did so.
“Who do you expect me to eat when that time comes..?” Yukimura broke out in a sweat as he fought his nausea.
“It doesn’t.” He looked down at his hand, frowning softly. What would Shingen think of him now? Would he be disgusted?
"I've been...trying to do mercies..." She said softly, "The old...sick...I never would have cared before, especially when I was building my kakuja...but now, having been with you for so long and experiencing your kindness, I've wanted to be kinder to those who have to sustain me..." She looked down, "I know it probably doesn't make me any less evil, though..."
Yukimura didn’t say anything, looking out the window again. He didn’t think it made her evil- at least part of him didn’t. How could he be mad at her for simply trying to live? How could he forgive her taking lives though?
"I understand you still need time, Yukimura...I just want to help you come to terms. It does get easier..." She told him, "Just...don't make me watch you go feral...with a kakuja, I'm not sure what you'll do..."
Is that what had happened to Akihime? Had she starved herself into insanity, and that’s why she had attacked him? Was all this really his fault? His eyes softened and his shoulders sagged a bit. “I’ll… try.”
He thought for a moment before answering. “Just coffee.” He said softly, knowing that was the only food he could ingest now that he was a ghoul.
The door opened and she walked in, moving to gently take his cup from him.
"Please forgive me for doing this to you..." She muttered, "I will never apologize enough for being so selfish..."
He stopped her by putting his hand over hers when she took the cup. “Apologizing won’t fix things… so let’s just try to keep moving..”
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