Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

“How would you know what Masamune would want?” She brushed her hair out of her face the best she could, moving to squeeze passed Kojurou to get out of the room.
"Because I have been by his side since his birth. I know what he would want of you and what he would think if he saw you." He stated, "He would not, sincerely and genuinely, want for you to punish yourself for something out of your control."
“Could you please stop talking.” Megohime said, back to Kojurou still. “I don’t want to hear it- I don’t care.”
"Clearly, you do." He stated, "If you didn't care, you wouldn't keep in his room, you wouldn't have broken down before me over what happened. You would be back in the Ward fending for yourself if you didn't care."
He saw Megohime’s shoulders sag slightly, hesitating momentarily before speaking. “I was only staying to make sure the boys didn’t run this place into the ground..”
Megohime angrily dug through their supply of food, taking a blood bag for herself. “Just shut up already, I don’t need to hear your bitching..”
She hardly heard him cross the room before he snatched the blood pack from her hand. "No. You will hear a lot more of my bitching with me home. You will not have any more blood packs, I want to see solids."
He easily took the blood from her grasp, Megohime turning to try and take it back. “That isn’t what I want to eat, now give me the pack, Kojurou.”
"I don't care what you want to eat. I will not sit and watch you kill yourself. You will eat a solid food or I will force you to eat it." He stated.
Megohime made a face, then took a step back. “Fine, I really don’t care.” She pushed passed him and headed for the door. “I’m not hungry anyway.”
“Because I can’t fucking eat, Kojurou!” Megohime snapped back at him, finally reaching her breaking point. “I’m fucking starving to death, and I can’t eat a fucking thing!”
“No I don’t know, there really aren’t very many doctors for people like me.” She sneered. “All I know is anytime I try to eat solid food, I get sick, and can’t keep any of it down.”
“You tell me Kojurou, I can’t exactly go out asking for help- I have no more connections left.” She was only getting more irritated. “All I can choke down how is blood. Even that is a struggle.”
The only person he knew was the one that cursed her to behin with, and he shook his head. He didn't know what to say to her, "I'm sorry, then.."
She held our her hand, not looking at Kojurou. “Can I just have my blood bag back?” She asked quietly.
“Probably not.” She said, taking the bag and turning for the door. “I’ll either get better, or you’ll have to put me down.”
Megohime didn’t say anything, leaving the food storage and heading back to Masamune’s room to eat in privacy.
Megohime did her best to keep her health up, but even blood became hard to stomach, and soon, she couldn’t keep that down either. She’d always get halfway through her meal before throwing it all up. It didn’t take very long before she locked herself in the steel room in the basement, scared that she would lash out and hurt someone, or worse, lose control and go on a rampage.
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