Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Yukimura parried the heavy blow, side-stepping to make himself a smaller target. Her blows were fast and heavy, but he was sure he would be able to keep her at bay- at least for a little while.
Her tails kept shooting out, like she was playing with him - or maybe trying not to hurt him - but she didn't really take any aggressive stances. Not yet.
It was clear that Yukimura was no stranger to fights, able to dodge each attack, deflecting the ones that got too close. The tune would change if she were to get serious however, as he was fighting her alone.
Yukimura only withdrew so far before finally moving to the offensive, striking out and hitting her hard across the temple, swinging and twirling the staff around him as he deflected attack after attack.
Her head snapped to the side and she stood statue still for a moment before her tails suddenly wrapped tight around his staff, "That really hurt." She hissed out.
Yukimura struggled to keep ahold of his staff, only having one arm to hold onto it with, but it was a struggle. Being that close to a ghoul- a kakuja at that- made his blood run cold through his veins.
She gave a solid jerk and the staff ripped from his hand, her tossing it aside before she rushed at him, jumping on him and pinning him down to the ground.
Yukimura hit the ground hard, head knocking against the concrete and rattling his eyes in their sockets. He clenched his teeth as he saw stars, the intense heat coming from her Kakuja feeling like it was burning his skin.
"You don't remember..." She muttered, almost sad, "you don't remember me..." The night was a blurr even for her, but she remembered saving him from Shuu's gross dinner show, sampling his blood in an alleyway before fleeing like a coward. It made her really sad that he had forgotten her, and she had no idea why.
Yukimura tried to throw her off of him, grabbing onto her shoulder to try and get extra leverage. “I’ve never seen you before..!” He protested.
"Yes, you have...you just don't know it.." She said, not budging an inch as he pushed on her. The mouth of her mask cracked open, looking like an actual snarling animal as she leaned closer.
"Let's be together, Yukimura~ onegai~"
Yukimura’s blood ran cold and every cell in his body told him to run, but he couldn’t make her move an inch. His eyes went wide and he did everything he could to get her to move, but with how she had him pinned, he couldn’t do much.
Something seemed familiar about her, something he couldn’t place. “I don’t!” He managed out through his teeth. “I don’t even know you, fiend!”
She didn't seem to like that very much. Her barbed tail stabbed into the ground beside his head, "Don't say such things." She hissed before she reached to touch his cheek; it was familiar in a way. "I don't...I don't want to hurt you..."
Yukimura glanced at the Kagune tail that nearly went through his head before looking back up at the ghoul on top of him. Foggy memories of that night abducted by ghouls came back. “You, you’re the ghoul that assaulted me after saving me from those degenerates..?”
"D-Don't word it like that..." She was struggling more, "I didn't want to...i-it just happened..." Her mask shut slowly, cracking and snapping like bone.
“And what’s your excuse this time?” This whole interaction was strange, was she going to kill him or not? Was she planning on just having a captive audience so she could talk? And what was the likely hood that he had stumbled upon the ghoul who had saved him before?
"I-It...I-I was..." She was so hungry, why was she so hungry? She just ate, didn't she? Her mask started to snap open again, her kakugan burning, "I-I was hungry...y-you're the one who was rude..."
His mouth went dry as her mouth was exposed- was she really going to eat him? “Get off of me!” He demanded.
She was shaking hard, drool dripping from her chin before she leaned down and took a bite out of him. Her eyes rolled back slightly; he tasted as sweet as his personality was.
Yukimura heard his flesh tear as she bit into him, feeling every bit of pain- her teeth in his skin, the muscles tearing and snapping as she pulled away. Pain reflexively made him scream, his vision tunneling slowly as adrenaline pumped into him.
Her teeth hit bone this time, and Yukimura saw stars. His screams of agony almost drown out the sounds of her tearing into his flesh, but they soon died out quickly as blood started to pool around him.
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