Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

"Stop!! Stop, he's dying!! You'll kill him!!" Akihime suddenly jerked away, tails thrashing as her hands clamped over the muzzle of her mask, kakugan starting to receed.
"N-N...No...o-oh God..." Her voice shook and she glanced up when she heard rapid footfalls. Doves. Yukimura had alerted them. She could smell Mitsunari and her heart sank, her armor starting to crack. She pushed herself up quickly and panicked, grabbing Yukimura and trying to carefully pick him up - what if she hurt him more? As Mitsunari approached with other investigators, his eyes locked with Akihime's.
"Ō-Inari! Let him go!" He yelled. She panicked even more and ran off, hauling Yukimura onto her back as she bolted off at top speed.
"I-I'm sorry...! I'm sorry...! Please, don't die, I'm so sorry...!" She chanted, voice tight with fear.
"Get back here!!" Mitsunari yelled after her and she swallowed a scream as she ran faster.
He hung limp over her shoulder, blood soaking into her clothes as he rested against her. She could hear his shallow breathing, his quick and weak heartbeat. He was bleeding too much. Most of his shoulder was gone, arm hanging awkwardly, having been rendered useless.
Yukimura was barely conscious, yet thoughts still raced through his head. What would work think? Akihime? They wouldn’t even have a body to mourn over once he died. He didn’t want to die, not like this, not before he could take more ghouls off the street.
When she reached Kanou's secret hospital, she ran quickly to the old man as her armor and mask fell away in chunks.
"Kanou-sensei...!" She could barely breathe from running and sobbing, "Please...! He's dying...!"
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Kanou seemed like he had just been closing up shop for the day when Akihime came bursting in, leaving blood and kakuja fragments in her wake. He looked mildly annoyed that she had just dirtied the room he had just cleaned, but said nothing of it. “Ah, so it does appear that way, what a shame. You really shouldn’t play with your food, dear.”
“Pay? Oh, with money, hmph.” He glanced at Yukimura, who hung from Akihime’s grasp limply. “There isn’t much I can do to save this young man, he’s already almost dead- too much damage.” He shook his head and held up his hands. “It’s best to just let him pass peacefully.”
That seemed to be what grabbed his interest, lacing his fingers together as he considered the offer for a moment. “I won’t have time to sedate either of you for transplant, but I may have the time to implant it before he dies..” He mused.
It was like he was enjoying her begging, but he soon waved for her to set Yukimura on the bed. “Please remove your clothes and lay face down on the other bed- Ah, and just set him on his back.” He moved to start gathering supplies, setting up for an impromptu transplant.
She swallowed hard and carefully laid Yukimura down on the bed before undressing, face flushed before she moved to lay face down as instructed. She was so terrified, but she didn't want Yukimura to die. If he hated her, that was fine. She would learn to live with it.
She heard Kanou rummaging through various cabinets, setting out various things, and washing up at the sink before howning up and putting a mask over his mouth. He first moved to Akihime, covering her with a paper sheet up to her shoulders, the center removed so her could still access her kakuhou. She felt the cold antiseptic on her back as he cleaned the area he would cut into, Kanou muttering about how it was as sanitary as he would’ve liked it.
Then she felt the scalpel against her skin- special made for cutting into ghouls -and with no warning.
Akihime felt every cut, everymovement that he made as he harvested her kakuhou from her body, removing the organ and moving over to Yukimura to start the process of implanting it. He cut the shirt and pants from Yukimura’s body, covering him with a paper sheet as well, only it was his stomach that was left exposed.
Yukimura didn’t move an inch when Kanou cut into him, carefully finding a home for Akihime’s kakuhou inside his body, and if done right, it would save his life.
She was in tears, on the verge of passing out from the pain, drooling as her breathing wracked her body. Please take it, she begged, please don't die.
From Akihime’s position on the bed beside Yukimura, she could see his pale face, it looked like he was just sleeping as Kanou worked on him. Would it work? Would this last ditch effort be able to actually save him? And worst of all, if it did, would he be able to handle the change?
She never wanted this. She never wanted for this to happen. She was so happy and content pretending to be human with him, but she ruined it all in the blink of an eye. What would he do? Would he hate her? Would he try fruitlessly to take his own life? She had no idea, and not knowing scared her the most.
“Your kakuhou should regrow in time, which varies, but in your current state it probably won’t take too long.” Kanou spike up as he worked, attaching blood vessels and tissue.
“Well, don’t thank me yet, it’s still up to him whether or not he lives.” He said, meaning Yukimura.
She shut her eyes, not fighting her fresh tears in her exhaustion. Please pull through, she thought.

In Russia, the raid on the ghoul headquarters was going as well as expected. There were heavy losses on both sides, but Matsunaga seemed to be having a rough go. Normally, he would have an investigator to throw at a ghoul who came near him, but as he moved deeper, he was having a harder and harder time with the continuous fighting. He wasn't as young as he used to be.
Both sides seemed to be struggling equally as hard, no one side a clear decided victor just yet -but it didn’t take much for the tides to turn in anyone direction.
It was chaos everywhere, and both ghouls and humans lay scattering the ground as corpses.
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