Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

She blushed more, "Ah, just spending time with you is enough." She was so hungry, she had no idea why but she was suddenly starving. She pushed it down though, ignored it for him.
She could smell him easily from where she was sitting, through his cologne and all; he was mouthwatering. “If you’re sure? You should go see a doctor if you’re still feeling unwell.”
Yukimura gave a sheepish grin, scratching his cheek. “You shouldn’t do things like that for someone else..” He shook his head. “Anyway, if you want, I can always accompany you to the doctors for support.”
Yukimura gave a nod and a soft smile, all good intentions, but he didn’t realize the panic he caused.
She had terrible stomach pangs and tried to fight her grimaces, drinking her coffee to try and quell them as best as she could. She had been struggling recently with her kakuja, it had been driving her near feral unless she gorged herself. She was starting to regret this quest for power now, especially with Megohime in the state she was in. Maybe if Yukimura ever found out, she could use it to protect him...? To protect Mitsunari...? She grew sad, knowing the truth better than anyone. They would demand her head, and it broke her heart.
The date went on as normally as usual, and when it was over, the two parted ways at the restaurant. They unfortunately lived in opposite directions, but Yukimura made sure to watch Akihime get inside her cab before leaving for home himself on foot.
It was a peaceful walk, he was able to catch the sunset on his way which was nice. He was about three quarters of the way home by the time it was dark, and he didn't really think much of it. As he came close to his house, however, he heard something off. A wet sound, almost like chewing. Was it a dog?
Yukimura had seen a few strays before, but none in the area as of late. He slowed his pace slightly, walking softly so he could listen better to what the noise was, unable to tell exactly where it was coming from.
It was definitely chewing. It was coming from a thin alleyway not far from him, the distinct sound of tearing meat reaching his ears. It made his skin crawl and his old investigator nerves flare.
Yukimura new that no matter what was around the corner, he was at a disadvantage with only one arm. He pressed the alarm button on his phone that sent his location to CCG headquarters alerting of a ghoul at his location. He walked as silently as he could, carefully rolling up his sleeve so he could undo his prosthetic arm, which also doubled as a small quinque.
The chewing suddenly stopped, and when he reached the entrance to the alleyway he could clearly see five armored tails swaying slowly before the ghoul looked back. Their face was obscured by a thick boney fox skull, kakugan burning as they pierced through him. They didn't say a word, just stared at him.
Yukimura felt his stomach sink, his heart jumping into his throat. This was the worst possible scenario he could’ve come across on his own. He activated the quinque in his hand, an extending spear. It would be difficult to use one arm with the weapon, but not impossible- at least that’s what most would assume of him. He specialized in spear work, and excelled with his quinque, even with only one arm.
The investigator seemed to be doing the same, his hard gaze on her, brows furrowed and mouth turned down slightly in a frown. He knew he was at a disadvantage, even if it had been a typical ghoul. That had been his main reason for calling for back up.
“I see. So you’re doing nothing more than wanton killing? I truly am sorry then.” He knew that they were a ghoul, but that didn’t change the fact that he didn’t like killing women- ghouls or not.
Yukimura widened his stance, deflecting the blow away from him with his staff. He maneuvered it easily, spinning and knocking her tails away with effort.
"Odd you would be so off put by my meal...it's just some weak ghoul..." She said, hardly moving as her tails did all the work, "I needed his kakuhou.."
“It isn’t your meal I’m put off by.” He kept up with her attacks surprisingly well for a one-armed investigator. “It’s your actions.”
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“You’ve fed yourself far more than you need if you look like that.” Yukimura said firmly, motioning to Akihime herself; clad heavily in kokuja armor.
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