Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

"Kawabe-sousakan, are you ready?" The leader of the raid approached her as she prepared, "I've been told that you do suffer from episodes due to PTSD." There was no snideness or cruelty in his tone, no distrust.
Jin had just finished arming herself, wearing full protective gear; turning to face the operation leader. “It won’t be a problem, I’ve been cleared medically. I won’t cause any trouble for the rest of the team.”

Amaya had just returned to Aogiri headquarters; having overseen a small scale operation that had gone rather smoothly. She was no longer ill, no longer being poisoned by the medication she was tricked into believing was helping her from an illness she didn’t have. She had never been sick, only collared to ensure she wouldn’t manage an escape on her own. Without the poison, she now only had to consume what the average ghoul did, no longer having an unbearable appetite.
"I just wanted to inform you that I have full trust in you during this mission. You're a strong investigator and it's an honor to have you finish this with us." He said.

Motochika was coming back from a mission of his own when he saw her walking down the hall opposite of him. He had only ever seen her once or twice, and each time he was confused about her. Where had she come from? Who was she?
Jin bowed her head to him. “Thank you, sir, I am grateful to have such an opportunity.”

She had been coming and going for a few weeks now, seemingly having shown up out of no where several months back. She seemed rather reserved, not really engaging with anyone other than when it regarded business. No one had even heard of her before she had joined, it was like she just came into existence suddenly.
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He bowed in return, "Let's finish off these bastards once and for all."

He made a noise and opted to leave her be. She never bothered him, so there was no point going out of his way to bother her. He went to the infirmary where Nana was resting, still recovering from her ordeal with Yamori, hoping she would be waking up sometime soon. He missed her voice and her smile, they were the only things that kept him going anymore.
Motochika was alone with Nana for several minutes before he heard the infirmary door open, a single person entering quietly. The footsteps didn’t sound like Kano’s, they were softer.
Amaya scowled at the sight of the same human still in the infirmary, taking up a bed and valuable resources. Bile rose in her throat and she made an audible noise of displeasure as she moved to one of the cabinets across the room from Motochika.
She opened the cabinet and started to pluck through the supplies, gathering basic things like gauze and antiseptic cleanser, feeling his gaze on her the whole time. “You know this is an infirmary, not a veterinarians office.” She said, back still to the much larger ghoul.
She looked over her shoulder at Nana, icy blue eyes burning with hatred and disgust. “Your pet has been in here for weeks, just let it die and get a new one already.” Her eyes shifted to Motochika. “It’s not even worth food at this point.”
“She’s a human- she’s dying.” She pointed out. “You know that as much as I do.” She closed the cabinet and turned to him. “If you can’t put her down, I can.”
"Don't fucking touch her!" He snapped angrily, "She isn't dying! I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you won't talk about Nana like that!"
She stared back at him blankly, unamused by his yelling. “She’s making you weak.” Amaya tilted her head slightly. “You’re barely doing your job correctly and you’re putting unnecessary strain on the rest of us. Really, if you want another pet, you’re welcome to go find one, but truthfully this one is at its end. Don’t be cruel and drag out it’s suffering any longer than needed.”
"Shut up!!" He yelled, his kokaku wrapping around his arm, kakugan veiny and angry, "What the fuck do you know?! You just showed up out of no where!"
The spot between her shoulder blades tingled at the sight of his Kagune. “Yes, I’ve been here barely a year, and yet even I can see how pathetic of a ghoul you are. That human and dragging you down.”
She was gone in an instant, the supplies she had been carrying clattering to the ground at his feet as his kokaku impaled the wall just behind where she had been standing. He felt the air above him shift, feeling a hand on his back as Amaya easily evaded his attack, moving behind him and retreating from his reach. “What are you doing?”
Amaya scowled softly. “You’re sloppy- look where I am now.” She said, motioning to Nana, who laid in the bed just beside her. “You just left your pet exposed.”
Amaya stood where she was, studying Motochika’s face for a moment before stepping away from Nana. “Pathetic.” She moved back towards the dropped supplies. “Just take her to a real hospital already.”
Amaya collected her supplies off the ground as he spoke, a soft frown on her face. She could sympathize with him, as there was one she too was controlled by like a dog; however, she still could not find compassion for humans within herself. “I see, that is unfortunate.”
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