Unravel (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

It came out of its socket easily, and she jerked from being stabbed, finally releasing his leg with a scream. His blood dripped from her teeth, but at the very least, she hadn’t gotten anything from him but a bit of blood.
Her body jerked again, crying out, this time coughing up a mouthful of blood; she clawed at the ground with her free hand, white flashes of pain blinding her.
He was angry, and he had no idea why. Was it because the situation of a ghoul loving a human reminded him of Amaya? And how that spiteful bitch Akihime took her from him? His thrusts became harder, more hateful.
"Sasuke!" The voice that called out to him halted his hand, and he looked over to glared at the very woman he had been wishing was under him. Akihime looked anxious and angry, "Let her go."
Megohime was heaving and wheezing, trying desperately to breathe through her own blood as it came pouring from her mouth. She had clawed at the ground so hard she harm torn and broken her own nails, eyes bloodshot.
Sasuke stabbed his sai back into Megohime's shoulder before he stood, "What are you doing here?"
"I heard the screaming and I came to see what was going on, instead of running like everyone else."
Megohime gasped in pain, but was too wounded to really try and do anything else, laying on the ground and hacking up more blood. She let out a weak groan, eyes slowly moving to look up at Akihime.
"Daijoubu daiyou...! I'll get you out of here." Akihime assured her with a smile.
"The only place she's going is to Cochlea, where she can be studied." Sasuke growled. Akihime glared.
"Like you let them do to Ama?" She growled. Sasuke clenched his fist tight.
"She knew her purpose. You had no right taking her from there."
"I had every right. And I won't let you get between me and another friend." She hissed.
Sasuke had done quite the number on Megohime, covered in stab wounds, all of which were healing rather slowly. Akihime could see that she had tried to fight back however, Sasuke bleeding from the bite in his calve, and a stab wound on his thigh.
Akihike moved fast, rushing at Sasuke at top speed, her tails shooting out to pierce him. He grabbed his sais quickly and deflected her blows, keeping up with her easily. Akihime tried to get around him so she could get to Megohime, back Sasuke seemed to know that and moved to keep between the two.
Megohime could barely move, struggling to breathe with punctured lungs, watching the fight from her spot on the ground. Why was she trying to help her? She was the one who had turned her back into a ghoul, thrusting her into this mess in the first place. She didn’t understand.
Sasuke felt something tighten around his leg, stopping his footwork abruptly, and keeping his leg anchored into place; Megohime’s Kagune wrapped tightly around his leg to try and slow him down and give Akihime the advantage.
"Bitch!" Sasuke hissed and rose to stab her kagune but Akihime took the chance to slam her whole weight into his chest befire her tails slammed into him even harder, nearly comcaving his chest. He wheezed hard and fell back, trying to catch his breath. Akihime moved to Megohime and grabbed her gently.
"Can you stand? Walk?"
The only response she could give as she was lifted off the ground was to hack up more blood, struggling desperately to breathe. She was in poor shape, blood dripping from her soaked shirt, eyes struggling to stay focused. Her lungs were collapsing, blooding quickly filling them from the many punctures of Sasuke’s stabs.
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"Daijoubu...I'll get you fixed.." She said softly, and the mere thought made Megohime tremble in aoft fear.
"You won't get away, Akihime!" Sasuke gasped as he pushed himself up, "You'll pay for taking Amaya away!" Akihime glared and apologized to Megohime as she set her down gently.
"You can't tell me you enjoyed seeing her tortured and used like that. You were happy with her quality of life."
"She knew her place. You knew yours!" He snapped, "Where is she, I'll take you all in!"
"I don't know." Akihime said flatly, trying to hide her own pain of that knowledge, "She didn't like the care I was providing her and she left me." The look of disparity he gave was delicious but it hurt that Amaya wasn't happy with her. She did everything she could and it wasn't enough. She missed her so much. "Do we have to do this now? I need to get her home."
Fixed, what a funny word for her to use. Akihime fixing her was what ended her up in this mess. She couldn’t object however, focusing on simply trying to breathe as she listened to the two argue, wondering who this Amaya was.
Sasuke rushed forward, more angry than he thought he would ever be, and Akihime twisted her tails together to bash him into a wall. She turned to Megohime and helped her stand again.
"Come on, let's go while we can.."
Megohime let out a grunt of effort as she managed to stand, most of her weight on Akihime, knees buckling.
Megohime wasn’t really in any position to scold Akihime for showing up late, being the only one to actually take pity on her and show up at all. She focused hard on walking, keeping her gaze forward, starting to break out into a cold sweat from effort.
It actually was better, her body screaming in pain, now slightly relieved as Akihime carried her. “Y-Yeah..”
She nodded and hurried off down some alleyways to get to her home. It didn't feel like very long before Akihime was hurriedly unlocking her backdoor, stepping inside quickly and locking up behind her and taking Megohime up to one of the spare bedrooms.
Akihime was drenched in blood at this time, Megohime fading in and out of consciousness, too weak to keep her eyes open or her head up.
"Hey, hey.." Akihime set her down and tried to rouse her, "stay with me, Megohime. I'll get you some blood, ok? It's all I have, I'm sorry.."
Megohime peeled her eyes open, nodding weakly; like it mattered if Akihime had flesh or not, she couldn’t stomach it anyway.
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